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File metadata and controls

325 lines (275 loc) · 14.8 KB


Randomization Process (what I have so far)

  • RP1: Randomly generate terrain (unless defined like Vanilla or other custom maps).
  • RP2: Randomly generate template from terrain (unless defined like Vanilla or other custom maps).
  • RP3: Randomly place North Palace somewhere that isn't completely blocked off such as a cave blocked by a rock or an isolation zone with exactly one node.
  • RP4: Randomly connect all isolation zones together.
  • RP5: Randomly place all item bearing areas such that they come before the blocked connection they are a remedy for.
    • RP5.1: Gather all currently accessible nodes from the start and the blocked connections.
    • RP5.2: Place item bearing area within the accessible nodes and place remedy for a blocked connection within that node.
      • RP5.2.1: If remedy is a spell then place the town within accessible nodes.
      • RP5.2.2: If town requires an item, then place that item within accessible nodes.
    • RP5.3: Start at RP4.1 again and resume until Grand Palace is accessible and all Palaces are able to be completed.
  • RP6: Randomly place all remaining nodes and items.

Next Feature

  • Randomize enemy placement, xp, and drops


  • Randomize terrain
  • Randomize enemy placement
  • Randomize spell placements
  • Randomize palace layouts

Change Log

  • 5/9/2023 1:00am - Changed maze island continent numbers to 3 on both location metadata and vanilla template
  • 5/16/2023 1:00pm - Filtering winnable locations for North Palace to go so we don't start soft locked
  • 5/16/2023 2:49pm - Discovered that north palace was overwriting locations
  • 5/29/2023 8:38pm - Placement working most of the time now


  • Some seeds are generated with more than one item in places that should only have one
  • Some seeds place two items in areas that only have room for one (i.e. 2524424194)


Game Notes

External means to go to a different continent

The map number doesn't matter if the mapset is 0 (world)

The index in the list of locations is what determines where the destination in the new continent is.

In order to change where the element dumps you, you would need to either swap locations or move the x, y of the destination you want.

6502 Assembly Notes


All of the below are 1 byte in size

A  => Accumulator
X  => X Index Register
Y  => Y Index Register
PC => Program Counter
S  => Stack Pointer
P  => Status

Status Flags

All of the following are 1 bit of the P register

N => Negative
V => Overflow
- => Always Set
B => Break
D => Decimal
I => Interrupt Disable
Z => Zero
C => Carry

7654 3210


AND - And Accumulator and Memory        A & M -> A
ORA - Or Accumulator and Memory         A | M -> A

ASL - Arithmetic shift left             C <- 76543210 <- 0 (Multiply by 2?)
LSR - Logical shift right               0 -> 76543210 -> C (Divide by 2?)
ROL - Rotate left one bit               C <- 76543210 <- C
ROR - Rotate right one bit              C -> 76543210 -> C

JMP - Jump to Location              
JSR - Jump to Subroutine            
RTS - Return from Subroutine

LDA - Load accumulator with memory      M -> A
LDX - Load value into X register        M -> X
LDY - Load value into Y register        M -> Y

STA - Store accumulator in memory       A -> M
STX - Store X register in memory        X -> M
STY - Store Y register in memory        Y -> M

BCC - Branch on carry clear
BCS - Branch on carry set
BNE - Branch on result not zero         Branch if Z = 0
BEQ - Branch on result zero             Branch if Z = 1
BPL - Branch on result plus             Branch if N = 0
BMI - Branch on result minus            Branch if N = 1
BVC - Branch on overflow clear          Branch if V = 0
BVS - Branch on overflow set            Branch if V = 1

CMP - Compare accumulator with memory   A - M
CPX - Compare memory and register X     X - M
CPY - Compare memory and register Y     Y - M

INC - Increment memory by 1
INX - Increment x register by 1
INY - Increment y register by 1
DEC - Decrement memory by 1
DEX - Decrement x register by 1
DEY - Decrement y register by 1

Playing with 6502 ASM

; Perform a summation of 0 - 10 (non inclusive)
    LDA #$00        ; Reset the accumulator to 0
    LDX #$00        ; Reset the X index to 0
A   STX $D010       ; Store X into memory location 0xD010
    ADC $D010       ; Add the data at memory location to the accumulator
    INX             ; Increment X
    CPX #$0A        ; Compare X and 0x0A
    BMI A           ; If X < 0x0A, go back to point A

; Shift bits until the 1 falls off the left end
    LDA #$01        ; Load the accumulator with 0x1
A   ASL             ; Shift the bit left
    INX             ; Increment X
    BCC A           ; If carry bit is not set, continue

Code analysis

Checking for passthrough

07:CCB5: 8D 09 07  STA $0709 Return to Overworld? = #$00
07:CCB8: 8D 5B 07  STA $075B = #$00
07:CCBB: AC 48 07  LDY $0748 Area Location Index = #$07
07:CCBE: B9 00 6A  LDA $6A00,Y @ $6A07 = #$39
07:CCC1: D0 09     BNE $CCCC
07:CCC3: A9 3D     LDA #$3D
07:CCC5: D9 3F 6A  CMP $6A3F,Y @ $6A46 = #$3D
07:CCC8: D0 E5     BNE $CCAF
07:CCCA: A9 51     LDA #$51
07:CCCC: 29 7F     AND #$7F
07:CCCE: 85 73     STA $73 Y Position on map = #$39
07:CCD0: B9 3F 6A  LDA $6A3F,Y @ $6A46 = #$3D
07:CCD3: 29 3F     AND #$3F
07:CCD5: 85 74     STA $74 X position on map = #$3D
07:CCD7: B9 BD 6A  LDA $6ABD,Y @ $6AC4 = #$40               ;$6ABD is the address of world number info
>07:CCDA: 29 40     AND #$40                                ;#$40 is 0b0100000 which is the mask for the passthrough bit
07:CCDC: F0 1B     BEQ $CCF9                                ;Branch if passthrough bit not set
07:CCDE: AE 62 05  LDX $0562 = #$08
07:CCE1: E0 04     CPX #$04
07:CCE3: B0 1A     BCS $CCFF
07:CCE5: E6 74     INC $74 X position on map = #$3D
07:CCE7: A6 5F     LDX $5F = #$01
07:CCE9: B9 00 6A  LDA $6A00,Y @ $6A07 = #$39
07:CCEC: 0A        ASL
07:CCED: 90 03     BCC $CCF2
07:CCEF: AE 62 05  LDX $0562 = #$08
07:CCF2: CA        DEX
07:CCF3: F0 04     BEQ $CCF9
07:CCF5: C6 74     DEC $74 X position on map = #$3D
07:CCF7: C6 74     DEC $74 X position on map = #$3D
07:CCF9: 20 C5 FF  JSR $FFC5
07:CCFC: 4C 05 CF  JMP $CF05
07:CCFF: E6 73     INC $73 Y Position on map = #$39
07:CD01: A6 5F     LDX $5F = #$01
07:CD03: B9 00 6A  LDA $6A00,Y @ $6A07 = #$39
07:CD06: 0A        ASL
07:CD07: 90 06     BCC $CD0F
07:CD09: AD 62 05  LDA $0562 = #$08
07:CD0C: 4A        LSR
07:CD0D: 4A        LSR
07:CD0E: AA        TAX
07:CD0F: CA        DEX
07:CD10: F0 E7     BEQ $CCF9
07:CD12: C6 73     DEC $73 Y Position on map = #$39
07:CD14: C6 73     DEC $73 Y Position on map = #$39
07:CD16: 4C F9 CC  JMP $CCF9
07:CD19: 20 5C D1  JSR $D15C
07:CD1C: 20 85 D3  JSR $D385
07:CD1F: 21 CF     AND ($CF,X) @ $0000 = #$00
07:CD21: 05 CF     ORA $CF = #$00
07:CD23: 1F        UNDEFINED
07:CD24: 86 FC     STX $FC = #$00
07:CD26: A0 00     LDY #$00
07:CD28: 02        UNDEFINED
07:CD29: 00        BRK
07:CD2A: 04        UNDEFINED
07:CD2B: 05 09     ORA $09 = #$0F
07:CD2D: 09 0A     ORA #$0A
07:CD2F: 0A        ASL
07:CD30: 0A        ASL
07:CD31: 0A        ASL
07:CD32: 0B        UNDEFINED
07:CD33: 0C        UNDEFINED
07:CD34: 06 00     ASL $00 = #$00
07:CD36: 10 20     BPL $CD58
07:CD38: 20 30 30  JSR $3030
07:CD3B: 30 30     BMI $CD6D
07:CD3D: 40        RTI
07:CD3E: 50 60     BVC $CDA0
07:CD40: AC 07 07  LDY $0707 World = #$00
07:CD43: B9 B7 C4  LDA $C4B7,Y @ $C4BE = #$00
07:CD46: C9 01     CMP #$01
07:CD48: D0 0F     BNE $CD59
07:CD4A: AC 06 07  LDY $0706 Overworld Index = #$00
07:CD4D: F0 0A     BEQ $CD59
07:CD4F: 88        DEY
07:CD50: D0 05     BNE $CD57
07:CD52: AC 0A 07  LDY $070A Previous Region = #$00
07:CD55: F0 02     BEQ $CD59
07:CD57: A9 02     LDA #$02
07:CD59: 8D 69 07  STA $0769 Bank Switch = #$01
07:CD5C: 20 CC FF  JSR $FFCC
07:CD5F: AD 69 07  LDA $0769 Bank Switch = #$01
07:CD62: AC 07 07  LDY $0707 World = #$00
07:CD65: C0 03     CPY #$03
07:CD67: 90 0F     BCC $CD78
07:CD69: AD 06 07  LDA $0706 Overworld Index = #$00
07:CD6C: 0A        ASL
07:CD6D: 0A        ASL
07:CD6E: 6D 6C 05  ADC $056C = #$00
07:CD71: A8        TAY
07:CD72: B9 2A CD  LDA $CD2A,Y @ $CD31 = #$0A

Loading overworld map

A:00 X:00 Y:00 S:F7 P:NvUBdIzc         $8C2D: 20 48 8C  JSR $8C48
A:00 X:00 Y:00 S:F5 P:NvUBdIzc           $8C48: 0A        ASL
A:00 X:00 Y:00 S:F5 P:nvUBdIZc           $8C49: A8        TAY
A:00 X:00 Y:00 S:F5 P:nvUBdIZc           $8C4A: B9 00 60  LDA $6000,Y @ $6000 = #$00    ;Lower part of compressed map address is stored here
A:00 X:00 Y:00 S:F5 P:nvUBdIZc           $8C4D: 85 0E     STA $0E = #$FE
A:00 X:00 Y:00 S:F5 P:nvUBdIZc           $8C4F: B9 01 60  LDA $6001,Y @ $6001 = #$7C    ;Upper part of compressed map address is stored here
A:7C X:00 Y:00 S:F5 P:nvUBdIzc           $8C52: 85 0F     STA $0F = #$8B
A:7C X:00 Y:00 S:F5 P:nvUBdIzc           $8C54: A0 00     LDY #$00
A:7C X:00 Y:00 S:F5 P:nvUBdIZc           $8C56: 60        RTS (from $8C48) ----------------------------
A:7C X:00 Y:00 S:F7 P:nvUBdIZc         $8C30: 20 01 E0  JSR $E001
A:7C X:00 Y:00 S:F5 P:nvUBdIZc           $E001: 20 C9 FF  JSR $FFC9
A:7C X:00 Y:00 S:F3 P:nvUBdIZc             $FFC9: AD 69 07  LDA $0769 Bank Switch = #$01
A:01 X:00 Y:00 S:F3 P:nvUBdIzc             $FFCC: 8D 00 E0  STA $E000 = #$FF ; Remove bottom four bits
A:01 X:00 Y:00 S:F3 P:nvUBdIzc             $FFCF: 4A        LSR
A:00 X:00 Y:00 S:F3 P:nvUBdIZC             $FFD0: 8D 00 E0  STA $E000 = #$FF
A:00 X:00 Y:00 S:F3 P:nvUBdIZC             $FFD3: 4A        LSR
A:00 X:00 Y:00 S:F3 P:nvUBdIZc             $FFD4: 8D 00 E0  STA $E000 = #$FF
A:00 X:00 Y:00 S:F3 P:nvUBdIZc             $FFD7: 4A        LSR
A:00 X:00 Y:00 S:F3 P:nvUBdIZc             $FFD8: 8D 00 E0  STA $E000 = #$FF
A:00 X:00 Y:00 S:F3 P:nvUBdIZc             $FFDB: 4A        LSR
A:00 X:00 Y:00 S:F3 P:nvUBdIZc             $FFDC: 8D 00 E0  STA $E000 = #$FF
A:00 X:00 Y:00 S:F3 P:nvUBdIZc             $FFDF: 60        RTS (from $FFC9) ----------------------------
A:00 X:00 Y:00 S:F5 P:nvUBdIZc           $E004: B1 0E     LDA ($0E),Y @ $7C00 = #$BB    ;Load address of compressed world map into accumulator
A:BB X:00 Y:00 S:F5 P:NvUBdIzc           $E006: 29 0F     AND #$0F                      ;Mask #$0F (0b00001111) to get type
A:0B X:00 Y:00 S:F5 P:nvUBdIzc           $E008: 85 02     STA $02 = #$0B                ;Store type into $02
A:0B X:00 Y:00 S:F5 P:nvUBdIzc           $E00A: B1 0E     LDA ($0E),Y @ $7C00 = #$BB    ;Load address of compressed world map into accumulator
A:BB X:00 Y:00 S:F5 P:NvUBdIzc           $E00C: 4A        LSR                           ;Remove lower 4 bites
A:5D X:00 Y:00 S:F5 P:nvUBdIzC           $E00D: 4A        LSR
A:2E X:00 Y:00 S:F5 P:nvUBdIzC           $E00E: 4A        LSR
A:17 X:00 Y:00 S:F5 P:nvUBdIzc           $E00F: 4A        LSR
A:0B X:00 Y:00 S:F5 P:nvUBdIzC           $E010: 38        SEC                           ;Set carry flag
A:0B X:00 Y:00 S:F5 P:nvUBdIzC           $E011: 65 03     ADC $03 = #$00                ;Add value in $03 to accumulator
A:0C X:00 Y:00 S:F5 P:nvUBdIzc           $E013: 85 03     STA $03 = #$00                ;Store run length into $03
A:0C X:00 Y:00 S:F5 P:nvUBdIzc           $E015: 48        PHA                           ;Push accumulator to stack
A:0C X:00 Y:00 S:F4 P:nvUBdIzc            $E016: 20 C5 FF  JSR $FFC5                    ;Jump to $FFC5

$02 holds type of block to draw
$03 holds current position for drawing based on run length

Exit issue


A:00 X:09 Y:00 S:F9 P:nvUBdIZc       $CF52: AD 61 05  LDA $0561 current scene/map index = #$21
A:21 X:09 Y:00 S:F9 P:nvUBdIzc       $CF55: AC 07 07  LDY $0707 World = #$00
A:21 X:09 Y:00 S:F9 P:nvUBdIZc       $CF58: D0 06     BNE $CF60
A:21 X:09 Y:00 S:F9 P:nvUBdIZc       $CF5A: C9 1D     CMP #$1D
A:21 X:09 Y:00 S:F9 P:nvUBdIzC       $CF5C: 90 02     BCC $CF60
A:21 X:09 Y:00 S:F9 P:nvUBdIzC       $CF5E: A9 00     LDA #$00
A:00 X:09 Y:00 S:F9 P:nvUBdIZC       $CF60: 0A        ASL
A:00 X:09 Y:00 S:F9 P:nvUBdIZc       $CF61: 0A        ASL
A:00 X:09 Y:00 S:F9 P:nvUBdIZc       $CF62: 65 3B     ADC $3B = #$03
A:03 X:09 Y:00 S:F9 P:nvUBdIzc       $CF64: A8        TAY
A:03 X:09 Y:03 S:F9 P:nvUBdIzc       $CF65: B9 FC 6A  LDA $6AFC Room Connectivity Data,Y @ $6AFF Do

On line $CF5A the mapNumber is compared to $1D (29).
So basically if the mapNumber is greater than 29 and the "world" is zero (meaning it's overworld or in technical terms banks 1 and 2), then it uses the level exits at mapNumber 0 (which has 63 for all four exits).
LDA loads the data at the provided memory location into the accumulator.
LDY does the same but it loads into the Y register
BNE branches if the Z flag is set.  The Z flag gets set when a LD operation loads a zero value or when a CMP op finds the two values equal.
CMP compares the accumulator with the value in a memory location.  It sets the Z flag if the two are equal, and it sets the C flag if the accumulator is less.
ASL shifts left (multiplies by 2)
ADC adds the value at memory address to the accumulator
TAY transfers the value of the accumulator to the Y register

Note #$XX is an immediate value instead of a memory address.  So for example #$FF is the byte 0xFF.

ASL ASL is multiplying by 4 (because each level connection entry is 4 bytes).
LDA $6AFC,Y is loading from $6AFC + Y
$3B holds the current map page
$0707 holds the world
$0561 holds the current map (edited)
I am in world 0 (#$00)
I am in trophy cave (#$21)
I am in map page 3 (#$03) (edited)

Prototype code for later

    // On the first pass, if the isolation zone of the start is too small, pick a random link without requirements.
    if (((index === northPalaceIsolationZone && nodes.length <= 2) || (otherIndex === northPalaceIsolationZone  && otherNodes.length <= 2)) && firstPass) {
        let easyPassthroughs = localPassThroughAreas.filter(passthroughArea =>  {
            return Object.keys(locationMetadata[passthroughArea].linkRequirements).length === 0;
        randomPassthrough = chooseRandomNode(easyPassthroughs);
        console.log("\tPICKED " + randomPassthrough);