version 0.6
version v0.6
- fixes and improvements
- new devices support. Overall firmware supports:
- DS18B20, LM75 - temperature sensors,
- DHT11, DHT22, SI7021 - humidity sensors
- BMP180, BMP280 - barometric pressure sensor
- BH1750 - light sensor
- MPU6050 - 3-axis gyroscope and a 3-axis accelerometer
- HMC5883L - magnetometer
- PCF8574 - GPIO extender
- HD44780 - 2x16 4x20 displays(with PCF8574 adapter)
- MH-Z19 - CO2 sensor
- MCP4725 - digital to analog convertor
- PCF8591 - analog to digital and digital to analog converter
- ADS1115 - analog to digital converter
- INA219 - power monitor
- MFRC522 - RFID tag reader
- PCA9685 - PWM controller
- MLX90614 - contactless IR thermometer
- MAX6675, MAX31855 - thermocouple thermometers
- TM1637 - 8 segments LED display controller
- WS2812B - LED strip controller
- access point mode
- embedded pages redesign
- sample of using D3.js for plotting graphs from different sensors on embedded web server