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/* * This source is free writen by M'dJ at 17/05/2011 * Use open source FreeImage and gnu gcc * Thank to freeimage, libsb and opencpn * * imgkap.c - Convert kap a file from/to a image file and kml to kap */#define VERS "1.11"#include <stdint.h>#include <math.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <ctype.h>#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc() */#include <string.h> /* for strncmp() */#include <time.h> /* for date in kap */#include <FreeImage.h>/* DAG: Extern cal points */#ifdef LIBIMGKAP #include "imgcalkap.h" #include "readkapdetails.h" extern char verbose;#endif/* color type and mask */ typedef union{ RGBQUAD q; uint32_t p;} Color32;#define RGBMASK 0x00FFFFFF/* --- Copy this part in header for use imgkap functions in programs and define LIBIMGKAP*/#define METTERS 0#define FATHOMS 1#define NORMAL 0#define OLDKAP 1#define COLOR_NONE 1#define COLOR_IMG 2#define COLOR_MAP 3#define COLOR_KAP 4#define FIF_KAP 1024#define FIF_NO1 1025#define FIF_TXT 1026#define FIF_KML 1027int imgtokap(int typein,char *filein, double lat0, double lon0, double lat1, double lon1, int optkap,int color,char *title, int units, char *sd,char *fileout);int imgheadertokap(int typein,char *filein,int typeheader,int optkap,int color,char *title,char *fileheader,char *fileout);int kaptoimg(int typein,char *filein,int typeheader,char *fileheader,int typeout,char *fileout,char *optionpal);int findfiletype(char *file);int writeimgkap(FILE *out,FIBITMAP **bitmap,int optkap,int colors,Color32 *pal,uint16_t widthin,uint16_t heightin,uint16_t widthout,uint16_t heightout);int bsb_uncompress_row(int typein, FILE *in, uint8_t *buf_out, uint16_t bits_in,uint16_t bits_out,uint16_t width);int bsb_compress_row(const uint8_t *buf_in, uint8_t *buf_out, uint16_t bits_out, uint16_t line, uint16_t widthin,uint16_t widthout);/* --- End copy */static const double WGSinvf = 298.257223563; /* WGS84 1/f */static const double WGSexentrik = 0.081819; /* e = 1/WGSinvf; e = sqrt(2*e -e*e) ;*/struct structlistoption{ char const *name; int val;} ;static struct structlistoption imagetype[] ={ {"KAP",FIF_KAP}, {"NO1",FIF_NO1}, {"KML",FIF_KML}, {"TXT",FIF_TXT}, {NULL, FIF_UNKNOWN},} ;static struct structlistoption listoptcolor[] ={ {"NONE",COLOR_NONE}, {"KAP",COLOR_KAP}, {"IMG",COLOR_IMG}, {"MAP",COLOR_MAP}, {NULL,COLOR_NONE}} ;int findoptlist(struct structlistoption *liste,char *name){ while (liste->name != NULL) { if (!strcasecmp(liste->name,name)) { return liste->val; } liste++; } return liste->val;}int findfiletype(char *file){ char *s ; s = file + strlen(file)-1; while ((s > file) && (*s != '.')) s--; s++; return findoptlist(imagetype,s);}static double postod(double lat0, double lon0, double lat1, double lon1){ double x,v,w; lat0 = lat0 * M_PI / 180.; lat1 = lat1 * M_PI / 180.; lon0 = lon0 * M_PI / 180.; lon1 = lon1 * M_PI / 180.; v = sin((lon0 - lon1)/2.0); w = cos(lat0) * cos(lat1) * v * v; x = sin((lat0 - lat1)/2.0); return (180. * 60. / M_PI) * 2.0 * asinl(sqrtl(x*x + w));}static inline double lontox(double l){ return l*M_PI/180;}static inline double lattoy_WS84(double l){ double e = WGSexentrik; double s = sinl(l*M_PI/180.0); return log(tan(M_PI/4 + l * M_PI/360)*pow((1. - e * s)/(1. + e * s), e/2.));}/*------------------ Single Memory algorithm ------------------*/#define MYBSIZE 1572880typedef struct smymemory{ struct smymemory *next; uint32_t size;} mymemory;static mymemory *mymemoryfirst = 0;static mymemory *mymemorycur = 0;void * myalloc(int size){ void *s = NULL; mymemory *mem = mymemorycur; if (mem && ((mem->size + size) > MYBSIZE)) mem = 0; if (!mem) { mem = (mymemory *)calloc(MYBSIZE,1); if (mem == NULL) return 0; mem->size = sizeof(mymemory); if (mymemorycur) mymemorycur->next = mem; mymemorycur = mem; if (!mymemoryfirst) mymemoryfirst = mem; } s = ((int8_t *)mem + mem->size); mem->size += size; return s;}void myfree(void){ struct smymemory *mem, *next; mem = mymemoryfirst; while (mem) { next = mem->next; free(mem); mem = next; } mymemoryfirst = 0; mymemorycur = 0;}/*------------------ Histogram algorithm ------------------*/typedef struct{ Color32 color; uint32_t count; int16_t num;} helem;typedef struct shistogram{ Color32 color; uint32_t count; int16_t num; int16_t used; struct shistogram *child ;} histogram;#define HistIndex2(p,l) ((((p.q.rgbRed >> l) & 0x03) << 4) | (((p.q.rgbGreen >> l) & 0x03) << 2) | ((p.q.rgbBlue >> l) & 0x03) )#define HistSize(l) (l?sizeof(histogram):sizeof(helem))#define HistInc(h,l) (histogram *)(((char *)h)+HistSize(l))#define HistIndex(h,p,l) (histogram *)((char *)h+HistSize(l)*HistIndex2(p,l))static histogram *HistAddColor (histogram *h, Color32 pixel ){ char level; for (level=6;level>=0;level -=2) { h = HistIndex(h,pixel,level) ; if (h->color.p == pixel.p) break; if (!h->count && !h->num) { h->color.p = pixel.p; break; } if (!h->child) { h->child = (histogram *)myalloc(HistSize(level)*64); if (h->child == NULL) return 0; } h = h->child; } h->count++; return h;}static int HistGetColorNum (histogram *h, Color32 pixel){ char level; for (level=6;level>=0;level -=2) { /* 0 < index < 64 */ h = HistIndex(h,pixel,level) ; if (h->color.p == pixel.p) break; if (!level) break; // erreur if (!h->child) break; h = h->child; } if (h->num < 0) return -1-h->num; return h->num-1;}#define HistColorsCount(h) HistColorsCountLevel(h,6)static int32_t HistColorsCountLevel (histogram *h,int level){ int i; uint32_t count = 0; for (i=0;i<64;i++) { if (h->count) count++; if (level) { if(h->child) count += HistColorsCountLevel(h->child,level-2); } h = HistInc(h,level); } return count;}/*--------------- reduce begin -------------*/typedef struct{ histogram *h; int32_t nbin; int32_t nbout; int32_t colorsin; int32_t colorsout; int nextcote; int maxcote; int limcote[8]; uint64_t count; uint64_t red; uint64_t green; uint64_t blue;} reduce;static inline int HistDist(Color32 a, Color32 b){ int c,r; c = a.q.rgbRed - b.q.rgbRed; r = c*c; c = a.q.rgbGreen - b.q.rgbGreen; r += c*c; c = a.q.rgbBlue - b.q.rgbBlue; r += c*c; return sqrt(r);}static int HistReduceDist(reduce *r, histogram *h, histogram *e, int cote, int level){ int i; int used = 1; int curcote; int limcote = r->limcote[level]; for (i=0;i<64;i++) { if (h->count && !h->num) { curcote = HistDist((Color32)e->color,(Color32)h->color); if (curcote <= cote) { uint64_t c; c = h->count; r->count += c; r->red += c * (uint64_t)((Color32)h->color).q.rgbRed ; r->green += c * (uint64_t)((Color32)h->color).q.rgbGreen; r->blue += c * (uint64_t)((Color32)h->color).q.rgbBlue; h->num = r->nbout; h->count = 0; r->nbin++; } else { if (r->nextcote > curcote) r->nextcote = curcote; used = 0; } } if (level && h->child && !h->used) { limcote += cote ; curcote = HistDist((Color32)e->color,(Color32)h->color); if (curcote <= limcote) h->used = HistReduceDist(r,h->child,e,cote,level-2); if (!h->used) { if ((curcote > limcote) && (r->nextcote > limcote)) r->nextcote = curcote ; used = 0; } limcote -= cote ; } h = HistInc(h,level); } return used;}static void HistReduceLevel(reduce *r, histogram *h, int level){ int i; for (i=0;i<64;i++) { if (level && h->child && !h->used) { HistReduceLevel(r, h->child,level-2); if (!r->colorsout) break; } if (h->count && !h->num) { int32_t cote = 0; int32_t nbcolors; int32_t curv; r->count = r->red = r->green = r->blue = 0; r->nbin = 0; r->nextcote = 0; r->nbout++; cote = (int32_t)(pow((double)((1<<24)/(double)r->colorsout),1.0/3.0)/2); //-1; r->maxcote = sqrt(3*cote*cote); curv = 0; nbcolors = (r->colorsin +r->colorsout -1)/r->colorsout; while (r->nbin < nbcolors) { curv += nbcolors - r->nbin; cote = (int32_t)(pow(curv,1.0/3.0)/2); // - 1; cote = sqrt(3*cote*cote); if (r->nextcote > cote) cote = r->nextcote; r->nextcote = r->maxcote+1; if (cote >= r->maxcote) break; h->used = HistReduceDist(r,r->h,h,cote,6); if (!r->count) { fprintf(stderr,"Erreur quantize\n"); return; } } r->colorsin -= r->nbin; r->colorsout--; { histogram *e; Color32 pixel ; uint64_t c,cc; c = r->count; cc = c >> 1 ; pixel.q.rgbRed = (uint8_t)((r->red + cc) / c); pixel.q.rgbGreen = (uint8_t)((r->green + cc) / c); pixel.q.rgbBlue = (uint8_t)((r->blue + cc) / c); pixel.q.rgbReserved = 0; e = HistAddColor(r->h,pixel); e->count = r->count; e->num = -r->nbout; } if (!r->colorsout) break; } h = HistInc(h,level); }}static int HistReduce(histogram *h, int colorsin, int colorsout){ reduce r; r.h = h; r.nbout = 0; if (!colorsout || !colorsin) return 0; if (colorsout > 0x7FFF) colorsout = 0x7FFF; if (colorsout > colorsin) colorsout = colorsin; r.colorsin = colorsin; r.colorsout = colorsout; r.limcote[2] = sqrt(3*3*3) ; r.limcote[4] = sqrt(3*15*15) ; r.limcote[6] = sqrt(3*63*63) ; HistReduceLevel(&r,h,6); return r.nbout;}/*--------------- reduce end -------------*/static int _HistGetList(histogram *h,helem **e,int nbcolors,char level){ int i; int nb; nb = 0; for (i=0;i<64;i++) { if (h->count && (h->num < 0)) { e[-1-h->num] = (helem *)h; nb++; } if (level && h->child) nb += _HistGetList(h->child,e,nbcolors-nb,level-2); if (nb > nbcolors) return 0; h = HistInc(h,level); } return nb;}static int HistGetPalette(uint8_t *colorskap,uint8_t *colors,Color32 *palette,histogram *h,int nbcolors, int nb, int optcolors, Color32 *imgpal,int maxpal){ int i,j; helem *t,*e[128]; uint8_t numpal[128]; /* get colors used */ if ((i= _HistGetList(h,e,nbcolors,6)) != nbcolors) return 0; /* load all color in final palette */ memset(numpal,0,sizeof(numpal)); if (!imgpal) { for (i=0;i<nbcolors;i++) { if (!(palette[i].q.rgbReserved & 1)) palette[i].p = e[i]->color.p; palette[i].q.rgbReserved |= 1; colors[i] = i; numpal[i] = i; } palette->q.rgbReserved |= 8; maxpal = nbcolors; } else { for (i=maxpal-1;i>=0;i--) { j = HistGetColorNum(h,imgpal[i]); if (j>=0) { if (!(palette[i].q.rgbReserved & 1)) palette[i].p = imgpal[i].p; palette[i].q.rgbReserved |= 1; numpal[j] = i; colors[i] = j; } } palette->q.rgbReserved |= 8; } /* sort palette desc count */ for (i=0;i<nbcolors;i++) { for (j=i+1;j<nbcolors;j++) if (e[j]->count > e[i]->count) { t = e[i]; e[i] = e[j]; e[j] = t; } } /* if palkap 0 put first in last */ if (nb) { nb=1; t = e[0]; e[0] = e[nbcolors-1]; e[nbcolors-1] = t; } /* get kap palette colors */ colorskap[0] = 0; for (i=0;i<nbcolors;i++) colorskap[i+nb] = numpal[-1-e[i]->num]; /* get num colors in kap palette */ for (i=0;i<maxpal;i++) { for (j=0;j<nbcolors;j++) if (colors[i] == (-1 - e[j]->num)) break; colors[i] = j+nb; } /* taitement img && map sur colorskap */ if ((optcolors == COLOR_IMG) || (optcolors == COLOR_MAP)) { for(i=0;i<maxpal;i++) { palette[256+i].q.rgbRed = palette[i].q.rgbRed ; palette[256+i].q.rgbGreen = palette[i].q.rgbGreen ; palette[256+i].q.rgbBlue = palette[i].q.rgbBlue ; palette[512+i].q.rgbRed = (palette[i].q.rgbRed)/2 ; palette[512+i].q.rgbGreen = (palette[i].q.rgbGreen)/2 ; palette[512+i].q.rgbBlue = (palette[i].q.rgbBlue)/2 ; palette[768+i].q.rgbRed = (palette[i].q.rgbRed)/4 ; palette[768+i].q.rgbGreen = (palette[i].q.rgbGreen)/4 ; palette[768+i].q.rgbBlue = (palette[i].q.rgbBlue)/4 ; palette[768+i].q.rgbReserved = palette[512+i].q.rgbReserved = palette[256+i].q.rgbReserved = palette[i].q.rgbReserved ; } if ((optcolors == COLOR_MAP) && (nbcolors < 64)) { Color32 *p = palette+768; for(i=0;i<maxpal;i++) { if ((p->q.rgbRed <= 4) && (p->q.rgbGreen <= 4) && (p->q.rgbBlue <= 4)) p->q.rgbRed = p->q.rgbGreen = p->q.rgbBlue = 55; if ((p->q.rgbRed >= 60) && (p->q.rgbGreen >= 60) && (p->q.rgbBlue >= 60)) p->q.rgbRed = p->q.rgbGreen = p->q.rgbBlue = 0; p++; } } }/* for (i=0;i<nbcolors;i++) { printf("eorder %d rgb %d %d %d\n",i,e[i]->color.q.rgbRed,e[i]->color.q.rgbGreen,e[i]->color.q.rgbBlue); } for (i=0;i<maxpal;i++) { printf("palette %d rgb %d %d %d\n",i,palette[i].q.rgbRed,palette[i].q.rgbGreen,palette[i].q.rgbBlue); } for (i=0;i<nbcolors+nb;i++) { j = colorskap[i]; printf("palkap %d rgb %d %d %d\n",i,palette[j].q.rgbRed,palette[j].q.rgbGreen,palette[j].q.rgbBlue); } for (i=0;i<maxpal;i++) { printf("indexcol %i colors : %d\n",i,colors[i]); }*/ nbcolors += nb; return nbcolors;}#define HistFree(h) myfree()/*------------------ End of Histogram ------------------*/typedef struct shsv{ double hue; double sat; double val;} HSV;/* read in kap file *///* si size < 0 lit jusqu'a \n (elimine \r) et convertie NO1 int r = (c - 9) & 0xFF; */static inline int fgetkapc(int typein, FILE *in){ int c; c = getc(in); if (typein == FIF_NO1) return (c - 9) & 0xff; return c;}static int fgetkaps(char *s, int size, FILE *in, int typein){ int i,c; i = 0; while (((c = getc(in)) != EOF) && size) { if (typein == FIF_NO1) c = (c - 9) & 0xff ; if (size > 0) { s[i++] = (char)c ; size--; continue; } if (c == '\r') continue; if (c == '\n') { s[i] = 0; size++; break; } s[i++] = (char)c; size++; if (!c) break; } return i;}/* function read and write kap index */static int bsb_write_index(FILE *fp, uint16_t height, uint32_t *index){ uint8_t l; /* Write index table */ while (height--) { /* Indices must be written as big-endian */ l = (*index >> 24) & 0xff; fputc(l, fp); l = (*index >> 16) & 0xff; fputc(l, fp); l = (*index >> 8) & 0xff; fputc(l, fp); l = *index & 0xff; fputc(l, fp); index++; } return 1;}static uint32_t *bsb_read_index(int typein,FILE *in,uint16_t height){ uint32_t l,end; uint32_t *index; int i; index = NULL; fseek(in,-4,SEEK_END); end = ftell(in); l = ((uint32_t)fgetkapc(typein,in)<<24)+((uint32_t)fgetkapc(typein,in)<<16)+((uint32_t)fgetkapc(typein,in)<<8)+((uint32_t)fgetkapc(typein,in)); if (((end - l)/4) != height) return NULL; index = (uint32_t *)malloc(height*sizeof(uint32_t)); if (index == NULL) return NULL; fseek(in,l,SEEK_SET); /* Read index table */ for (i=0; i < height; i++) { index[i] = ((uint32_t)fgetkapc(typein,in)<<24)+((uint32_t)fgetkapc(typein,in)<<16)+((uint32_t)fgetkapc(typein,in)<<8)+((uint32_t)fgetkapc(typein,in)); } return index;}/* bsb compress number, not value 0 at first write */static uint16_t bsb_compress_nb(uint8_t *p, uint16_t nb, uint8_t pixel, uint16_t max){ uint16_t count = 0; if (nb > max) { count = bsb_compress_nb(p,nb>>7,pixel|0x80,max); p[count++] = (nb & 0x7F) | (pixel & 0x80); return count; } pixel |= nb ; if (!pixel) p[count++] = 0x80; p[count++] = pixel ; return count;}/* write line bsb */int bsb_compress_row(const uint8_t *buf_in, uint8_t *buf_out, uint16_t bits_out, uint16_t line, uint16_t widthin, uint16_t widthout){ uint16_t ibuf,run_length ; uint16_t ipixelin,ipixelout,xout; uint8_t last_pix; uint16_t dec, max; dec = 7-bits_out; max = (1<<dec) -1; /* write the line number */ ibuf = bsb_compress_nb(buf_out,line,0,0x7F); ipixelin = ipixelout = 0; while ( ipixelin < widthin ) { last_pix = buf_in[ipixelin]; ipixelin++; ipixelout++; /* Count length of same pixel */ run_length = 0; if (ipixelin == 1592) ipixelin = 1592; while ( (ipixelin < widthin) && (buf_in[ipixelin] == last_pix) ) { ipixelin++; ipixelout++; run_length++; } /* Extend, like but faster (total time/2) than xout = round((double)ipixelin*widthout/widthin); */ xout = ((uint32_t)((ipixelin<<1)+1)*widthout)/((uint32_t)widthin<<1); if (xout > ipixelout) { run_length += xout - ipixelout; ipixelout = xout; } /* write pixel*/ ibuf += bsb_compress_nb(buf_out+ibuf,run_length,last_pix<<dec,max); } buf_out[ibuf++] = 0; return ibuf;}/* bsb uncompress number */static uint16_t bsb_uncompress_nb(int typein,FILE *in, uint8_t *pixel, uint8_t decin, uint8_t maxin){ uint8_t c; uint16_t count; c = fgetkapc(typein,in); count = (c & 0x7f); *pixel = count >> decin; count &= maxin; while (c & 0x80) { c = fgetkapc(typein,in); count = (count << 7) + (c & 0x7f); } return count+1;}/* read line bsb */int bsb_uncompress_row(int typein, FILE *in, uint8_t *buf_out, uint16_t bits_in,uint16_t bits_out, uint16_t width){ uint16_t count; uint8_t pixel; uint8_t decin, maxin; uint16_t xout = 0; decin = 7-bits_in; maxin = (1<<decin) - 1; /* read the line number */ count = bsb_uncompress_nb(typein, in,&pixel,0,0x7F); /* no test count = line number */ switch (bits_out) { case 1: while ( width ) { count = bsb_uncompress_nb(typein,in,&pixel, decin,maxin); if (count > width) count = width; width -= count; while (count) { buf_out[xout>>3] |= pixel<<(7-(xout&0x7)); xout++; count--; } } break; case 4: while ( width ) { count = bsb_uncompress_nb(typein,in,&pixel, decin,maxin); if (count > width) count = width; width -= count; while (count) { buf_out[xout>>1] |= pixel<<(4-((xout&1)<<2)); xout++; count--; } } break; case 8: while ( width ) { count = bsb_uncompress_nb(typein,in,&pixel, decin,maxin); if (count > width) count = width; width -= count; while (count) { *buf_out++ = pixel; count--; } } break; } /* read last byte (0) */ getc(in); return 0;}static void read_line(uint8_t *in, uint16_t bits, int width, uint8_t *colors, histogram *hist, uint8_t *out){ int i; uint8_t c = 0; switch (bits) { case 1: for (i=0;i<width;i++) { out[i] = colors[(in[i>>3] >> (7-(i & 0x7))) & 1]; } return; case 4: for (i=0;i<width;i++) { c = in[i >> 1]; out[i++] = colors[(c>>4) & 0xF]; out[i] = colors[c & 0xF]; } return; case 8: for (i=0;i<width;i++) { out[i] = colors[in[i]]; } return; case 24: { Color32 cur, last; last.p = 0xFFFFFFFF; for (i=0;i<width;i++) { cur.p = ( *(uint32_t *)in & RGBMASK); if (last.p != cur.p) { c = colors[HistGetColorNum(hist, cur)]; last = cur; } out[i] = c; in += 3; } } }}static uint32_t GetHistogram(FIBITMAP *bitmap,uint32_t bits,uint16_t width,uint16_t height,Color32 *pal,histogram *hist){ uint32_t i,j; Color32 cur; uint8_t *line,k; histogram *h = hist; switch (bits) { case 1: HistAddColor (hist, pal[0]); h = HistAddColor (hist, pal[1]); h->count++; break; case 4: for (i=0;i<height;i++) { line = FreeImage_GetScanLine(bitmap, i); cur.p = (width+1)>>1; for (j=0;j<cur.p;j++) { k = (*line++)>>4; if (h->color.p == pal[k].p) { h->count++; continue; } h = HistAddColor (hist, pal[k]); } line = FreeImage_GetScanLine(bitmap, i); cur.p = width >> 1; for (j=0;j<cur.p;j++) { k = (*line++)&0x0F; if (h->color.p == pal[k].p) { h->count++; continue; } h = HistAddColor (hist, pal[k]); } } break; case 8: for (i=0;i<height;i++) { line = FreeImage_GetScanLine(bitmap, i); for (j=0;j<width;j++) { k = *line++ ; if (h->color.p == pal[k].p) { h->count++; continue; } h = HistAddColor (hist, pal[k]); } } break; case 24: for (i=0;i<height;i++) { line = FreeImage_GetScanLine(bitmap, i); for (j=0;j<width;j++) { cur.p = *(uint32_t *)(line) & RGBMASK; line += 3; if (h->color.p == cur.p) { h->count++; continue; } h = HistAddColor (hist, cur); } } break; } return HistColorsCount(hist);}static const char *colortype[] = {"RGB","DAY","DSK","NGT","NGR","GRY","PRC","PRG"};int writeimgkap(FILE *out,FIBITMAP **bitmap,int optkap, int optcolors, Color32 *palette, uint16_t widthin,uint16_t heightin, uint16_t widthout, uint16_t heightout){ uint16_t i,cpt,len,cur,last; int num_colors; uint32_t *index; uint8_t *buf_in,*buf_out; int bits_in,bits_out; uint8_t colorskap[128]; uint8_t colors[256]; histogram hist[64]; memset(hist,0,sizeof(hist)); memset(colors,0,sizeof(colors)); memset(colorskap,0,sizeof(colorskap)); bits_in = FreeImage_GetBPP(*bitmap); /* make bitmap 24, accept only 1 4 8 24 bits */ if ((bits_in > 8) && (bits_in != 24)) { FIBITMAP *bitmap24; bitmap24 = FreeImage_ConvertTo24Bits(*bitmap); if (bitmap24 == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR - bitmap PPP is incorrect\n"); return 2; } FreeImage_Unload(*bitmap); *bitmap = bitmap24; bits_in = 24; } /* read histogram */ num_colors = GetHistogram(*bitmap,bits_in,widthin,heightin,(Color32 *)FreeImage_GetPalette(*bitmap),hist); if (!num_colors) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR - No Colors or bitmap bits %d\n",num_colors); return 2; } /* reduce colors */ num_colors = HistReduce(hist,num_colors,(optkap == NORMAL)?128:127); bits_out = ceil(log2(num_colors + ((optkap == NORMAL)?0:1))); /* if possible do not use colors 0 */ len = ((1<<bits_out) > num_colors)?1:0; if (optcolors != COLOR_KAP ) memset(palette,0,sizeof(Color32)*256*8); /* sort palette with 0 blank and get index */ num_colors = HistGetPalette(colorskap,colors,palette,hist,num_colors,len,optcolors,(Color32 *)FreeImage_GetPalette(*bitmap),FreeImage_GetColorsUsed(*bitmap)); if (!num_colors) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR - internal GetPalette\n"); return 2; } fputs("OST/1\r\n", out); fprintf(out, "IFM/%d\r\n",bits_out); /* Write RGB tags for colormap */ for (cpt=0;cpt<8;cpt++) { if (! palette[256*cpt].q.rgbReserved) continue; for (i = len; i < num_colors; i++) { fprintf(out, "%s/%d,%d,%d,%d\r\n", colortype[cpt], i, palette[256*cpt+colorskap[i]].q.rgbRed, palette[256*cpt+colorskap[i]].q.rgbGreen, palette[256*cpt+colorskap[i]].q.rgbBlue ); } } fputc(0x1a, out); fputc('\0', out); fputc(bits_out, out); buf_in = (uint8_t *)malloc((widthin + 4)/4*4); /* max space bsb encoded line can take */ buf_out = (uint8_t *)malloc((widthout*2 + 8)/4*4); index = (uint32_t *)malloc((heightout + 1) * sizeof(uint32_t)); if ((buf_in == NULL) || (buf_out == NULL) || (index == NULL)) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR - mem malloc\n"); return 2; } last = -1; for (i = 0; i<heightout; i++) { /* Extend on height */ cur = round((double)i * heightin / heightout); if (cur != last) { last = cur; read_line(FreeImage_GetScanLine(*bitmap, heightin-cur-1), bits_in, widthin, colors, hist,buf_in); } /* Compress raster and write to BSB file */ len = bsb_compress_row(buf_in, buf_out, bits_out, i, widthin,widthout); /* Record index table */ index[i] = ftell(out); /* write data*/ fwrite(buf_out, len, 1, out); } free(buf_in); free(buf_out); HistFree(hist); /* record start-of-index-table file tion in the index table */ index[heightout] = ftell(out); bsb_write_index(out, heightout+1, index); free(index); return 0;}static int readkapheader(int typein,FILE *in,int typeout, FILE *out, char *date,char *title,int optcolor,int *widthout, int *heightout, double *rx, double *ry, int *depth, RGBQUAD *palette){ char *s; int result = 0; char line[1024]; /* lit l entete kap y compris RGB et l'écrit dans un fichier sauf RGB*/ *widthout = *heightout = 0; if (depth != NULL) *depth = 0; if (palette != NULL) memset(palette,0,sizeof(RGBQUAD)*128); while (fgetkaps(line,-1024,in,typein) > 0) { if (line[0] == 0x1a) break; if ((s = strstr(line, "RA="))) { unsigned x0, y0; /* Attempt to read old-style NOS (4 parameter) version of RA= */ /* then fall back to newer 2-argument version */ if ((sscanf(s,"RA=%d,%d,%d,%d",&x0,&y0,widthout,heightout)!=4) && (sscanf(s,"RA=%d,%d", widthout, heightout) != 2)) { result = 1; break; } } if (palette != NULL) { int index,r,g,b; RGBQUAD *p = NULL; if (sscanf(line, "RGB/%d,%d,%d,%d", &index, &r, &g, &b) == 4) p = palette; if (sscanf(line, "DAY/%d,%d,%d,%d", &index, &r, &g, &b) == 4) p = palette+256; if (sscanf(line, "DSK/%d,%d,%d,%d", &index, &r, &g, &b) == 4) p = palette+256*2; if (sscanf(line, "NGT/%d,%d,%d,%d", &index, &r, &g, &b) == 4) p = palette+256*3; if (sscanf(line, "NGR/%d,%d,%d,%d", &index, &r, &g, &b) == 4) p = palette+256*4; if (sscanf(line, "GRY/%d,%d,%d,%d", &index, &r, &g, &b) == 4) p = palette+256*5; if (sscanf(line, "PRC/%d,%d,%d,%d", &index, &r, &g, &b) == 4) p = palette+256*6; if (sscanf(line, "PRG/%d,%d,%d,%d", &index, &r, &g, &b) == 4) p = palette+256*7; if (p != NULL) { if ((unsigned)index > 127) { result = 2; break; } p[0].rgbReserved |= 8; p[index].rgbReserved |= 1; p[index].rgbRed = r; p[index].rgbGreen = g; p[index].rgbBlue = b; } } if (depth != NULL) sscanf(line, "IFM/%d", depth); if ( (rx != NULL) && (s = strstr(line, "DX=")) ) sscanf(s, "DX=%lf", rx); if ( (ry != NULL) && (s = strstr(line, "DY=")) ) sscanf(s, "DY=%lf", ry); if ((out != NULL) && (typeout != FIF_UNKNOWN)) { if (typeout != FIF_TXT) { if (!strncmp(line,"RGB/",4)) continue; if (!strncmp(line,"DAY/",4)) continue; if (!strncmp(line,"DSK/",4)) continue; if (!strncmp(line,"NGT/",4)) continue; if (!strncmp(line,"NGR/",4)) continue; if (!strncmp(line,"GRY/",4)) continue; if (!strncmp(line,"PRC/",4)) continue; if (!strncmp(line,"PRG/",4)) continue; } if ((*line == '!') && strstr(line,"M'dJ")) continue; if ((*line == '!') && strstr(line,"imgkap")) continue; if (!strncmp(line,"VER/",4) && ((optcolor == COLOR_IMG) || (optcolor == COLOR_MAP))) { fprintf(out,"VER/3.0\r\n"); continue; } if (!strncmp(line,"OST/",4)) continue; if (!strncmp(line,"IFM/",4)) continue; if ((s = strstr(line, "ED=")) && (date != NULL)) { *s = 0; while (*s && (*s != ',')) s++; fprintf(out,"%sED=%s%s\r\n",line,date,s); continue; } if ((s = strstr(line, "NA=")) && (title != NULL) && *title) { *s = 0; while (*s && (*s != ',')) s++; fprintf(out,"%sNA=%s%s\r\n",line,title,s); continue; }#ifdef LIBIMGKAP /* DAG: Attempt to read chart name,chart description,projection, scale,datum, depth, coordinates and boundaries */ readkapdetails(line);#endif fprintf(out,"%s\r\n",line); } } return result;}int kaptoimg(int typein,char *filein,int typeheader,char *fileheader,int typeout, char *fileout, char *optionpal){ int result; int cpt, width, height; int bits_in,bits_out; RGBQUAD palette[256*8]; RGBQUAD *bitmappal; FIBITMAP *bitmap; FILE *in, *header = NULL ; header = NULL; double rx,ry; uint8_t *line = NULL; uint32_t *index; memset(palette,0,sizeof(palette)); if (optionpal && !strcasecmp(optionpal,"ALL") && (typeout != (int)FIF_TIFF) && (typeout != (int)FIF_GIF)) { typeout = FIF_TIFF; fprintf(stderr,"ERROR - Palette ALL accepted with only TIF or GIF %s\n",fileout); return 2; } in = fopen(filein, "rb"); if (in == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR - Can't open KAP file %s\n",filein); return 2; } if (fileheader != NULL) { header = fopen(fileheader, "wb"); if (header == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR - Can't create header KAP file %s\n",fileheader); fclose(in); return 2; } } if (typeheader == FIF_KAP) typeheader = FIF_TXT; result = readkapheader(typein,in,typeheader,header,NULL,NULL,COLOR_NONE,&width,&height,&rx,&ry,&bits_in,palette); if (header != NULL) fclose(header); if (result) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR - Invalid Header file %s\n",fileheader); fclose(in); return result; } if ((fileout == NULL) || !*fileout) return 0; bits_out = bits_in; if (bits_in > 1) { if (bits_in > 4) bits_out = 8; else bits_out = 4; } if ((typeout != (int)FIF_TIFF) && (typeout != (int)FIF_ICO) && (typeout != (int)FIF_PNG) && (typeout != (int)FIF_BMP)) bits_out = 8; index = bsb_read_index(typein,in,height); if (index == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR - Invalid index table in %s\n",fileheader); fclose(in); return 3; } /* Create bitmap */ bitmap = FreeImage_AllocateEx(width, height, bits_out,palette,FI_COLOR_IS_RGB_COLOR,palette,0,0,0); bitmappal = FreeImage_GetPalette(bitmap);/* a revoir FreeImage_SetDotsPerMeterX(bitmap,rx); FreeImage_SetDotsPerMeterY(bitmap,ry);*/ /* uncompress and write kap image into bitmap */ for (cpt=0;cpt<height;cpt++) { fseek(in,index[cpt],SEEK_SET); line = FreeImage_GetScanLine(bitmap,height-cpt-1); bsb_uncompress_row (typein,in,line,bits_in,bits_out,width); } free(index); fclose(in); cpt = 0; if (optionpal) { cpt = -2; if (!strcasecmp(optionpal,"ALL")) cpt = -1; if (!strcasecmp(optionpal,"RGB")) cpt = 0; if (!strcasecmp(optionpal,"DAY")) cpt = 1; if (!strcasecmp(optionpal,"DSK")) cpt = 2; if (!strcasecmp(optionpal,"NGT")) cpt = 3; if (!strcasecmp(optionpal,"NGR")) cpt = 4; if (!strcasecmp(optionpal,"GRY")) cpt = 5; if (!strcasecmp(optionpal,"PRC")) cpt = 6; if (!strcasecmp(optionpal,"PRG")) cpt = 7; if (cpt == -2) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR - Palette %s not exist in %s\n",optionpal,filein); FreeImage_Unload(bitmap); return 2; } } if (cpt >= 0) { if (cpt > 0) { RGBQUAD *pal = palette + 256*cpt; if (!pal->rgbReserved) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR - Palette %s not exist in %s\n",optionpal,filein); FreeImage_Unload(bitmap); return 2; } for (result=0;result<256;result++) pal[result].rgbReserved = 0; memcpy(bitmappal,pal,sizeof(RGBQUAD)*256); } result = FreeImage_Save((FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT)typeout,bitmap,fileout,0); if(verbose) printf("FreeImageSave:%d\n",result); } else { FIMULTIBITMAP *multi; RGBQUAD *pal; multi = FreeImage_OpenMultiBitmap((FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT)typeout,fileout,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,0); if (multi == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR - Alloc multi bitmap\n"); FreeImage_Unload(bitmap); return 2; } for (cpt=0;cpt<8;cpt++) { pal = palette + 256*cpt; if (pal->rgbReserved) { for (result=0;result<256;result++) pal[result].rgbReserved = 0; memcpy(bitmappal,pal,sizeof(RGBQUAD)*256); FreeImage_AppendPage(multi,bitmap); } } FreeImage_CloseMultiBitmap(multi,0); result = 1; } FreeImage_Unload(bitmap); return !result;}int imgheadertokap(int typein,char *filein,int typeheader, int optkap, int color, char *title, char *fileheader,char *fileout){ int widthin,heightin,widthout,heightout; int bits_in,bits_out; int result; RGBQUAD palette[256*8]; FIBITMAP *bitmap = 0; FILE *out; FILE *header; char datej[20]; if(verbose) printf("imgheadertokap %d %s %d %d %d %s %s %s\n",typein,filein,typeheader,optkap,color,title,fileheader,fileout); memset(palette,0,sizeof(palette)); widthin = heightin = 0; /* Read image file */ if (typein != FIF_KAP) { bitmap = FreeImage_Load((FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT)typein,filein,BMP_DEFAULT); if (bitmap == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR - Could not open or error in image file\"%s\"\n", filein); return 2; } widthin = FreeImage_GetWidth(bitmap); heightin = FreeImage_GetHeight(bitmap); if (!widthin || !heightin) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR - Invalid image size (width=%d,height=%d)\n", widthin, heightin); FreeImage_Unload(bitmap); return 2; } } out = fopen(fileout, "wb"); if (out == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR - Can't open KAP file %s\n",fileout); if (bitmap) FreeImage_Unload(bitmap); return 2; } /* Read date */ { time_t t; struct tm *date; time(&t) ; date = localtime(&t); strftime(datej, sizeof(datej), "%d/%m/%Y",date); } header = fopen(fileheader, "rb"); if (header == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR - Can't open Header file %s\n",fileheader); if (bitmap) FreeImage_Unload(bitmap); fclose(out); return 2; } result = 1; if ((typeheader == FIF_TXT) || (typeheader == FIF_KAP)) { /* Header comment file outut */ char *s; for (s=filein+strlen(filein)-1;s>filein;s--) if ((*s == '\\') || (*s =='/')) { s++; break; } fprintf(out,"! 2011 imgkap %s - at %s from %.35s\r\n", VERS,datej,s); result = readkapheader(typeheader,header,FIF_KAP,out,datej,title,color, &widthout, &heightout,NULL,NULL,&bits_in,palette); } if (result) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR - Invalid Header type %s\n",fileheader); if (bitmap) FreeImage_Unload(bitmap); fclose(header); fclose(out); return 2; } if (typein == FIF_KAP) { int cpt; uint8_t *line = NULL; uint32_t *index; widthin = widthout; heightin = heightout; bits_out = bits_in; if (bits_in > 1) { if (bits_in > 4) bits_out = 8; else bits_out = 4; } index = bsb_read_index(typein,header,heightin); if (index == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR - Invalid index table in %s\n",fileheader); fclose(header); fclose(out); return 3; } /* Create bitmap */ bitmap = FreeImage_AllocateEx(widthin, heightin, bits_out,palette,FI_COLOR_IS_RGB_COLOR,palette,0,0,0); /* uncompress and write kap image into bitmap */ for (cpt=0;cpt<heightin;cpt++) { fseek(header,index[cpt],SEEK_SET); line = FreeImage_GetScanLine(bitmap,heightin-cpt-1); bsb_uncompress_row (typein,header,line,bits_in,bits_out,widthin); } free(index); } fclose(header); if ((widthin > widthout) || (heightin > heightout)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR - Image input is greater than outpout width=%d -> %d,height=%d -> %d \n", widthin,widthout, heightin,heightout); FreeImage_Unload(bitmap); fclose(out); return 2; } if (((widthout*10/widthin) > 11) || ((heightout*10/heightin) > 11)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR - Image input is too smaller than outpout width=%d -> %d,height=%d -> %d \n", widthin,widthout, heightin,heightout); FreeImage_Unload(bitmap); fclose(out); return 2; } result = writeimgkap(out,&bitmap,optkap,color,(Color32 *)palette,widthin,heightin,widthout,heightout); FreeImage_Unload(bitmap); fclose(out); return result;}int imgtokap(int typein,char *filein, double lat0, double lon0, double lat1, double lon1,int optkap, int color, char *title,int units, char *sd,char *fileout){ uint16_t dpi,widthout,heightout; uint32_t widthin,heightin; double scale; double lx,ly,dx,dy ; char datej[20]; int result; const char *sunits; FIBITMAP *bitmap; FREE_IMAGE_TYPE type; RGBQUAD palette[256*8]; FILE *out; sunits = "METERS"; if (units != METTERS) sunits = "FATHOMS"; /* get latitude and longitude */ if (abs((int)lat0) > 85) return 1; if (abs((int)lon0) > 180) return 1; if (abs((int)lat1) > 85) return 1; if (abs((int)lon1) > 180) return 1; memset(palette,0,sizeof(palette)); /* Read image file */ bitmap = FreeImage_Load((FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT)typein,filein,BMP_DEFAULT); if (bitmap == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR - Could not open or error in image file\"%s\"\n", filein); return 2; } type = FreeImage_GetImageType(bitmap); if (type != FIT_BITMAP) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR - Image is not a bitmap file\"%s\"\n", filein); FreeImage_Unload(bitmap); return 2; } widthin = FreeImage_GetWidth(bitmap); heightin = FreeImage_GetHeight(bitmap); if (!widthin || !heightin) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR - Invalid image size (width=%d,height=%d)\n", widthin, heightin); FreeImage_Unload(bitmap); return 2; } out = fopen(fileout, "wb"); if (! out) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR - Can't open KAP file %s\n",fileout); FreeImage_Unload(bitmap); return 2; }; /* Header comment file outut */ /* Read date */ { time_t t; struct tm *date; time(&t) ; date = localtime(&t); strftime(datej, sizeof(datej), "%d/%m/%Y",date); } /* Header comment file outut */ fprintf(out,"! 2011 imgkap %s file generator by M'dJ\r\n", VERS); fprintf(out,"! Map generated not for navigation created at %s\r\n",datej); /* calculate size */ dpi = 254; lx = lontox(lon1)-lontox(lon0); if (lx < 0) lx = -lx; ly = lattoy_WS84(lat0)-lattoy_WS84(lat1); if (ly < 0) ly = -ly; /* calculate extend widthout heightout */ dx = heightin * lx / ly - widthin; dy = widthin * ly / lx - heightin; widthout = widthin ; if (dy < 0) widthout = (int)round(widthin + dx) ; heightout = (int)round(widthout * ly / lx) ; fprintf(out,"! Extend widthin %d heightin %d to widthout %d heightout %d\r\n", widthin,heightin,widthout,heightout); scale = (1-(widthin/lx) / (heightin/ly)) *100; if ((scale > 5) || (scale < -5)) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR - size of image is not correct\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\tExtend widthin %d heightin %d to widthout %d heightout %d\n", widthin,heightin,widthout,heightout); FreeImage_Unload(bitmap); fclose(out); return 2; } /* calculate resolution en size in meters */ dx = postod((lat0+lat1)/2,lon0,(lat0+lat1)/2,lon1); dy = postod(lat0,lon0,lat1,lon0); fprintf(out,"! Size in milles %.2f x %.2f\r\n",dx,dy) ; scale = round(dy*18520000.0*dpi/(heightout*254)); if (units == METTERS) { dx = dx*1852.0/(double)widthout; dy = dy*1852.0/(double)heightout; } else { dx = dx*1157500./((double)widthout*1143.); dy = dy*1157500./((double)heightout*1143.); } fprintf(out,"! Resolution units %s - %.2fx%.2f -> %.0f at %d dpi\r\n", sunits, dx,dy,scale,dpi) ; /* Write KAP header */ if (color == COLOR_NONE) fputs("VER/2.0\r\n", out); else fputs("VER/3.0\r\n", out); fprintf(out,"CED/SE=1,RE=1,ED=%s\r\n",datej); /* write filename and date*/ { char *s; if (title == NULL) { s = fileout + strlen(fileout) -1; while ((s > fileout) && (*s != '.')) s--; if (s > fileout) *s = 0; while ((s > fileout) && (*s != '\\') && (*s != '/')) s--; if (s > fileout) s++; title = s; } fprintf(out,"BSB/NA=%.70s\r\n",title); } fprintf(out," NU=UNKNOWN,RA=%d,%d,DU=%d\r\n",widthout,heightout,dpi); fprintf(out,"KNP/SC=%0.f,GD=WGS 84,PR=MERCATOR,PP=%.2f\r\n", scale,0.0); fputs(" PI=UNKNOWN,SP=UNKNOWN,SK=0.0,TA=90\r\n", out); fprintf(out," UN=%s,SD=%s,DX=%.2f,DY=%.2f\r\n", sunits, sd,dx,dy); fprintf(out,"REF/1,%u,%u,%f,%f\r\n",0,0,lat0,lon0); fprintf(out,"REF/2,%u,%u,%f,%f\r\n",widthout-1,0,lat0,lon1); fprintf(out,"REF/3,%u,%u,%f,%f\r\n",widthout-1,heightout-1,lat1,lon1); fprintf(out,"REF/4,%u,%u,%f,%f\r\n",0,heightout-1,lat1,lon0); fprintf(out,"PLY/1,%f,%f\r\n",lat0,lon0); fprintf(out,"PLY/2,%f,%f\r\n",lat0,lon1); fprintf(out,"PLY/3,%f,%f\r\n",lat1,lon1); fprintf(out,"PLY/4,%f,%f\r\n",lat1,lon0); fprintf(out,"DTM/%.6f,%.6f\r\n", 0.0, 0.0); result = writeimgkap(out,&bitmap,optkap,color,(Color32 *)palette,widthin,heightin,widthout,heightout); FreeImage_Unload(bitmap); fclose(out); return result;}typedef struct sxml{ struct sxml *child; struct sxml *next; char tag[1];} mxml;static int mxmlreadtag(FILE *in, char *buftag){ int c; int end = 0; int endtag = 0; int i = 0; while ((c = getc(in)) != EOF) if (strchr(" \t\r\n",c) == NULL) break; if (c == EOF) return -1; if (c == '<') { endtag = 1; c = getc(in); if (strchr("?!/",c) != NULL) { end = 1; c = getc(in); } } if (c == EOF) return -1; do { if (endtag && (c == '>')) break; else if (c == '<') { ungetc(c,in); break; } buftag[i++] = c; if (i > 1024) return -1; } while ((c = getc(in)) != EOF) ; while ((i > 0) && (strchr(" \t\r\n",buftag[i-1]) != NULL)) i--; buftag[i] = 0; if (end) return 1; if (endtag) return 2; return 0;}static int mistag(char *tag, const char *s){ while (*s) { if (!*tag || (*s != *tag)) return 0; s++; tag++; } if (!*tag || (strchr(" \t\r\n",*tag) != NULL)) return 1; return 0;}static mxml *mxmlread(FILE *in, mxml *parent, char *buftag){ int r; mxml *x , *cur , *first; x = cur = first = 0 ; while ((r = mxmlreadtag(in,buftag)) >= 0) { if (parent && mistag(parent->tag,buftag)) return first; x = (mxml *)myalloc(sizeof(mxml)+strlen(buftag)+1); if (x == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR - Intern malloc\n"); return first; } if (!first) first = x; if (cur) cur->next = x; cur = x; x->child = 0; x->next = 0; strcpy(x->tag,buftag); if (!r) break; if (r > 1) x->child = mxmlread(in,x,buftag); } return first;}static mxml *mxmlfindtag(mxml *first,const char *tag){ while (first) { if (mistag(first->tag,tag)) break; first = first->next; } return first;}#define mxmlfree(x) myfree()static int readkml(char *filein,double *lat0, double *lon0, double *lat1, double *lon1, char *title){ int result; mxml *kml,*ground,*cur; FILE *in; char *s; char buftag[1024]; in = fopen(filein, "rb"); if (in == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR - Can't open KML file %s\n",filein); return 2; } if (*filein) { s = filein + strlen(filein) - 1; while ((s >= filein) && (strchr("/\\",*s) == NULL)) s--; s[1] = 0; } kml = mxmlread(in,0,buftag); fclose(in); if (kml == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR - Not XML KML file %s\n",filein); return 2; } ground = mxmlfindtag(kml,"kml"); result = 2; while (ground) { ground = mxmlfindtag(ground->child,"GroundOverlay"); if (!ground || ground->next) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR - KML no GroundOverlay or more one\n"); break; } cur = mxmlfindtag(ground->child,"name"); if (!cur || !cur->child) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR - KML no Name\n"); break; } if (!*title) strcpy(title,cur->child->tag); cur = mxmlfindtag(ground->child,"Icon"); if (!cur || !cur->child) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR - KML no Icon\n"); break; } cur = mxmlfindtag(cur->child,"href"); if (!cur || !cur->child) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR - KML no href\n"); break; } strcat(filein,cur->child->tag);#if (defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__)) s = filein + strlen(filein); while (*s) { if (*s == '/') *s = '\\'; s++; }#endif cur = mxmlfindtag(ground->child,"LatLonBox"); if (!cur || !cur->child) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR - KML no LatLonBox\n"); break; } result = 3; ground = cur->child; cur = mxmlfindtag(ground,"rotation"); if (cur && cur->child) { *lat0 = strtod(cur->child->tag,&s); if (*s || (*lat0 > 0.5)) { result = 4; fprintf(stderr,"ERROR - KML rotation is not accepted\n"); break; } } cur = mxmlfindtag(ground,"north"); if (!cur || !cur->child) break; *lat0 = strtod(cur->child->tag,&s); if (*s) break; cur = mxmlfindtag(ground,"south"); if (!cur || !cur->child) break; *lat1 = strtod(cur->child->tag,&s); if (*s) break; cur = mxmlfindtag(ground,"west"); if (!cur || !cur->child) break; *lon0 = strtod(cur->child->tag,&s); if (*s) break; cur = mxmlfindtag(ground,"east"); if (!cur || !cur->child) break; *lon1 = strtod(cur->child->tag,&s); if (*s) break; result = 0; break; } mxmlfree(kml); if (result == 3) fprintf(stderr,"ERROR - KML no Lat Lon\n"); return result;}#ifndef LIBIMGKAPinline double mystrtod(char *s, char **end){ double d = 0, r = 1; while ((*s >= '0') && (*s <= '9')) {d = d*10 + (*s-'0'); s++;} if ((*s == '.') || (*s == ',')) { s++; while ((*s >= '0') && (*s <= '9')) { r /= 10; d += r * (*s-'0'); s++;} } *end = s; return d;}double strtopos(char *s, char **end){ int sign = 1; double degree = 0; double minute = 0; double second = 0; char c; *end = s; /* eliminate space */ while (*s == ' ') s++; /* begin read sign */ c = toupper(*s); if ((c == '-') || (c == 'O') || (c == 'W') || (c == 'S')) {s++;sign = -1;} if ((c == '+') || (c == 'E') || (c == 'N')) s++; /* eliminate space */ while (*s == ' ') s++; /* error */ if (!*s) return 0; /* read degree */ degree = mystrtod(s,&s); /* eliminate space and degree */ while ((*s == ' ') || (*s == 'd') || (*s < 0)) s++; /* read minute */ minute = mystrtod(s,&s); /* eliminate space and minute separator */ while ((*s == ' ') || (*s == 'm') || (*s == 'n') || (*s == '\'')) s++; /* read second */ second = mystrtod(s,&s); /* eliminate space and second separator*/ while ((*s == ' ') || (*s == '\'') || (*s == '\"') || (*s == 's')) s++; /* end read sign */ c = toupper(*s); if ((c == '-') || (c == 'O') || (c == 'W') || (c == 'S')) {s++;sign = -1;} if ((c == '+') || (c == 'E') || (c == 'N')) s++; /* eliminate space */ while (*s == ' ') s++; *end = s; return sign * (degree + ((minute + (second/60.))/60.));}static void makefileout(char *fileout, const char *filein){ char *s; strcpy(fileout,filein); s = fileout + strlen(fileout)-1; while ((s > fileout) && (*s != '.')) s--; if (s > fileout) strcpy(s,".kap");}/* Main programme */int main (int argc, char *argv[]){ int result = 0; char filein[1024]; char *fileheader = NULL; char fileout[1024]; int typein, typeheader,typeout; char *optionsd ; int optionunits = METTERS; int optionkap = NORMAL; int optcolor; char *optionpal ; char optiontitle[256]; double lat0,lon0,lat1,lon1; double l; optionsd = (char *)"UNKNOWN" ; optionpal = NULL; typein = typeheader = typeout = FIF_UNKNOWN; lat0 = lat1 = lon0 = lon1 = HUGE_VAL; *filein = *fileout = *optiontitle = 0; while (--argc) { argv++; if (*argv == NULL) break; if (((*argv)[0] == '-') && ((*argv)[2] == 0)) { /* options */ char c = toupper((*argv)[1]); if (c == 'N') { optionkap = OLDKAP; continue; } if (c == 'F') { optionunits = FATHOMS; continue; } if (c == 'S') { if (argc > 1) optionsd = argv[1]; argc--; argv++; continue; } if (c == 'T') { if (argc > 1) strcpy(optiontitle,argv[1]); argc--; argv++; continue; } if (c == 'P') { if (argc > 1) optionpal = argv[1]; argc--; argv++; continue; } if ((c < '0') || (c > '9')) { result = 1; break; } } if (!*filein) { strcpy(filein,*argv); continue; } if (fileheader == NULL) { char *s; /* if numeric */ l = strtopos(*argv,&s); if (!*s) { if (lat0 == HUGE_VAL) { lat0 = l; continue; } if (lon0 == HUGE_VAL) { lon0 = l; continue; } if (lat1 == HUGE_VAL) { lat1 = l; continue; } if (lon1 == HUGE_VAL) { lon1 = l; continue; } result = 1; break; } fileheader = *argv; continue; } if (!*fileout) { strcpy(fileout,*argv); continue; } result = 1; break; } if (!*filein) result = 1; if (!result) { FreeImage_Initialise(0); typein = findfiletype(filein); if (typein == FIF_UNKNOWN) typein = (int)FreeImage_GetFileType(filein,0); switch (typein) { case FIF_KML : if (fileheader != NULL) strcpy(fileout,fileheader); result = readkml(filein,&lat0,&lon0,&lat1,&lon1,optiontitle); if (result) break; if (!*fileout) makefileout(fileout,filein); typein = (int)FreeImage_GetFileType(filein,0); optcolor = COLOR_NONE; if (optionpal) optcolor = findoptlist(listoptcolor,optionpal); result = imgtokap(typein,filein,lat0,lon0,lat1,lon1,optionkap,optcolor,optiontitle,optionunits,optionsd,fileout); break; case FIF_KAP : case FIF_NO1 : if (fileheader == NULL) { result = 1; break; } typeheader = findfiletype(fileheader); if (typeheader == FIF_UNKNOWN) { if (*fileout) { result = 1; break; } typeout = typeheader; typeheader = FIF_UNKNOWN; strcpy(fileout,fileheader); fileheader = NULL; } if (*fileout) { printf("DAG if *fileout\n "); typeout = FreeImage_GetFIFFromFilename(fileout); if (typeout == FIF_UNKNOWN) { result = 1; break; } } if (!*fileout && (typeheader == FIF_KAP)) { optcolor = COLOR_KAP; if (optionpal) optcolor = findoptlist(listoptcolor,optionpal); result = imgheadertokap(typein,filein,typein,optionkap,optcolor,optiontitle,filein,fileheader); break; } result = kaptoimg(typein,filein,typeheader,fileheader,typeout,fileout,optionpal); /* DAG debug */// result = kaptoimg(typein,filein,typeheader,fileheader,typeout,fileout,optionpal); printf("kaptoimg typein:%d filein:%s typeh:%d fileh:%s typeout:%d fileout:%s optionpal:%d\n", typein,filein,typeheader,fileheader,typeout,fileout,optionpal); break; case (int)FIF_UNKNOWN: fprintf(stderr, "ERROR - Could not open or error in image file\"%s\"\n", filein); result = 2; break; default: if ((lon1 != HUGE_VAL) && (fileheader != NULL)) { strcpy(fileout,fileheader); fileheader = NULL; } optcolor = COLOR_NONE; if (optionpal) optcolor = findoptlist(listoptcolor,optionpal); if (!*fileout) makefileout(fileout,filein); if (fileheader != NULL) { typeheader = findfiletype(fileheader); result = imgheadertokap(typein,filein,typeheader,optionkap,optcolor,optiontitle,fileheader,fileout); break; } if (lon1 == HUGE_VAL) { result = 1; break; } result = imgtokap(typein,filein,lat0,lon0,lat1,lon1,optionkap,optcolor,optiontitle,optionunits,optionsd,fileout); break; } FreeImage_DeInitialise(); } // si kap et fileheader avec ou sans file out lire kap - > image ou header et image // sinon lire image et header ou image et position -> kap if (result == 1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR - Usage:\\imgkap [option] [inputfile] [lat0 lon0 lat1 lon1 | headerfile] [outputfile]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\nimgkap Version %s by M'dJ\n",VERS); fprintf(stderr, "\nConvert kap to img :\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\timgkap mykap.kap myimg.png : convert mykap into myimg.png\n" ); fprintf(stderr, "\timgkap mykap.kap mheader.kap myimg.png : convert mykap into header myheader (only text header kap file) and myimg.png\n" ); fprintf(stderr, "\nConvert img to kap : \n"); fprintf(stderr, "\timgkap myimg.png myheaderkap.kap : convert myimg.png into myimg.kap using myheader.kap for kap informations\n" ); fprintf(stderr, "\timgkap myimg.png myheaderkap.kap myresult.kap : convert myimg.png into myresult.kap using myheader.kap for kap informations\n" ); fprintf(stderr, "\timgkap mykap.png lat0 lon0 lat1 lon2 myresult.kap : convert myimg.png into myresult.kap using WGS84 positioning\n" ); fprintf(stderr, "\timgkap -s 'LOWEST LOW WATER' myimg.png lat0 lon0 lat1 lon2 -f : convert myimg.png into myimg.kap using WGS84 positioning and options\n" ); fprintf(stderr, "\nConvert kml to kap : \n"); fprintf(stderr, "\timgkap mykml.kml : convert GroundOverlay mykml file into kap file using name and directory of image\n" ); fprintf(stderr, "\timgkap mykml.kml mykap.kap: convert GroundOverlay mykml into mykap file\n" ); fprintf(stderr, "\nWGS84 positioning :\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\tlat0 lon0 is a left,top point\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\tlat1 lon1 is a right,bottom point\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\tlat to be beetwen -85 and +85 degree\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\tlon to be beetwen -180 and +180 degree\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t different format are accepted : -1.22 1°10'20.123N -1d22.123 ...\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Options :\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\t-n : Force compatibilty all KAP software, max 127 colors\n" ); fprintf(stderr, "\t-f : fix units to FATHOMS\n" ); fprintf(stderr, "\t-s name : fix souding datum\n" ); fprintf(stderr, "\t-t title : change name of map\n" ); fprintf(stderr, "\t-p color : color of map\n" ); fprintf(stderr, "\t - Kap to image color : ALL|RGB|DAY|DSK|NGT|NGR|GRY|PRC|PRG\n" ); fprintf(stderr, "\t\t ALL generate multipage image, use only with GIF or TIF" ); fprintf(stderr, "\t - image or Kap to Kap color : NONE|KAP|MAP|IMG\n" ); fprintf(stderr, "\t\t NONE use colors in image file, default\n" ); fprintf(stderr, "\t\t KAP only width KAP or header file, use RGB tag in KAP file\n" ); fprintf(stderr, "\t\t MAP generate DSK and NGB colors for map scan (< 64 colors) Black -> Gray, White -> Black\n" ); fprintf(stderr, "\t\t IMG generate DSK and NGB colors for image (photo, satellite...)\n" ); return 1; } if (result) fprintf(stderr, "ERROR - imgkap return %d\n",result ); return result;}#endif