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318 lines (229 loc) · 7.69 KB

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318 lines (229 loc) · 7.69 KB

ASU Specific Notes

Project Setup



Install Node version 14, or install Node Version Manager and use version 14 for installing project dependencies.

Having trouble with npm after installing nvm? Do you have a new Apple M1 chip? You may need to update install-rosetta. For reference.

softwareupdate --install-rosetta


Use npm to install serverless globally.

$ npm install -g serverless


Clone this repo to a local directory.

Move to that directory and install dependencies with yarn.

$ yarn

Run test to make sure project is setup correctly:

$ cd lambdas/adobe-sign-api
$ serverless invoke local -f getTemplate --data '{ "pathParameters": {"id":"1be3f61a-e9fe-4247-9463-98856a6bf6ad"}}' --region us-west-2
$ serverless invoke local -f putTemplate --data '{ "body": "{\"name\":\"I9\", \"adobeSignId\": \"CBJCHBCAABAAA7v8YWZkc2LRy8nh4m_p5C_XFmZkw4tO\", \"formDataMappings\": [{\"source\":\"UserInfo\", \"sourceField\":\"firstName\", \"targetField\":\"First.Name\", \"defaultValue\":\"Brandon\"}], \"s3Dir\":\"federal-i9\", \"integrationQueues\":[\"WorkdayWebhooks\"]}"}' --region us-west-2
-- Should get 400 because you cannot connect to cache locally to verify client id
$ serverless invoke local -f webhookVerification --data '{ "headers": {"X-AdobeSign-ClientId":"4"}}' --region us-west-2
-- Need to comment out verification line in WebhookService to get this to work
$ serverless invoke local -f webhookPost --data '{ "body": "{\"event\": \"AGREEMENT_CREATED\",\"agreement\": {\"id\": \"CBJCHBCAABAAN24SWUnGHW-o_NaT5i3O5lKuHiccQ2GP\"}}"}' --region us-west-2
$ serverless invoke local -f processAgreementWebhook --data '{ "Records": [{"body":"{\"agreement\": {\"id\":\"CBJCHBCAABAAEmjdW_jaJd982pIWD3bRTir68LEUIvJD\"}}"}]}' --region us-west-2
$ serverless invoke local -f createSigningUrlAgreement --data '{ "pathParameters": {"template_id":"CBJCHBCAABAAA7v8YWZkc2LRy8nh4m_p5C_XFmZkw4tO"}}' --region us-west-2

You should see the following output, or similar:

Debugger attached.
WARNING: More than one matching handlers found for 'lib/agreements-controller'. Using 'lib/agreements-controller.js'.
Bundling with Webpack...
    "statusCode": 200,
    "body": "{\"id\":\"P50WXIl6PUlonrSH\"}"


Navigate to a directory with a serverless.yml file and run the following command.

$ serverless deploy --stage dev --region us-west-2


We are using jest to run our unit tests. It is configured in the top level directory, so you need to run the following command from the top level project directory to run tests:

$ yarn test

Adding a local package reference

$ lerna add adobe-sign --scope=adobe-sign-controller

Adding a dev dependency

In the directory of the dependent

$ yarn add @types/aws-lambda --dev

Adding a new package

Lerna Create

To add a new package run the following and follow the prompts. You can accept all the defaults by pressing enter for each one.

$ lerna create some-package

Create src directory

Create a src directory in the root of the package directory. This is where we will put our typescript code. You can see this directory is referenced below in our tsconfig.json file.

Add tsconfig

We are developing in typescript, so you want to add a tsconfig.json file. The contents can simply be:

  "extends": "../../tsconfig.json",
  "compilerOptions": {
    "outDir": "./lib"
  "include": [

Add tsc command

We need to add a tsc command to the scripts node of the package.json file in the package so that lerna can compile typscript along with all other packages that have this command


"scripts": {
  "tsc": "tsc",
  "test": "echo \"Error: run tests from root\" && exit 1"


Add tsyringe dependency This is used for dependency injection.

"dependencies": {
  "tsyringe": "^4.6.0"

Add typescript entry point

Create a some-package.ts script in the src directory of the package. This script will be where we export any resources that we want to be visible to consumers of the package.

You currently don't have anything to put there so let's put a random function that exports the name of the package.

export function packageName(): string {
  return 'some-package';

Let's say in the future you have a service that you want to make available to consumers of this package, AgreementService.


export service AdobeService {
  public getAgreement(id: string): Agreement {

You should export it from the some-package.ts file like so. Probably a good time to get rid of packageName as well.

export function packageName(): string {
  return 'some-package';

export * from "./services/adobe-sign.service";

Change directory

$ cd packages/some-package

Install Dependencies

$ yarn

Compile Running the following command will generate the necessary javascript files that are needed for other packages to consume the exported memebers of your new package.

$ yarn tsc

Add package as dependency to another package

Run the following command, where some-other-package is the name of the directory of the package that you are adding the dependncy to.

$ lerna add adobe-sign --scope=some-other-package

The package will now be included in the package.json of the dependent package.


"dependencies": {
  "some-package": "^1.0.0",
  "sample": "^0.0.1"


Using exported resources

You can now use the exported resources of your package in the dependent.

import { AgreementService } from "adobe-sign";

export async function main(event, context) {
  let service = new AgreementService();
  let agreement = service.getAgreement("e4bhsk1288281");

  return {
    statusCode: 200,
    body: JSON.stringify(agreement)

Adding a new lambda

If you need another lambda function that relates to others that already exist, first see if you can add a new handler to an existing lambda package.

If this is a new package all together, create a new directory in the /lambdas directory and add the following files:


export async function main(event, context) {
  return {
    statusCode: 200,
    body: `Hello World! This is a typescript handler.`


  "name": "new-lambda",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "main": "lib/handler.js",
  "license": "MIT",
  "scripts": {
    "tsc": "tsc",
    "compileTS": "lerna run tsc",
    "test": "serverless-bundle test",
    "postinstall": "yarn run compileTS"
  "devDependencies": {
    "serverless-bundle": "^1.9.0"


service: new-lambda

  - serverless-bundle

  name: aws
  runtime: nodejs12.x

    handler: lib/handler.main
      - http: GET /


  "extends": "../../tsconfig.json",
  "compilerOptions": {
    "outDir": "./lib",
    "baseUrl": "."
  "include": [

Build and compile

Run yarn in the new-lambda directory to install any dependencies and compile typescript files.

$ yarn

Test lambda locally

$ serverless invoke local -f get --data '{ "queryStringParameters": {"id":"P50WXIl6PUlonrSH"}}'