removed ADB power button pullup resistor
removed ADB power button pullup resistor
working on porting to raspberry pi
working on porting to raspberry pi
updated db9 and db15 passthrough
updated db9 and db15 passthrough
minor update for new IBM card production run
minor update for new IBM card production run
added 200Hz rate limit for PS/2
added 200Hz rate limit for PS/2
added lisa mac adb card custom mapping support
added lisa mac adb card custom mapping support
added new card fw update support
added new card fw update support
added watchdog, release first firmware
added watchdog, release first firmware
added more info about new card
added more info about new card
switched BUSY pin to PC14, tested working
switched BUSY pin to PC14, tested working
added BUSY signal to PS2 kb and mouse, temp mouse workaround on rpi
added BUSY signal to PS2 kb and mouse, temp mouse workaround on rpi
BUSY signal now lasts the whole ADB message
BUSY signal now lasts the whole ADB message