From 6e53decfe2457e2391abce0ea4410fce11112911 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Domizio Demichelis
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2024 16:37:57 +0700
Subject: [PATCH] Add final things
gem/javascripts/pagy.min.js | 4 +--
gem/javascripts/ | 6 ++--
gem/javascripts/pagy.mjs | 34 ++++++------------
gem/lib/pagy/extras/bootstrap.rb | 2 +-
gem/lib/pagy/extras/bulma.rb | 2 +-
gem/lib/pagy/extras/keyset_for_ui.rb | 9 ++---
gem/lib/pagy/extras/pagy.rb | 2 +-
gem/lib/pagy/keyset_for_ui.rb | 16 +++++----
src/pagy.ts | 50 +++++++++++++-------------
test/mock_helpers/app.rb | 13 ++++---
test/pagy/extras/keyset_for_ui_test.rb | 12 +++----
test/pagy/keyset_for_ui_test.rb | 19 +++++-----
12 files changed, 79 insertions(+), 90 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gem/javascripts/pagy.min.js b/gem/javascripts/pagy.min.js
index 547dca2c7..145ec7e48 100644
--- a/gem/javascripts/pagy.min.js
+++ b/gem/javascripts/pagy.min.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-window.Pagy=(()=>{const Y=sessionStorage,j=new BroadcastChannel("pagy"),;j.addEventListener("message",(z)=>{if({const A=Y.getItem(;if(A)j.postMessage({,,cutoffs:A})}else if({if(,}});const U=new ResizeObserver((z)=>z.forEach((A)=>{".pagy-rjs").forEach((D)=>D.pagyRender()),".pagy-keyset").forEach((D)=>D.completeUrls())})),$={encode:(z)=>btoa(String.fromCharCode( TextEncoder().encode(z))),toSafe:(z)=>z.replace(/=/g,"").replace(/[+/]/g,(A)=>A=="+"?"-":"_"),safeEncode:(z)=>$.toSafe($.encode(z)),decode:(z)=>new TextDecoder().decode(Uint8Array.from(atob(z),(A)=>A.charCodeAt(0)))},C=(z,[A])=>{N(z,A)},N=async(z,A)=>{if(!A||!Array.isArray(A.update)||!A.cutoffs_param||!A.page_param)return;const D=document.cookie.split(/;\s+/).find((L)=>L.startsWith("pagy="))?.split("=")[1]||Math.floor(Math.random()*46656).toString(36);document.cookie="pagy="+D;let[B,E,G]=A.update;if(B&&!(B in Y))j.postMessage({from:x,key:B}),await new Promise((L)=>setTimeout(()=>L(""),100));B||="pagy-";const R=Y.getItem(B),K=R?JSON.parse(R):[null];if(E&&G)K[E]=G,Y.setItem(B,JSON.stringify(K));(z.completeUrls=()=>{for(let L of z.querySelectorAll("a[href]")){const H=L.href,M=new RegExp(`(?<=\\?.*)\\b${A.page_param}=([\\d]+)`),Q=parseInt(H.match(M)?.[1]),Z=$.safeEncode(JSON.stringify([D,B,K.length,K[Q-1],K[Q]]));L.href=H+`&${A.cutoffs_param}=${Z}`}})()},W=(z,[A,D,B,E])=>{const G=z.parentElement??z,R=Object.keys(D).map((H)=>parseInt(H)).sort((H,M)=>M-H);let K=-1;const L=(H,M,Q)=>H.replace(/__pagy_page__/g,M).replace(/__pagy_label__/g,Q);if((z.pagyRender=()=>{const H=R.find((T)=>TT.toString());Q.forEach((T,q)=>{const P=Z[q];let X;if(typeof T=="number"){if(X=L(A.a,T.toString(),P),typeof E?.page_param=="string"&&T==1)X=O(X,E.page_param)}else if(T=="gap");else X=L(A.current,T,P);M+=X}),M+=A.after,z.innerHTML="",z.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin",M),K=H})(),z.classList.contains("pagy-rjs"))U.observe(G)},J=(z,[A,D])=>F(z,(B)=>[B,A.replace(/__pagy_page__/,B)],D),_=(z,[A,D,B])=>{F(z,(E)=>{const G=Math.max(Math.ceil(A/parseInt(E)),1).toString(),R=D.replace(/__pagy_page__/,G).replace(/__pagy_limit__/,E);return[G,R]},B)},F=(z,A,D)=>{const B=z.querySelector("input"),E=z.querySelector("a"),G=B.value,R=()=>{if(B.value===G)return;const[K,L,H]=[B.min,B.value,B.max].map((Z)=>parseInt(Z)||0);if(LH){B.value=G,;return}let[M,Q]=A(B.value);if(typeof D?.page_param=="string"&&M==="1")Q=O(Q,D.page_param);E.href=Q,};["change","focus"].forEach((K)=>B.addEventListener(K,()=>,B.addEventListener("focusout",R),B.addEventListener("keypress",(K)=>{if(K.key=="Enter")R()})},O=(z,A)=>z.replace(new RegExp(`[?&]${A}=1\\b(?!&)|\\b${A}=1&`),"");return{version:"9.3.3",init(z){const D=(z instanceof Element?z:document).querySelectorAll("[data-pagy]");for(let B of D)try{const[E,...G]=JSON.parse($.decode(B.getAttribute("data-pagy")));if(E=="nav")C(B,G);else if(E=="nav_js")W(B,G);else if(E=="combo_js")J(B,G);else if(E=="selector_js")_(B,G)}catch(E){console.warn("Failed Pagy.init(): %o\n%s",B,E)}}}})();
+window.Pagy=(()=>{const Z=sessionStorage,j=new BroadcastChannel("pagy"),;j.addEventListener("message",(z)=>{if({const B=Z.getItem(;if(B)j.postMessage({,,cutoffs:B})}else if({if(,}});const A=new ResizeObserver((z)=>z.forEach((B)=>{".pagy-rjs").forEach((E)=>E.pagyRender()),".pagy-keyset").forEach((E)=>E.completeUrls())})),$={encode:(z)=>btoa(String.fromCharCode( TextEncoder().encode(z))),toSafe:(z)=>z.replace(/=/g,"").replace(/[+/]/g,(B)=>B=="+"?"-":"_"),safeEncode:(z)=>$.toSafe($.encode(z)),decode:(z)=>new TextDecoder().decode(Uint8Array.from(atob(z),(B)=>B.charCodeAt(0)))},C=(z,[B])=>{N(z,B)},N=async(z,B)=>{if(!B||!Array.isArray(B.update)||!B.cutoffs_param||!B.page_param)return;const E=document.cookie.split(/;\s+/).find((K)=>K.startsWith("pagy="))?.split("=")[1]||Math.floor(Math.random()*46656).toString(36);document.cookie="pagy="+E;let[D,...G]=B.update;if(D&&!(D in Z))j.postMessage({from:F,key:D}),await new Promise((K)=>setTimeout(()=>K(""),100));D||="pagy-";const H=Z.getItem(D),M=H?JSON.parse(H):[null];if(G)M.splice(...G),Z.setItem(D,JSON.stringify(M));(z.completeUrls=()=>{for(let K of z.querySelectorAll("a[href]")){const X=K.href,L=new RegExp(`(?<=\\?.*)\\b${B.page_param}=([\\d]+)`),Q=parseInt(X.match(L)?.[1]),R=$.safeEncode(JSON.stringify([E,D,M.length,M[Q-1],M[Q]]));K.href=X+`&${B.cutoffs_param}=${R}`}})()},W=(z,[B,E,D,G])=>{const H=z.parentElement??z,M=Object.keys(E).map((L)=>parseInt(L)).sort((L,Q)=>Q-L);let K=-1;const X=(L,Q,R)=>L.replace(/__pagy_page__/g,Q).replace(/__pagy_label__/g,R);if((z.pagyRender=()=>{const L=M.find((T)=>TT.toString());R.forEach((T,q)=>{const U=x[q];let Y;if(typeof T=="number"){if(Y=X(B.a,T.toString(),U),typeof G?.page_param=="string"&&T==1)Y=P(Y,G.page_param)}else if(T=="gap");else Y=X(B.current,T,U);Q+=Y}),Q+=B.after,z.innerHTML="",z.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin",Q),K=L})(),z.classList.contains("pagy-rjs"))A.observe(H)},J=(z,[B,E])=>O(z,(D)=>[D,B.replace(/__pagy_page__/,D)],E),_=(z,[B,E,D])=>{O(z,(G)=>{const H=Math.max(Math.ceil(B/parseInt(G)),1).toString(),M=E.replace(/__pagy_page__/,H).replace(/__pagy_limit__/,G);return[H,M]},D)},O=(z,B,E)=>{const D=z.querySelector("input"),G=z.querySelector("a"),H=D.value,M=()=>{if(D.value===H)return;const[K,X,L]=[D.min,D.value,D.max].map((x)=>parseInt(x)||0);if(XL){D.value=H,;return}let[Q,R]=B(D.value);if(typeof E?.page_param=="string"&&Q==="1")R=P(R,E.page_param);G.href=R,};["change","focus"].forEach((K)=>D.addEventListener(K,()=>,D.addEventListener("focusout",M),D.addEventListener("keypress",(K)=>{if(K.key=="Enter")M()})},P=(z,B)=>z.replace(new RegExp(`[?&]${B}=1\\b(?!&)|\\b${B}=1&`),"");return{version:"9.3.3",init(z){const B=z instanceof Element?z:document,E=B.querySelectorAll("[data-pagy]");for(let D of E)try{const[G,...H]=JSON.parse($.decode(D.getAttribute("data-pagy")));if(G=="nav")C(D,H);else if(G=="nav_js")W(D,H);else if(G=="combo_js")J(D,H);else if(G=="selector_js")_(D,H)}catch(G){console.warn("Failed Pagy.init(): %o\n%s",D,G)}}}})();
-//# debugId=9AB674AC438688CC64756E2164756E21
+//# debugId=F0DEAFFC2E0A2A4464756E2164756E21
diff --git a/gem/javascripts/ b/gem/javascripts/
index 40067487b..21f46c189 100644
--- a/gem/javascripts/
+++ b/gem/javascripts/
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
"version": 3,
"sources": ["../../src/pagy.ts"],
"sourcesContent": [
- "type InitArgs = [\"nav\", NavArgs] | [\"nav_js\", NavJsArgs] | [\"combo_js\", ComboJsArgs] | [\"selector_js\", SelectorJsArgs]\ntype NavArgs = readonly [OptionArgs?]\ntype NavJsArgs = readonly [Tokens, Sequels, null | LabelSequels, OptionArgs?]\ntype ComboJsArgs = readonly [string, OptionArgs?]\ntype SelectorJsArgs = readonly [number, string, OptionArgs?]\ntype Cutoff = readonly [string | number | boolean]\ntype Update = [string, number, Cutoff] | [string]\ntype Cutoffs = [null, ...Cutoff[]]\ntype CutoffsParam = [string, string, number, null | Cutoff, Cutoff | undefined]\n\ninterface SyncData {\n from?: number\n to?: number\n key: string\n cutoffs?: string\n}\n\ninterface OptionArgs {\n readonly page_param?: string\n readonly cutoffs_param?: string\n readonly update?: Update\n}\n\ninterface Tokens {\n readonly before: string\n readonly a: string\n readonly current: string\n readonly gap: string\n readonly after: string\n}\n\ninterface Sequels {readonly [width:string]:(string | number)[]}\ninterface LabelSequels {readonly [width:string]:string[]}\ninterface NavJsElement extends Element {pagyRender():void}\ninterface CutoffElement extends NavJsElement, Element {completeUrls():void}\n\nconst Pagy = (() => {\n\n // Sync the sessionStorage keys for the cutoffs used in the new tab/window\n // e.g. copy/paste the page number link in a new window or page link right-click \"Open in a new tab/window\"\n const sS = sessionStorage; // shorten the .min.js\n const sync = new BroadcastChannel(\"pagy\");\n const tabId =;\n\n sync.addEventListener(\"message\", (e: MessageEvent) => {\n if ( { // request cutoffs\n const cutoffs = sS.getItem(;\n if (cutoffs) { sync.postMessage({to:, key:, cutoffs: cutoffs}) } // send response\n } else if ( { // receive cutoffs\n if ( == tabId) {\n sS.setItem(,;\n }\n }\n });\n\n // The observer instance for responsive navs\n const rjsObserver = new ResizeObserver(\n entries => entries.forEach(e => {\n\".pagy-rjs\").forEach(el => el.pagyRender());\n\".pagy-keyset\").forEach(el => el.completeUrls());\n }));\n\n const b64 = {\n encode: (unicode:string) => btoa(String.fromCharCode(...(new TextEncoder).encode(unicode))),\n toSafe: (unsafe:string) => unsafe.replace(/=/g, \"\").replace(/[+/]/g, (match) => match == \"+\" ? \"-\" : \"_\"),\n safeEncode: (unicode:string) => b64.toSafe(b64.encode(unicode)),\n decode: (base64:string) => (new TextDecoder()).decode(Uint8Array.from(atob(base64), c => c.charCodeAt(0))),\n // toUnsafe: (safe:string) => safe.replace(/[-_]/g, (match) => match == \"-\" ? \"+\" : \"/\"),\n // safeDecode: (base64:string) => b64.decode(b64.toUnsafe(base64))\n };\n\n // Init the *_nav helpers\n const initNav = (el:Element, [opts]:NavArgs) => {\n void initCutoff(el, opts);\n };\n\n// Init the Cutoff features\n const initCutoff = async (el:CutoffElement, opts?:OptionArgs) => {\n if (!opts || !Array.isArray(opts.update) // not enabled\n || !opts.cutoffs_param || !opts.page_param) { // Bad opts\n // console.warn(\"Failed Pagy.initCutoff():%o\\n Bad opts \\n%o\", el, opts);\n return;\n }\n const pagyId = document.cookie.split(/;\\s+/) // it works even if malformed\n .find((row) => row.startsWith(\"pagy=\"))\n ?.split(\"=\")[1] || Math.floor(Math.random() * 36 ** 3).toString(36);\n document.cookie = \"pagy=\" + pagyId;\n\n // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const\n let [key, last, latest] = opts.update;\n if (key && !(key in sS)) {\n // Sync the sessiongStorage from other tabs/windows (e.g. open page in new tab/window)_\n sync.postMessage({ from: tabId, key: key });\n // Wait for the listener to copy the cutoffs in the current sessionStorage\n await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(\"\"), 100) );\n }\n key ||= \"pagy-\" +;\n const cs = sS.getItem(key);\n const cutoffs = (cs ? JSON.parse(cs) : [null]);\n if (last && latest) {\n cutoffs[last] = latest;\n sS.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(cutoffs));\n }\n (el.completeUrls = () => {\n for (const a of el.querySelectorAll('a[href]')) {\n const url = a.href;\n const re = new RegExp(`(?<=\\\\?.*)\\\\b${opts.page_param}=([\\\\d]+)`); // find the numeric page\n const page = parseInt(url.match(re)?.[1]); // sure that page=\\d+ is in href\n const value = b64.safeEncode(JSON.stringify([pagyId,\n key,\n cutoffs.length, // actual cutoffs + 1 (first null)\n cutoffs[page - 1],\n cutoffs[page]]));\n a.href = url + `&${opts.cutoffs_param}=${value}`; // \"&\" because the query_string is always present\n }\n })();\n };\n\n // Init the *_nav_js helpers\n const initNavJs = (el:NavJsElement, [tokens, sequels, labelSequels, opts]:NavJsArgs) => {\n const container = el.parentElement ?? el;\n const widths = Object.keys(sequels).map(w => parseInt(w)).sort((a, b) => b - a);\n let lastWidth = -1;\n const fillIn = (a:string, page:string, label:string) =>\n a.replace(/__pagy_page__/g, page).replace(/__pagy_label__/g, label);\n (el.pagyRender = () => {\n const width = widths.find(w => w < container.clientWidth) || 0;\n if (width === lastWidth) { return } // no change: abort\n let html = tokens.before; // already trimmed by ruby in html\n const series = sequels[width.toString()];\n const labels = labelSequels?.[width.toString()] ?? => l.toString());\n series.forEach((item, i) => {\n const label = labels[i];\n let filled;\n if (typeof item == \"number\") {\n filled = fillIn(tokens.a, item.toString(), label);\n if (typeof opts?.page_param == \"string\" && item == 1) { filled = trim(filled, opts.page_param) }\n } else if (item == \"gap\") {\n filled =;\n } else { // active page\n filled = fillIn(tokens.current, item, label);\n }\n html += filled;\n });\n html += tokens.after; // already trimmed by ruby in html\n el.innerHTML = \"\";\n el.insertAdjacentHTML(\"afterbegin\", html);\n lastWidth = width;\n })();\n if (el.classList.contains(\"pagy-rjs\")) { rjsObserver.observe(container) }\n };\n\n // Init the *_combo_nav_js helpers\n const initComboJs = (el:Element, [url_token, opts]:ComboJsArgs) =>\n initInput(el, inputValue => [inputValue, url_token.replace(/__pagy_page__/, inputValue)], opts);\n\n // Init the limit_selector_js helper\n const initSelectorJs = (el:Element, [from, url_token, opts]:SelectorJsArgs) => {\n initInput(el, inputValue => {\n const page = Math.max(Math.ceil(from / parseInt(inputValue)), 1).toString();\n const url = url_token.replace(/__pagy_page__/, page).replace(/__pagy_limit__/, inputValue);\n return [page, url];\n }, opts);\n };\n\n // Init the input element\n const initInput = (el:Element, getVars:(v:string) => [string, string], opts?:OptionArgs) => {\n const input = el.querySelector(\"input\") as HTMLInputElement;\n const link = el.querySelector(\"a\") as HTMLAnchorElement;\n const initial = input.value;\n const action = () => {\n if (input.value === initial) { return } // not changed\n const [min, val, max] = [input.min, input.value, input.max].map(n => parseInt(n) || 0);\n if (val < min || val > max) { // reset invalid/out-of-range\n input.value = initial;\n;\n return;\n }\n let [page, url] = getVars(input.value); // eslint-disable-line prefer-const\n if (typeof opts?.page_param == \"string\" && page === \"1\") { url = trim(url, opts.page_param) }\n link.href = url;\n;\n };\n [\"change\", \"focus\"].forEach(e => input.addEventListener(e, () =>; // auto-select\n input.addEventListener(\"focusout\", action); // trigger action\n input.addEventListener(\"keypress\", e => { if (e.key == \"Enter\") { action() } }); // trigger action\n };\n\n // Trim the ${page-param}=1 params in links\n const trim = (a:string, param:string) =>\n a.replace(new RegExp(`[?&]${param}=1\\\\b(?!&)|\\\\b${param}=1&`), \"\");\n\n // Public interface\n return {\n version: \"9.3.3\",\n\n // Scan for elements with a \"data-pagy\" attribute and call their init functions with the decoded args\n init(arg?:Element) {\n const target = arg instanceof Element ? arg : document;\n const elements = target.querySelectorAll(\"[data-pagy]\");\n for (const el of elements) {\n try {\n const [keyword, ...args] = JSON.parse(b64.decode(el.getAttribute(\"data-pagy\")));\n if (keyword == \"nav\") {\n initNav(el, args);\n } else if (keyword == \"nav_js\") {\n initNavJs(el, args);\n } else if (keyword == \"combo_js\") {\n initComboJs(el, args);\n } else if (keyword == \"selector_js\") {\n initSelectorJs(el, args);\n }\n //else { console.warn(\"Failed Pagy.init(): %o\\nUnknown keyword '%s'\", el, keyword) }\n } catch (err) { console.warn(\"Failed Pagy.init(): %o\\n%s\", el, err) }\n }\n }\n };\n})();\n\nexport default Pagy;\n"
+ "type InitArgs = [\"nav\", NavArgs] | [\"nav_js\", NavJsArgs] | [\"combo_js\", ComboJsArgs] | [\"selector_js\", SelectorJsArgs]\ntype NavArgs = readonly [OptionArgs?]\ntype NavJsArgs = readonly [Tokens, Sequels, null | LabelSequels, OptionArgs?]\ntype ComboJsArgs = readonly [string, OptionArgs?]\ntype SelectorJsArgs = readonly [number, string, OptionArgs?]\ntype Cutoff = readonly [string | number | boolean]\ntype SpliceArgs = readonly [number, number, ...Cutoff[]] | [number, number]\ntype Update = [string, SpliceArgs] | [string]\ntype Cutoffs = [null, ...Cutoff[]]\ntype CutoffsParam = [string, string, number, null | Cutoff, Cutoff | undefined]\n\ninterface SyncData {\n from?: number\n to?: number\n key: string\n cutoffs?: string\n}\n\ninterface OptionArgs {\n readonly page_param?: string\n readonly cutoffs_param?: string\n readonly update?: Update\n}\n\ninterface Tokens {\n readonly before: string\n readonly a: string\n readonly current: string\n readonly gap: string\n readonly after: string\n}\n\ninterface Sequels {readonly [width:string]:(string | number)[]}\ninterface LabelSequels {readonly [width:string]:string[]}\ninterface NavJsElement extends Element {pagyRender():void}\ninterface CutoffElement extends NavJsElement, Element {completeUrls():void}\n\nconst Pagy = (() => {\n\n // Sync the sessionStorage keys for the cutoffs used in the new tab/window\n // e.g. copy/paste the page number link in a new window or page link right-click \"Open in a new tab/window\"\n const sS = sessionStorage, // shorten the .min.js\n sync = new BroadcastChannel(\"pagy\"),\n tabId =;\n\n sync.addEventListener(\"message\", (e: MessageEvent) => {\n if ( { // request cutoffs\n const cutoffs = sS.getItem(;\n if (cutoffs) { sync.postMessage({to:, key:, cutoffs: cutoffs}) } // send response\n } else if ( { // receive cutoffs\n if ( == tabId) {\n sS.setItem(,;\n }\n }\n });\n\n // The observer instance for responsive navs\n const rjsObserver = new ResizeObserver(\n entries => entries.forEach(e => {\n\".pagy-rjs\").forEach(el => el.pagyRender());\n\".pagy-keyset\").forEach(el => el.completeUrls());\n }));\n\n const b64 = {\n encode: (unicode:string) => btoa(String.fromCharCode(...(new TextEncoder).encode(unicode))),\n toSafe: (unsafe:string) => unsafe.replace(/=/g, \"\").replace(/[+/]/g, (match) => match == \"+\" ? \"-\" : \"_\"),\n safeEncode: (unicode:string) => b64.toSafe(b64.encode(unicode)),\n decode: (base64:string) => (new TextDecoder()).decode(Uint8Array.from(atob(base64), c => c.charCodeAt(0))),\n // toUnsafe: (safe:string) => safe.replace(/[-_]/g, (match) => match == \"-\" ? \"+\" : \"/\"),\n // safeDecode: (base64:string) => b64.decode(b64.toUnsafe(base64))\n };\n\n // Init the *_nav helpers\n const initNav = (el:Element, [opts]:NavArgs) => {\n void initCutoff(el, opts);\n };\n\n// Init the Cutoff features\n const initCutoff = async (el:CutoffElement, opts?:OptionArgs) => {\n if (!opts || !Array.isArray(opts.update) // not enabled\n || !opts.cutoffs_param || !opts.page_param) { // Bad opts\n // console.warn(\"Failed Pagy.initCutoff():%o\\n Bad opts \\n%o\", el, opts);\n return;\n }\n const pagyId = document.cookie.split(/;\\s+/) // it works even if malformed\n .find((row) => row.startsWith(\"pagy=\"))\n ?.split(\"=\")[1] || Math.floor(Math.random() * 36 ** 3).toString(36);\n document.cookie = \"pagy=\" + pagyId;\n\n // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const\n let [key, ...spliceArgs] = opts.update;\n if (key && !(key in sS)) {\n // Sync the sessiongStorage from other tabs/windows (e.g. open page in new tab/window)_\n sync.postMessage({ from: tabId, key: key });\n // Wait for the listener to copy the cutoffs in the current sessionStorage\n await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(\"\"), 100) );\n }\n key ||= \"pagy-\" +;\n const cs = sS.getItem(key),\n cutoffs = (cs ? JSON.parse(cs) : [null]);\n if (spliceArgs) {\n // @ts-expect-error: spliceArgs should be a tuple type or passed to a rest param, but it contains all the args\n cutoffs.splice(...spliceArgs);\n sS.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(cutoffs));\n }\n (el.completeUrls = () => {\n for (const a of el.querySelectorAll('a[href]')) {\n const url = a.href,\n re = new RegExp(`(?<=\\\\?.*)\\\\b${opts.page_param}=([\\\\d]+)`), // find the numeric page\n page = parseInt(url.match(re)?.[1]), // sure that page=\\d+ is in href\n value = b64.safeEncode(JSON.stringify([pagyId,\n key,\n cutoffs.length, // actual cutoffs + 1 (first null)\n cutoffs[page - 1],\n cutoffs[page]]));\n a.href = url + `&${opts.cutoffs_param}=${value}`; // \"&\" because the query_string is always present\n }\n })();\n };\n\n // Init the *_nav_js helpers\n const initNavJs = (el:NavJsElement, [tokens, sequels, labelSequels, opts]:NavJsArgs) => {\n const container = el.parentElement ?? el,\n widths = Object.keys(sequels).map(w => parseInt(w)).sort((a, b) => b - a);\n let lastWidth = -1;\n const fillIn = (a:string, page:string, label:string) =>\n a.replace(/__pagy_page__/g, page).replace(/__pagy_label__/g, label);\n (el.pagyRender = () => {\n const width = widths.find(w => w < container.clientWidth) || 0;\n if (width === lastWidth) { return } // no change: abort\n let html = tokens.before; // already trimmed by ruby in html\n const series = sequels[width.toString()],\n labels = labelSequels?.[width.toString()] ?? => l.toString());\n series.forEach((item, i) => {\n const label = labels[i];\n let filled;\n if (typeof item == \"number\") {\n filled = fillIn(tokens.a, item.toString(), label);\n if (typeof opts?.page_param == \"string\" && item == 1) { filled = trim(filled, opts.page_param) }\n } else if (item == \"gap\") {\n filled =;\n } else { // active page\n filled = fillIn(tokens.current, item, label);\n }\n html += filled;\n });\n html += tokens.after; // already trimmed by ruby in html\n el.innerHTML = \"\";\n el.insertAdjacentHTML(\"afterbegin\", html);\n lastWidth = width;\n })();\n if (el.classList.contains(\"pagy-rjs\")) { rjsObserver.observe(container) }\n };\n\n // Init the *_combo_nav_js helpers\n const initComboJs = (el:Element, [url_token, opts]:ComboJsArgs) =>\n initInput(el, inputValue => [inputValue, url_token.replace(/__pagy_page__/, inputValue)], opts);\n\n // Init the limit_selector_js helper\n const initSelectorJs = (el:Element, [from, url_token, opts]:SelectorJsArgs) => {\n initInput(el, inputValue => {\n const page = Math.max(Math.ceil(from / parseInt(inputValue)), 1).toString(),\n url = url_token.replace(/__pagy_page__/, page).replace(/__pagy_limit__/, inputValue);\n return [page, url];\n }, opts);\n };\n\n // Init the input element\n const initInput = (el:Element, getVars:(v:string) => [string, string], opts?:OptionArgs) => {\n const input = el.querySelector(\"input\") as HTMLInputElement,\n link = el.querySelector(\"a\") as HTMLAnchorElement,\n initial = input.value;\n const action = () => {\n if (input.value === initial) { return } // not changed\n const [min, val, max] = [input.min, input.value, input.max].map(n => parseInt(n) || 0);\n if (val < min || val > max) { // reset invalid/out-of-range\n input.value = initial;\n;\n return;\n }\n let [page, url] = getVars(input.value); // eslint-disable-line prefer-const\n if (typeof opts?.page_param == \"string\" && page === \"1\") { url = trim(url, opts.page_param) }\n link.href = url;\n;\n };\n [\"change\", \"focus\"].forEach(e => input.addEventListener(e, () =>; // auto-select\n input.addEventListener(\"focusout\", action); // trigger action\n input.addEventListener(\"keypress\", e => { if (e.key == \"Enter\") { action() } }); // trigger action\n };\n\n // Trim the ${page-param}=1 params in links\n const trim = (a:string, param:string) =>\n a.replace(new RegExp(`[?&]${param}=1\\\\b(?!&)|\\\\b${param}=1&`), \"\");\n\n // Public interface\n return {\n version: \"9.3.3\",\n\n // Scan for elements with a \"data-pagy\" attribute and call their init functions with the decoded args\n init(arg?:Element) {\n const target = arg instanceof Element ? arg : document,\n elements = target.querySelectorAll(\"[data-pagy]\");\n for (const el of elements) {\n try {\n const [keyword, ...args] = JSON.parse(b64.decode(el.getAttribute(\"data-pagy\")));\n if (keyword == \"nav\") {\n initNav(el, args);\n } else if (keyword == \"nav_js\") {\n initNavJs(el, args);\n } else if (keyword == \"combo_js\") {\n initComboJs(el, args);\n } else if (keyword == \"selector_js\") {\n initSelectorJs(el, args);\n }\n //else { console.warn(\"Failed Pagy.init(): %o\\nUnknown keyword '%s'\", el, keyword) }\n } catch (err) { console.warn(\"Failed Pagy.init(): %o\\n%s\", el, err) }\n }\n }\n };\n})();\n\nexport default Pagy;\n"
- "debugId": "9AB674AC438688CC64756E2164756E21",
+ "debugId": "F0DEAFFC2E0A2A4464756E2164756E21",
"names": []
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gem/javascripts/pagy.mjs b/gem/javascripts/pagy.mjs
index 9124227a5..9816f0b8f 100644
--- a/gem/javascripts/pagy.mjs
+++ b/gem/javascripts/pagy.mjs
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
const Pagy = (() => {
- const sS = sessionStorage;
- const sync = new BroadcastChannel("pagy");
- const tabId =;
+ const sS = sessionStorage, sync = new BroadcastChannel("pagy"), tabId =;
sync.addEventListener("message", (e) => {
if ( {
const cutoffs = sS.getItem(;
@@ -33,24 +31,20 @@ const Pagy = (() => {
const pagyId = document.cookie.split(/;\s+/).find((row) => row.startsWith("pagy="))?.split("=")[1] || Math.floor(Math.random() * 36 ** 3).toString(36);
document.cookie = "pagy=" + pagyId;
- let [key, last, latest] = opts.update;
+ let [key, ...spliceArgs] = opts.update;
if (key && !(key in sS)) {
sync.postMessage({ from: tabId, key });
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(""), 100));
key ||= "pagy-" +;
- const cs = sS.getItem(key);
- const cutoffs = cs ? JSON.parse(cs) : [null];
- if (last && latest) {
- cutoffs[last] = latest;
+ const cs = sS.getItem(key), cutoffs = cs ? JSON.parse(cs) : [null];
+ if (spliceArgs) {
+ cutoffs.splice(...spliceArgs);
sS.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(cutoffs));
(el.completeUrls = () => {
for (const a of el.querySelectorAll("a[href]")) {
- const url = a.href;
- const re = new RegExp(`(?<=\\?.*)\\b${opts.page_param}=([\\d]+)`);
- const page = parseInt(url.match(re)?.[1]);
- const value = b64.safeEncode(JSON.stringify([
+ const url = a.href, re = new RegExp(`(?<=\\?.*)\\b${opts.page_param}=([\\d]+)`), page = parseInt(url.match(re)?.[1]), value = b64.safeEncode(JSON.stringify([
@@ -62,8 +56,7 @@ const Pagy = (() => {
const initNavJs = (el, [tokens, sequels, labelSequels, opts]) => {
- const container = el.parentElement ?? el;
- const widths = Object.keys(sequels).map((w) => parseInt(w)).sort((a, b) => b - a);
+ const container = el.parentElement ?? el, widths = Object.keys(sequels).map((w) => parseInt(w)).sort((a, b) => b - a);
let lastWidth = -1;
const fillIn = (a, page, label) => a.replace(/__pagy_page__/g, page).replace(/__pagy_label__/g, label);
(el.pagyRender = () => {
@@ -72,8 +65,7 @@ const Pagy = (() => {
let html = tokens.before;
- const series = sequels[width.toString()];
- const labels = labelSequels?.[width.toString()] ?? => l.toString());
+ const series = sequels[width.toString()], labels = labelSequels?.[width.toString()] ?? => l.toString());
series.forEach((item, i) => {
const label = labels[i];
let filled;
@@ -101,15 +93,12 @@ const Pagy = (() => {
const initComboJs = (el, [url_token, opts]) => initInput(el, (inputValue) => [inputValue, url_token.replace(/__pagy_page__/, inputValue)], opts);
const initSelectorJs = (el, [from, url_token, opts]) => {
initInput(el, (inputValue) => {
- const page = Math.max(Math.ceil(from / parseInt(inputValue)), 1).toString();
- const url = url_token.replace(/__pagy_page__/, page).replace(/__pagy_limit__/, inputValue);
+ const page = Math.max(Math.ceil(from / parseInt(inputValue)), 1).toString(), url = url_token.replace(/__pagy_page__/, page).replace(/__pagy_limit__/, inputValue);
return [page, url];
}, opts);
const initInput = (el, getVars, opts) => {
- const input = el.querySelector("input");
- const link = el.querySelector("a");
- const initial = input.value;
+ const input = el.querySelector("input"), link = el.querySelector("a"), initial = input.value;
const action = () => {
if (input.value === initial) {
@@ -139,8 +128,7 @@ const Pagy = (() => {
return {
version: "9.3.3",
init(arg) {
- const target = arg instanceof Element ? arg : document;
- const elements = target.querySelectorAll("[data-pagy]");
+ const target = arg instanceof Element ? arg : document, elements = target.querySelectorAll("[data-pagy]");
for (const el of elements) {
try {
const [keyword, ...args] = JSON.parse(b64.decode(el.getAttribute("data-pagy")));
diff --git a/gem/lib/pagy/extras/bootstrap.rb b/gem/lib/pagy/extras/bootstrap.rb
index b59b1b051..20faddb8f 100644
--- a/gem/lib/pagy/extras/bootstrap.rb
+++ b/gem/lib/pagy/extras/bootstrap.rb
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ def pagy_bootstrap_nav_js(pagy, id: nil, classes: 'pagination', aria_label: nil,
'after' => %(#{bootstrap_next_html pagy, a}) }
diff --git a/gem/lib/pagy/extras/bulma.rb b/gem/lib/pagy/extras/bulma.rb
index 0857abadc..6fce72579 100644
--- a/gem/lib/pagy/extras/bulma.rb
+++ b/gem/lib/pagy/extras/bulma.rb
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ def pagy_bulma_nav_js(pagy, id: nil, classes: 'pagy-bulma nav-js pagination is-c
'after' => '' }
diff --git a/gem/lib/pagy/extras/keyset_for_ui.rb b/gem/lib/pagy/extras/keyset_for_ui.rb
index 7170c95f1..786b82f02 100644
--- a/gem/lib/pagy/extras/keyset_for_ui.rb
+++ b/gem/lib/pagy/extras/keyset_for_ui.rb
@@ -27,12 +27,9 @@ def get_cutoffs(vars)
cutoffs = JSON.parse(B64.urlsafe_decode(cutoffs))
pagy_id = cutoffs.shift
- return cutoffs if request.cookies['pagy'] == pagy_id
- # The url has been requested from another browser, which does not have the same sessionStorage,
- # hence we need to restart the pagination to page 1
- vars[:page] = 1
+ # No cutoffs if the url has been requested from another browser,
+ # which does not have the same sessionStorage, hence we need to restart the pagination to page 1
+ request.cookies['pagy'] == pagy_id ? cutoffs : nil
Backend.prepend KeysetForUIExtra
diff --git a/gem/lib/pagy/extras/pagy.rb b/gem/lib/pagy/extras/pagy.rb
index 5ae4dff25..73b7b1d5f 100644
--- a/gem/lib/pagy/extras/pagy.rb
+++ b/gem/lib/pagy/extras/pagy.rb
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ def pagy_nav_js(pagy, id: nil, aria_label: nil, **vars)
'after' => next_a(pagy, a) }
diff --git a/gem/lib/pagy/keyset_for_ui.rb b/gem/lib/pagy/keyset_for_ui.rb
index 95bb4b875..fc8316c25 100644
--- a/gem/lib/pagy/keyset_for_ui.rb
+++ b/gem/lib/pagy/keyset_for_ui.rb
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ class Sequel < KeysetForUI
# Avoid args conflicts in composite SQL fragments
CUTOFF_PREFIX = 'cutoff_' # Prefix for cutoff_args
- FIRST_PAGE = [nil, 1, nil, nil].freeze
include SharedUIMethods
attr_reader :update
@@ -32,10 +31,13 @@ def initialize(set, **vars)
# Get the cutoff from the client
def assign_cutoffs
- # key, is from the client and sent back as-is in order to id the requests of the same set
- key, @last, @prev_cutoff, @cutoff = @vars[:cutoffs] || FIRST_PAGE
- @update = [key]
- # raise, :page, "in 1..#{@last}", @page) if @page > @last
+ if @vars[:cutoffs]
+ key, @last, @prev_cutoff, @cutoff = @vars[:cutoffs]
+ raise, :page, "in 1..#{@last}", @page) if @page > @last
+ else
+ @page = @last = 1
+ end
+ @update = [key] # key, is from the client and sent back as-is in order to id the requests of the same set
# Assign different args to support the AFTER_CUTOFF SQL if @cutoff
@@ -134,8 +136,8 @@ def next
@next ||= (@page + 1).tap do
unless @cutoff
@cutoff = derive_cutoff
- @update.push(@last, @cutoff) # operation arguments for the client cutoffs
- @last += 1 # reflect the added cutoff
+ @update.push(@page, 1, @cutoff) # splice arguments for the client cutoffs
+ @last += 1 # reflect the added cutoff
diff --git a/src/pagy.ts b/src/pagy.ts
index 07757251c..b4b65f44e 100644
--- a/src/pagy.ts
+++ b/src/pagy.ts
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ type NavJsArgs = readonly [Tokens, Sequels, null | LabelSequels, OptionArgs
type ComboJsArgs = readonly [string, OptionArgs?]
type SelectorJsArgs = readonly [number, string, OptionArgs?]
type Cutoff = readonly [string | number | boolean]
-type Update = [string, number, Cutoff] | [string]
+type SpliceArgs = readonly [number, number, ...Cutoff[]] | [number, number]
+type Update = [string, SpliceArgs] | [string]
type Cutoffs = [null, ...Cutoff[]]
type CutoffsParam = [string, string, number, null | Cutoff, Cutoff | undefined]
@@ -38,9 +39,9 @@ const Pagy = (() => {
// Sync the sessionStorage keys for the cutoffs used in the new tab/window
// e.g. copy/paste the page number link in a new window or page link right-click "Open in a new tab/window"
- const sS = sessionStorage; // shorten the .min.js
- const sync = new BroadcastChannel("pagy");
- const tabId =;
+ const sS = sessionStorage, // shorten the .min.js
+ sync = new BroadcastChannel("pagy"),
+ tabId =;
sync.addEventListener("message", (e: MessageEvent) => {
if ( { // request cutoffs
@@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ const Pagy = (() => {
document.cookie = "pagy=" + pagyId;
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
- let [key, last, latest] = opts.update;
+ let [key, ...spliceArgs] = opts.update;
if (key && !(key in sS)) {
// Sync the sessiongStorage from other tabs/windows (e.g. open page in new tab/window)_
sync.postMessage({ from: tabId, key: key });
@@ -95,18 +96,19 @@ const Pagy = (() => {
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(""), 100) );
key ||= "pagy-" +;
- const cs = sS.getItem(key);
- const cutoffs = (cs ? JSON.parse(cs) : [null]);
- if (last && latest) {
- cutoffs[last] = latest;
+ const cs = sS.getItem(key),
+ cutoffs = (cs ? JSON.parse(cs) : [null]);
+ if (spliceArgs) {
+ // @ts-expect-error: spliceArgs should be a tuple type or passed to a rest param, but it contains all the args
+ cutoffs.splice(...spliceArgs);
sS.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(cutoffs));
(el.completeUrls = () => {
for (const a of el.querySelectorAll('a[href]')) {
- const url = a.href;
- const re = new RegExp(`(?<=\\?.*)\\b${opts.page_param}=([\\d]+)`); // find the numeric page
- const page = parseInt(url.match(re)?.[1]); // sure that page=\d+ is in href
- const value = b64.safeEncode(JSON.stringify([pagyId,
+ const url = a.href,
+ re = new RegExp(`(?<=\\?.*)\\b${opts.page_param}=([\\d]+)`), // find the numeric page
+ page = parseInt(url.match(re)?.[1]), // sure that page=\d+ is in href
+ value = b64.safeEncode(JSON.stringify([pagyId,
cutoffs.length, // actual cutoffs + 1 (first null)
cutoffs[page - 1],
@@ -118,8 +120,8 @@ const Pagy = (() => {
// Init the *_nav_js helpers
const initNavJs = (el:NavJsElement, [tokens, sequels, labelSequels, opts]:NavJsArgs) => {
- const container = el.parentElement ?? el;
- const widths = Object.keys(sequels).map(w => parseInt(w)).sort((a, b) => b - a);
+ const container = el.parentElement ?? el,
+ widths = Object.keys(sequels).map(w => parseInt(w)).sort((a, b) => b - a);
let lastWidth = -1;
const fillIn = (a:string, page:string, label:string) =>
a.replace(/__pagy_page__/g, page).replace(/__pagy_label__/g, label);
@@ -127,8 +129,8 @@ const Pagy = (() => {
const width = widths.find(w => w < container.clientWidth) || 0;
if (width === lastWidth) { return } // no change: abort
let html = tokens.before; // already trimmed by ruby in html
- const series = sequels[width.toString()];
- const labels = labelSequels?.[width.toString()] ?? => l.toString());
+ const series = sequels[width.toString()],
+ labels = labelSequels?.[width.toString()] ?? => l.toString());
series.forEach((item, i) => {
const label = labels[i];
let filled;
@@ -157,17 +159,17 @@ const Pagy = (() => {
// Init the limit_selector_js helper
const initSelectorJs = (el:Element, [from, url_token, opts]:SelectorJsArgs) => {
initInput(el, inputValue => {
- const page = Math.max(Math.ceil(from / parseInt(inputValue)), 1).toString();
- const url = url_token.replace(/__pagy_page__/, page).replace(/__pagy_limit__/, inputValue);
+ const page = Math.max(Math.ceil(from / parseInt(inputValue)), 1).toString(),
+ url = url_token.replace(/__pagy_page__/, page).replace(/__pagy_limit__/, inputValue);
return [page, url];
}, opts);
// Init the input element
const initInput = (el:Element, getVars:(v:string) => [string, string], opts?:OptionArgs) => {
- const input = el.querySelector("input") as HTMLInputElement;
- const link = el.querySelector("a") as HTMLAnchorElement;
- const initial = input.value;
+ const input = el.querySelector("input") as HTMLInputElement,
+ link = el.querySelector("a") as HTMLAnchorElement,
+ initial = input.value;
const action = () => {
if (input.value === initial) { return } // not changed
const [min, val, max] = [input.min, input.value, input.max].map(n => parseInt(n) || 0);
@@ -196,8 +198,8 @@ const Pagy = (() => {
// Scan for elements with a "data-pagy" attribute and call their init functions with the decoded args
init(arg?:Element) {
- const target = arg instanceof Element ? arg : document;
- const elements = target.querySelectorAll("[data-pagy]");
+ const target = arg instanceof Element ? arg : document,
+ elements = target.querySelectorAll("[data-pagy]");
for (const el of elements) {
try {
const [keyword, ...args] = JSON.parse(b64.decode(el.getAttribute("data-pagy")));
diff --git a/test/mock_helpers/app.rb b/test/mock_helpers/app.rb
index 84ceb0745..6eaa88223 100644
--- a/test/mock_helpers/app.rb
+++ b/test/mock_helpers/app.rb
@@ -16,15 +16,14 @@ class MockApp
# App params are merged into the @request.params (and are all strings)
# @params are taken from @request.params and merged with app params (which fixes symbols and strings in params)
- def initialize(url: '', params: { page: 3 }, session: {}, cookies: {})
- @request =, params: params))
- @params =
- @response =
- @session = session
- @cookies = cookies
+ def initialize(url: '', params: { page: 3 }, cookie: nil)
+ env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for(url, params: params, cookies: cookies)
+ env["HTTP_COOKIE"] = cookie if cookie
+ @request =
+ @params =
+ @response =
def test_i18n_call
diff --git a/test/pagy/extras/keyset_for_ui_test.rb b/test/pagy/extras/keyset_for_ui_test.rb
index c56b29443..a70096f82 100644
--- a/test/pagy/extras/keyset_for_ui_test.rb
+++ b/test/pagy/extras/keyset_for_ui_test.rb
@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@
_(pagy).must_be_kind_of Pagy::KeysetForUI
_(records.size).must_equal 10
_( 2
- _(pagy.update).must_equal [nil, 1, [10]]
+ _(pagy.update).must_equal [nil, 1, 1, [10]]
it 'works for page 2' do
app = {cutoffs: Pagy::B64.urlsafe_encode(['ppp', 'key', 2, [10]].to_json)},
- cookies: {pagy: 'ppp'})
+ cookie: 'pagy=ppp')
pagy, records = app.send(:pagy_keyset_for_ui,
page: 2,
@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@
_(records.size).must_equal 10
_( 11
_( 3
- _(pagy.update).must_equal ['key', 2, [20]]
+ _(pagy.update).must_equal ['key', 2, 1, [20]]
it 'reset pagination for missing cookie' do
app = {cutoffs: Pagy::B64.urlsafe_encode(['zzz', 'key', 2, [10]].to_json)},
- cookies: {pagy: 'ppp'})
+ cookie: 'pagy=ppp')
pagy, records = app.send(:pagy_keyset_for_ui,
page: 2,
@@ -46,11 +46,11 @@
_(pagy).must_be_kind_of Pagy::KeysetForUI
_(records.size).must_equal 10
_( 2
- _(pagy.update).must_equal [nil, 1, [10]]
+ _(pagy.update).must_equal [nil, 1, 1, [10]]
it 'works for page 5' do
app = {cutoffs: Pagy::B64.urlsafe_encode(['ppp', 'key', 5, [40]].to_json)},
- cookies: {pagy: 'ppp'})
+ cookie: 'pagy=ppp')
pagy, records = app.send(:pagy_keyset_for_ui,
page: 5,
diff --git a/test/pagy/keyset_for_ui_test.rb b/test/pagy/keyset_for_ui_test.rb
index 6d28cdd2f..df0fa7eb1 100644
--- a/test/pagy/keyset_for_ui_test.rb
+++ b/test/pagy/keyset_for_ui_test.rb
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
records = pagy.records
_(records.size).must_equal 10
_( 13
- _(pagy.update).must_equal ['key', ["dog", "Denis", 44]]
+ _(pagy.update).must_equal ['key', 2, 1, ["dog", "Denis", 44]]
it 'uses :jsonify_keyset_attributes' do
pagy =,
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
jsonify_keyset_attributes: ->(attr) { attr.values.to_json })
_(pagy.instance_variable_get(:@cutoff_args)).must_equal(id: 10)
- _(pagy.update).must_equal ['key', [20]]
+ _(pagy.update).must_equal ['key', 2, 1, [20]]
describe 'handles the page/cut' do
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
limit: 10)
_( 2
- _(pagy.update).must_equal [nil, [10]]
+ _(pagy.update).must_equal [nil, 1, 1, [10]]
it 'handles the page/cut for the second page' do
pagy =,
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
_(pagy.instance_variable_get(:@cutoff_args)).must_equal(id: 10)
_( 11
_( 3
- _(pagy.update).must_equal ['key', [20]]
+ _(pagy.update).must_equal ['key', 2, 1, [20]]
it 'handles the page/cut for the last page' do
pagy =,
@@ -61,11 +61,12 @@
describe 'handles overflow' do
it 'reset on overflow' do
- pagy =,
- cutoffs: ['key', 2, [20]],
- limit: 10,
- page: 3)
- _(pagy.update).must_equal [nil, [10]]
+ _ do
+ cutoffs: ['key', 2, [20]],
+ limit: 10,
+ page: 3)
+ end.must_raise Pagy::OverflowError
describe 'handles the jumping back' do