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w0rp edited this page Jul 14, 2019 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the ALE wiki. This wiki contains some general information about the project which can't be captured too well in Issues or Pull Requests alone.

Configuration Guides

This wiki documents how to install and configure linters for particular languages, plus some known issues which might cause problems for you. If you wish to add a page for a new language, you can copy the template into a new wiki page.

Important Pages

Help Wanted

Do you know your way around VimL?

Do you like this plugin, and want to help?

Are you generally an okay dude or dudette?

If you answered yes to all of the above, then you might be a candidate for being an official contributor for this plugin! Send an email to [email protected]. If you pass w0rp's extreme vetting procedures, you could be in for the ride of your life, or just some commit privileges or something.

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