Apply sharing for DHIS2 metadata and data objects (dataElements, indicators, programs, ...) through metadata object filtering (for both shareable objects and userGroups).
Depending on the object type it is required to set the DATA access to (who can enter data), particularly for the object types:
- tracked entity type
- program
- program stage
- data set
- category option
More info in the dhis2 docs on data sharing and access control.
Script name: share
Example: dhis2-pk share -s -u admin -p district -f 'id:eq:P3jJH5Tu5VC' -t dataelement -a readonly -g 'name:like:Admin' readwrite -g 'name:like:Research' readwrite
Share DHIS2 objects with userGroups via filters.
required arguments:
-s SERVER DHIS2 server URL
-u USERNAME DHIS2 username
-t OBJECT_TYPE DHIS2 object type to apply sharing, e.g. -t sqlView
optional arguments:
-p PASSWORD DHIS2 password
Public Access for all objects.
Valid choices are: {none, readonly, readwrite}
For setting DATA access, add second argument, e.g. -a readwrite readonly
-f FILTER Filter on objects with DHIS2 field filter.
To add multiple filters:
- '&&' joins filters with AND
- '||' joins filters with OR
Example: -f 'name:like:ABC||code:eq:X'
User Group to share objects with: FILTER METADATA [DATA]
- FILTER: Filter all User Groups. See -f for filtering mechanism
- METADATA: Metadata access for this User Group. {readwrite, none, readonly}
- DATA: Data access for this User Group. {readwrite, none, readonly}
Example: -g 'id:eq:OeFJOqprom6' readwrite none
-o Overwrite sharing - updates 'lastUpdated' field of all shared objects
-e Extend existing sharing settings
-l FILEPATH Path to Log file (default level: INFO, pass -d for DEBUG)
-d Debug flag
A few examples are below (assuming a 2.29+ instance):
Example to share dataElements that start with ANC
- Public Access:
- User Group with
in its names to havereadwrite
access (for metadata)
dhis2-pk share -s -u admin -p district -t dataelement -f 'name:$like:ANC' -a readonly -g 'name:like:Admin' readwrite
Console output:
* INFO 2018-08-16 15:02:54,983 Sharing 4 dataElements with filter [name:$like:ANC]
* INFO 2018-08-16 15:02:55,093 User Groups with filter [name:like:Admin]
* INFO 2018-08-16 15:02:55,093 - wl5cDMuUhmF 'Administrators' ➜ [metadata:readwrite]
* INFO 2018-08-16 15:02:55,094 Public access ➜ [metadata:readonly]
* INFO 2018-08-16 15:02:55,094 1/4 dataElement Jtf34kNZhzP 'ANC 3rd visit'
* INFO 2018-08-16 15:02:55,260 2/4 dataElement cYeuwXTCPkU 'ANC 2nd visit'
* INFO 2018-08-16 15:02:55,362 3/4 dataElement fbfJHSPpUQD 'ANC 1st visit'
* INFO 2018-08-16 15:02:55,556 4/4 dataElement hfdmMSPBgLG 'ANC 4th or more visits'
Example to share Data Set with UID aLpVgfXiz0f
where we need to specify METADATA and DATA access
by simply supplying a second readwrite
/ readonly
/ none
- Public Access: Metadata access ->
, Data access ->readwrite
- User Groups with
in its name: Metadata access ->none
, Data access ->readonly
- User Group named
Kenya staff
: Metadata access ->readonly
, Data access ->none
dhis2-pk share -s -u admin -p district -t dataSets -f 'id:eq:aLpVgfXiz0f' -a readonly readwrite -g 'name:like:Research' none readonly -g 'name:eq:Kenya staff' readonly none
Console output:
* INFO 2018-08-16 15:22:55,703 Sharing 1 dataSet with filter [id:eq:aLpVgfXiz0f]
* INFO 2018-08-16 15:22:55,845 User Groups with filter [name:like:Research]
* INFO 2018-08-16 15:22:55,845 - wAAA1agEHin 'Cape Town University Research Group' ➜ [metadata:none] [data:readonly]
* INFO 2018-08-16 15:22:55,845 - k3xzluFKVyw 'Nairobi University Research Group' ➜ [metadata:none] [data:readonly]
* INFO 2018-08-16 15:22:55,984 User Groups with filter [name:eq:Kenya staff]
* INFO 2018-08-16 15:22:55,984 - YCPJDwzbe8T 'Kenya staff' ➜ [metadata:readonly] [data:none]
* INFO 2018-08-16 15:22:55,984 Public access ➜ [metadata:readonly] [data:readwrite]
* INFO 2018-08-16 15:22:55,984 1/1 dataSet aLpVgfXiz0f 'Population'
To add additional User Group(s) to a Data Element that is already shared, use the argument -e
dhis2-pk share -s -u admin -p district -t dataSets -f 'id:eq:aLpVgfXiz0f' -g 'name:like:Research' none readonly -a none readwrite -e
Console output:
* INFO 2019-07-03 15:30:54,941 Sharing 1 dataSet with filter [id:eq:aLpVgfXiz0f]
* INFO 2019-07-03 15:30:55,073 User Groups with filter [name:like:Research]
* INFO 2019-07-03 15:30:55,074 - k3xzluFKVyw 'Nairobi University Research Group' ➡️️ [metadata:none] [data:readonly]
* INFO 2019-07-03 15:30:55,074 - wAAA1agEHin 'Cape Town University Research Group' ➡️️ [metadata:none] [data:readonly]
* INFO 2019-07-03 15:30:55,074 Public access ➡️️ [metadata:none] [data:readwrite]
* WARNING 2019-07-03 15:30:55,075 Extending with additional User Groups...
* INFO 2019-07-03 15:30:57,077 1/1 dataSet aLpVgfXiz0f 'Population'
- You can supply the Public Access argument
- if omitted it will re-use the existing setting for Public Access. - Sharing settings via arguments have higher priority than what is already set on the server (to prevent double specification), i.e. what you specify will overwrite what is on the server
You can really use any filter DHIS2 would allow in the Browser as well.
Additionally, you can join filters with AND or OR:
joins filters with AND - e.g. name must beXY
AND have valueTypeINTEGER
:-f 'name:eq:XY&&valueType:eq:INTEGER'
joins filters with OR - e.g. name must containABC
OR have a code equal toXYZ
:-f 'name:like:ABC||code:eq:XYZ'
- Share all data elements within a data element group:
-t dataElements -f ''
- Share all programStages within a program:
-t programStages -f ''
- Share something with all UserGroups starting with
in its name:-g 'name:$like:HQ-' readwrite readonly
Note: if you're using Windows you might run into problems but they can be solved.