Remove separate process for experiment as it is obsolete now.
Clean up the repo.
Use CPU times instead of CPU percentage, per step instead of over the total process
Improve memory profiler. Maybe it helps if we store everything in variables. Current zero-measurement could be explained by the usage of the stack instead of memory.
Only measure network traffic which is not directly related to storage size
- Data update
- Policy update
- Not relevant: Attribute authority information request (name + attributes)
- Location/meta share with doctor
- Update keys (for TAAC)
- Key update (ciphertext update keys, key update keys)
Update keys in file storage -> are in network
Update keys: over all keys or just a few? -> all keys
User secret keys in storage are about twice the size of the keygen result. -> There are two authorities :P
CPU times is not over the same code, but also includes file io. That is why it is higher than profile times
secret keys request (keygen) + response -
public keys request + response -
create record + response -
update record -
update policy - location/meta share with 2nd user
fetch record + response - update keys (from authorities to users, if possible)
- Contribution in introduction
- Measurements: setup vs encryption/decryption
Export all measurement in a helpful format - Differentiate between time required for symmetric and ab encryption
Run each experiment in a subprocess to enable CPU usage determination -
<> Store all keys in order to measure storage costs-
Client: owner keys -
Client: registration data -
Client: secret keys -
Attribute authority: attribute public/private -
Central authority: Global parameters
- [?] Encrypt as a stream, instead of all in memory (see issue 2 of charm).
- Test experiments
RD13Implementation seems to have an authority attributes storage size of 6 bytes. This is most probably incorrect :( -
Measure one factor at a time(Better testing required) -
<> Fix pickle_serializer.public_keys for TAAC12 - Only do encryption and decryption on raspberry: mobile is not going to be an authority
- in dacmacs: make decryption_keys part of decryption as it is required for each decryption?
- This leaves only TAAC to have decryption keys (per time period)