Releases: daviscook477/BaseMod
Week 48 Patch
Nothing broken this week, just new features.
Patch Notes:
- Make Spriter animation public (kiooeht)
- Spriter animations for monsters (kiooeht)
- Multi-word keywords (kiooeht)
- What mod is this from? for events (kiooeht)
Week 47 Patch
Patch Notes:
- Support for week 47 (kiooeht)
- Add PreRoomRender hook (Blank The Evil)
- Custom save fields for cards and relics (twanvl)
Small Hotfix
This is a small hotfix for a piece of the base game's code that mods can trigger a crash on.
Patch Notes:
- Fix NPE in base game GetAllInBattleInstances (kiooeht)
Week 46 Patch
Once again, this week's update of Slay the Spire brings some more backend changes for characters.
This release is not backwards compatible. All character mods will have to be updated before they will work again. Non-character mods may have to update, though others won't.
For Modders:
If you have a character mod, some methods on your character have changed and several new methods have been added. You'll have to fix them to get your character working again.
Patch Notes:
- Support for week 46 (kiooeht)
- Fix custom monsters being more weighted (kiooeht)
- Fix custom monsters not being used for the first strong enemy (kiooeht)
- More fixing ModSlider position (kiooeht)
More Small Fixes
Patch Notes:
- Fix Discovery not obeying new max hand size (kiooeht)
- Fix ModSlider using y position as x position (kiooeht)
Small Fixes
Patch Notes:
- Fix Modal Choice Cards when double-played (kiooeht)
- Don't shorten name if adding "..." makes it longer than it was (kiooeht)
- Fix custom character card modifiers (kiooeht)
- Allow passing EnergyOrbInterface to CustomPlayer (kiooeht)
- Slow energy orb spin when out of energy (kiooeht)
Week 45 Patch
This week's update to Slay the Spire included a massive overhaul of a lot of the backend code, which broke BaseMod horribly.
This release is not backwards compatible. All character mods will have to be updated before they will work again. Non-character mods may have to update, though others won't.
For Modders:
If you have a character mod, you will have to change your code for the new character backend. Read this handy guide for an overview of the changes you'll have to make to get your character mod to work again:
Patch Notes:
- Support for week 45 (kiooeht)
- Fix PostPotionUse hook (kiooeht)
- Fix drawn cards entering modal choice options (kiooeht)
- Sort modded characters alphabetically by name (kiooeht)
- Shrink card description font for cards with lots of text (kiooeht)
- Allow max hand size to be changed (kiooeht)
- Fix ModSlider not allowing x position to be set (kiooeht)
- Fix custom character card and seen count (kiooeht)
Week 44 Patch
For modders: The base game has added its own card tag system. If you are using BaseMod's card tag system, it will still work, but you should convert to using the base game's system (see:
Patch Notes:
- Support for week 44 (kiooeht)
- Fix Start Game hook triggering when looping in Endless mode (kiooeht)
- Fix Ascension 20 double boss when custom bosses have been added (kiooeht)
- Allow custom characters to add relic unlocks (kiooeht)
Week 43 Patch
Patch Notes:
- Support for week 43 (kiooeht)
- Fix TopPanel positions on not 16:9 aspect ratios (kiooeht)
- Fix modified card costs not rendering when not in hand (Moocowsgomoo)
- Fix ModLabeledToggleButton privacy (Blank The Evil)
Week 42 Patch
Patch Notes:
- Fix crash if any mod patches AbstactPower (kiooeht)
- Fix crash when adding custom monster that uses setHp (kiooeht)
- Fix fight command after a monster room (twanvl)
- Mod items in top panel (kobting)