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File metadata and controls

127 lines (101 loc) · 4.81 KB


CircleCI Github release

Terraform module to provide consistent label names and tags for resources.

A single name format will not solve every use case, so multiple variants are returned and there is a few options to affect how they get build. The general name convention is {organization}-{environment}-{name}-{attributes}. Name is required, the other 3 can be turned on/off individually. The delimiter (-) can be changed

All devops-workflow modules will eventually use this or labels.

NOTE: local refers to this using locals and does not create any resources. It just builds new variables.

Terraform registry


Basic Example

module "name" {
  source        = "devops-workflow/label/local"
  version       = "0.1.2"
  name          = "name"
  environment   = "qa"

This will create an id with the value of qa-name

S3 Example

module "s3-name" {
  source        = "devops-workflow/label/local"
  version       = "0.1.2"
  name          = "data"
  environment   = "qa"
  organization  = "corp"
  namespace-org = "true"

This will create an id with the value of corp-qa-data

Now reference label outputs to create the S3 bucket

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "data" {
  bucket  = "${}"
  tags    = "${module.s3-name.tags}"

All Variables Example

Using in a module and exposing all settings to upstream caller.

module "label" {
  source        = "devops-workflow/label/local"
  version       = "0.1.2"
  organization  = "${var.organization}"
  name          = "${}"
  namespace-env = "${var.namespace-env}"
  namespace-org = "${var.namespace-org}"
  environment   = "${var.environment}"
  delimiter     = "${var.delimiter}"
  attributes    = "${var.attributes}"
  tags          = "${var.tags}"


Name Description Type Default Required
attributes Suffix name with additional attributes (policy, role, etc.) list <list> no
component TAG: Underlying, dedicated piece of service (Cache, DB, ...) string UNDEF no
delimiter Delimiter to be used between name, namespaces, attributes, etc. string - no
environment Environment (ex: dev, qa, stage, prod). (Second or top level namespace. Depending on namespacing options) string - yes
monitor TAG: Should resource be monitored string UNDEF no
name Base name for resource string - yes
namespace-env Prefix name with the environment. If true, format is: {env}-{name} string true no
namespace-org Prefix name with the organization. If true, format is: {org}-{env namespaced name}. If both env and org namespaces are used, format will be {org}-{env}-{name} string false no
organization Organization name (Top level namespace) string `` no
owner TAG: Owner of the service string UNDEF no
product TAG: Company/business product string UNDEF no
service TAG: Application (microservice) name string UNDEF no
tags A map of additional tags map <map> no
team TAG: Department/team of people responsible for service string UNDEF no


Name Description
attributes Attribute string lowercase
environment Environment name lowercase
id Fully formatted name ID
id_20 ID truncated to 20 characters
id_32 ID truncated to 32 characters
id_attr_20 ID max size 20 characters by truncating id_org then appending attributes
id_attr_32 ID max size 32 characters by truncating id_org then appending attributes
id_env If env namespace enabled {env}-{name} else {name}
id_org If org namespace enabled {org}-{id_env} else {id_env}
name Name lowercase
org_attr_20 Internal debugging. DO NOT USE
org_attr_32 Internal debugging. DO NOT USE
organization Organization name lowercase
tags Tags map merged with standard tags

Resource Graph of plan

Terraform Graph