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EmilyBender edited this page Jul 19, 2019 · 79 revisions

This is the (evolving) schedule for the 2019 DELPH-IN Summit.

Monday to Wednesday morning will be plenary sessions. Wednesday afternoon to Friday will be Special Interest Groups (SIGs). The excursion will be on Thursday afternoon, followed by the conference banquet at Trinity College.

Plenary sessions will be in room FW11. For SIGs running in parallel we should be able to use FW09 as well (with FW26 as backup).

Monday to Wednesday morning: Plenary

Monday, 15 July
9:30-11:00 Plenary Session 1 -- Chair: John
9:30-9:50 Introductions
9:50-11:00 Site Updates (8 minutes each)
Cambridge (Ann Copestake)
Bergen HVL (Petter Haugereid)
Korea (Sanghoun Song)
Singapore (Francis Bond)
Stanford (Dan Flickinger)
Sussex (John Carroll)
Trondheim (Lars Hellan)
Washington (Olga Zamaraeva)
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-13:00 Plenary Session 2 -- Chair: Francis
11:30 A high throughput cloud computation architecture for 'deep' parsing (Alexandre Rademaker: 5+5)
PyDelphin 1.0 (Michael Goodman: 5+5)
Wrapper types: relational constraints without relational constraints (Guy Emerson: 20+10) Wrapper type grammar
LKB: porting, algorithm and feature updates (John Carroll: 20+10)
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Plenary Session 3 -- Chair: Berthold
14:00 Grammar Matrix library for wh-questions (Olga Zamaraeva: 20+10)
Discussion: Elements of a matrix grammar for Niger-Congo - some salient construction types in Kwa and Bantu (Lars Hellan) Notes
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-17:30 Plenary Session 4 -- Chair: Petter
16:00 ERG adaptation for grammar-checking with ESL learners (Dan Flickinger: 10+10)
Discussion: Linking wh-words to a specific event in the MRS (Olga Zamaraeva) Notes
Tuesday, 16 July
9:30-11:00 Plenary Session 5 -- Chair: Dan
9:30 Unbound reflexives (Sanghoun Song: 10+10)
Generation with Norsyg (Petter Haugereid: 10+10)
Null morphemes as overwritten elements: Some issues (David Inman: 10+10)
A pseudo object control construction in Korean (Sanghoun Song: 20+10)
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-13:00 Open Session on DELPH-IN Tools and Deep Learning -- Chair: Ann
11:30 Open session introduction (Ann Copestake: 5)
The goals of computational semantics: DELPH-IN and deep learning (Guy Emerson: 10+10)
Exact and efficient graph parsing (WeiWei Sun: 20+10)
Neural text generation from rich semantic representations (Michael Goodman & Emily Bender: 10+5)
Deep learning evaluation using ShapeWorld (Alexander Kuhnle: 10+5)
Captioning in ShapeWorld (Huiyuan Xie: 10+5)
13:05-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Plenary Session 7 -- Chair: Woodley
14:00 Cross-lingual semantic representation (WeiWei Sun: 20+10)
Discussion: SEM-I useful models; or, do we even care about fixed arity anymore? (Michael Goodman) Notes
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-17:30 Plenary Session 8 -- Chair: Guy
16:00 Semantic expressive capacity with bounded memory (Antoine Venant: 20+10)
Discussion: Leveraging DELPH-IN grammars to develop educational materials (Kristen Howell) Notes
Wednesday, 17 July
9:30-11:00 Plenary Session 9 -- Chair: Sanghoun
9:30 Handling cross-cutting properties in automatic inference of lexical classes: a case study of Chintang (Kristen Howell: 5+5)
The Matrix valence-change library: current status (Chris Curtis: 5+5)
Verb valence lexicons, and comparing them (Lars Hellan: 10+10)
Incorporation strategies, lack of sufficient valence lists and "scratch" elements (David Inman: 20+10)
Business Meeting (All: 20)
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-12:30 Plenary Session 10 -- Chair: John
11:30 French clitic climbing as periphrasis (Gabriel Aguila-Multner & Berthold Crysmann: 20+10)
Planning Special Interest Groups (All: 30)
12:30-14:00 Lunch

Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday: Sub-Group Meetings

Preferences at this spreadsheet

Wednesday, 17 July
14:00-15:30 SIG Session 1
14:00 Neural methods for HPSG (Woodley Packard)
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-17:30 SIG Session 2
16:00 in FW11 Efficiency, robustness, precision: balance and control (Dan Flickinger) Notes
16:00 in FW09 Modeling free pragmatically determined word order / partitive case (Olga Zamaraeva) Notes
Thursday, 18 July
9:30-11:00 SIG Session 3
9:30 in FW11 Wh-extraction from embedded clauses, pied piping etc. (Olga Zamaraeva) Notes
9:30 in FW09 The Integrated Semantic Framework (DMRS+wordnets) (Francis Bond)
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-13:00 SIG Session 4
11:30 in FW11 Tutorial: Treebanking using ERG, in both FFTB and [incr tsdb()] (requested by Alexandre Rademaker)
11:30 in FW09 The interaction of information structure and wh-questions (Olga Zamaraeva) Notes
13:00- Lunch, excursion, and evening banquet
13:00 Walk to Gonville & Caius Fellows' Garden (on Ridley Hall Road)
13:30 Lunch and garden games
14:30 ish Walk through Cambridge (museums for those who would like to go)
16:15 ish Tour of Caius College libraries
16:45 ish Punting (for those who would like to punt) from Trinity College
19:00 Dinner at Trinity College, Allhusen Room
Friday, 19 July
9:30-11:00 SIG Session 5
9:30 in FW11 Difference lists, Emerson lists and multiple wh-extraction (Olga Zamaraeva) notes
9:30 in FW09 PyDelphin 1.0 workshop - for users and developers (Michael Goodman)
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-13:00 SIG Session 6
11:30 in FW11 Tutorial: Lisp code in LOGON / LKB / LKB-FOS, and development plans (requested by Alexandre Rademaker)
11:30 in FW09 Tutorial: The linguistic type database (ltdb) (Francis Bond)
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 SIG Session 7
14:00 Semantics of nominalization (Emily Bender)
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