Time settings, including the overall time range and granularity of aggregations, can be changed in UTC time button in the top left.
- (# Availability test failures) / (# Availability test runs)
- Availability tests are run every 5 minutes by the health-monitor-timer-func in web-workers. The test verifies that we can:
- Ping the health endpoint to check that the service is available
- Submit a scan request
- Get the status of the submitted scan request
- Get the scan report once the scan completes
- If any of these steps fails (either an http error code or an internal scan failure), an availability failure is sent. Otherwise, once all steps complete, an availability success is sent.
- If an availability test exceeds the amount of time between tests, the next availability test will start running in parallel when the timer trigger is fired.
- (# Requests failed with 5xx status code) / (# Total requests)
- This is calculated using all requests, including those generated by our availability tests and user requests
- Scan performance as a percentage of cases where the scanExecutionTime (see notes on Scan duration graph) did not exceed the target
Scan duration (Seconds)
- scanExecutionTime: The amount of time it took for the scan to run (starting when the batch worker begins the scan)
- scanWaitTime: The time from when the scan was submitted to when the batch worker started the scan
- scanTotalTime: The time from when the scan was submitted to when the scan completed and the report became available (scanExecutionTime + scanWaitTime)
API Response Time (Seconds)
- Average response time for each azure function (including web-workers) during the time range
API Request Count
- Total number of requests for each azure function (including web-workers) during the time range
Failed Requests By Function Name
- Sum of failures by all azure functions (including web-workers) during the time range
- Failure counts are aggregated over the set time granularity
API Response Codes Count
- Count of API response codes by category
Scan Requests Accepted vs Rejected
- The total number of submitted scan requests, as well as how many were accepted or rejected (for invalid urls)
- Counts are aggregated over the set time granularity
Scan Requests Succeeded vs Completed
- The total number of scans completed, as well as how many succeeded or failed
- Counts are aggregated over the set time granularity
- Note: If there are no failures for the given time range, ScanTaskFailure may not appear in the legend
Nodes State
- State of all nodes in batch pools. Can be used to check batch pool availability. (This is the same as the Node States graph on the batch account overview)
Average pool Sampling Interval (Seconds)
- Sampling interval used for polling batch tasks
Batch Running Tasks
- Number of running pool tasks compared to the maximum number of allowed parallel tasks