Pytorch and Chainer are in great resemblance, from architecture to API grammer.
x_cuda = x.cuda(device_id=0)
returns a new tensor on gpu0, meanwhile x is kept as it was; i.e., this is copy op. After this, change x has no effect on x_cuda and vice versa. Use.cpu()
to copy the tensor from GPU to -
Pytorch variable has no .zero_grad() function as Chainer, use
to do the job (In Pytorch, only nn.Module class has .zero_grad() attribute) -
Pytorch use Module.train() & Model.eval() calls with empty param to switch between training mode and evaluation mode
torch.Tensor() is just an alias of torch.FloatTensor(), not what I expected as an universal constructer which would determine the dtype according to input ndarray. torch.from_numpy() does this job meanwhile.
For RNN with multiple layers and dropout enabled, the pytorch implementation does not apply dropout for the last layer.
The difference between
lies in the input shape: input ofLSTM
is 3D (B, T, D) whereas input ofLSTMCell
is 2D (B, D), i.e.,LSTMCell
is used for just one time step. -
implementation of Pytorch has two problems: 1) no peepholes 2) two biases ini_t, f_t, g_t, o_t
, which is nonsense (according to Facebook's comment, it's from CuDNN's convention) -
Pytorch does not support numpy-style broadcasting, so to do element-wise multiplication, for example
(3, 50) andy
(50), you need do.unsqueeze
and then.expand
:X * y.unsqueeze(0).expand_as(X)
Even with
, the hiddens returned by LSTM(GRU, etc) are still of size(num_layers * num_directions, batch, hidden_size)
implementation of Pytorch does not do filter flipping by default; and its speed is comparable to Theano'sCNN
, produces exactly the same result, meanwhileconvolve2d()
of scipy is about 2 * times slower, and result slightly different (within 10eps
); source code of Pytorch's convolution resides inpytorch/torch/csrc/autograd/functions/convolution.cpp
Pytorch does not do weight initialization automatically, you have to define a
function yourself, and call it at model initialization. -
return a numpy array sharing the memory. In another word, it just returns the memory pointer. So we can use this mechanism to MODIFY the value of a tensor, though not intuitive. -
To set a model/module to switch between train/predict mode, call
. This function will recursively set every child module's mode. NEVER useself.training=True/False
, this only applies to the current module without effecting its children.