A React Boilerplate that implements hooks and is written in Typescript. Application is configured with docker and is setup ready for production use.
- React v17
- React Router Dom v17
- Webpack v5
- Typescript v4
- Eslint v7
- Prettier v2
- Docker
- Jest v27
- React Testing Library v12
Create file .env
file then add variable:
# Use ENV=prod for production
Note: docker
&& docker-compose
should be installed on your machine.
Also, set ENV=prod
from .env
docker-compose up --build -d
docker build -t client-nginx . --file config/nginx/Dockerfile
npm run dev
npm run build && npm run start
Example command for creating a docker image and pushing it to your AWS ECS (Amazon Container Service) Repository
docker login -u AWS -p $(aws ecr get-login-password --region ap-southeast-1) 873301793325.dkr.ecr.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/deejaygeroso
docker build --no-cache -t deejaygeroso . --file ./config/docker/Dockerfile.prod
docker tag deejaygeroso:latest 873301793325.dkr.ecr.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/deejaygeroso:latest
docker push 873301793325.dkr.ecr.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/deejaygeroso:latest
# updating cluster and service
aws ecs update-service --region ap-southeast-1 --cluster deejaygeroso-cluster --service deejaygeroso-service --force-new-deployment
npm run test
- config
- bash
- docker
- eslint
- html
- k8s
- prettier
- webpack
- dist
- node_modules
- public
- src
- apollo
- local
- mutations
- queries
- common
- components
- images
- interfaces
- styles
- modules
- Home
- Home.tsx
- index.ts
- styles.css
- App.tsx
- declaration.d.ts
- index.tsx
- .dockerignore
- .env
- .gitignore
- .prettierignore
- .prettierrc.js
- .travis.yml
- docker-compose.yml
- INFO.md
- package.json
- package-lock.json
- service-account.json.enc
- tsconfig.json
Core Directories | Definition |
/config | project configuration directory |
/dist | Contains the build directory of the project |
/node_modules | Contains the libraries used by the project |
/public | Contains the public html file (react lib included) and assets that will be rendered to the browse |
/src | Contains the project source code |
.dockerignore | Files that docker will ignore |
.env | Environment variables needed to run the application |
.gitignore | Files that git will ignore |
.prettierignore | Files that prettier will ignore |
.prettierrc | Prettier configuration. It was intentinally placed here instead under config directory since VSCode is configured to find prettier configuration on the project root directory |
.travis.yml | travis config |
INFO.md | Contains more information about the project |
RELEASE.md | Release Notes |
docker-compose.yml | Docker configuratoin to run application. Used in production application |
package.json | Holds various metadata relevant to the project. This file is used to give information to npm that allows it to identify the project as well as handle the project’s dependencies |
README.md | Welcome note for github profile. Moved the README information to INFO.md instead |
service-account.json.enc | Allows the project to be authenticated for GCP deployment |
tsconfig.json | Typescript configuration. It's currently located in the root and not on config directory since it allows typescript mode for cypress to work |
Config Directory | Definition |
/bash | Script that allows docker to have access to environment variables in gitlab |
/docker | Docker configuration for stage and prod |
/eslint | Linting rules and configuration |
/htlm | React's HTML entry point used and configured for production only |
/k8s | Kubernetes configuration |
/prettier | Prettier configuration |
/webpack | Webpack configuration |
Source Directory | Definition |
/common | Contains global variables, methods, interfaces, styles and custom libraries and components used by the project. |
/modules | react components |
App.tsx | Main parent component |
declaration.d.ts | Currently used to allow images to be imported without warnings and errors on VSCODE |
index.ts | Application entry point |