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Extension DID Parameter: signedIetfJsonPatch

This specification defines a new DID parameter, to be included in the DID Spec Registries.




The parameter name is signedIetfJsonPatch. The value is always a JWS of the following decoded form:

  "header": { "alg": "ES256K", "kid": "did:example:123#456" },
  "payload": {
    "ietf-json-patch": [
        "op": "add",
        "path": "/publicKey/1",
        "value": {
          "id": "#4SZ-StXrp5Yd4_4rxHVTCYTHyt4zyPfN1fIuYsm6k3A",
          "type": "JsonWebKey2020",
          "controller": "did:key:z6MknSQNZ7bZwS9xtEnhvr549m8xPJFXjNepmSgeJj837gmS",
          "publicKeyJwk": {
            "crv": "secp256k1",
            "x": "Z4Y3NNOxv0J6tCgqOBFnHnaZhJF6LdulT7z8A-2D5_8",
            "y": "i5a2NtJoUKXkLm6q8nOEu9WOkso1Ag6FTUT6k_LMnGk",
            "kty": "EC",
            "kid": "4SZ-StXrp5Yd4_4rxHVTCYTHyt4zyPfN1fIuYsm6k3A"
  "signature": "tyh-VfuzIxCyGYDlkBA7DfyjrqmSHu6pQ2hoZuFqUSLPNY2N0mpHb3nk5K17HWP_3cYHBw7AhHale5wky6-sVA"


The purpose of signedIetfJsonPatch is to enable any DID controller to propose changes to a DID Document by constructing a DID URI.

In order to verify that the changes are from the controller, the receiver of the DID URI MUST perform the following steps:

  1. Decode the JWS.
  2. Perform DID Resolution on the value of kid.
  3. Ensure there existed a verificationMethod with id === kid in the authentication verification relationship section.
  4. Convert the key to JWK if necessary.
  5. Perform JWS verification

If JWS verification fails, the receiver MUST abort.

If JWS verification suceeds, the receiver MUST compute the propsed changes as follows:

  1. Decode the JWS, and obtain the value of property ietf-json-patch as patch0.
  2. Resolve the DID Document as state0.
  3. Compute state1 as the document produced by the application of applyPatch to state0 and patch0.
  4. Let state1 be the DID Document with the changes proposed by the DID URI.


  • did:example:123?signedIetfJsonPatch=eyJraWQiOiJkaWQ6ZXhhbXBsZTo0NTYjX1FxMFVMMkZxNjUxUTBGamQ2VHZuWUUtZmFIaU9wUmxQVlFjWV8tdEE0QSIsImFsZyI6IkVkRFNBIn0.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.OgW0DB8SCVSBrSPA4yXcXLH8tcZcC5SbrqKye0qEWytC3gmA7mLU9BrZzT7IWv0S3KNo8Ftkn5X1l8w7TPsQAw

Use Cases

  1. Asking someone to modify their did document.
  2. Allow for verification of signatures from the changed did document. The signatures must be associated with the Full DID URI!
  3. Privacy protecting enhancements to a did document. Adding social media accounts, github accounts or personal web sites to service endpoints.

Interaction with other DID Parameters

Unlike initial-state the format of signedIetfJsonPatch is always the same, and is NOT DID Method specific.

When initial-state is present, it is processed first by the DID Method Resolver, so signedIetfJsonPatch and initial-state MAY be present in the same DID URI.

KERI / DID Peer / DID Key / Sidetree Methods

Some DID Methods have identifiers which can be used to deterministically generate a did document, others rely on DID Parameters like initial-state to achieve the same. signedIetfJsonPatch can be used to provide an authenticable augmentation of this deterministic DID Document, however, these transformed DID documents are not the same as the result of performing an Update Operation in the underlying DID Method. In the case that a DID Method encodes Update Operations into DID Parameters, those updates MUST be applied before signedIetfJsonPatch.

Related Resources


Contributions to this document can be discussed in the DIF I&D Working Group: