Basic example
const data = [
['firstname', 'lastname', 'email'] ,
['Ahmed', 'Tomi' , '[email protected]'] ,
['Raed', 'Labes' , '[email protected]'] ,
['Yezzi','Min l3b', '[email protected]']
<CSVLink data={data} >Click here to download CSV file</CSVLink>
Set data props as "Array of literal (json) objects" ;
const data = [
{firstname: 'Ahmed', lastname: 'Tomi' , email: '[email protected]'},
{firstname:'Raed', lastname:'Labes' , email:'[email protected]'} ,
{firstname:'Yezzi', lastname:'Min l3b', email:'[email protected]'}
<CSVLink data={data} >Click here to download CSV file</CSVLink>
Custom Headers for "Array of literal (json) objects" :
const headers = [
{ label: 'First Name', key: 'firstname'},
{ label: 'Last Name', key: 'lastname'},
{ label: 'Email Address', key: 'email'},
const data = [
{firstname: 'Ahmed', lastname: 'Tomi' , email: '[email protected]'},
{firstname:'Raed', lastname:'Labes' , email:'[email protected]'} ,
{firstname:'Yezzi', lastname:'Min l3b', email:'[email protected]'}
<CSVLink data={data} headers={headers}>Download with custom headers</CSVLink>
Add styling to your link via style props or className props :
const prettyLink = {
backgroundColor: '#8dc63f',
fontSize: 14,
fontWeight: 500,
height: 52,
padding: '0 48px',
borderRadius: 5,
color: '#fff'
const data = [
['firstname', 'lastname', 'email'] ,
['Ahmed', 'Tomi' , '[email protected]'] ,
['Raed', 'Labes' , '[email protected]'] ,
['Yezzi','Min l3b', '[email protected]']
Download <CSVLink data={data} style={prettyLink}>CSV ⬇</CSVLink> to download CSV
Set the separator between cells via separator props:
const data = [
['firstname', 'lastname', 'email'] ,
['Ahmed', 'Tomi' , '[email protected]'] ,
['Raed', 'Labes' , '[email protected]'] ,
['Yezzi','Min l3b', '[email protected]']
Download <CSVLink data={data} separator={";"}>CSV ⬇</CSVLink>
Set the default filename of the downloaded CSV file :
const randomData = Array.from({length:10}, (v, k) =>
Array.from({length:4}, (vv, kk) => Math.random().toString(36).substring(7))
// -----------------------Double click here👇🏼 to change the name (it is editable)
<CSVLink data={randomData} filename="another-name.csv">Download me with another name </CSVLink>
Add headers :
//It is editable content : you can change code and see results on live.
const randomData = Array.from({length:10}, (v, k) =>
Array.from({length:4}, (vv, kk) => Math.random().toString(36).substring(5))
const headers =['Rando-🍌', 'Rando-🍑', 'Rando-🌺', 'Rando-🍀'];
<CSVLink data={randomData} headers={headers}>Download with Headers </CSVLink>
Suppress \uFEFF with prop
const data = [
['name', 'age'],
['Ahmed', 12],
['John', 8]
<CSVLink data={data} uFEFF={false}>Download without \uFEFF</CSVLink>
the uFEFF prop defaults to true