This file lists how the Chef project is maintained. When making changes to the system, this file tells you who needs to review your patch - you need a simple majority of maintainers for the relevant subsystems to provide a 👍 on your pull request. Additionally, you need to not receive a veto from a Lieutenant or the Project Lead.
Check out How Chef is Maintained for details on the process, how to become a maintainer, lieutenant, or the project lead.
Maintainers for the Chef client, Ohai, mixlibs, ChefDK, ChefSpec, Foodcritic, chefstyle, and sundry others.
To mention the team, use @chef/client-core
- Adam Leff
- Bryan McLellan
- Noah Kantrowitz
- Seth Thomas
- Daniel DeLeo
- AJ Christensen
- Phil Dibowitz
- Jay Mundrawala
- John Keiser
- Jon Cowie
- Joshua Timberman
- Lamont Granquist
- Ranjib Dey
- Steven Murawski
- Steven Danna
- Stuart Preston
- Tim Smith
- Tom Duffield
- Tyler Ball
- Josh Hudson
Chef Provisioning and Drivers. Supported Drivers are listed in the README.
To mention the team, use @chef/provisioning
The specific components of Chef related to a given platform - including (but not limited to) resources, providers, and the core DSL.
To mention the team, use @chef/client-enterprise-linux
To mention the team, use @chef/client-ubuntu
To mention the team, use @chef/client-windows
To mention the team, use @chef/client-solaris
To mention the team, use @chef/client-aix
To mention the team, use @chef/client-os-x
To mention the team, use @chef/client-debian
To mention the team, use @chef/client-fedora
To mention the team, use @chef/client-opensuse
To mention the team, use @chef/client-suse
To mention the team, use @chef/client-freebsd
To mention the team, use @chef/client-openbsd
To mention the team, use @chef/client-gentoo
To mention the team, use @chef/client-omnios
To mention the team, use @chef/client-archlinux