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Building the extension on Windows

Armin Sebastian edited this page Dec 19, 2019 · 16 revisions

This guide has been tested on Windows 10 64-bit, version 1803, with Command Prompt and PowerShell.

Preparing the Environment

The build dependencies can be installed with Chocolatey, follow this guide to set it up. Alternatively, download and install the listed dependencies from their official sources.

Open the console as an administrator, install Git, Node.js and Yarn with Chocolatey.

choco install git -y --version
choco install nodejs-lts -y --version 12.13.1
choco install yarn --ignore-dependencies -y --version 1.21.1

Open the console as the current user, check the installed build dependencies.

git --version && node --version && yarn --version

Building the Extension

The build process consists of cloning the repository, installing the dependencies, and building the extension.

Open the console as the current user, build the extension for the intended browsers.

# clone repository (replace <version>)
git clone --depth 1 --branch v<version>
cd search-by-image

# install dependencies

# build for all supported browsers
yarn build:prod:zip:all

# build for a specific browser
# yarn build:prod:zip:chrome
# yarn build:prod:zip:firefox
# yarn build:prod:zip:opera

The extension will be in the artifacts\<browser> folder.

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