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dotoxy: A simple DoT proxy

The very simple DoT proxy, which proxies plain DNS queries to an upstream DoT provider.


This service listens on a TCP address and port and proxies the plain DNS queries to an upstream using sockets on python in an async manner. The script utilizes simple pipes which connect the local's read stream to the provider's write stream and the local's write stream to the provider's read stream.



git clone
cd dotoxy
pip install -r requirements.txt
cp config.example.yml config.yml


# local build
git clone
docker image build -t dotoxy dotoxy
docker container run -d -p 53:53 dotoxy:latest

# or from Docker Hub
docker container run -d -p 53:53 idebman/dotoxy:latest


Use the config.yml file or environment variables to configure dotoxy. The config.example.yml can help you, default values are added. Refer to Configurations references.

Security concerns

Some of the common security concerns to be considered:

  • Rate limiting incoming requests to prevent requests flooding and DOS attacks
  • Whitelisting client addresses to prevent abuse of the service


The service is ready for deployments on container orchestrator platforms like Kubernetes. As it's stateless, horizontal scaling is simple.

Missing improvements

  • Make the proxy non-blocking on the client-side
  • Make the proxy non-blocking on the upstream side
  • Add UDP support
  • Make the proxy configurable (upstream, bind address, port, TLS versions, etc) with environment variables and config file
  • Add tests and CI/CD
  • Check packet length with the prefixed two-byte field which gives the message length
  • Add IPv6 support
  • Add multiple upstream support
  • Add Prometheus exporter endpoint to monitor runtime status
  • Add and convert the service to a PyPI package

Configurations references

The absolute path to the config file can be set by CONFIG_ADDRESS environment variable.

yml key type env default description string UPSTREAM__HOST Upstream server (usually IP) address
upstream.port int UPSTREAM__PORT 853 Upstream DoT TCP port string UPSTREAM__CN Upstream server common name (domain name) to verify its certificate string UPSTREAM__CA_FILE Undefined Path to local CA to verify upstream's certificate
server.bind-address string SERVER__BIND_ADDRESS Local interface for binding the server to
upstream.bind-port int SERVER__BIND_PORT 53 Local port for binding the server to
