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Boris BaryshnikovBoris Baryshnikov
Boris Baryshnikov
Boris Baryshnikov
Feb 24, 2016
e012706 · Feb 24, 2016


This branch is 33858 commits behind Azure/azure-quickstart-templates:master.


Deployment of Red Hat Enterprise Linux VM (RHEL 7.2 or RHEL 6.7)

This template allows deploying a Red Hat Enterprise Linux VM (RHEL 7.2 or RHEL 6.7), using the latest image for the selected RHEL version. This will deploy a Standard D1 VM in the location of your chosen resource group with an additional 100 GiB data disk attached to the VM.

Independently form this template you can deploy a blank RHEL VM using the following Azure CLI commands (adjust parameters as needed):

azure config mode arm
azure group create TestCLIRG EastUS
azure vm quick-create TestCLIRG vm1 EastUS Linux RedHat:RHEL:7.2:latest azureuser

Note: this template and the above commands use RHEL Pay-As-You-Go VM image which carries an additional charge in addition to the base Linux VM price. Check out RHEL VM pricing for more details.