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[nested-grid] Support :align- keys in column specs
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kimo-k committed Aug 18, 2024
1 parent 67b1b9c commit a439920
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Showing 4 changed files with 249 additions and 147 deletions.
214 changes: 114 additions & 100 deletions src/re_com/nested_grid.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -404,67 +404,49 @@
(defn cell-part [{:keys [column-path row-path]}]

(defn cell-wrapper-part [{:keys [column-path row-path cell theme cell-value edge]
(defn cell-wrapper-part [{:keys [column-path row-path cell theme cell-value value]
:as props}]
(let [props (cond-> props
:do (dissoc :cell)
cell-value (assoc :value (cell-value props)))]
(-> {:style {:grid-column (path->grid-line-name column-path)
:grid-row (path->grid-line-name row-path)}}
(theme/apply {:state {:edge edge} :part ::cell-wrapper} theme))
[u/part cell props :default cell-part]]))
(-> {:style {:grid-column (path->grid-line-name column-path)
:grid-row (path->grid-line-name row-path)}}
(theme/apply {:part ::cell-wrapper} theme))
[u/part cell (dissoc props :cell) :default cell-part]])

(defn header-label [{:keys [path]}]
(let [header (last path)]
(str (or (:label header)
(:id header)

(defn column-header-part [{:keys [column-path]}]
(header-label {:path column-path}))
(defn column-header-part [{:keys [path]}]
(header-label {:path path}))

(theme/apply {} {:part ::column-header-wrapper} [])

(defn column-header-wrapper-part
[{:keys [column-header column-path column-paths theme show? edge resize-columns?]
:as props}]
{:style {:grid-column-start (path->grid-line-name column-path)
:grid-column-end (str "span " (cond-> column-path
:do (header-cross-span column-paths)
(not show?) dec))
:grid-row-start (count column-path)
:grid-row-end (str "span " (cond-> column-path
:do (header-main-span column-paths)
(not show?) dec))
:position "relative"}}
[:div (theme/apply {} {:state {:edge edge} :part ::column-header-wrapper}
[u/part column-header props :default column-header-part]]
(when (and resize-columns? show?)
[resize-button (merge props {:dimension :column
:path column-path})])])
[{:keys [theme children]}]
(into [:div (theme/apply {} {:part ::column-header-wrapper} theme)]

(defn row-header-part [{:keys [row-path]}]
(header-label {:path row-path}))

(defn row-header-wrapper-part
[{:keys [row-path row-paths row-header theme show? edge resize-rows?]
:as props}]
{:style {:grid-row-start (path->grid-line-name row-path)
:grid-row-end (str "span " (cond-> row-path
:do (header-cross-span row-paths)
(not show?) dec))
:grid-column-start (count row-path)
:grid-column-end (str "span " (cond-> row-path
:do (header-main-span row-paths)
(not show?) dec))
:position "relative"}}
[:div (theme/apply {}
{:state {:edge edge} :part ::row-header-wrapper}
[:div (theme/apply {:style {:grid-row-start (path->grid-line-name row-path)
:grid-row-end (str "span " (cond-> row-path
:do (header-cross-span row-paths)
(not show?) dec))
:grid-column-start (count row-path)
:grid-column-end (str "span " (cond-> row-path
:do (header-main-span row-paths)
(not show?) dec))
:position "relative"}}
{:state {:edge edge} :part ::row-header-wrapper}

[u/part row-header props :default row-header-part]]
(when (and resize-rows? show?)
[resize-button (merge props {:dimension :row
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -624,31 +606,37 @@
(header-prop path :height :row row-height))
(+ y-distance)
(max 0))))
resize-handler (r/atom #())
theme {:user [theme (theme/parts parts)]}]
(fn [& {:keys [column-tree row-tree
cell cell-value column-header row-header header-spacer
cell-wrapper column-header-wrapper row-header-wrapper header-spacer-wrapper
max-height max-width
column-width column-header-height row-header-width row-height
show-export-button? on-export
on-export-cell on-export-column-header on-export-row-header
show-selection-box? resize-columns? resize-rows?]
:or {column-header-height 25
column-width 55
row-header-width 80
row-height 25
show-export-button? true
show-branch-paths? false
show-selection-box? false
show-zebra-stripes? true
on-export-column-header header-label
on-export-row-header header-label
resize-columns? true
resize-rows? false}}]
(let [themed (fn [part props] (theme/apply props {:part part} theme))
resize-handler (r/atom #())]
(fn [& {:as passed-in-props}]
(let [{:as props
:keys [column-tree row-tree
cell cell-value column-header row-header header-spacer
cell-wrapper column-header-wrapper row-header-wrapper header-spacer-wrapper
max-height max-width
column-width column-header-height row-header-width row-height
show-export-button? on-export
on-export-cell on-export-column-header on-export-row-header
show-selection-box? resize-columns? resize-rows?]
:or {column-header-height 25
column-width 55
row-header-width 80
row-height 25
show-export-button? true
show-branch-paths? false
show-selection-box? false
show-zebra-stripes? true
on-export-column-header header-label
on-export-row-header header-label
resize-columns? true
resize-rows? false}}
(theme/top-level-part passed-in-props ::nested-grid)
theme (theme/defaults
{:user [(theme/<-props props {:part ::wrapper
:include [:style :class]})]})
themed (fn [part props] (theme/apply props {:part part} theme))
column-paths (spec->headers* column-tree)
column-leaf-paths (leaf-paths column-paths)
leaf-column? (set column-leaf-paths)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -825,28 +813,47 @@
:grid-template-rows (grid-template cell-grid-rows)}})]
column-header-cells (doall
(for [path column-paths
:let [props {:column-path path
:path path
:column-header column-header
:column-paths column-paths
:show? (show? path :column)
:on-resize resize-column!
:mouse-down-x mouse-down-x
:last-mouse-x last-mouse-x
:mouse-x mouse-x
:resize-handler resize-handler
:resize-columns? resize-columns?
:drag drag
:selection? selection?
:edge (cond-> #{}
(start-branch? path column-paths) (conj :left)
(end-branch? path column-paths) (conj :right)
(root-level? path column-paths) (conj :top)
(leaf-level? path column-paths) (conj :bottom)
(section-left? path) (conj :column-section-left)
(section-right? path) (conj :column-section-right))}]]
:let [edge (cond-> #{}
(start-branch? path column-paths) (conj :left)
(end-branch? path column-paths) (conj :right)
(root-level? path column-paths) (conj :top)
(leaf-level? path column-paths) (conj :bottom)
(section-left? path) (conj :column-section-left)
(section-right? path) (conj :column-section-right))
show? (show? path :column)
state {:edge edge
:column-path path
:path path
:header-spec (last path)
:show? show?}
props (merge {:theme (update theme :user-variables
conj (theme/with-state state))
:selection? selection?
:edge edge}
^{:key [::column (or path (gensym))]}
[u/part column-header-wrapper props :default column-header-wrapper-part]))
[:div {:style {:grid-column-start (path->grid-line-name path)
:grid-column-end (str "span " (cond-> path
:do (header-cross-span column-paths)
(not show?) dec))
:grid-row-start (count path)
:grid-row-end (str "span " (cond-> path
:do (header-main-span column-paths)
(not show?) dec))
:position "relative"}}
[u/part column-header-wrapper
(merge props {:children [[u/part column-header props :default column-header-part]]})
:default column-header-wrapper-part]
(when (and resize-columns? show?)
[resize-button (merge props {:mouse-down-x mouse-down-x
:last-mouse-x last-mouse-x
:mouse-x mouse-x
:resize-handler resize-handler
:resize-columns? resize-columns?
:on-resize resize-column!
:drag drag
:dimension :column
:path path})])]))
row-header-cells (doall
(for [path row-paths
:let [props {:row-path path
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -886,19 +893,25 @@
(for [row-path showing-row-paths]
(for [column-path showing-column-paths
:let [props (merge {:column-path column-path
:row-path row-path
:cell cell
:theme theme
:edge (cond-> #{}
(= column-path (first showing-column-paths)) (conj :left)
(= column-path (last showing-column-paths)) (conj :right)
(= row-path (first showing-row-paths)) (conj :top)
(= row-path (last showing-row-paths)) (conj :bottom)
(cell-section-left? column-path) (conj :column-section-left)
(cell-section-right? column-path) (conj :column-section-right))}
:let [edge (cond-> #{}
(= column-path (first showing-column-paths)) (conj :left)
(= column-path (last showing-column-paths)) (conj :right)
(= row-path (first showing-row-paths)) (conj :top)
(= row-path (last showing-row-paths)) (conj :bottom)
(cell-section-left? column-path) (conj :column-section-left)
(cell-section-right? column-path) (conj :column-section-right))
value (when cell-value (cell-value {:column-path column-path
:row-path row-path}))
state {:edge edge
:column-path column-path
:row-path row-path
:value value}
props (merge {:cell cell
:theme (update theme :user-variables
conj (theme/with-state state))}
(when cell-value
{:cell-value cell-value}))]]
{:cell-value cell-value})
^{:key [::cell-wrapper (or [column-path row-path] (gensym))]}
[u/part cell-wrapper props :default cell-wrapper-part]))))
zebra-stripes (for [i (filter even? (range 1 (inc (count row-paths))))]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -933,6 +946,7 @@
(themed ::wrapper {})
[:div {:on-mouse-enter #(reset! hover? true)
:on-mouse-leave #(reset! hover? false)
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19 changes: 16 additions & 3 deletions src/re_com/theme.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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(defn apply
([props ctx themes]
(if-not (map? themes)
(update @registry :user conj themes)
(merge @registry themes))
(map? themes) (re-com.theme/merge @registry themes)
:else (update @registry :user conj themes))
(remove nil?)
(reduce rf [props ctx])
(#(dissoc % :re-com/system)))))

(defn with-ctx [new-ctx]
(fn with-ctx [props ctx]
[props (clojure.core/merge ctx new-ctx)]))

(defn with-state [new-state]
(fn with-state [props ctx]
[props (update ctx :state clojure.core/merge new-state)]))

(defn props [ctx themes]
(apply {} ctx themes))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,6 +85,11 @@
(update :attr clojure.core/merge
(select-keys outer-props outer-attr-keys)))))))

(defn top-level-part [{:keys [theme] :as props} part]
(cond-> props
theme (re-com.theme/apply {:part part} theme)
theme (merge props)))

(defn add-parts-path [path]
(fn parts-pather [props {:keys [part] :as ctx}]
[(update props :theme conj (add-parts-path (conj path part)))
Expand Down

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