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Slack View Library

Examples section


AbstractBlock, AbstractBuilder, AbstractText, PlainText, MarkDown, Divider, Header, Image, Confirmation, Button, Option, OptionGroup, SelectMenu, MultiSelectMenu, Overflow, PlainTextInput, Section PlainTextInput, Actions, Context, Input, View, Modal, Home, BlocksArray, BlocksFactory



If you're reading this, is because either you love Slack, or just need to work with its API somehow. Recently I had to start implementing a bot in Slack which content was more complex than usual. Then, I found that Slack API was quite easy to use but.... its views, those contents in json can be soooo huge and complex, that I realized I spent most of my time designing templates instead of coding the logic of the bot. This is when I started to look around searching for some library that would allow me to code my views in Python easily, unfortunately, I didn't found any (hey, if it does exist, please let me know, I had no idea about it) so I decided to write this one. The lib, includes "almost" all Block types, I just left out those that I was not gonna use for sure, but once you see the source code you'll realize it can be extended to include those pretty easily.

There is another module with a basic model to handle Slack commands and interactions, named payloads


There is a convention to distinguish between required, optional and mutually exclusive attributes:

  • required attributes: Required attributes are represented for those builder's methods that do not have underscores at all.

  • optional attributes: Optional attributes are represented for those builder's methods that do have one underscore at the end, for example: text(), element(), ...

  • mutually exclusive attributes: In those cases where only one out of two attributes can be set, are represented for those builder's methods that do have a double underscored at the end, for example: field__(), text__(), ...

Library's elements

Most of descriptions in next elements, has been extracted from current Slack's documentation.


Main class that represents an instance of a Block element in Slack. Any instance that represents a block will inherit from it.

Builder's methods:

  • __eq__(self, other): Implementation to compare AbstractBlock instances

  • serialize(self, as_json=False): Serialized current instance as a dictionary. If as_json is True, then a json dumps is done with serialized dictionary

  • deserialize(cls, _dict, from_json=False): Creates an AbstractBlock instance from supplied dictionary. If from_json is True, then the dictionary is built first from json loads.


Abstract class that represents a builder of an AbstractBlock. Any builder in an AbstractBlock must inherit from it. It allows a "method-chain-navigation" of the Block using the Builder pattern, allowing to step back to uppper builder when all settings in current builder are done.

Builder's methods:

  • build(): Provides the instance managed by current builder

  • up(): Returns previous builder


Represents any Text block in Slack, and contains common functionality to both implementations, PlainText and MarkDown.

Builder's methods:

  • text(): method to set current content.


Text without any formatting.

Builder's methods:

  • emoji_(self, boolean): Indicates whether emojis in a text field should be escaped into the colon emoji format


Text with special slack formatting

Builder's methods:

  • verbatim_(self, boolean): When set to false (as is default) URLs will be auto-converted into links, conversation names will be link-ified, and certain mentions will be automatically parsed. Using a value of true will skip any preprocessing of this nature, although you can still include manual parsing strings.


A block's divider. Adds a horizontal line that can be use to separate block's


It's a block with the largest font text, and can be used for example as title at the begging of messages

Builder's methods:

  • text(self, txt): Header content
  • block_id_(self, block_id): Block id as a string


It's used to add any remote image to a message.

Builder's methods:

  • image_url(self, image_url): The URL of the image to be displayed.
  • alt_text(self, alt_text): The text to be used as a a plain-text summary of the image. This should not contain any markup.


It defines a dialog that provides a confirmation step to any interactive element.

Builder's methods:

  • title(self, title): Confirmation dialog title
  • confirm(self, confirm): The content of the plain_text-only text object that defines the text of the button that confirms the action
  • deny(self, deny): The text for the plain_text-only text object that defines the text of the button that cancels the action.
  • text(self, text, verbatim=False): A text object that defines the explanatory text that appears in the confirm dialog.
  • style_(self, style): Defines the color scheme applied to the confirm button. A value of "danger" will display the button with a red background on desktop, or red text on mobile. A value of "primary" will display the button with a green background on desktop, or blue text on mobile.


Creates an interative component, a button. It can be clicked to set a value, perform an action, or open an url.

Builder's methods:

  • action_id(self, action_id): An identifier for this action. You can use this when you receive an interaction payload to identify the source of the action. It MUST BE unique among all other action_ids used elsewhere in the app.

  • text(self, text): A string for the plain_text object that defines the button's text.

  • url_(self, url): A URL to load in the user's browser when the button is clicked.

  • value_(self, value): The value to send along with the interaction payload.

  • style_(self, style): Decorates buttons with alternative visual color schemes, "primary" gives buttons a green outline and text, primary should only be used for one button within a set, "danger" gives buttons a red outline and text, and should be used when the action is destructive.

  • Confirm_(self): Provides a Confirmation builder object to help creating an optional confirmation dialog after the button is clicked.


An object that represents a single selectable item in a select menu, multi-select menu, checkbox group,radio button group, or overflow menu.

Builder's methods:

  • text(self, text): A text object that defines the text shown in the option on the menu. Overflow, select, and multi-select menus can only use plain_text objects, while radio buttons and checkboxes can use mrkdwn text objects.

  • value(self, value): The string value that will be passed to your app when this option is chosen.

  • description_(self, description): The text for the plain_text only text object that defines a line of descriptive text shown below the text field beside the radio button.

  • url_(self, url): An URL to load in the user's browser when the option is clicked. The url attribute is only available in overflow menus.


It's used to group options in a select menu or multi-select menu.

Builder's methods:

  • label(self, label): The text for the plain_text only text object that defines the label shown above this group of options.

  • Option(self): Provides an instance of Option's builder


A select menu, just as with a standard HTML select tag, creates a drop down menu with a list of options for a user to choose. The select menu also includes type-ahead functionality, where a user can type a part or all of an option string to filter the list.

Instance's methods:

  • set_default(self, text_option): Sets default value in the menu. It's possible to supply, or the text that represents the underlying value in the menu, or the value itself

  • get_default(self): Provides the default option, if any, as a tuple

  • has_option(self, text_option): Checks if the text supplied is already included in the array of options

Builder's methods:

  • action_id(self, action_id): An identifier for the action triggered when a menu option is selected.

  • placeholder(self, placeholder): A text for the plain_text object that defines the placeholder text shown on the menu.

  • Option__(self): Provides an instance of Option's builder.

  • OptionGroup__(self): Provides an instance of OptionGroup's builder.

  • initial_option_(self, text_option): A single option that exactly matches one of the options within options or option_groups.

  • Confirm_(self): An instance of Confirmation's builder


A multi-select menu is just like a Selectmenu, but allows a user to select multiple items from it.

Builder's methods, (others than Selectmenu):

  • max_selected_items_(self, max_selected_items): Sets the maximum number of items that can be selected in the selectmenu.


This is like a cross between a button and a select menu - when a user clicks on this overflow button, they will be presented with a list of options to choose from. Unlike the select menu, there is no typeahead field, and the button always appears with an ellipsis ("...") rather than customisable text.

Builder's methods:

  • action_id(self, action_id): An identifier for the action triggered when a menu option is selected.

  • Option(self): An instance of Option's builder

  • Confirm_(self): An instance of Confirm's builder


A plain-text input, it creates a field where a user can enter freeform data.

Builder's methods:

  • action_id(self, action_id): An identifier for the input value when the parent modal is submitted.

  • initial_value_(self, initial_value): The initial value in the plain-text input when it is loaded.

  • min_length_(self, min_length): The minimum length of input that the user must provide.

  • max_length_(self, max_length): The maximum length of input that the user can provide.

  • multiline_(self, boolean): Indicates whether the input will be a single line (false) or a larger textarea (true). Default is false

  • placeholder_(self, placeholder): A text to user in plain_text object that defines the placeholder text shown in the plain-text input.


A section can be used as a simple text block, in combination with text fields, or side-by-side with any of the available block elements.

Builder's methods:

  • text__(self, text, verbatim=False): The text for the block, in the form of a text object.

  • block_id_(self, block_id): A string acting as a unique identifier for a block.

  • field__(self, text, verbatim=False): Creates an a new MarkDown instance, and add it to the array of text objects.

  • accessory_(self): Provides an inner class instance with a builder instance of each one of the available element objects. Namely:

    • Button
    • Image
    • MultiSelectMenu
    • Overflow
    • PlainTextInput
    • SelectMenu


This block is used to hold interactive elements.

Builder's methods:

  • block_id_(self, block_id): A string acting as a unique identifier for this block.

  • element(self): If no "elements" array is found, a new one is created, and an instance of an internal class with all builders from allowed elements is shown. The attribute "elements" holds an array of interactive element objects, namely:

    • Button
    • Overflow
    • SelectMenu


Displays message context, which can include both images and text. The size (images, fonts etc) of this block is smaller than other Blocks.

Builder's methods:

  • block_id_(self, block_id): A string acting as a unique identifier for this block.

  • element(self): If no "elements" array is found, a new one is created, and an instance of an internal class with all builders from allowed elements is shown. The attribute "elements" holds an array of interactive element objects, namely:

    • Image
    • Text


A block that collects information from users.

Builder's methods:

  • label(self, label): A label that appears above an input element in the form of a text object as plain_text.

  • element(self): If no "elements" array is found, a new one is created, and an instance of an internal class with all builders from allowed elements is shown. The attribute "elements" holds an array of interactive element objects, namely:

    • PlainTextInput
    • SelectMenu
    • MultiSelectMenu


Abstract class that represents a View. There're two types of views, namely Modals and Hometabs.

Builder's methods:

  • title(self, txt): View title

  • Blocks(self): Use this to build the array of blocks of the view

  • close_(self, close_txt): An optional text to create a plain_text element that defines the text displayed in the close button at the bottom-right of the view.

  • submit_(self, submit_txt): Text to create an optional plain_text element that defines the text displayed in the submit button at the bottom-right of the view.

  • private_metadata_(self, private_metadata): An optional string that will be sent to your app in view_submission and block_actions events.

  • callback_id_(self, callback_id): An identifier to recognize interactions and submissions of this particular view.

  • clear_on_close_(self, clear_on_close): When set to true, clicking on the close button will clear all views in a modal and close it. Defaults to false.

  • notify_on_close_(self, notify_on_close): Indicates whether Slack will send your request URL a view_closed event when a user clicks the close button. Defaults to false.

  • external_id_(self, external_id): A custom identifier that must be unique for all views on a per-team basis.


A view which type is "modal"


A view which type is "home"


This object represents the array of blocks being sent in a Slack message. It doesn't extend AbstractBlocks because actually it's not a block, but a group of blocks in an array. So it just acts as a wrapper of an array with a dictionary of blocks

Instance's methods:

  • serialize(self, as_json=False): Returns the array of blocks's dictionary. It's an array, not a dictionary with key "blocks". The array is ready to be serialized in Slack, If as_json is True, then a jdon dumps is done with dictionary

  • has_input_block(self): True if an Input exists in the array of blocks, False otherwise

  • num_of_blocks(self): Provides the number of blocks in the array, it's length

  • of(_array_of_dicts, from_json=False): Provides an instance of BlocksArray initialized with supplied array of serialized blocks. Supplied argument must be an array of Block's dictionaries, or a json dumps of such array, in this case from_json must be True.

Builder's methods:

Provide an instance of layou's builders previously seen. Namely:

  • Actions
  • Context
  • Divider
  • Header
  • Input
  • Section


Factory class to deserialize AbstractBlock back to objects. Source object can be a dictionary or a json dump of such dict.

Class's methods:

  • get_block_class(cls, dictionary): Provides the class associated to supplied dictionary

  • of(dictionary, from_json=False): Builds an instance of a class that inherits from AbstractBlock from supplied dictionary. If supplied dictionary is a json dump, then from_json must be True


Most of these examples can be tested in Slack Block Kit Builder. Just clear the supplied default blocks and make sure to serialize supplied examples as json, for example:

plaintext = PlainText.Builder().text('Simple text without formatting').build()

{'type': 'plain_text', 'text': 'Simple text without formatting', 'emoji': False}


plaintext = PlainText.Builder().text('Simple text without formatting').build().serialize(as_json=True)

'{"type": "plain_text", "text": "Simple text without formatting", "emoji": false}'

and copy the content between quotes (without the quotes) to blocks array. Sometimes, not all combinations are available in SBKB, but can be tested sending a message to a known private channel.

Simple plaintext elements

plaintext = PlainText.Builder().text('Simple text without formatting').build()
planintext_escaped = PlainText.Builder().text('Simple text with emojis escaped into colon emoji format :)') \

Json Serialized:

'{"type": "plain_text", "text": "Simple text without formatting", "emoji": false}'

'{"type": "plain_text", "text": "Simple text with emojis escaped into colon emoji format :)", "emoji": true}'

Section with markdown

section = Section.Builder().text__('Text with *markdown* _formatting_ and url processing').build().serialize(as_json=True)

Json Serialized:

'{"type": "section", "text": {"type": "mrkdwn", "text": "Text with markdown formatting and url processing", "verbatim": false}}'

Block Kit Builder image:

Section with formatted Markdown

Section with markdown and verbatim mode

section_verbatim = Section.Builder().text__('Text in verbatim mode. For example urls are not processed:', verbatim=True).build().serialize(as_json=True)

Json Serialized:

'{"type": "section", "text": {"type": "mrkdwn", "text": "Text in verbatim mode. For example urls are not processed:", "verbatim": true}}'

Block Kit Builder image:

Section with verbatim Markdown

Section with 4 fields an a Button with confirmation

section_with_fields = Section.Builder().block_id_('any block id')
for i in range(4):
    section_with_fields.field__(f'*Field_{i}*: value {i}')
section_with_fields.accessory_().Button().text('Click').action_id('action_name').style_('danger') \
    .Confirm_().title('Confirmation').style_('danger').text('are you sure?').confirm('yes').deny('no').up().up() \

Json Serialized:

'{"type": "section", "accessory": {"type": "button", "confirm": {"style": "danger", "deny": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "no", "emoji": false}, "confirm": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "yes", "emoji": false}, "text": {"type": "mrkdwn", "text": "are you sure?", "verbatim": false}, "title": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "Confirmation", "emoji": false}}, "style": "danger", "action_id": "action_name", "text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "Click", "emoji": false}}, "fields": [{"type": "mrkdwn", "text": "Field_0: value 0", "verbatim": false}, {"type": "mrkdwn", "text": "Field_1: value 1", "verbatim": false}, {"type": "mrkdwn", "text": "Field_2: value 2", "verbatim": false}, {"type": "mrkdwn", "text": "Field_3: value 3", "verbatim": false}], "block_id": "any block id"}'

Block Kit Builder image:

Section with 4 fields an a Button with confirmation

Section with text an a button that opens an url

section_with_button = Section.Builder().text__('Click button to open google').accessory_() \
    .Button().action_id('any_action_name').text('Google').url_('').up() \

Json Serialized:

'{"type": "section", "accessory": {"type": "button", "url": "", "action_id": "any_action_name", "text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "Google", "emoji": false}}, "text": {"type": "mrkdwn", "text": "Click button to open google", "verbatim": false}}'

Block Kit Builder image:

Section with text an a button that opens an url

Section with a multiline PlainInputText

Section.Builder().text__('Please, input necessary content').accessory_() \
    .PlainTextInput().action_id('any_action_id').multiline_(True).initial_value_('Initial content').up() \

Json Serialized:

'{"type": "section", "accessory": {"type": "plain_text_input", "multiline": true, "initial_value": "Initial content", "action_id": "any_action_id"}, "text": {"type": "mrkdwn", "text": "Please, input necessary content", "verbatim": false}}'

Block Kit Builder image:

[Blocks builder does not allow me to show this in Blocks Kit Bilder]

Context with mardown text

context_with_text = Context.Builder().element().Text().text('Any *formatted* text with smaller font').up().build().serialize(as_json=True)

Json Serialized:

'{"type": "context", "elements": [{"type": "mrkdwn", "text": "Any formatted text with smaller font", "verbatim": false}]}'

Block Kit Builder image:

Simple Context element

Overflow with options. As can be seen, since the reference of the builder is returned it's much easier to build any content

_builder_section = Section.Builder().text__('Section with overflow and options')
_builder_overflow = _builder_section.accessory_().Overflow()
for i in range(4):
    _builder_overflow.Option().text(f'option {i}').value(f'{i}')
_builder_overflow.Confirm_().text('Confirmation option').title('are you sure?').confirm('yes').deny('no') \
section_with_overflow =

Json Serialized:

'{"type": "section", "accessory": {"type": "overflow", "confirm": {"style": "primary", "deny": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "no", "emoji": false}, "confirm": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "yes", "emoji": false}, "text": {"type": "mrkdwn", "text": "Confirmation option", "verbatim": false}, "title": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "are you sure?", "emoji": false}}, "options": [{"value": "0", "text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "option 0", "emoji": false}}, {"value": "1", "text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "option 1", "emoji": false}}, {"value": "2", "text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "option 2", "emoji": false}}, {"value": "3", "text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "option 3", "emoji": false}}], "action_id": "any_action_id"}, "text": {"type": "mrkdwn", "text": "Section with overflow and options", "verbatim": false}}'

Block Kit Builder image:

Overflow with options

BlocksArray with a Header, divider, Section with fields, Input with plaintextinput multiline and actions with a couple of buttons, one green (primary style) an another one red (danger style)

blocks_array = BlocksArray.Builder() \
    .Header().text('Header title').up() \
    .Divider().up() \
    .Section().field__('field 1').field__('field 2').field__('field 3').field__('field 4').up() \
    .Input().label('Input text').element().PlainTextInput().multiline_(True).action_id('input_action_id').up().up() \
    .Divider().up() \
    .Actions().element().Button().action_id('action_1').text('action 1').style_('primary').up() \
              .element().Button().action_id('action_2').text('action 2').style_('danger').up() \

Json Serialized:

'[{"type": "header", "text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "Header title", "emoji": false}}, {"type": "divider"}, {"type": "section", "fields": [{"type": "mrkdwn", "text": "field 1", "verbatim": false}, {"type": "mrkdwn", "text": "field 2", "verbatim": false}, {"type": "mrkdwn", "text": "field 3", "verbatim": false}, {"type": "mrkdwn", "text": "field 4", "verbatim": false}]}, {"type": "input", "element": {"type": "plain_text_input", "multiline": true, "action_id": "input_action_id"}, "label": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "Input text", "emoji": false}}, {"type": "divider"}, {"type": "actions", "elements": [{"type": "button", "style": "primary", "action_id": "action_1", "text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "action 1", "emoji": false}}, {"type": "button", "style": "danger", "action_id": "action_2", "text": {"type": "plain_text", "text": "action 2", "emoji": false}}]}]'

Block Kit Builder image:

Complex BlocksArray