- Member-1 - Email
- Member-2 - Email
- Member-3 - Email
- Member-4 - Email
- Mentor-1
- Mentor-2
- Mentor-3
Add your project description here. Your project description should cover how your website/app works. That way you can convey what your project is without the need for anyone to view the code. A more detailed readme in your project repository is encouraged, which can include build and use instructions etc.
- Use bullet points for any feature descriptions you may want to add
Don't forget to replace the link here with your own Github repository link.
Along with this, add the link of the drive folder that contains the app APK/Screenshots/Screen Recordings. If you have hosted your project on the web, add that link as well.
- GitHub repo link: Link to repository
- Drive link: Drive link here
- Website link: Website link here
Tools and technologies that you learnt and used in the project.
- Language-1
- Language-2
- Framework-1
- Framework-2 (Add or remove as required)
Include your project setup basics here. Steps for how someone else can setup your project on their machine. Add any relevant details as well.
Steps to run your project once its setup. If you have an app or website, list how the user can go about using it.
How can your project do its part in solving a real-life problem? What are its possible applications? Describe here.
Mention ways in which the project can be improved and built upon in the future.
Add a few screenshots for parts of the project completed till now to give the viewer a quick idea of what your project looks like. After all, a picture speaks a thousand words.
You'll have to link the screenshots from your drive folder here.
Use this template as a guide for writing your documentation. Feel free to customize and adapt it for you project. For more Markdown syntax help, visit here