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423 lines (349 loc) · 13.1 KB



A magical documentation library for Wordpress.


WPDocsify is a wordpress implementation of Docsify designed to simplfy documenting your wordpress projects or plugins


  • Simple and lightweight
  • No statically built html files
  • Multiple Documentation Librarys
  • Customizable
  • User restrictions
  • Prism code highlighting support
  • Plugin support
  • Vue@2 | Vue@3 Inline support
  • Works Natively
  • Easy to setup


Quick start

When you have installed the plugin it should appear in the Wordpress Admin sidebar. By default it will display the plugins documentation page.

To get started navigate to your theme directory and create a new folder called /documentation/

Note: we can change this base directory naming later on in Overides.

All the Documentation is written in Markdown As so all the documentation will end in the .md filetype
If you are not familar with the markdown you can copy the following documentation from this plugins assets to your newly created folder to get started.

Documentation Sub Pages

Sub Pages enables you to stack multiple Documentation librarys in the backend. This can be useful if there is multiple Custom plugins or functionality you wish to write documentation on without filling up one page.

Creating a sub page

Creating a page is simple, We are calling the WPDocsify Class within a php file. For this example we will use the functions.php file located within your base theme folder.

/* functions.php */

/* Is not required rename the namespace using MBC\inc before the class is fine */
use MBC\inc as PLUGINS;

/* Single Page Register */
        /* Page Title */
        /* Page Label */
        'label'=>'Feature Documentation',
        /* Page Slug ( No spaces ) */
        /* Documentation Folder */
        'location'=> get_template_directory_uri().'/feature_docs/',
        /* Documentation Config ( more can be found Customizations/Configurations ) */
        'config'=> array(
            'maxLevel'=> 4, 
            'subMaxLevel'=> 2,
            'loadSidebar'=> "",
            'homepage'=> "",

/* Registering Multiple Pages */
        /* Arrays Within a single Array */
            'label'=>'Feature Documentation',
            'location'=> get_template_directory_uri().'/feature_docs/',
            'config'=> array(
                'maxLevel'=> 4, 
                'subMaxLevel'=> 2,
                'loadSidebar'=> "",
                'homepage'=> "",
            'label'=>'Custom Documentation',
            'location'=> get_template_directory_uri().'/custom_docs/',
            'config'=> array(
                'maxLevel'=> 4, 
                'subMaxLevel'=> 2,
                'loadSidebar'=> "",
                'homepage'=> "",

Page Restrictions

If you wish to restrict certain documentation behind specific user Roles, ID or Capabilities it is possible to do so by extended the pages configuration

/* functions.php */

/* Is not required rename the namespace using MBC\inc before the class is fine */
use MBC\inc as PLUGINS;

/* Restricted Page Register */
        'label'=>'Feature Documentation',
        'location'=> get_template_directory_uri().'/feature_docs/',
        /* Restricted ( Array. Roles || Capabilities || ID ) */
        'restricted'=> array('administrator','manage_woocommerce',1),
        /* Restriction Operator ( String. and || or ) */
        'restrict_operator'=> 'and',
        'config'=> array(
            'maxLevel'=> 4, 
            'subMaxLevel'=> 2,
            'loadSidebar'=> "",
            'homepage'=> "",
/* Note this will return a page only if the user is an adiminstrator & has the capability of manage_woocommerce & the user id is 1 */

Prism Highlighting

Prism is a code highlighter that works with Markdown it is an estiental part of Docsify to highlight your code.
By Default Docsify has Prismjs support but not all languages are installed.

Using Prism

To highlight your code using prism we need to wrap your code around 3 backticks followed by the file type and another 3 backticks

    function test(){
        echo "hello world";

Extending Prism

If the language you looking to use with prism is not highlighting you can extend prism to include the langauge if availble.
A full list of languages can be found here Prism Langauges or Prism CDN

/* functions.php */

/* Is not required rename the namespace using MBC\inc before the class is fine */
use MBC\inc as PLUGINS;

/* extend prism languages */
/* full list of languages and versions here */
        'version'=> "1.28.0", //not required unless you wish for a specific version
        "languages"=> array(
        "stylesheet"=> get_stylesheet_uri() . "/assets/prism/style.css" // not required can use to extend the stylesheet


There are multiple overides to the base implementation of WPDocsify most of wich will configure the base menu structure

Admin Menu

To Change the naming and menu of WPDocsify can be done with the following class function

/* functions.php */

/* Is not required rename the namespace using MBC\inc before the class is fine */
use MBC\inc as PLUGINS;

    "domain"=>"MyDocs", //Domain Namespace
    "name"=>"documenttester", //Menu Name
    "slug"=>"testdocs", //Menu Slug
    "icon"=> __DIR__ .'/assets/icons/alarm.svg', //Not required Menu icon ( Direct Path ) ( Can be Dashicons string )
    "position"=> 98, //Not Required Menu Position
    "location"=> get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/documentation/', //Not Required Default folder
    "restricted"=>array('administrator','bbp_keymaster',1), //Not required Restrictions
    "restrict_operator"=> 'and', //Not required Restriction Operator
    "config"=> array( //Not Required Docsify config
        'maxLevel'=> 4,
        'subMaxLevel'=> 2,
        'loadSidebar'=> "",
        'homepage'=> "",
/* Note this will return the admin page only if the user is an adiminstrator & has the 
capability of manage_woocommerce & the user id is 1 */

if you are fine with the default Admin page you can still edit some settings without remapping the menu

/* Base Docsify Config */
    "maxLevel"=> 4,
    "subMaxLevel"=> 2,
    "loadSidebar"=> "",
    "homepage"=> "",

/* Base Documentation Location */

Documentation Sub Pages

To Extend the documentation menu to have multiple sub page documentation librarys you can use the following

/* functions.php */

/* Is not required rename the namespace using MBC\inc before the class is fine */
use MBC\inc as PLUGINS;

            'label'=>'Feature Documentation',
            'location'=> get_template_directory_uri().'/feature_docs/',
            /* Restricted ( Array. Roles || Capabilities || ID ) */
            'restricted'=> array('administrator','manage_woocommerce',1),
            /* Restriction Operator ( String. and || or ) */
            'restrict_operator'=> 'and',
            'config'=> array(
                'maxLevel'=> 4, 
                'subMaxLevel'=> 2,
                'loadSidebar'=> "",
                'homepage'=> "",
/* Note this will return a page only if the user is an adiminstrator & has the capability of manage_woocommerce & the user id is 1 */

Extend Stylesheet

To extend the style of Docisfy you can use the following class function

/* functions.php */

/* Is not required rename the namespace using MBC\inc before the class is fine */
use MBC\inc as PLUGINS;

    true //Not Require Replace default style if true append if false ( True or false )

Extend Plugins

Docsify allows for multiple custom created and propritery plugins you can also make your own plugins using the Docsify plugin lifecycle

/* functions.php */

/* Is not required rename the namespace using MBC\inc before the class is fine */
use MBC\inc as PLUGINS;

        '//', //Google Analytics
        '//' //Zoom image


By Default Vue3 Production is turned on however you can choose to disable this or change it to development or vue2 more information on Vue implementation Vue Compatibility

/* functions.php */

/* Is not required rename the namespace using MBC\inc before the class is fine */
use MBC\inc as PLUGINS;

/* Vue 3 Production ( Default ) */
/* Vue 3 Development */

/* Vue 2 Production */
/* Vue 2 Development */

/* Vue disabled */


WPDocsify allows for globals in your markdown available through window.WPDocsify this allows you to pass information from php into your markdown.
as an example passing through a list of users in the site or the current plugins installed.

Registering Globals

To register globals you can use the following class function

/* functions.php */

/* Is not required rename the namespace using MBC\inc before the class is fine */
use MBC\inc as PLUGINS;

    'installed_plugins'=> array_map(function($plugin){ 
        return $plugin['Name']; 
    }, get_plugins()),
    'example'=> 'Hello World'


Docsify has a set of defined Lifecycles simply the cycles allow for you to change and interact with the documentation through out there respect lifecycle this can be useful when creating a plugin that alters the way the documentation is presented.

Registering LifeCycles

To register lifecyles you can use the following class function.

!> Note: all lifecyles are written in javascript so that must be required in.

/* functions.php */

/* Is not required rename the namespace using MBC\inc before the class is fine */
use MBC\inc as PLUGINS;

    /* Variables available: hook, vm */
    "init"=> array(
        /* example we wish to load init.js */
    "beforeEach"=> array(
        /* Variables available: content */
    "afterEach"=> array(
        /* Variables available: html, next */
    "doneEach"=> array(),
    "mounted"=> array(),
    "ready"=> array()
/* init.js */
(function () {
    /* console log vm */
    console.log('init vm:',vm);
/* voul_count.js */
console.log((html.match(/[aeiou]/gi) || []).length);

Using Globals

To globals in your markdown you can use the following prefix [(*)]



Hello World

Vue Implementation

If you would like use the global data in Vue within your documentation you can use in by passing it into the data

<!-- -->
<div id="vue3app">
    <!-- Foreach plugin in global installed_plugins array with key of plugin -->
        <li v-for="plugin in global.installed_plugins" :key="plugin">
    data: () => ({
      global: window.WPDocsify.globals,




Mitchell Chelin