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File metadata and controls

102 lines (81 loc) · 2.77 KB

Kafka Connect Environment for Nessie/Iceberg

Step 1 - Create Iceberg Table

  • Open up three terminals to the directory with the docker-compose.yaml and startup Nessie, Dremio and Minio
# In terminal #1
docker-compose up dremio
# In terminal #2
docker-compose up minio
# In terminal #3
docker-compose up nessie
  • Once all started up open up minio at localhost:9000 login with admin/password and create a bucket called "warehouse"

  • open up dremio and connect nessie source with the following

  • general settings

  • storage settings

    • auth type: aws credentials
    • access key: admin
    • secret key: password
    • Root Path: /warehouse
    • connection properties:
      • fs.s3a.endpoint=minio:9000
      • dremio.s3.compat=true
    • encrypt connection: unchecked
  • create folder in your catalog called db

  • run the following SQL

CREATE TABLE default.events_list (
    id VARCHAR,
    type VARCHAR,
    payload VARCHAR)
PARTITIONED BY (hours(ts));

Step 2 - Spin Up Kafka and Kafka Connect

  • open three more terminals
# In terminal #4
docker-compose up zookeeper
# In terminal #5
docker-compose up kafka
# In terminal #6
docker-compose up kafka-connect
  • Create a kafka topic with the following command in a 7th terminal
docker-compose exec kafka --create --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic my_topic

Step 3 - Kafka-Connect Configuration

Using curl or any http client make the follow REST call:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8083/connectors -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"name": "events-sink",
"config": {
    "connector.class": "io.tabular.iceberg.connect.IcebergSinkConnector",
    "tasks.max": "2",
    "topics": "my_topic",
    "iceberg.tables": "db.table",
    "iceberg.catalog.type": "nessie",
    "iceberg.catalog.uri": "http://nessie:19120",
    "iceberg.catalog.authentication.type": "NONE",
    "iceberg.catalog.warehouse": "s3a://warehouse",
    "iceberg.catalog.catalog-imp": "org.apache.iceberg.nessie.NessieCatalog",
    "": "",
    "iceberg.catalog.s3.endpoint": "http://minio:9000",

Step 4 - Push data to topic

echo '{"schema": {"type": "string"}, "payload": "{\"id\": 1, \"name\": \"Alex Merced\"}"}' | docker-compose exec -T kafka kafka-console-producer --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 --topic my_topic

Step 5 - Query table to see if data landed

Head back to dremio and query the table.