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executable file
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File metadata and controls

executable file
588 lines (478 loc) · 18.1 KB


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This project just for learning golang, welcome to give your suggestions!


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Getting started

  • Get master package , Notice must use master version.
 go get

Program introduction

The project consists of multiple plugins, each with different functions
  • [viper_server]
    • The plugin configuration is initialized and generate a local configuration file.
    • Use third party package.
    • Need implement func getViperConfig() viper_server.ViperConfig function.
package cache

import (


var CONFIG Redis

type Redis struct {
  DB       int    `mapstructure:"db" json:"db" yaml:"db"`
  Addr     string `mapstructure:"addr" json:"addr" yaml:"addr"`
  Password string `mapstructure:"password" json:"password" yaml:"password"`
  PoolSize int    `mapstructure:"pool-size" json:"poolSize" yaml:"pool-size"`

// getViperConfig get initialize config
func getViperConfig() viper_server.ViperConfig {
  configName := "redis"
  db := fmt.Sprintf("%d", CONFIG.DB)
  poolSize := fmt.Sprintf("%d", CONFIG.PoolSize)
  return viper_server.ViperConfig{
    Directory: g.ConfigDir,
    Name:      configName,
    Type:      g.ConfigType,
    Watch: func(vi *viper.Viper) error {
      if err := vi.Unmarshal(&CONFIG); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("deserialization data error: %v", err)
      // config file change
      return nil
    // Note: When setting the default configuration value, there can be no other symbols such as spaces in front. It must be close to the left
    Default: []byte(`
db: ` + db + `
addr: "` + CONFIG.Addr + `"
password: "` + CONFIG.Password + `"
pool-size: ` + poolSize),
  • [zap_server]
    • Plugin logging.
    • Use third party package.
    • Through global variables zap_server.ZAPLOG record the log of the corresponding level.
  zap_server.ZAPLOG.Info("Registration data table error", zap.Any("err", err))
  zap_server.ZAPLOG.Debug("Registration data table error", zap.Any("err", err))
  zap_server.ZAPLOG.Error("Registration data table error", zap.Any("err", err))
  • [database]
    • database plugin [only support mysql now].
    • Use third party package.
    • Through single instance database.Instance() operating data.
  database.Instance().Model(&User{}).Where("name = ?","name").Find(&user)
  • [casbin]
    • Access control management plugin.
    • Use casbin third party package.
    • Through use casbin.Instance() middleware on route,implement interface authority authentication
	_, err := casbin.Instance().AddRoleForUser("1", "999")
	uids, err := casbin.Instance().GetRolesForUser("1")
	_, err := casbin.Instance().RemoveFilteredPolicy(v, p...)
  	err := cache.Instance().Set(context.Background(), "key", "value", expiration).Err()
    cache.Instance().Del(context.Background(), "key").Result()
    cache.Instance().Get(context.Background(), "key")
  • [operation]

    • System operation log plugin.
    • Through use index.Use(operation.OperationRecord()) middleware on route , realize the interface to automatically generate operation logs.
  • [cron_server]

    • Job server
    • Use robfig/cron third party package.
    • Through single instance cron_server.Instance() to add job or func.
  cron_server.CronInstance().AddJob("@every 1m",YourJob)
  // or
  cron_server.CronInstance().AddFunc("@every 1m",YourFunc)
  • [web]

    • web_iris Go-Iris web framework plugin.
    • web_gin Go-gin web web framework plugin.
    • web framework plugin need implement type WebFunc interface {} interface.
type WebBaseFunc interface {
  AddWebStatic(staticAbsPath, webPrefix string, paths ...string)
  AddUploadStatic(staticAbsPath, webPrefix string)
  InitRouter() error

// WebFunc web framework
// - GetTestClient test client
// - GetTestLogin test for login
// - AddWebStatic add web static path
// - AddUploadStatic add upload static path
// - Run start
type WebFunc interface {
  • [mongodb]
    • mongodb
    • Use mongodb third party package.

Initialize database

  • Use gorm's AutoMigrate() function to auto migrate database.
package main

import (

func main() {
Custom migrate tools
  • Use gormigrate third party package. Tt's helpful for database migrate and program development.
  • Detail is see iris-admin-cmd.

  • Add main.go file.
package main

import (

func main() {
  wi := web_iris.Init()

Run project

  • When you first run this cmd go run main.go , you can see some config files in the config directory,
  • and rbac_model.conf will be created in your project root directory.
go run main.go


  • You can use iris-admin-rbac package to add rbac function for your project quickly.
  • Your can use AddModule() to add other modules .
package main

import (
  rbac ""

func main() {
  wi := web_iris.Init()
  rbacParty := web_iris.Party{
    Perfix:    "/api/v1",
    PartyFunc: rbac.Party(),

Default static file path

  • A static file access path has been built in by default
  • Static files will upload to /static/upload directory.
  • You can set this config key static-path to change the default directory.
  addr: ""
  db-type: ""
  level: debug
  static-prefix: /upload
  time-format: "2006-01-02 15:04:05"
  web-path: ./dist

Use with front-end framework , e.g. vue

  • Default,you must build vue to the dist directory.
  • Naturally you can set this config key web-path to change the default directory.
package main

import (

func main() {
  webServer := web_iris.Init()
  wi.AddUploadStatic("/upload", "/var/static")
  wi.AddWebStatic("/", "/var/static")



Unit test and documentation

Before create a http api unit test , you need create a base test file named main_test.go , this file have some unit test step : Suggest use docker mysql, otherwise if the test fails, there will be a lot of test data left behind

  • 1.create database before test start and delete database when test finish.
  • 2.create tables and seed test data at once time.
  • 3.PartyFunc and SeedFunc use to custom someting for your test model. 内容如下所示: main_test.go
package test

import (

  rbac ""

var TestServer *web_gin.WebServer
var TestClient *httptest.Client

func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
  var uuid string
  uuid, TestServer = common.BeforeTestMainGin(rbac.PartyFunc, rbac.SeedFunc)
  code := m.Run()
  common.AfterTestMain(uuid, true)



package test

import (

  rbac ""

var (
  url = "/api/v1/admin"

func TestList(t *testing.T) {
  TestClient = httptest.Instance(t, str.Join("http://", web.CONFIG.System.Addr), TestServer.GetEngine())
  TestClient.Login(rbac.LoginUrl, nil)
  if TestClient == nil {
  pageKeys := httptest.Responses{
    {Key: "status", Value: http.StatusOK},
    {Key: "message", Value: response.ResponseOkMessage},
    {Key: "data", Value: httptest.Responses{
      {Key: "pageSize", Value: 10},
      {Key: "page", Value: 1},
      {Key: "list", Value: []httptest.Responses{
          {Key: "id", Value: 1, Type: "ge"},
          {Key: "nickName", Value: "superadmin"},
          {Key: "username", Value: "admin"},
          {Key: "headerImg", Value: "http://xxxx/head.png"},
          {Key: "status", Value: g.StatusTrue},
          {Key: "isShow", Value: g.StatusFalse},
          {Key: "phone", Value: "13800138000"},
          {Key: "email", Value: "[email protected]"},
          {Key: "authorities", Value: []string{"superadmin"}},
          {Key: "updatedAt", Value: "", Type: "notempty"},
          {Key: "createdAt", Value: "", Type: "notempty"},
      {Key: "total", Value: 0, Type: "ge"},
  TestClient.GET(fmt.Sprintf("%s/getAll", url), pageKeys, httptest.RequestParams)

func TestCreate(t *testing.T) {
  TestClient = httptest.Instance(t, str.Join("http://", web.CONFIG.System.Addr), TestServer.GetEngine())
  TestClient.Login(rbac.LoginUrl, nil)
  if TestClient == nil {

  data := map[string]interface{}{
    "nickName":     "test name",
    "username":     "create_test_username",
    "authorityIds": []uint{web.AdminAuthorityId},
    "email":        "[email protected]",
    "phone":        "13800138001",
    "password":     "123456",
  id := Create(TestClient, data)
  if id == 0 {
    t.Fatalf("add user failed by id=%d", id)
  defer Delete(TestClient, id)

func TestUpdate(t *testing.T) {
  TestClient = httptest.Instance(t, str.Join("http://", web.CONFIG.System.Addr), TestServer.GetEngine())
  TestClient.Login(rbac.LoginUrl, nil)
  if TestClient == nil {
  data := map[string]interface{}{
    "nickName":     "test name",
    "username":     "create_test_username_for_update",
    "authorityIds": []uint{web.AdminAuthorityId},
    "email":        "[email protected]",
    "phone":        "13800138001",
    "password":     "123456",
  id := Create(TestClient, data)
  if id == 0 {
    t.Fatalf("add user failed by id=%d", id)
  defer Delete(TestClient, id)

  update := map[string]interface{}{
    "nickName": "test name",
    "email":    "[email protected]",
    "phone":    "13800138003",
    "password": "123456",

  pageKeys := httptest.Responses{
    {Key: "status", Value: http.StatusOK},
    {Key: "message", Value: response.ResponseOkMessage},
  TestClient.PUT(fmt.Sprintf("%s/updateAdmin/%d", url, id), pageKeys, update)

func TestGetById(t *testing.T) {
  TestClient = httptest.Instance(t, str.Join("http://", web.CONFIG.System.Addr), TestServer.GetEngine())
  TestClient.Login(rbac.LoginUrl, nil)
  if TestClient == nil {
  data := map[string]interface{}{
    "nickName":     "test name",
    "username":     "create_test_username_for_get",
    "email":        "[email protected]",
    "phone":        "13800138001",
    "authorityIds": []uint{web.AdminAuthorityId},
    "password":     "123456",
  id := Create(TestClient, data)
  if id == 0 {
    t.Fatalf("add user failed by id=%d", id)
  defer Delete(TestClient, id)
  pageKeys := httptest.Responses{
    {Key: "status", Value: http.StatusOK},
    {Key: "message", Value: response.ResponseOkMessage},
    {Key: "data", Value: httptest.Responses{
      {Key: "id", Value: 1, Type: "ge"},
      {Key: "nickName", Value: data["nickName"].(string)},
      {Key: "username", Value: data["username"].(string)},
      {Key: "status", Value: g.StatusTrue},
      {Key: "email", Value: data["email"].(string)},
      {Key: "phone", Value: data["phone"].(string)},
      {Key: "isShow", Value: g.StatusTrue},
      {Key: "headerImg", Value: "http://xxxx/head.png"},
      {Key: "updatedAt", Value: "", Type: "notempty"},
      {Key: "createdAt", Value: "", Type: "notempty"},
      {Key: "createdAt", Value: "", Type: "notempty"},
      {Key: "authorities", Value: []string{"超级管理员"}},
  TestClient.GET(fmt.Sprintf("%s/getAdmin/%d", url, id), pageKeys)

func TestChangeAvatar(t *testing.T) {
  TestClient = httptest.Instance(t, str.Join("http://", web.CONFIG.System.Addr), TestServer.GetEngine())
  TestClient.Login(rbac.LoginUrl, nil)
  if TestClient == nil {
  data := map[string]interface{}{
    "headerImg": "/avatar.png",
  pageKeys := httptest.Responses{
    {Key: "status", Value: http.StatusOK},
    {Key: "message", Value: response.ResponseOkMessage},
  TestClient.POST(fmt.Sprintf("%s/changeAvatar", url), pageKeys, data)

  profile := httptest.Responses{
    {Key: "status", Value: http.StatusOK},
    {Key: "message", Value: response.ResponseOkMessage},
    {Key: "data", Value: httptest.Responses{
      {Key: "id", Value: 1, Type: "ge"},
      {Key: "nickName", Value: "superadmin"},
      {Key: "username", Value: "admin"},
      {Key: "headerImg", Value: filepath.ToSlash(web.ToStaticUrl("/avatar.png"))},
      {Key: "status", Value: g.StatusTrue},
      {Key: "isShow", Value: g.StatusFalse},
      {Key: "phone", Value: "13800138000"},
      {Key: "email", Value: "[email protected]"},
      {Key: "authorities", Value: []string{"superadmin"}},
      {Key: "updatedAt", Value: "", Type: "notempty"},
      {Key: "createdAt", Value: "", Type: "notempty"},
  TestClient.GET(fmt.Sprintf("%s/profile", url), profile)

func Create(TestClient *httptest.Client, data map[string]interface{}) uint {
  pageKeys := httptest.Responses{
    {Key: "status", Value: http.StatusOK},
    {Key: "message", Value: response.ResponseOkMessage},
    {Key: "data", Value: httptest.Responses{
      {Key: "id", Value: 1, Type: "ge"},
  return TestClient.POST(fmt.Sprintf("%s/createAdmin", url), pageKeys, data).GetId()

func Delete(TestClient *httptest.Client, id uint) {
  pageKeys := httptest.Responses{
    {Key: "status", Value: http.StatusOK},
    {Key: "message", Value: response.ResponseOkMessage},
  TestClient.DELETE(fmt.Sprintf("%s/deleteAdmin/%d", url, id), pageKeys)

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