A mutable collection of useful learning resources compiled from my own experience, and suggestions from the fantastic F# community. PR's welcome :)
F# In action, by Isaac Abraham.
Stylish F#, by Kit Eason. There is a second edition available of this.
Domain Modeling Made Functional, by Scott Wlaschin
Essential Functional First F#, by Ian Russell
This book is currently Free on lean Pub. There are also youtube videos to accompany this book's content being added from Feb 24, for 12 weeks. See Essential Lectures.
Get Programming with F#, by Isaac Abraham.
Testing with F#, by Mikael Lundin
The Book of F#, by Dave Fancher
fsharpforfunandprofit.com - Scott Wlaschin
Tour of F# - Microsoft
Exercism.io - Code Kata’s. They also have a mentoring Track, where you submit your solutions and receive feedback from mentors.
The F# Foundation - Lots of other resources to be found here, including links info on the F# Mentorship Programme, and how to sign up for the F# Slack
F# Cheatsheet
F# Core Library Documentation - Microsoft/Community
F# style guide - Microsoft/Community
Amplifying F# - Community
F# Weekly - Community
Scott Wlaschin
Evelina Gabasova
Isaac Abraham
Mark Seemann
Gina Marie Maini
Ian Russell
Ambika Eshwar
Sergey Tihon
slime girl
Compositional IT
Dustin Moris
Krzysztof Cieślak
Lena Hall
Paul Blasucci
Ben Gobeil
Natalie Perret
Zaid Ajaj
Roman Sachse
Alexey Golub
Don Syme - F# Language Creator
The Dev Owl/Roman Sachse
Zaid Ajaj
Ben Gobeil
Dave Thomas
A series of YouTube videos to accompany The Essential Functional First F#, book by Ian Russell
amplifyingfsharp - Essential Lectures
Loads of Talks here: https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/dotnetConf/Focus-on-FSharp
F# From the Ground Up - Kit Eason
The Elmish Book By Zaid Ajaj. How to use the Fable compiler, "which will take our F# code and turn it into JavaScript"
Functional Programming in C# by Enrico Buonanno
Language Extensions A nuget package to bring some Functional Style tools to your C# code.