import demistomock as demisto # noqa: F401 from CommonServerPython import * # noqa: F401 #!/usr/bin/env python2 # coding=utf-8 # PEP0263 """Based on MS-OXMSG protocol specification ref: ref: """ import codecs import email import email.utils import quopri import tempfile import unicodedata from base64 import b64decode from email import encoders, message_from_string from email.header import Header, decode_header from import MIMEAudio from email.mime.base import MIMEBase from email.mime.image import MIMEImage from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.parser import HeaderParser from email.utils import getaddresses from struct import unpack import chardet # type: ignore from olefile import OleFileIO, isOleFile reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8') # pylint: disable=no-member MAX_DEPTH_CONST = 3 """ """ DATA_TYPE_MAP = { "0x0000": "PtypUnspecified", "0x0001": "PtypNull", "0x0002": "PtypInteger16", "0x0003": "PtypInteger32", "0x0004": "PtypFloating32", "0x0005": "PtypFloating64", "0x0006": "PtypCurrency", "0x0007": "PtypFloatingTime", "0x000A": "PtypErrorCode", "0x000B": "PtypBoolean", "0x000D": "PtypObject", "0x0014": "PtypInteger64", "0x001E": "PtypString8", "0x001F": "PtypString", "0x0040": "PtypTime", "0x0048": "PtypGuid", "0x00FB": "PtypServerId", "0x00FD": "PtypRestriction", "0x00FE": "PtypRuleAction", "0x0102": "PtypBinary", "0x1002": "PtypMultipleInteger16", "0x1003": "PtypMultipleInteger32", "0x1004": "PtypMultipleFloating32", "0x1005": "PtypMultipleFloating64", "0x1006": "PtypMultipleCurrency", "0x1007": "PtypMultipleFloatingTime", "0x1014": "PtypMultipleInteger64", "0x101F": "PtypMultipleString", "0x101E": "PtypMultipleString8", "0x1040": "PtypMultipleTime", "0x1048": "PtypMultipleGuid", "0x1102": "PtypMultipleBinary" } class DataModel(object): def __init__(self): self.data_type_name = None @staticmethod def lookup_data_type_name(data_type): return DATA_TYPE_MAP.get(data_type) def get_value(self, data_value, data_type_name=None, data_type=None): if data_type_name: self.data_type_name = data_type_name elif data_type: self.data_type_name = self.lookup_data_type_name(data_type) else: raise Exception("required arguments not provided to the constructor of the class.") if not hasattr(self, self.data_type_name): return None value = getattr(self, self.data_type_name)(data_value) return value @staticmethod def PtypUnspecified(data_value): return data_value @staticmethod def PtypNull(data_value): return None @staticmethod def PtypInteger16(data_value): return int(data_value.encode('hex'), 16) @staticmethod def PtypInteger32(data_value): return int(data_value.encode('hex'), 32) @staticmethod def PtypFloating32(data_value): return unpack('f', data_value)[0] @staticmethod def PtypFloating64(data_value): return unpack('d', data_value)[0] @staticmethod def PtypCurrency(data_value): return data_value @staticmethod def PtypFloatingTime(data_value): return data_value @staticmethod def PtypErrorCode(data_value): return unpack('I', data_value)[0] @staticmethod def PtypBoolean(data_value): return unpack('B', data_value[0])[0] != 0 @staticmethod def PtypObject(data_value): if data_value and '\x00' in data_value: pass # data_value = data_value.replace('\x00', '') return data_value @staticmethod def PtypInteger64(data_value): return unpack('q', data_value)[0] @staticmethod def PtypString8(data_value): if data_value and '\x00' in data_value: data_value = data_value.replace('\x00', '') return data_value @staticmethod def PtypString(data_value): if data_value: try: if USER_ENCODING: demisto.debug('Using argument user_encoding: {} to decode parsed message.'.format(USER_ENCODING)) return data_value.decode(USER_ENCODING, errors="ignore") res = chardet.detect(data_value) enc = res['encoding'] or 'ascii' # in rare cases chardet fails to detect and return None as encoding if enc != 'ascii': if enc.lower() == 'windows-1252' and res['confidence'] < 0.9: enc = DEFAULT_ENCODING if DEFAULT_ENCODING else 'windows-1250' demisto.debug('Encoding detection confidence below threshold {}, ' 'switching encoding to "{}"'.format(res, enc)) temp = data_value data_value = temp.decode(enc, errors='ignore') if '\x00' in data_value: demisto.debug('None bytes found on encoded string, will try use utf-16-le ' 'encoding instead') data_value = temp.decode("utf-16-le", errors="ignore") elif b'\x00' not in data_value: data_value = data_value.decode("ascii", errors="ignore") else: data_value = data_value.decode("utf-16-le", errors="ignore") except UnicodeDecodeError: data_value = data_value.decode("utf-16-le", errors="ignore") if isinstance(data_value, (bytes, bytearray)): data_value = data_value.decode('utf-8') return data_value @staticmethod def PtypTime(data_value): return get_time(data_value) @staticmethod def PtypGuid(data_value): return data_value @staticmethod def PtypServerId(data_value): return data_value @staticmethod def PtypRestriction(data_value): return data_value @staticmethod def PtypRuleAction(data_value): return data_value @staticmethod def PtypBinary(data_value): if data_value and '\x00' in data_value: data_value = data_value.replace('\x00', '') return data_value @staticmethod def PtypMultipleInteger16(data_value): entry_count = len(data_value) / 2 return [unpack('h', data_value[i * 2:(i + 1) * 2])[0] for i in range(entry_count)] @staticmethod def PtypMultipleInteger32(data_value): entry_count = len(data_value) / 4 return [unpack('i', data_value[i * 4:(i + 1) * 4])[0] for i in range(entry_count)] @staticmethod def PtypMultipleFloating32(data_value): entry_count = len(data_value) / 4 return [unpack('f', data_value[i * 4:(i + 1) * 4])[0] for i in range(entry_count)] @staticmethod def PtypMultipleFloating64(data_value): entry_count = len(data_value) / 8 return [unpack('d', data_value[i * 8:(i + 1) * 8])[0] for i in range(entry_count)] @staticmethod def PtypMultipleCurrency(data_value): return data_value @staticmethod def PtypMultipleFloatingTime(data_value): entry_count = len(data_value) / 8 return [get_floating_time(data_value[i * 8:(i + 1) * 8]) for i in range(entry_count)] @staticmethod def PtypMultipleInteger64(data_value): entry_count = len(data_value) / 8 return [unpack('q', data_value[i * 8:(i + 1) * 8])[0] for i in range(entry_count)] @staticmethod def PtypMultipleString(data_value): # string_list = [] # for item_bytes in data_value: # if item_bytes and '\x00' in item_bytes: # item_bytes = item_bytes.replace('\x00', '') # string_list.append(item_bytes.decode('utf-16-le')) return data_value @staticmethod def PtypMultipleString8(data_value): return data_value @staticmethod def PtypMultipleTime(data_value): entry_count = len(data_value) / 8 return [get_time(data_value[i * 8:(i + 1) * 8]) for i in range(entry_count)] @staticmethod def PtypMultipleGuid(data_value): entry_count = len(data_value) / 16 return [data_value[i * 16:(i + 1) * 16] for i in range(entry_count)] @staticmethod def PtypMultipleBinary(data_value): return data_value def get_floating_time(data_value): return datetime( year=1899, month=12, day=30 ) + timedelta( days=unpack('d', data_value)[0] ) def get_time(data_value): return datetime( year=1601, month=1, day=1 ) + timedelta( microseconds=unpack('q', data_value)[0] / 10.0 ) def parse_nesting_level(nesting_level_to_return, output): # if nesting_level_to_return == 'All files' leave as is email = output[0] if nesting_level_to_return == 'Outer file': # return only the outer email info output = output[0] elif nesting_level_to_return == 'Inner file': # the last file in list it is the inner attached file email = output[-1] output = output[-1] return email, output def get_multi_value_offsets(data_value): ul_count = unpack('I', data_value[:4])[0] if ul_count == 1: rgul_data_offsets = [8] else: rgul_data_offsets = [unpack('Q', data_value[4 + i * 8:4 + (i + 1) * 8])[0] for i in range(ul_count)] rgul_data_offsets.append(len(data_value)) return ul_count, rgul_data_offsets class EmailFormatter(object): def __init__(self, msg_object): self.msg_obj = msg_object self.message = MIMEMultipart() self.message.set_charset('utf-8') def build_email(self): # Setting Message ID self.message.set_param("Message-ID", self.msg_obj.message_id) # Encoding for unicode subject self.message['Subject'] = Header(self.msg_obj.subject, charset='UTF-8') # Setting Date Time # Returns a date string as specified by RFC 2822, e.g.: Fri, 09 Nov 2001 01:08:47 -0000 self.message['Date'] = str(self.msg_obj.sent_date) # At least one recipient is required # Required fromAddress from_address = flatten_list(self.msg_obj.sender) if from_address: self.message['From'] = from_address to_address = flatten_list(self.msg_obj.header_dict.get("To")) if to_address: self.message['To'] = to_address cc_address = flatten_list(self.msg_obj.header_dict.get("CC")) if cc_address: self.message['CC'] = cc_address bcc_address = flatten_list(self.msg_obj.header_dict.get("BCC")) if bcc_address: self.message['BCC'] = bcc_address # Add reply-to reply_to = flatten_list(self.msg_obj.reply_to) if reply_to: self.message.add_header('reply-to', reply_to) else: self.message.add_header('reply-to', from_address) # Required Email body content body_content = self.msg_obj.body if body_content: if "<html>" in body_content: body_type = 'html' else: body_type = 'plain' body = MIMEText(_text=body_content, _subtype=body_type, _charset="UTF-8") self.message.attach(body) else: raise KeyError("Missing email body") # Add message preamble self.message.preamble = 'You will not see this in a MIME-aware mail reader.\n' # Optional attachments attachments = self.msg_obj.attachments if attachments: self._process_attachments(self.msg_obj.attachments) # composed email composed = self.message.as_string() return composed def save_file(self, file_path): eml_content = self.build_email() file_name = str(self.message['Subject']) + ".eml" eml_file_path = os.path.join(file_path, file_name) with, mode="wb+", encoding="utf-8") as eml_file: eml_file.write(eml_content.decode("utf-8")) return eml_file_path def _process_attachments(self, attachments): for attachment in attachments: ctype = attachment.AttachMimeTag data = filename = attachment.DisplayName maintype, subtype = ctype.split('/', 1) if maintype == 'text' or "message" in maintype: attach = MIMEText(data, _subtype=subtype) elif maintype == 'image': attach = MIMEImage(data, _subtype=subtype) # type: ignore[assignment] elif maintype == 'audio': attach = MIMEAudio(data, _subtype=subtype) # type: ignore[assignment] else: attach = MIMEBase(maintype, subtype) # type: ignore[assignment] attach.set_payload(data) # Encode the payload using Base64 encoders.encode_base64(attach) # Set the filename parameter base_filename = os.path.basename(filename) attach.add_header('Content-ID', '<{}>'.format(base_filename)) attach.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=base_filename) self.message.attach(attach) def flatten_list(string_list): if string_list and isinstance(string_list, list): string = ",".join(string_list) return string return None def normalize(input_str): if not input_str: return input_str try: if isinstance(input_str, list): input_str = [s.decode('ascii') for s in input_str] else: input_str.decode('ascii') return input_str except UnicodeError: if not isinstance(input_str, unicode): input_str = str(input_str).decode("utf-8", "replace") normalized = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', input_str) if not normalized.strip(): normalized = input_str.encode('unicode-escape').decode('utf-8') return normalized # coding=utf-8 # autogenerated using PROPS_ID_MAP = { "0x0001": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "TemplateData" }, "0x0002": { "data_type": "0x000B", "name": "AlternateRecipientAllowed" }, "0x0004": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "ScriptData" }, "0x0005": { "data_type": "0x000B", "name": "AutoForwarded" }, "0x000F": { "data_type": "0x0040", "name": "DeferredDeliveryTime" }, "0x0010": { "data_type": "0x0040", "name": "DeliverTime" }, "0x0015": { "data_type": "0x0040", "name": "ExpiryTime" }, "0x0017": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "Importance" }, "0x001A": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "MessageClass" }, "0x0023": { "data_type": "0x000B", "name": "OriginatorDeliveryReportRequested" }, "0x0025": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "ParentKey" }, "0x0026": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "Priority" }, "0x0029": { "data_type": "0x000B", "name": "ReadReceiptRequested" }, "0x002A": { "data_type": "0x0040", "name": "ReceiptTime" }, "0x002B": { "data_type": "0x000B", "name": "RecipientReassignmentProhibited" }, "0x002E": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "OriginalSensitivity" }, "0x0030": { "data_type": "0x0040", "name": "ReplyTime" }, "0x0031": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "ReportTag" }, "0x0032": { "data_type": "0x0040", "name": "ReportTime" }, "0x0036": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "Sensitivity" }, "0x0037": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "Subject" }, "0x0039": { "data_type": "0x0040", "name": "ClientSubmitTime" }, "0x003A": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "ReportName" }, "0x003B": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "SentRepresentingSearchKey" }, "0x003D": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "SubjectPrefix" }, "0x003F": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "ReceivedByEntryId" }, "0x0040": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "ReceivedByName" }, "0x0041": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "SentRepresentingEntryId" }, "0x0042": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "SentRepresentingName" }, "0x0043": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "ReceivedRepresentingEntryId" }, "0x0044": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "ReceivedRepresentingName" }, "0x0045": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "ReportEntryId" }, "0x0046": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "ReadReceiptEntryId" }, "0x0047": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "MessageSubmissionId" }, "0x0049": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "OriginalSubject" }, "0x004B": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "OriginalMessageClass" }, "0x004C": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "OriginalAuthorEntryId" }, "0x004D": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "OriginalAuthorName" }, "0x004E": { "data_type": "0x0040", "name": "OriginalSubmitTime" }, "0x004F": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "ReplyRecipientEntries" }, "0x0050": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "ReplyRecipientNames" }, "0x0051": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "ReceivedBySearchKey" }, "0x0052": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "ReceivedRepresentingSearchKey" }, "0x0053": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "ReadReceiptSearchKey" }, "0x0054": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "ReportSearchKey" }, "0x0055": { "data_type": "0x0040", "name": "OriginalDeliveryTime" }, "0x0057": { "data_type": "0x000B", "name": "MessageToMe" }, "0x0058": { "data_type": "0x000B", "name": "MessageCcMe" }, "0x0059": { "data_type": "0x000B", "name": "MessageRecipientMe" }, "0x005A": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "OriginalSenderName" }, "0x005B": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "OriginalSenderEntryId" }, "0x005C": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "OriginalSenderSearchKey" }, "0x005D": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "OriginalSentRepresentingName" }, "0x005E": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "OriginalSentRepresentingEntryId" }, "0x005F": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "OriginalSentRepresentingSearchKey" }, "0x0060": { "data_type": "0x0040", "name": "StartDate" }, "0x0061": { "data_type": "0x0040", "name": "EndDate" }, "0x0062": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "OwnerAppointmentId" }, "0x0063": { "data_type": "0x000B", "name": "ResponseRequested" }, "0x0064": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "SentRepresentingAddressType" }, "0x0065": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "SentRepresentingEmailAddress" }, "0x0066": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "OriginalSenderAddressType" }, "0x0067": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "OriginalSenderEmailAddress" }, "0x0068": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "OriginalSentRepresentingAddressType" }, "0x0069": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "OriginalSentRepresentingEmailAddress" }, "0x0070": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "ConversationTopic" }, "0x0071": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "ConversationIndex" }, "0x0072": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "OriginalDisplayBcc" }, "0x0073": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "OriginalDisplayCc" }, "0x0074": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "OriginalDisplayTo" }, "0x0075": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "ReceivedByAddressType" }, "0x0076": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "ReceivedByEmailAddress" }, "0x0077": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "ReceivedRepresentingAddressType" }, "0x0078": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "ReceivedRepresentingEmailAddress" }, "0x007D": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "TransportMessageHeaders" }, "0x007F": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "TnefCorrelationKey" }, "0x0080": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "ReportDisposition" }, "0x0081": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "ReportDispositionMode" }, "0x0807": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "AddressBookRoomCapacity" }, "0x0809": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "AddressBookRoomDescription" }, "0x0C04": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "NonDeliveryReportReasonCode" }, "0x0C05": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "NonDeliveryReportDiagCode" }, "0x0C06": { "data_type": "0x000B", "name": "NonReceiptNotificationRequested" }, "0x0C08": { "data_type": "0x000B", "name": "OriginatorNonDeliveryReportRequested" }, "0x0C15": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "RecipientType" }, "0x0C17": { "data_type": "0x000B", "name": "ReplyRequested" }, "0x0C19": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "SenderEntryId" }, "0x0C1A": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "SenderName" }, "0x0C1B": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "SupplementaryInfo" }, "0x0C1D": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "SenderSearchKey" }, "0x0C1E": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "SenderAddressType" }, "0x0C1F": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "SenderEmailAddress" }, "0x0C21": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "RemoteMessageTransferAgent" }, "0x0E01": { "data_type": "0x000B", "name": "DeleteAfterSubmit" }, "0x0E02": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "DisplayBcc" }, "0x0E03": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "DisplayCc" }, "0x0E04": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "DisplayTo" }, "0x0E06": { "data_type": "0x0040", "name": "MessageDeliveryTime" }, "0x0E07": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "MessageFlags" }, "0x0E08": { "data_type": "0x0014", "name": "MessageSizeExtended" }, "0x0E09": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "ParentEntryId" }, "0x0E0F": { "data_type": "0x000B", "name": "Responsibility" }, "0x0E12": { "data_type": "0x000D", "name": "MessageRecipients" }, "0x0E13": { "data_type": "0x000D", "name": "MessageAttachments" }, "0x0E17": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "MessageStatus" }, "0x0E1B": { "data_type": "0x000B", "name": "HasAttachments" }, "0x0E1D": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "NormalizedSubject" }, "0x0E1F": { "data_type": "0x000B", "name": "RtfInSync" }, "0x0E20": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "AttachSize" }, "0x0E21": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "AttachNumber" }, "0x0E28": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "PrimarySendAccount" }, "0x0E29": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "NextSendAcct" }, "0x0E2B": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "ToDoItemFlags" }, "0x0E2C": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "SwappedToDoStore" }, "0x0E2D": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "SwappedToDoData" }, "0x0E69": { "data_type": "0x000B", "name": "Read" }, "0x0E6A": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "SecurityDescriptorAsXml" }, "0x0E79": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "TrustSender" }, "0x0E84": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "ExchangeNTSecurityDescriptor" }, "0x0E99": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "ExtendedRuleMessageActions" }, "0x0E9A": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "ExtendedRuleMessageCondition" }, "0x0E9B": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "ExtendedRuleSizeLimit" }, "0x0FF4": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "Access" }, "0x0FF5": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "RowType" }, "0x0FF6": 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"data_type": "0x0014", "name": "FolderId" }, "0x6749": { "data_type": "0x0014", "name": "ParentFolderId" }, "0x674A": { "data_type": "0x0014", "name": "Mid" }, "0x674D": { "data_type": "0x0014", "name": "InstID" }, "0x674E": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "InstanceNum" }, "0x674F": { "data_type": "0x0014", "name": "AddressBookMessageId" }, "0x67A4": { "data_type": "0x0014", "name": "ChangeNumber" }, "0x67AA": { "data_type": "0x000B", "name": "Associated" }, "0x6800": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "OfflineAddressBookName" }, "0x6801": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "VoiceMessageDuration" }, "0x6802": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "SenderTelephoneNumber" }, "0x6803": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "VoiceMessageSenderName" }, "0x6804": { "data_type": "0x001E", "name": "OfflineAddressBookDistinguishedName" }, "0x6805": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "VoiceMessageAttachmentOrder" }, "0x6806": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "CallId" }, "0x6820": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "ReportingMessageTransferAgent" }, "0x6834": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "SearchFolderLastUsed" }, "0x683A": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "SearchFolderExpiration" }, "0x6841": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "SearchFolderTemplateId" }, "0x6842": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "WlinkGroupHeaderID" }, "0x6843": { "data_type": "0x000B", "name": "ScheduleInfoDontMailDelegates" }, "0x6844": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "SearchFolderRecreateInfo" }, "0x6845": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "SearchFolderDefinition" }, "0x6846": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "SearchFolderStorageType" }, "0x6847": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "WlinkSaveStamp" }, "0x6848": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "SearchFolderEfpFlags" }, "0x6849": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "WlinkType" }, "0x684A": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "WlinkFlags" }, "0x684B": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "WlinkOrdinal" }, "0x684C": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "WlinkEntryId" }, "0x684D": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "WlinkRecordKey" }, "0x684E": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "WlinkStoreEntryId" }, "0x684F": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "WlinkFolderType" }, "0x6850": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "WlinkGroupClsid" }, "0x6851": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "WlinkGroupName" }, "0x6852": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "WlinkSection" }, "0x6853": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "WlinkCalendarColor" }, "0x6854": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "WlinkAddressBookEID" }, "0x6855": { "data_type": "0x1003", "name": "ScheduleInfoMonthsAway" }, "0x6856": { "data_type": "0x1102", "name": "ScheduleInfoFreeBusyAway" }, "0x6868": { "data_type": "0x0040", "name": "FreeBusyRangeTimestamp" }, "0x6869": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "FreeBusyCountMonths" }, "0x686A": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "ScheduleInfoAppointmentTombstone" }, "0x686B": { "data_type": "0x1003", "name": "DelegateFlags" }, "0x686C": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "ScheduleInfoFreeBusy" }, "0x686D": { "data_type": "0x000B", "name": "ScheduleInfoAutoAcceptAppointments" }, "0x686E": { "data_type": "0x000B", "name": "ScheduleInfoDisallowRecurringAppts" }, "0x686F": { "data_type": "0x000B", "name": "ScheduleInfoDisallowOverlappingAppts" }, "0x6890": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "WlinkClientID" }, "0x6891": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "WlinkAddressBookStoreEID" }, "0x6892": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "WlinkROGroupType" }, "0x7001": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "ViewDescriptorBinary" }, "0x7002": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "ViewDescriptorStrings" }, "0x7006": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "ViewDescriptorName" }, "0x7007": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "ViewDescriptorVersion" }, "0x7C06": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "RoamingDatatypes" }, "0x7C07": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "RoamingDictionary" }, "0x7C08": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "RoamingXmlStream" }, "0x7C24": { "data_type": "0x000B", "name": "OscSyncEnabled" }, "0x7D01": { "data_type": "0x000B", "name": "Processed" }, "0x7FF9": { "data_type": "0x0040", "name": "ExceptionReplaceTime" }, "0x7FFA": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "AttachmentLinkId" }, "0x7FFB": { "data_type": "0x0040", "name": "ExceptionStartTime" }, "0x7FFC": { "data_type": "0x0040", "name": "ExceptionEndTime" }, "0x7FFD": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "AttachmentFlags" }, "0x7FFE": { "data_type": "0x000B", "name": "AttachmentHidden" }, "0x7FFF": { "data_type": "0x000B", "name": "AttachmentContactPhoto" }, "0x8004": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "AddressBookFolderPathname" }, "0x8005": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "AddressBookManagerDistinguishedName" }, "0x8006": { "data_type": "0x001E", "name": "AddressBookHomeMessageDatabase" }, "0x8008": { "data_type": "0x001E", "name": "AddressBookIsMemberOfDistributionList" }, "0x8009": { "data_type": "0x000D", "name": "AddressBookMember" }, "0x800C": { "data_type": "0x000D", "name": "AddressBookOwner" }, "0x800E": { "data_type": "0x000D", "name": "AddressBookReports" }, "0x800F": { "data_type": "0x101F", "name": "AddressBookProxyAddresses" }, "0x8011": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "AddressBookTargetAddress" }, "0x8015": { "data_type": "0x000D", "name": "AddressBookPublicDelegates" }, "0x8024": { "data_type": "0x000D", "name": "AddressBookOwnerBackLink" }, "0x802D": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "AddressBookExtensionAttribute1" }, "0x802E": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "AddressBookExtensionAttribute2" }, "0x802F": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "AddressBookExtensionAttribute3" }, "0x8030": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "AddressBookExtensionAttribute4" }, "0x8031": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "AddressBookExtensionAttribute5" }, "0x8032": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "AddressBookExtensionAttribute6" }, "0x8033": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "AddressBookExtensionAttribute7" }, "0x8034": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "AddressBookExtensionAttribute8" }, "0x8035": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "AddressBookExtensionAttribute9" }, "0x8036": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "AddressBookExtensionAttribute10" }, "0x803C": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "AddressBookObjectDistinguishedName" }, "0x806A": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "AddressBookDeliveryContentLength" }, "0x8073": { "data_type": "0x000D", "name": "AddressBookDistributionListMemberSubmitAccepted" }, "0x8170": { "data_type": "0x101F", "name": "AddressBookNetworkAddress" }, "0x8C57": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "AddressBookExtensionAttribute11" }, "0x8C58": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "AddressBookExtensionAttribute12" }, "0x8C59": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "AddressBookExtensionAttribute13" }, "0x8C60": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "AddressBookExtensionAttribute14" }, "0x8C61": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "AddressBookExtensionAttribute15" }, "0x8C6A": { "data_type": "0x1102", "name": "AddressBookX509Certificate" }, "0x8C6D": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "AddressBookObjectGuid" }, "0x8C8E": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "AddressBookPhoneticGivenName" }, "0x8C8F": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "AddressBookPhoneticSurname" }, "0x8C90": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "AddressBookPhoneticDepartmentName" }, "0x8C91": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "AddressBookPhoneticCompanyName" }, "0x8C92": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "AddressBookPhoneticDisplayName" }, "0x8C93": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "AddressBookDisplayTypeExtended" }, "0x8C94": { "data_type": "0x000D", "name": "AddressBookHierarchicalShowInDepartments" }, "0x8C96": { "data_type": "0x101F", "name": "AddressBookRoomContainers" }, "0x8C97": { "data_type": "0x000D", "name": "AddressBookHierarchicalDepartmentMembers" }, "0x8C98": { "data_type": "0x001E", "name": "AddressBookHierarchicalRootDepartment" }, "0x8C99": { "data_type": "0x000D", "name": "AddressBookHierarchicalParentDepartment" }, "0x8C9A": { "data_type": "0x000D", "name": "AddressBookHierarchicalChildDepartments" }, "0x8C9E": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "ThumbnailPhoto" }, "0x8CA0": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "AddressBookSeniorityIndex" }, "0x8CA8": { "data_type": "0x001F", "name": "AddressBookOrganizationalUnitRootDistinguishedName" }, "0x8CAC": { "data_type": "0x101F", "name": "AddressBookSenderHintTranslations" }, "0x8CB5": { "data_type": "0x000B", "name": "AddressBookModerationEnabled" }, "0x8CC2": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "SpokenName" }, "0x8CD8": { "data_type": "0x000D", "name": "AddressBookAuthorizedSenders" }, "0x8CD9": { "data_type": "0x000D", "name": "AddressBookUnauthorizedSenders" }, "0x8CDA": { "data_type": "0x000D", "name": "AddressBookDistributionListMemberSubmitRejected" }, "0x8CDB": { "data_type": "0x000D", "name": "AddressBookDistributionListRejectMessagesFromDLMembers" }, "0x8CDD": { "data_type": "0x000B", "name": "AddressBookHierarchicalIsHierarchicalGroup" }, "0x8CE2": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "AddressBookDistributionListMemberCount" }, "0x8CE3": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "AddressBookDistributionListExternalMemberCount" }, "0xFFFB": { "data_type": "0x000B", "name": "AddressBookIsMaster" }, "0xFFFC": { "data_type": "0x0102", "name": "AddressBookParentEntryId" }, "0xFFFD": { "data_type": "0x0003", "name": "AddressBookContainerId" } } ''' HELPER FUNCTION ''' def recursive_convert_to_unicode(replace_to_utf): """Converts object into UTF-8 characters ignores errors Args: replace_to_utf (object): any object Returns: object converted to UTF-8 """ try: if isinstance(replace_to_utf, dict): return {recursive_convert_to_unicode(k): recursive_convert_to_unicode(v) for k, v in replace_to_utf.items()} if isinstance(replace_to_utf, list): return [recursive_convert_to_unicode(i) for i in replace_to_utf if i] if isinstance(replace_to_utf, str): return unicode(replace_to_utf, encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') if not replace_to_utf: return replace_to_utf return replace_to_utf except TypeError: return replace_to_utf TOP_LEVEL_HEADER_SIZE = 32 RECIPIENT_HEADER_SIZE = 8 ATTACHMENT_HEADER_SIZE = 8 EMBEDDED_MSG_HEADER_SIZE = 24 CONTROL_CHARS = re.compile(r'[\n\r\t]') MIME_ENCODED_WORD = re.compile(r'(.*)=\?(.+)\?([B|Q])\?(.+)\?=(.*)') # guardrails-disable-line USER_ENCODING = demisto.args().get('forced_encoding', '') DEFAULT_ENCODING = demisto.args().get('default_encoding', '') class Message(object): """ Class to store Message properties """ def __init__(self, directory_entries, parent_directory_path=None): if parent_directory_path is None: parent_directory_path = [] self._streams = self._process_directory_entries(directory_entries) self.embedded_messages = [] # type: list self._data_model = DataModel() self._parent_directory_path = parent_directory_path self._nested_attachments_depth = 0 = self._get_properties() self.attachments = self._get_attachments() self.recipients = self._get_recipients() self._set_properties() self._set_attachments() self._set_recipients() def _get_attachments_names(self): names = [] for attachment in self.attachments: names.append(attachment.DisplayName or attachment.Filename) return names def get_all_attachments(self): attachments = self.attachments for embedded_message in self.embedded_messages: attachments.extend(embedded_message.get_all_attachments()) return attachments def as_dict(self, max_depth): if max_depth == 0: return None def join(arr): if isinstance(arr, list): arr = [item for item in arr if item is not None] return ",".join(arr) return "" cc = None if is not None: cc = join([extract_address(cc) for cc in]) # noqa: F812 bcc = None if self.bcc is not None: bcc = join([extract_address(bcc) for bcc in self.bcc]) # noqa recipients = None if is not None: recipients = join([extract_address(recipient.EmailAddress) for recipient in self.recipients]) # noqa sender = None if self.sender is not None: sender = join([extract_address(sender) for sender in self.sender]) # noqa html = self.html if not html: html = self.body message_dict = { 'Attachments': join(self._get_attachments_names()), 'CC': cc, 'BCC': bcc, 'To': recipients, 'From': sender, 'Subject': self.subject, 'Text': self.body, 'HTML': html, 'Headers': str(self.header) if self.header is not None else None, 'HeadersMap': self.header_dict, 'Depth': MAX_DEPTH_CONST - max_depth } return message_dict def get_attached_emails_hierarchy(self, max_depth): if max_depth == 0: return [] attached_emails = [] for embedded_message in self.embedded_messages: attached_emails.append(embedded_message.as_dict(max_depth)) attached_emails.extend(embedded_message.get_attached_emails_hierarchy(max_depth - 1)) return attached_emails def _set_property_stream_info(self, ole_file, header_size): property_dir_entry = ole_file.openstream('__properties_version1.0') version_stream_data = if not version_stream_data: raise Exception("Invalid MSG file provided, 'properties_version1.0' stream data is empty.") if version_stream_data: if header_size >= EMBEDDED_MSG_HEADER_SIZE: properties_metadata = unpack('8sIIII', version_stream_data[:24]) if not properties_metadata or not len(properties_metadata) >= 5: raise Exception("'properties_version1.0' stream data is corrupted.") self.next_recipient_id = properties_metadata[1] self.next_attachment_id = properties_metadata[2] self.recipient_count = properties_metadata[3] self.attachment_count = properties_metadata[4] if (len(version_stream_data) - header_size) % 16 != 0: raise Exception('Property Stream size less header is not exactly divisible by 16') self.property_entries_count = (len(version_stream_data) - header_size) / 16 @staticmethod def _process_directory_entries(directory_entries): streams = { "properties": {}, "recipients": {}, "attachments": {} } # type: dict for name, stream in directory_entries.iteritems(): # collect properties if "__substg1.0_" in name: streams["properties"][name] = stream # collect attachments elif "__attach_" in name: streams["attachments"][name] = # collect recipients elif "__recip_" in name: streams["recipients"][name] = # unknown stream name else: continue return streams def _get_properties(self): directory_entries = self._streams.get("properties") directory_name_filter = "__substg1.0_" property_entries = {} for directory_name, directory_entry in directory_entries.iteritems(): if directory_name_filter not in directory_name: continue if not directory_entry: continue if isinstance(directory_entry, list): directory_values = {} # type: dict for property_entry in directory_entry: property_data = self._get_property_data(directory_name, property_entry, is_list=True) if property_data: directory_values.update(property_data) property_entries[directory_name] = directory_values else: property_data = self._get_property_data(directory_name, directory_entry) if property_data: property_entries.update(property_data) return property_entries def _get_recipients(self): directory_entries = self._streams.get("recipients") directory_name_filter = "__recip_version1.0_" recipient_entries = {} for directory_name, directory_entry in directory_entries.iteritems(): if directory_name_filter not in directory_name: continue if not directory_entry: continue if isinstance(directory_entry, list): directory_values = {} # type: dict for property_entry in directory_entry: property_data = self._get_property_data(directory_name, property_entry, is_list=True) if property_data: directory_values.update(property_data) recipient_address = directory_values.get( 'EmailAddress', directory_values.get('SmtpAddress', directory_name) ) recipient_entries[recipient_address] = directory_values else: property_data = self._get_property_data(directory_name, directory_entry) if property_data: recipient_entries.update(property_data) return recipient_entries def _get_attachments(self): directory_entries = self._streams.get("attachments") directory_name_filter = "__attach_version1.0_" attachment_entries = {} for directory_name, directory_entry in directory_entries.iteritems(): if directory_name_filter not in directory_name: continue if not directory_entry: continue if isinstance(directory_entry, list): directory_values = {} for property_entry in directory_entry: kids = if kids: embedded_message = Message( property_entry.kids_dict, self._parent_directory_path + [directory_name,] ) directory_values["EmbeddedMessage"] = { "properties":, "recipients": embedded_message.recipients, "attachments": embedded_message.attachments } self.embedded_messages.append(embedded_message) property_data = self._get_property_data(directory_name, property_entry, is_list=True) if property_data: directory_values.update(property_data) attachment_entries[directory_name] = directory_values else: property_data = self._get_property_data(directory_name, directory_entry) if property_data: attachment_entries.update(property_data) return attachment_entries def _get_property_data(self, directory_name, directory_entry, is_list=False): directory_entry_name = if is_list: stream_name = [directory_name, directory_entry_name] else: stream_name = [directory_entry_name] if self._parent_directory_path: stream_name = self._parent_directory_path + stream_name ole_file = directory_entry.olefile property_details = self._get_canonical_property_name(directory_entry_name) if not property_details: return None property_name = property_details.get("name") property_type = property_details.get("data_type") if not property_type:'could not parse property type, skipping property "{}"'.format(property_details)) return None try: raw_content = ole_file.openstream(stream_name).read() except IOError: raw_content = '' if not raw_content: demisto.debug('Could not read raw content from stream "{}", ' 'skipping property "{}"'.format(stream_name, property_details)) return None property_value = self._data_model.get_value(raw_content, data_type=property_type) if property_value: property_detail = {property_name: property_value} else: property_detail = None # type: ignore[assignment] return property_detail @staticmethod def _get_canonical_property_name(dir_entry_name): if not dir_entry_name: return None if "__substg1.0_" in dir_entry_name: name = dir_entry_name.replace("__substg1.0_", "") prop_name_id = "0x" + name[0:4] prop_details = PROPS_ID_MAP.get(prop_name_id) return prop_details return None def _set_properties(self): property_values = # setting generally required properties to easily access using MsOxMessage instance. self.subject = property_values.get("Subject") header = property_values.get("TransportMessageHeaders") self.header = parse_email_headers(header, True) self.header_dict = parse_email_headers(header) or {} self.created_date = property_values.get("CreationTime") self.received_date = property_values.get("ReceiptTime") sent_date = property_values.get("DeliverTime") if not sent_date: sent_date = self.header_dict.get("Date") self.sent_date = sent_date sender_address = self.header_dict.get("From") if not sender_address: sender_address = property_values.get("SenderRepresentingSmtpAddress") self.sender = sender_address reply_to_address = self.header_dict.get("Reply-To") if not reply_to_address: reply_to_address = property_values.get("ReplyRecipientNames") self.reply_to = reply_to_address self.message_id = property_values.get("InternetMessageId") to_address = self.header_dict.get("To") if not to_address: to_address = property_values.get("ReceivedRepresentingSmtpAddress") if not to_address: to_address = property_values.get("DisplayTo") = to_address to_smpt_address = property_values.get("ReceivedRepresentingSmtpAddress") if not to_smpt_address: to_smpt_address = [value for key, value in self.recipients.iteritems()] self.to_address = to_smpt_address cc_address = self.header_dict.get("CC") # if cc_address: # cc_address = [CONTROL_CHARS.sub(" ", cc_add) for cc_add in cc_address.split(",")] = cc_address bcc_address = self.header_dict.get("BCC") self.bcc = bcc_address # prefer HTMl over plain text self.html = property_values.get("Html") self.body = property_values.get("Body") if not self.body and "RtfCompressed" in property_values: try: import compressed_rtf except ImportError: compressed_rtf = None if compressed_rtf: compressed_rtf_body = property_values['RtfCompressed'] self.body = compressed_rtf.decompress(compressed_rtf_body) def _set_recipients(self): recipients = self.recipients self.recipients = [] for recipient_name, recipient in recipients.items(): if and recipient_name in recipient["RecipientType"] = "TO" if and recipient_name in recipient["RecipientType"] = "CC" if self.bcc and recipient_name in self.bcc: recipient["RecipientType"] = "BCC" if self.reply_to and recipient_name in self.reply_to: recipient["RecipientType"] = "ReplyTo" self.recipients.append(Recipient(recipient)) def _set_attachments(self): attachments = self.attachments self.attachments = [Attachment(attach) for attach in attachments.values()] def __repr__(self): return u'Message [%s]' %'InternetMessageId',"Subject")) class Recipient(object): """ class to store recipient attributes """ def __init__(self, recipients_properties): self.AddressType = recipients_properties.get("AddressType") self.Account = recipients_properties.get("Account") self.EmailAddress = recipients_properties.get("SmtpAddress") self.DisplayName = recipients_properties.get("DisplayName") self.ObjectType = recipients_properties.get("ObjectType") self.RecipientType = recipients_properties.get("RecipientType") def __repr__(self): return '%s (%s)' % (self.DisplayName, self.EmailAddress) class Attachment(object): """ class to store attachment attributes """ def __init__(self, attachment_properties): self.DisplayName = attachment_properties.get("DisplayName") self.AttachEncoding = attachment_properties.get("AttachEncoding") self.AttachContentId = attachment_properties.get("AttachContentId") self.AttachMethod = attachment_properties.get("AttachMethod") self.AttachmentSize = format_size(attachment_properties.get("AttachmentSize")) self.AttachFilename = attachment_properties.get("AttachFilename") self.AttachLongFilename = attachment_properties.get("AttachLongFilename") if self.AttachLongFilename: self.Filename = self.AttachLongFilename else: self.Filename = self.AttachFilename if self.Filename: self.Filename = os.path.basename(self.Filename) else: self.Filename = '[NoFilename_Method%s]' % self.AttachMethod = attachment_properties.get("AttachDataObject") self.AttachMimeTag = attachment_properties.get("AttachMimeTag", "application/octet-stream") self.AttachExtension = attachment_properties.get("AttachExtension") def __repr__(self): return '%s (%s / %s)' % (self.Filename, self.AttachmentSize, len( or [])) class MsOxMessage(object): """ Base class for Microsoft Message Object """ def __init__(self, msg_file_path): self.msg_file_path = msg_file_path self.include_attachment_data = False if not self.is_valid_msg_file(): raise Exception("Invalid file provided, please provide valid Microsoft Outlook MSG file.") ole_file = None try: ole_file = OleFileIO(msg_file_path) # process directory entries ole_root = ole_file.root kids_dict = ole_root.kids_dict self._message = Message(kids_dict) finally: if ole_file is not None: ole_file.close() def as_dict(self, max_depth): return self._message.as_dict(max_depth) def get_email_mime_content(self): email_obj = EmailFormatter(self) return email_obj.build_email() def save_email_file(self, file_path): email_obj = EmailFormatter(self) email_obj.save_file(file_path) return True def get_attached_emails_hierarchy(self, max_depth): return self._message.get_attached_emails_hierarchy(max_depth) def is_valid_msg_file(self): if not os.path.exists(self.msg_file_path): return False if not isOleFile(self.msg_file_path): return False return True def get_all_attachments(self): return self._message.get_all_attachments() def format_size(num, suffix='B'): if not num: return "unknown" for unit in ['', 'Ki', 'Mi', 'Gi', 'Ti', 'Pi', 'Ei', 'Zi']: if abs(num) < 1024.0: return "%3.1f%s%s" % (num, unit, suffix) num /= 1024.0 return "%.1f%s%s" % (num, 'Yi', suffix) def parse_email_headers(header, raw=False): if not header: return None headers = email.message_from_string(header) if raw: return headers email_address_headers = { # type: ignore[var-annotated] "To": [], "From": [], "CC": [], "BCC": [], "Reply-To": [], } for addr in email_address_headers.keys(): for (name, email_address) in email.utils.getaddresses(headers.get_all(addr, [])): email_address_headers[addr].append("{} <{}>".format(name, email_address)) parsed_headers = dict(headers) parsed_headers.update(email_address_headers) return parsed_headers def get_msg_mail_format(msg_dict): try: return msg_dict.get('Headers', 'Content-type:').split('Content-type:')[1].split(';')[0] except Exception as e: demisto.debug('Got exception while trying to get msg mail format - {}'.format(str(e))) return '' def is_valid_header_to_parse(header): return len(header) > 0 and not header == ' ' and 'From nobody' not in header def create_headers_map(msg_dict_headers): headers = list() # type: list headers_map = dict() # type: dict if not msg_dict_headers: return headers, headers_map header_key = 'initial key' header_value = 'initial header' for header in msg_dict_headers.split('\n'): if is_valid_header_to_parse(header): if not header[0] == ' ' and not header[0] == '\t': if header_value != 'initial header': header_value = convert_to_unicode(header_value) headers.append( { 'name': header_key, 'value': header_value } ) if header_key in headers_map: # in case there is already such header # then add that header value to value array if not isinstance(headers_map[header_key], list): # convert the existing value to array headers_map[header_key] = [headers_map[header_key]] # add the new value to the value array headers_map[header_key].append(header_value) else: headers_map[header_key] = header_value header_words = header.split(' ', 1) header_key = header_words[0][:-1] header_value = ' '.join(header_words[1:]) if not header_value == '' and header_value[-1] == ' ': header_value = header_value[:-1] else: header_value += header[:-1] if header[-1:] == ' ' else header return headers, headers_map ######################################################################################################################## ENCODINGS_TYPES = set(['utf-8', 'iso8859-1']) REGEX_EMAIL = r"\b[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+[\b,]" def extract_address(s): if type(s) not in [str, unicode]: return s res = re.findall(REGEX_EMAIL, s) if res: return ', '.join(res) else: return s def get_email_address(eml, entry): """ This function gets email addresses from an eml object, i.e eml[entry]. Args: eml : Email object. entry (str) : entry to look for in the email. i.e ('To', 'CC', 'From') Returns: res (str) : string of all required email addresses. """ if entry == 'from': gel_all_values_from_email_by_entry = [str(current_eml_no_newline).replace('\r\n', '').replace('\n', '') for current_eml_no_newline in eml.get_all(entry, [])] else: gel_all_values_from_email_by_entry = eml.get_all(entry, []) addresses = getaddresses(gel_all_values_from_email_by_entry) if addresses: res = [item[1] for item in addresses] res = ', '.join(res) return res return '' def extract_address_eml(eml, entry): """ This function calls get_email_address in order to get required email addresses from email object. In addition, this function handles an edge case of '\r\n' in eml['from'] (as explained below). Args: eml : Email object. entry (str) : entry to look for in the email. i.e ('To', 'CC', 'From') Returns: res (str) : string of all required email addresses. """ email_address = get_email_address(eml, entry) if email_address: return email_address else: return '' def data_to_md(email_data, email_file_name=None, parent_email_file=None, print_only_headers=False): if email_data is None: return 'No data extracted from email' email_data = recursive_convert_to_unicode(email_data) email_file_name = recursive_convert_to_unicode(email_file_name) parent_email_file = recursive_convert_to_unicode(parent_email_file) md = u"### Results:\n" if email_file_name: md = u"### {}\n".format(email_file_name) if print_only_headers: return tableToMarkdown("Email Headers: " + email_file_name, email_data.get('HeadersMap')) if parent_email_file: md += u"### Containing email: {}\n".format(parent_email_file) md += u"* {0}:\t{1}\n".format('From', email_data.get('From') or "") md += u"* {0}:\t{1}\n".format('To', email_data.get('To') or "") md += u"* {0}:\t{1}\n".format('CC', email_data.get('CC') or "") md += u"* {0}:\t{1}\n".format('Subject', email_data.get('Subject') or "") if email_data.get('Text'): text = email_data['Text'].replace('<', '[').replace('>', ']') md += u"* {0}:\t{1}\n".format('Body/Text', text or "") if email_data.get('HTML'): md += u"* {0}:\t{1}\n".format('Body/HTML', email_data['HTML'] or "") md += u"* {0}:\t{1}\n".format('Attachments', email_data.get('Attachments') or "") md += u"\n\n" + tableToMarkdown('HeadersMap', email_data.get('HeadersMap')) return md def save_attachments(attachments, root_email_file_name, max_depth): attached_emls = [] for attachment in attachments: if is not None: display_name = attachment.DisplayName if attachment.DisplayName else attachment.AttachFilename display_name = display_name if display_name else '' demisto.results(fileResult(display_name, name_lower = display_name.lower() if max_depth > 0 and (name_lower.endswith(".eml") or name_lower.endswith('.p7m')): tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) try: tf.write( tf.close() inner_eml, attached_inner_emails = handle_eml(, file_name=root_email_file_name, max_depth=max_depth) if inner_eml: return_outputs( readable_output=data_to_md(inner_eml, attachment.DisplayName, root_email_file_name), outputs=None) attached_emls.append(inner_eml) if attached_inner_emails: attached_emls.extend(attached_inner_emails) finally: os.remove( return attached_emls def get_utf_string(text, field): if text is None: text = '' try: utf_string = text.encode('utf-8') except Exception as ex: utf_string = text.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').encode('utf-8') temp = demisto.uniqueFile() with open(demisto.investigation()['id'] + '_' + temp, 'wb') as f: f.write(text) demisto.results({ 'Contents': str(ex) + '\n\nOpen HEX viewer to review.', 'ContentsFormat': formats['text'], 'Type': entryTypes['file'], 'File': field, 'FileID': temp }) return utf_string def mime_decode(word_mime_encoded): prefix, charset, encoding, encoded_text, suffix = word_mime_encoded.groups() if encoding.lower() == 'b': byte_string = base64.b64decode(encoded_text) elif encoding.lower() == 'q': byte_string = quopri.decodestring(encoded_text, header=True) return prefix + byte_string.decode(charset) + suffix def convert_to_unicode(s, is_msg_header=True): global ENCODINGS_TYPES try: res = '' # utf encoded result if is_msg_header: # Mime encoded words used on message headers only try: word_mime_encoded = s and if word_mime_encoded: word_mime_decoded = mime_decode(word_mime_encoded) if word_mime_decoded and not # ensure decoding was successful return word_mime_decoded except Exception as e: # in case we failed to mine-decode, we continue and try to decode demisto.debug('Failed decoding mime-encoded string: {}. Will try regular decoding.'.format(str(e))) for decoded_s, encoding in decode_header(s): # return a list of pairs(decoded, charset) if encoding: try: res += decoded_s.decode(encoding).encode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: demisto.debug('Failed to decode encoded_string') replace_decoded = decoded_s.decode(encoding, errors='replace').encode('utf-8') demisto.debug('Decoded string with replace usage {}'.format(replace_decoded)) res += replace_decoded ENCODINGS_TYPES.add(encoding) else: demisto.debug('Could not find the encoding type of the string, decoding by default with utf-8') res += decoded_s.decode('utf-8', errors='replace').encode('utf-8') return res.strip() except Exception: for file_data in ENCODINGS_TYPES: try: s = s.decode(file_data).encode('utf-8').strip() break except: # noqa: E722 pass return s def handle_msg(file_path, file_name, parse_only_headers=False, max_depth=3): if max_depth == 0: return None, [] msg = MsOxMessage(file_path) if not msg: raise Exception("Could not parse msg file!") msg_dict = msg.as_dict(max_depth) mail_format_type = get_msg_mail_format(msg_dict) headers, headers_map = create_headers_map(msg_dict.get('Headers')) email_data = { 'To': msg_dict['To'], 'CC': msg_dict['CC'], 'From': msg_dict['From'], 'Subject': headers_map.get('Subject'), 'HTML': msg_dict['HTML'], 'Text': msg_dict['Text'], 'Headers': headers, 'HeadersMap': headers_map, 'Attachments': msg_dict.get('Attachments'), 'Format': mail_format_type, 'Depth': MAX_DEPTH_CONST - max_depth } if parse_only_headers: return {"HeadersMap": email_data.get("HeadersMap")}, [] attached_emails_emls = save_attachments(msg.get_all_attachments(), file_name, max_depth - 1) # add eml attached emails attached_emails_msg = msg.get_attached_emails_hierarchy(max_depth - 1) for attached_email in attached_emails_msg: return_outputs(readable_output=data_to_md(attached_email, None, file_name), outputs=None) return email_data, attached_emails_emls + attached_emails_msg def unfold(s): r""" Remove folding whitespace from a string by converting line breaks (and any whitespace adjacent to line breaks) to a single space and removing leading & trailing whitespace. From: unfold('This is a \n folded string.\n') 'This is a folded string.' :param string s: a string to unfold :rtype: string """ return re.sub(r'[ \t]*[\r\n][ \t\r\n]*', ' ', s).strip(' ') if s else s def decode_attachment_payload(message): """Decodes a message from Base64, if fails will outputs its str(message) """ msg = message.get_payload() try: # In some cases the body content is empty and cannot be decoded. msg_info = base64.b64decode(msg) except TypeError: msg_info = str(msg) return msg_info def decode_content(mime): """ Decode content """ charset = mime.get_content_charset() payload = mime.get_payload(decode=True) try: if payload: if charset: return payload.decode(charset) else: return payload.decode() else: return '' except Exception: return payload def save_file(file_name, file_content): createdFile = fileResult(file_name, file_content) fileID = createdFile.get('FileID') attachment_internal_path = demisto.investigation().get('id') + '_' + fileID demisto.results(createdFile) return attachment_internal_path def handle_eml(file_path, b64=False, file_name=None, parse_only_headers=False, max_depth=3, bom=False): global ENCODINGS_TYPES if max_depth == 0: return None, [] with open(file_path, 'rb') as emlFile: file_data = if b64: file_data = b64decode(file_data) if bom: # decode bytes taking into account BOM and re-encode to utf-8 file_data = file_data.decode("utf-8-sig").encode("utf-8") parser = HeaderParser() headers = parser.parsestr(file_data) # headers is a Message object implementing magic methods of set/get item and contains. # message object 'contains' method transforms its keys to lower-case, hence there is not a difference when # approaching it with any casing type, for example, 'message-id' or 'Message-ID' or 'Message-id' or # 'MeSSage_Id' are all searching for the same key in the headers object. if "message-id" in headers: message_id_content = headers["message-id"] del headers["message-id"] headers["Message-ID"] = message_id_content header_list = [] headers_map = {} # type: dict for item in headers.items(): value = unfold(convert_to_unicode(unfold(item[1]))) item_dict = { "name": item[0], "value": value } # old way to map headers header_list.append(item_dict) # new way to map headers - dictionary if item[0] in headers_map: # in case there is already such header # then add that header value to value array if not isinstance(headers_map[item[0]], list): # convert the existing value to array headers_map[item[0]] = [headers_map[item[0]]] # add the new value to the value array headers_map[item[0]].append(value) else: headers_map[item[0]] = value eml = message_from_string(file_data) if not eml: raise Exception("Could not parse eml file!") if parse_only_headers: return {"HeadersMap": headers_map}, [] html = '' text = '' attachment_names = [] attachment_content_ids = [] attachment_content_dispositions = [] attachment_internal_path = [] attached_emails = [] parts = [eml] while parts: part = parts.pop() if (part.is_multipart() or part.get_content_type().startswith('multipart')) \ and "attachment" not in part.get("Content-Disposition", ""): parts += [part_ for part_ in part.get_payload() if isinstance(part_, email.message.Message)] elif part.get_filename() or "attachment" in part.get("Content-Disposition", ""): attachment_file_name = convert_to_unicode(part.get_filename()) attachment_content_id = part.get('Content-ID') attachment_content_disposition = part.get('Content-Disposition') if attachment_file_name is None and part.get('filename'): attachment_file_name = os.path.normpath(part.get('filename')) if os.path.isabs(attachment_file_name): attachment_file_name = os.path.basename(attachment_file_name) if "message/rfc822" in part.get("Content-Type", "") \ or ("application/octet-stream" in part.get("Content-Type", "") and attachment_file_name.endswith(".eml")): # .eml files file_content = "" # type: str base64_encoded = "base64" in part.get("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "") if isinstance(part.get_payload(), list) and len(part.get_payload()) > 0: if attachment_file_name is None or attachment_file_name == "" or attachment_file_name == 'None': # in case there is no filename for the eml # we will try to use mail subject as file name # Subject will be in the email headers attachment_name = part.get_payload()[0].get('Subject', "no_name_mail_attachment") attachment_file_name = convert_to_unicode(attachment_name) + '.eml' file_content = part.get_payload()[0].as_string().strip() if base64_encoded: try: file_content = b64decode(file_content) except TypeError: pass # In case the file is a string, decode=True for get_payload is not working elif isinstance(part.get_payload(), basestring): file_content = part.get_payload(decode=True) else: demisto.debug("found eml attachment with Content-Type=message/rfc822 but has no payload") if file_content: # save the eml to war room as file entry attachment_internal_path.append(save_file(attachment_file_name, file_content)) if file_content and max_depth - 1 > 0: f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) try: f.write(file_content) f.close() inner_eml, inner_attached_emails = handle_eml(, file_name=attachment_file_name, max_depth=max_depth - 1) attached_emails.append(inner_eml) attached_emails.extend(inner_attached_emails) # if we are outter email is a singed attachment it is a wrapper and we don't return the output of # this inner email as it will be returned as part of the main result if 'multipart/signed' not in eml.get_content_type() and inner_eml: return_outputs(readable_output=data_to_md(inner_eml, attachment_file_name, file_name), outputs=None) finally: os.remove( if not file_content: attachment_internal_path.append(None) attachment_names.append(attachment_file_name) attachment_content_ids.append(attachment_content_id) attachment_content_dispositions.append(attachment_content_disposition) else: # .msg and other files (png, jpeg) if part.is_multipart() and max_depth - 1 > 0: # email is DSN msgs = part.get_payload() # human-readable section for i, individual_message in enumerate(msgs): msg_info = decode_attachment_payload(individual_message) attached_emails.append(msg_info) attachment_file_name = individual_message.get_filename() attachment_content_id = individual_message.get('Content-ID') attachment_content_disposition = individual_message.get('Content-Disposition') if attachment_file_name is None: attachment_file_name = "unknown_file_name{}".format(i) attachment_internal_path.append(save_file(attachment_file_name, msg_info)) attachment_names.append(attachment_file_name) attachment_content_ids.append(attachment_content_id) attachment_content_dispositions.append(attachment_content_disposition) else: file_content = part.get_payload(decode=True) if attachment_file_name.endswith('.p7s') or not file_content: attachment_internal_path.append(None) # fileResult will return an error if file_content is None. if file_content and not attachment_file_name.endswith('.p7s'): attachment_internal_path.append(save_file(attachment_file_name, file_content)) if attachment_file_name.endswith(".msg") and max_depth - 1 > 0: f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) try: f.write(file_content) f.close() inner_msg, inner_attached_emails = handle_msg(, attachment_file_name, False, max_depth - 1) attached_emails.append(inner_msg) attached_emails.extend(inner_attached_emails) # will output the inner email to the UI return_outputs( readable_output=data_to_md(inner_msg, attachment_file_name, file_name), outputs=None) finally: os.remove( attachment_names.append(attachment_file_name) attachment_content_ids.append(attachment_content_id) attachment_content_dispositions.append(attachment_content_disposition) demisto.setContext('AttachmentName', attachment_file_name) elif part.get_content_type() == 'text/html': # This line replaces a new line that starts with `..` to a newline that starts with `.` # This is because SMTP duplicate dots for lines that start with `.` and get_payload() doesn't format # this correctly part._payload = part._payload.replace('=\r\n..', '=\r\n.') html = get_utf_string(decode_content(part), 'HTML') elif part.get_content_type() == 'text/plain': text = get_utf_string(decode_content(part), 'TEXT') email_data = None # if we are parsing a signed attachment there can be one of two options: # 1. it is 'multipart/signed' so it is probably a wrapper and we can ignore the outer "email" # 2. if it is 'multipart/signed' but has 'to' address so it is actually a real mail. if 'multipart/signed' not in eml.get_content_type() \ or ('multipart/signed' in eml.get_content_type() and (extract_address_eml(eml, 'to') or extract_address_eml(eml, 'from') or eml.get('subject'))): email_data = { 'To': extract_address_eml(eml, 'to'), 'CC': extract_address_eml(eml, 'cc'), 'From': extract_address_eml(eml, 'from'), 'Subject': convert_to_unicode(unfold(eml['Subject'])), 'HTML': convert_to_unicode(html, is_msg_header=False), 'Text': convert_to_unicode(text, is_msg_header=False), 'Headers': header_list, 'HeadersMap': headers_map, 'Attachments': ','.join(attachment_names) if attachment_names else '', 'AttachmentsData': [ { "Name": attachment_names[i], "Content-ID": attachment_content_ids[i], "Content-Disposition": attachment_content_dispositions[i], "FilePath": attachment_internal_path[i] } for i in range(len(attachment_names)) ], 'AttachmentNames': attachment_names if attachment_names else [], 'Format': eml.get_content_type(), 'Depth': MAX_DEPTH_CONST - max_depth } return email_data, attached_emails def create_email_output(email_data, attached_emails): # for backward compatibility if there are no attached files we return single dict # if there are attached files then we will return array of all the emails res = [] if email_data: res.append(email_data) if len(attached_emails) > 0: res.extend(attached_emails) if len(res) == 0: return None if len(res) == 1: return res[0] return res def is_email_data_populated(email_data): # checks if email data has any item populated to it if email_data: for key, val in email_data.iteritems(): if val: return True return False def main(): file_type = '' entry_id = demisto.args()['entryid'] max_depth = int(demisto.args().get('max_depth', '3')) nesting_level_to_return = demisto.args().get('nesting_level_to_return', 'All files') # we use the MAX_DEPTH_CONST to calculate the depth of the email # each level will reduce the max_depth by 1 # not the best way to do it global MAX_DEPTH_CONST MAX_DEPTH_CONST = max_depth if max_depth < 1: return_error('Minimum max_depth is 1, the script will parse just the top email') parse_only_headers = demisto.args().get('parse_only_headers', 'false').lower() == 'true' try: result = demisto.executeCommand('getFilePath', {'id': entry_id}) if is_error(result): return_error(get_error(result)) file_path = result[0]['Contents']['path'] file_name = result[0]['Contents']['name'] result = demisto.executeCommand('getEntry', {'id': entry_id}) if is_error(result): return_error(get_error(result)) file_metadata = result[0]['FileMetadata'] file_type = file_metadata.get('info', '') or file_metadata.get('type', '') if 'MIME entity text, ISO-8859 text' in file_type or 'MIME entity, ISO-8859 text' in file_type: file_type = 'application/pkcs7-mime' except Exception as ex: return_error( "Failed to load file entry with entry id: {}. Error: {}".format( entry_id, str(ex) + "\n\nTrace:\n" + traceback.format_exc())) try: file_type_lower = file_type.lower() if 'composite document file v2 document' in file_type_lower \ or 'cdfv2 microsoft outlook message' in file_type_lower: email_data, attached_emails = handle_msg(file_path, file_name, parse_only_headers, max_depth) output = create_email_output(email_data, attached_emails) elif any(eml_candidate in file_type_lower for eml_candidate in ['rfc 822 mail', 'smtp mail', 'multipart/signed', 'multipart/alternative', 'multipart/mixed', 'message/rfc822', 'application/pkcs7-mime', 'multipart/related']): if 'unicode (with bom) text' in file_type_lower: email_data, attached_emails = handle_eml( file_path, False, file_name, parse_only_headers, max_depth, bom=True ) else: email_data, attached_emails = handle_eml(file_path, False, file_name, parse_only_headers, max_depth) output = create_email_output(email_data, attached_emails) elif ('ascii text' in file_type_lower or 'unicode text' in file_type_lower or ('data' == file_type_lower.strip() and file_name and file_name.lower().strip().endswith('.eml'))): try: # Try to open the email as-is with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: file_contents = if file_contents and 'Content-Type:'.lower() in file_contents.lower(): email_data, attached_emails = handle_eml(file_path, b64=False, file_name=file_name, parse_only_headers=parse_only_headers, max_depth=max_depth) output = create_email_output(email_data, attached_emails) else: # Try a base64 decode b64decode(file_contents) if file_contents and 'Content-Type:'.lower() in file_contents.lower(): email_data, attached_emails = handle_eml(file_path, b64=True, file_name=file_name, parse_only_headers=parse_only_headers, max_depth=max_depth) output = create_email_output(email_data, attached_emails) else: try: # Try to open email_data, attached_emails = handle_eml(file_path, b64=False, file_name=file_name, parse_only_headers=parse_only_headers, max_depth=max_depth) is_data_populated = is_email_data_populated(email_data) if not is_data_populated: raise DemistoException("No email_data found") output = create_email_output(email_data, attached_emails) except Exception as e: demisto.debug("ParseEmailFiles failed with {}".format(str(e))) return_error("Could not extract email from file. Possible reasons for this error are:\n" "- Base64 decode did not include rfc 822 strings.\n" "- Email contained no Content-Type and no data.") except Exception as e: return_error("Exception while trying to decode email from within base64: {}\n\nTrace:\n{}" .format(str(e), traceback.format_exc())) else: return_error("Unknown file format: [{}] for file: [{}]".format(file_type, file_name)) output = recursive_convert_to_unicode(output) email = output # output may be a single email if isinstance(output, list) and len(output) > 0: email, output = parse_nesting_level(nesting_level_to_return, output) return_outputs( readable_output=data_to_md(email, file_name, print_only_headers=parse_only_headers), outputs={ 'Email': output }, raw_response=output ) except Exception as ex: demisto.error(str(ex) + "\n\nTrace:\n" + traceback.format_exc()) return_error(str(ex) + "\n\nTrace:\n" + traceback.format_exc()) if __name__ in ('__builtin__', '__main__'): main()