and jupyterlab-starters
are open source software, and
all contributions conforming to good sense, good taste, and the Jupyter Code of
Conduct are welcome, and will be reviewed by the contributors,
There are probably other ways, but I haven't tried them
- Be on Linux/OSX
- Get Mambaforge
- Get doit
mamba install doit
Now you should have a working Lab.
doit lab
Try out some stuff. Make some whitepapers and cookiecutters.
doit lint
doit test
You may want to run against a "clean" lab, e.g.
doit watch:lab
...in another terminal
doit lab
doit docs
...or watch for changes
doit watch:docs
mamba create -p .envs/_lock --file .github/locks/lock-linux-64-3.11.conda.lock
source .envs/_lock/bin/activate
doit lock
- Download and unpack the artifacts from CI into
- Make a GitHub release with all of the release artifacts
- Upload the releases
twine upload dist/*.whl dist/*.tar.gz
npm publish dist/*.tgz