Quick links:
- Supported environments
- MDB Prerequisites
- Tutorial
- Tips for using the postmortem technique
- Building programs for debugging
- Node-specific MDB command reference
Postmortem debugging is the process of debugging a program from a snapshot of
its internal state, usually after the program has crashed. This state is
usually in the form of a core file. On Unix-like systems, core files are
generated automatically for most C and C++ programs when they crash. You can
configure Node.js to save a core file when your Node program would otherwise
crash by using the --abort-on-uncaught-exception
flag when running Node. You
can also save a core file of any running program using the gcore(1) program.
This allows you to use the postmortem debugging tools to analyze programs that
haven't actually crashed (e.g., to examine memory usage).
The postmortem approach has several major advantages over other techniques:
- For crashes, core files provide enormously more information than the stack trace that normally accompanies an uncaught exception. Because of this, the problem usually does not need to be reproducible in order to debug it.
- When a program has not crashed but is instead behaving wrongly (e.g., a web server returning 500 errors) and you think that restarting it may address the problem, saving a core file first can enable you to restore service (by restarting your program) and still debug the problem later (by analyzing the core file). In general, saving a core file of a running but misbehaving broken allows you to patch things up now and root-cause the problem later.
- Since you can copy core files across machines and analyze them later, you can afford to run sophisticated, time-consuming analysis that may not be possible on a production system while the program is still running. For example, when it's not reasonable in production to enable V8 flags to profile heap objects, it's still possible to save a core file of a production service and then analyze the distribution of objects after the fact.
- Postmortem debugging works for cases where other methods don't, including when your Node program has entered an infinite loop or when V8 itself is broken.
Operating systems have had rich support for postmortem debugging of native programs (i.e., C programs, including the OS kernel itself) for many years. There are several challenges associated with supporting dynamic environments like Node.js, and we're not aware of any other major environments that provide such support.
Node binaries since version 0.8 have contained debugging metadata that can be processed by debuggers to read V8's in-memory structures. This allows debuggers to print out JavaScript-level stack traces and dump out JavaScript objects from the core file.
This document describes mdb_v8, a debugger module for the Modular Debugger (MDB) that's shipped on illumos-based operating systems like SmartOS.
mdb_v8 is the only program (that we know of) that uses the debug information contained in Node binaries. It also ships with metadata for Node 0.6 and 0.4, so it's capable of debugging core files from Node 0.4 through Node 4.0.
While MDB itself only runs on illumos, it's capable of understanding core files from GNU/Linux systems as well.
In short, in order to use these tools, you'll want:
- a core file from any Node program from version v0.4 through version v4, created on either an illumos or GNU/Linux system
- access to an illumos system on which to run mdb
- a copy of mdb_v8.so, the debugger module itself
You can get access to an illumos system by:
- free: running SmartOS in a VM on your laptop
- easiest: storing your core file in Joyent's Manta service and logging into a transient Manta container with mlogin(1)
- alternatively: running SmartOS in the Joyent Public Cloud
This document is not a complete guide to using MDB. For that, see the MDB man page and the MDB guide. Be aware that MDB is also used as a kernel and low-level C debugger, so much of the material may be too low-level for Node.
Here's the minimum you should know to use MDB for Node.js:
- While MDB only runs on illumos-based systems, but it can be used to read core files from GNU/Linux systems.
- You can run MDB on live processes using
mdb -p PID
. This stops the process while MDB is attached. - You can also run MDB on core files using
mdb /path/to/core/file
. You can create a core file for a Node program by either runningnode
(which will cause the program to save a core file if an uncaught exception is thrown) or by runninggcore PID
(to save a core file of the currently running process PID). - After launching MDB, you'll want to load the Node-specific debugger module.
On SmartOS systems, you can just type
::load /path/to/mdb_v8.so
To get the latest copy of the mdb_v8.so file, see the README in this repo.
The easiest way to get started with mdb_v8 is to play around with a simple example. Follow along on your own. When you're done, you should have the pieces to get started with your own Node programs.
Let's take a look at a simple Node server in a file called loop.js:
* This script demonstrates a simple stack trace involving an anonymous
* function, then goes into an infinite loop so you can catch it with the
* debugger. One caveat: we grab a stack trace at the start to force V8 to
* compute line number information for this script. If we didn't have this,
* it wouldn't be a huge deal, but debugger would only print out position-
* in-file information instead of line numbers.
new Error().stack;
function main(arg) { func1(); }
function func1() { func2(); }
function func2()
(function () {
for (;;)
main({ 'hello': 'world' });
Run this program in the background:
$ node loop.js &
[1] 24719
Now attach to this process with MDB:
$ mdb -p 24719
Loading modules: [ ld.so.1 libumem.so.1 libc.so.1 ]
When you attach MDB to a process like this, it stops the process and gives you
a prompt. ::status
is a good place to start (most MDB commands start with
> ::status
debugging PID 24719 (32-bit)
file: /home/dap/node-v0.10.36-sunos-x86/bin/node
threading model: native threads
status: stopped by debugger
Don't worry if you don't know what all that means. MDB is telling you that it's attached to pid 24719, which is a 32-bit process, and it's currently stopped. In order to get any of the Node-specific debugger commands, you have to load the V8 debugger module:
> ::load v8
V8 version:
Autoconfigured V8 support from target
C++ symbol demangling enabled
This will load the copy of mdb_v8.so that's shipped with your version of SmartOS. You may want to use a newer copy of this binary from the mdb_v8 github project. You can load a newer binary using:
> ::load /path/to/mdb_v8.so
V8 version:
Autoconfigured V8 support from target
C++ symbol demangling enabled
Either way, now you can get a combined JavaScript/C stack trace with the
> ::jsstack
js: <anonymous> (as <anon>)
js: func2
js: func1
js: main
js: <anonymous> (as <anon>)
(1 internal frame elided)
js: <anonymous> (as Module._compile)
js: <anonymous> (as Module._extensions..js)
js: <anonymous> (as Module.load)
js: <anonymous> (as Module._load)
js: <anonymous> (as Module.runMain)
js: startup
js: <anonymous> (as <anon>)
(1 internal frame elided)
(1 internal frame elided)
native: _ZN2v88internalL6InvokeEbNS0_6HandleINS0_10JSFunctionEEENS1_INS0...
native: v8::internal::Execution::Call+0xd0
native: v8::Function::Call+0x15c
native: node::Load+0x152
native: node::Start+0x182
native: main+0x1b
native: _start+0x83
The top frame is our anonymous function. That was called by "func2", which was called by "func1", which was called by the JavaScript function "main". After that you see the JavaScript and C frames that are part of Node itself.
You can get more information about the whole stack, including source code for
each function on the stack, using ::jsstack -v
. Try that yourself. If you
want to hide the code (but still get the other "-v" output), add "-n 0":
> ::jsstack -vn0
js: <anonymous> (as <anon>)
file: /home/dap/loop.js
posn: line 16
js: func2
file: /home/dap/loop.js
posn: line 14
this: a95096c1 (<unknown>)
js: func1
file: /home/dap/loop.js
posn: line 12
this: a95096c1 (<unknown>)
js: main
file: /home/dap/loop.js
posn: line 11
this: a95096c1 (<unknown>)
arg1: be784209 (JSObject: Object)
js: <anonymous> (as <anon>)
file: /home/dap/loop.js
posn: line 1
this: be77eab5 (JSObject: Object)
arg1: be77eab5 (JSObject: Object)
arg2: be77fe41 (JSFunction)
arg3: be77ea39 (JSObject: Module)
arg4: be77d739 (ConsString)
arg5: be7802f9 (SeqAsciiString)
(1 internal frame elided)
js: <anonymous> (as Module._compile)
file: module.js
posn: line 374
this: be77ea39 (JSObject: Module)
arg1: be77fad5 (SeqAsciiString)
arg2: be77d739 (ConsString)
js: <anonymous> (as Module._extensions..js)
file: module.js
posn: line 472
this: be749599 (JSObject: Object)
arg1: be77ea39 (JSObject: Module)
arg2: be77d739 (ConsString)
js: <anonymous> (as Module.load)
file: module.js
posn: line 346
this: be77ea39 (JSObject: Module)
arg1: be77d739 (ConsString)
js: <anonymous> (as Module._load)
file: module.js
posn: line 275
this: be7492c9 (JSFunction)
arg1: be74525d (ConsString)
arg2: a9508081 (Oddball: "null")
arg3: a95080a1 (Oddball: "true")
js: <anonymous> (as Module.runMain)
file: module.js
posn: line 495
this: be7492c9 (JSFunction)
js: startup
file: node.js
posn: line 30
this: a95096c1 (<unknown>)
js: <anonymous> (as <anon>)
file: node.js
posn: line 27
this: a95096c1 (<unknown>)
arg1: be71e9a9 (JSObject: process)
(1 internal frame elided)
(1 internal frame elided)
native: _ZN2v88internalL6InvokeEbNS0_6HandleINS0_10JSFunctionEEENS1_INS0...
native: v8::internal::Execution::Call+0xd0
native: v8::Function::Call+0x15c
native: node::Load+0x152
native: node::Start+0x182
native: main+0x1b
native: _start+0x83
Notice that this shows us the file and line number where each function is defined. It also shows us the arguments to each function in the form of memory addresses. These addresses are just identifiers; you don't have to actually know anything about pointers to use them for debugging JavaScript.
Let's take the argument to the JavaScript "main" function. From the output
above, the address for that object is be784209
. We can print that object:
> be784209::jsprint
"hello": "world",
Success! Note that if we didn't know why this program had entered an infinite loop, we would be able to learn from this information both what function the program got stuck in and what arguments were passed to that function.
The next thing you may want to do is get a summary of all JavaScript objects in
your program. The findjsobjects
command does this by scanning the entire
JavaScript heap and classifying all the objects that it finds based on their
properties. This may take a minute, and then it prints out a summary of what
it found:
> ::findjsobjects
a9509b31 1 0 JSON
a952d229 1 0 Module
a951a321 1 0 <anonymous> (as d)
a95154a9 1 0 MathConstructor
a95254e1 1 0 Buffer
be71f289 1 0 <anonymous> (as <anon>)
be715901 35 0 Array
81b099e5 328 0 Object
be711295 1 1 Arguments: length
be749571 1 1 Object: ...
be7494cd 1 1 Object: /home/dap/loop.js
be780789 1 2 Error: arguments, type
be7590c5 1 178 Object: O_NOCTTY, ELOOP, ENOLINK, ENOTTY, ...
be71a2f5 27 7 Array
81b0e209 20 12 PropertyDescriptor: value_, hasValue_, ...
be7837cd 12 930 Array
be781c45 30 540 Array
Each row in the output describes a group of objects that have the same set of
properties. The first column in each row is the address of a representative
object for that group. You can print that object with jsprint
. For
example, this one appears to be used internally by Node:
> be7494cd::jsprint
"/home/dap/loop.js": {
"id": ".",
"exports": [...],
"parent": null,
"filename": "/home/dap/loop.js",
"loaded": false,
"children": [...],
"paths": [...],
Like util.inspect
, jsprint
only descends a few levels and prints "..."
after that. You can have it descend deeper with the "-d" option.
Once you've run findjsobjects
once, it keeps track of what it already found
so that you can quickly look for specific kinds of objects. You usually search
by a property name or constructor. For example, if I wanted to find my "hello
world" object (and I didn't know it was one of the arguments above), I could
find it with:
> ::findjsobjects -p hello
MDB also supports pipelines for debugger commands, so you can find and print the object in one step:
> ::findjsobjects -p hello | ::jsprint
"hello": "world",
The mechanism that findjsobjects
uses means that it also tends to pick up
"garbage" objects that used to exist in your program, but which are no longer
valid. In my process, I can see some of these when I try to look for Node's
global "process" object, which I know has a versions property:
> ::findjsobjects -p versions | ::jsprint
"version": 11,
"moduleLoadList": 0,
"versions": "title",
"arch": 786563,
"platform": <unknown JavaScript object type "AccessorInfo">,
"argv": "version",
"execArgv": 262401,
"env": 0,
"pid": "moduleLoadList",
"features": 1048961,
You can recognize garbage objects because you may see warnings when MDB prints them out (e.g., "unknown JavaScript object type") and the properties look very strange. In this case, we know the "versions" property is supposed to be an object, not the string "title". These garbage objects are annoying, but they're generally easily distinguished from valid objects.
We said that findjsobjects
prints out the representative object from each
group of objects. Since you might have tens of thousands of instances of the
same thing, it doesn't print all those by default. You have to pipe to
"findjsobjects" again to get that. If you wanted to actually find the global
"process" object and ignore the garbage, the reliable way to do that is:
> ::findjsobjects -p versions | ::findjsobjects | ::jsprint
"version": "v0.10.36",
"moduleLoadList": [
"Binding evals",
"Binding natives",
"NativeModule events",
"NativeModule buffer",
"Binding buffer",
"versions": {
"http_parser": "1.0",
"node": "0.10.36",
"v8": "",
"ares": "1.9.0-DEV",
"uv": "0.10.30",
"zlib": "1.2.8",
"modules": "11",
"openssl": "1.0.1l",
"arch": "ia32",
"argv": [
"execArgv": [],
"env": {},
"pid": 24719,
The output above is clipped for brevity. There were a few garbage objects and the "process" object itself has a lot of stuff in it.
This example demonstrated a bunch of the basics around using MDB to inspect program state. The best way to get familiar with these commands is to use them on your own programs, ideally to debug real problems. But even if you don't have a real problem, try creating a core file of a production service and poking around. You might be surprised at what you find.
Debugging actual issues by inspecting state is very different than both console.log debugging and tracing execution with breakpoints. It's much more powerful in some ways, since it shows you much more information and doesn't disrupt the running program. When debugging problems this way, the approach mirrors the scientific method:
- Form a hypothesis about what happened.
- Inspect the state of the core file to confirm or disprove the hypothesis.
- If proved, you're done. If not, refine the hypothesis and repeat.
A typical example for a crash might look something like this:
- The Node program dies with "TypeError: Cannot read property 'foo' of
undefined". This tells you that the code was something like
, butsomeObject
was undefined. The stack trace should tell you the line of code with the problem, but suppose you don't know whysomeObject
would have beenundefined
. - Inspect the code to see where
comes from. Either something set it toundefined
, or something else didn't set it to a non-undefined
value. Look at the surrounding code and try to understand why it assumed that it would be defined. Take a guess: suppose function setSomeObject normally sets it, and your hypothesis is that setSomeObject never ran. Try to prove or disprove that based on the other evidence in the core file. If that's not it, make other hypotheses and try to prove or disprove those.
This is necessarily vague, since every problem is unique. It can be
challenging to learn to think about problems this way and to develop creative
ways to prove or disprove hypotheses. Sometimes, you get lucky: if you think
some socket got closed, you can find the socket object, inspect its state, and
test that hypothesis. Sometimes, it's not so easy: if you think a particular
function may have been called that shouldn't have been, it may not be easy to
confirm that. But be creative: maybe the function doesn't set any variables,
but does it instantiate any objects, even temporary ones? You may be able to
find them with findjsobjects
One nice thing about this approach is that by the end, you can be confident in your root-cause because you've got lots of data to back it up. Often, the data may point to a very specific combination of events (e.g., this kind of request happening concurrently with that other kind of request) that may help you reproduce the problem in development, so you can be sure that your fix works.
You can help yourself by including state in your program that only exists to
help debug it. For example, the vasync module provides familiar control-flow
functions (like pipeline and waterfall), with the added benefit that the state
is stored in a JavaScript object (rather than local variables in a closure).
The upshot is that when your Node program hangs while running a waterfall of 10
functions, it's easy to use findjsobjects
to find out exactly which function
didn't complete.
Other tips:
- Save a record of all outstanding operations. Keep them in an object indexed by request id. Then you can see what was going on during the core file.
- Save a timestamp when you start each operation, particularly outgoing requests. This helps you determine whether a request has been hung (i.e., the external service is hung).
- Keep timestamps and counters for interesting events, like the last time a client successfully connected to the server or made a request or received an error or became disconnected or tried to reconnect.
There are three groups of commands:
- Commands intended for JavaScript developers are prefixed with "js".
- Node.js-specific commands are prefixed with "node".
- Commands intended for developers debugging V8 internals are prefixed with "v8". These are not documented here.
[ addr ]::findjsobjects [-vb] [-r | -c cons | -p prop]
With no arguments, finds all JavaScript objects in the V8 heap via brute force iteration over all mapped anonymous memory. (This can take up to several minutes on large dumps.) The output consists of representative objects, the number of instances of that object and the number of properties on the object -- followed by the constructor and first few properties of the objects. Once run, subsequent calls to findjsobjects use cached data.
If provided an address (and in the absence of -r, described below), findjsobjects treats the address as that of a representative object, and lists all instances of that object (that is, all objects that have a matching property signature).
With -p or -c, representative objects are filtered by a property name or constructor, respectively. The output consists of only the representative objects.
Option summary:
-b Include the heap denoted by the brk(2) (normally excluded)
-c cons Display representative objects with the specified constructor
-p prop Display representative objects that have the specified property
-l List all objects that match the representative object
-m Mark specified object for later reference determination via -r
-r Find references to the specified and/or marked object(s)
-v Provide verbose statistics
Given a function instance identified by the address addr
, print out the
closure variables that are visible to that function. You may find addr
the stack, from the output of the jsfunctions
command, or as a property of
some other object. See the FAQ entry entitled "How to find the address of a
function instance?" for more
details on how to find that address.
As an example, here's some example code from the file events.js
in Node v0.10:
EventEmitter.prototype.once = function once(type, listener) {
if (typeof listener !== 'function')
throw TypeError('listener must be a function');
var fired = false;
function g() {
this.removeListener(type, g);
if (!fired) {
fired = true;
listener.apply(this, arguments);
g.listener = listener;
this.on(type, g);
return this;
Each time the once()
function is invoked, a new closure is created for the
function. Each closure has references to different values of variables
like type
and listener
. The jsclosure
command prints these out:
> 8270a879::jsclosure
"listener": 8270aa59: function <anonymous> (as <anon>)
"type": a7015511: "error"
"fired": b47080c1: false
"g": 8270a879: function g
Of course, you can use other commands to inspect these values further.
See also: jsfunction
addr::jsarray [-i]
Given an address addr
of an instance of the JavaScript "Array" class, print
the contents of the array. Each element of the array is printed on its own
line. With no options, the result can be piped to ::jsprint
to print each
For example, take this snippet:
var x = [ 'one', 'two', 'three' ];
With ::jsarray
, this prints three pointers, one for each string:
> 9d780985::jsarray
We can pipe this to ::jsprint
to see the strings:
> 9d780985::jsarray | ::jsprint
With "-i", each value is prefixed with its integer index in the array:
> 9d780985::jsarray -i
0 8bc27629
1 8bc27639
2 8bc27649
Note that JavaScript arrays can contain holes, where there is no element for a
particular index (not even "undefined"). These appear when an element was
removed using the delete
keyword or when an array was initialized with a
specific length, but not all of the elements were filled in.
When ::jsarray
encounters a hole, the hole is printed out using a special
value that ::jsprint
shows indicates a hole. For example, take this snippet:
var x = new Array(4);
x[0] = 'one';
x[1] = 'two';
x[2] = 'three';
delete (x[1]);
This produces an array with two holes: one at index 1 (because it was deleted)
and one at index 3 (because it was never initialized, but the length was
initialized to include this index). If you print this out with console.log
you'd see:
[ 'one', , 'three', ]
(Note the extra commas where there are holes.)
prints the holes, which may look like ordinary values:
> 81780a0d::jsarray
but are recognized by ::jsprint
as special:
> 81780a0d::jsarray | ::jsprint
The default behavior around the printing of hole values may change in the future.
See also: walk jselement
addr::jsconstructor [-v]
Given an object identified by addr
, print the name of the JavaScript function
that was used as the object's constructor. With -v, provides the constructor
function's underlying V8 heap object address for use with v8function
See also: jsfunction
addr::jsframe [-aiv] [-f function] [-p property] [-n numlines]
Given the address addr
of a stack frame pointer, print details about the
stack frame pointed to by that address. The format is the same as for
. With "-i", print the stack frame at addr
instead of the one
that addr
points to, but note that since return addresses are stored in the
previous frame, the function name cannot be printed when using "-i".
The "-a", "-v", "-f", "-p", and "-n" arguments are exactly the same as for
Given a function instance identified by the address addr
, print out
information about the function. For most functions, this includes the
function's name and where it was defined:
> b17812f5::jsfunction
function: afunc
defined at /home/dap/mdb_v8/bound.js line 5
For functions created with JavaScript's Function.bind
, this command instead
prints out information about the target function (the one that was wrapped
with bind
> a8781389::jsfunction
bound function that wraps: a87812cd
with "this" = a878135d (JSObject: Object)
arg0 = 80527875 (SeqAsciiString)
You can use jsfunction
again on the target function (e.g., a87812cd
in this
case) to see information about the underlying function.
See also:
for printing out closure variables for this function.jssource
for printing the source code for this function.jsprint
for printing the values for "this" and the arguments for bound functions.
::jsfunctions [-X] [-s file_filter] [-n name_filter] [-x instr_filter]
[ADDR]::jsfunctions -l
Lists JavaScript functions, optionally filtered by a substring of the
function name or script filename or by the instruction address. This uses
the cache created by findjsobjects
. If findjsobjects
has not already
been run, this command runs it automatically without printing the output.
This can take anywhere from a second to several minutes, depending on the
size of the core dump.
It's important to keep in mind that each time you create a function in JavaScript (even from a function definition that has already been used), the VM must create a new object to represent it. For example, if your program has a function A that returns a closure B, the VM will create new instances of the closure function (B) each time the surrounding function (A) is called. To show this, the output of this command consists of one line per function definition that appears in the JavaScript source, and the "#FUNCS" column shows how many different functions were created by VM from this definition.
The "-s", "-n", and "-x" flags allow you to filter by script filename, function name, or instruction addresses. The "-x" flag is useful for mapping stack traces collected with other tools (e.g., libumem debugging tools) back to JavaScript functions.
The "-l" option allows you to list the closures themselves (without the extra
columns), as with findjsobjects
. You can also use this mode with a
representative closure address to enumerate all closures for the same function.
Option summary:
-l List only closures (without other columns). With ADDR, list
closures for the representative function ADDR.
-s file List functions that were defined in a file whose name contains
this substring.
-n func List functions whose name contains this substring
-x instr List functions whose compiled instructions include this address
-X Show where the function's instructions are stored in memory
addr::jsprint [-ab] [-d depth] [member]
Given a JavaScript value identified by addr
, print it out. Primitive types
like booleans, null, undefined, and small integers are printed with their exact
value. Objects and arrays are printed in a JSON-like format, but it's
important to realize that it's not JSON. Particularly:
Very long strings may be truncated.
Objects and arrays are only traversed to a depth of
, which defaults to two. After that you'll see '...'. -
Arrays may include hidden
values that V8 uses to distinguish between elements that have been set toundefined
vs. elements that have never been set. -
Function instances are printed with a summary that describes them by name, but isn't valid JSON or JavaScript. For example:
> 9bf36465::jsprint function <anonymous> (as Socket.write)
See the FAQ entry entitled "How to find the address of a function instance ?" for more details on how to find functions' addresses.
If member
is specified, then only the member
property of the object is
printed. This is particularly useful in pipelines where you've used
to find all objects with a given property and then print that
property of each one. For example, to find all objects with a "method"
property and print out "method" from each one:
> ::findjsobjects -p method | ::findjsobjects -l | ::jsprint method
With "-a", the address of each object and sub-object is printed inline. This is useful for walking through a complex structure, where you might print the top-level, find a subobject that you're interested in, and then print that, and so on. For example, here's an HTTP request printed with "-a":
> 9bf6e5d9::jsprint -a
9bf6e5d9: {
"_readableState": 9bf6e8ad: {
"highWaterMark": 8000: 16384,
"buffer": 9bf6bb55: [...],
Since the default depth is two, we can't see what buffer
really is, but we
can take the address of the \_readableState
and print that out:
> 9bf6e8ad::jsprint -a
9bf6e8ad: {
"highWaterMark": 8000: 16384,
"buffer": 9bf6bb55: [],
"length": 0: 0,
and we can follow a chain of addresses like this indefinitely.
With "-b", the address of the base object is printed inline before each
object and subobject. This looks like "-a", except that the address that's
printed is the address of the object passed in as addr
rather than the
address of each value. This is useful when used in a pipeline along with
(see above) and you want to find an object that has a particular
value. You can use "-b", pipe the output to grep
, and you'll wind up with
the address of the object that had the value you're looking for (rather than
the address of the value you're looking for, which is what you'd get with
"-a"). For example:
> ::findjsobjects -p method | ::findjsobjects -l | ::jsprint -b method ! grep GET
b3710b15: "GET"
a05dfe15: "GET"
9bf6e5d9: "GET"
be7e330d: "GET"
b371bfd5: "GET"
a0c6d129: "GET"
b37ef619: "GET"
b376d12d: "GET"
a0c67ff5: "GET"
> a0c67ff5::jsprint -d1
"method": "GET",
"domain": null,
"_events": [...],
addr::jssource [-n numlines]
Given a JavaScript function instance identified by the address addr
, print
the source code for that function with numlines
of surrounding context. See
the FAQ entry entitled "How to find the address of a function instance
?" for more details on how
to find the function's address.
defaults to 5. You can combine this with jsfunctions
to find the
source code for any JavaScript function in your program, including functions
built into Node.js:
> ::jsfunctions -s url.js -n Url.parseHost
9bf2aa25 1 <anonymous> (as Url.parseHost) url.js position 21893
> 9bf2aa25::jssource -n 0
file: url.js
680 Url.prototype.parseHost = function() {
681 var host = this.host;
682 var port = portPattern.exec(host);
683 if (port) {
684 port = port[0];
685 if (port !== ':') {
686 this.port = port.substr(1);
687 }
688 host = host.substr(0, host.length - port.length);
689 }
690 if (host) this.hostname = host;
691 };
::jsstack [-av] [-f function] [-p property] [-n numlines]
Print a stacktrace for the current program that includes both JavaScript frames and native frames (i.e., C and C++ frames). Frames are annotated with whether they're JavaScript or native, and by default internal frames are elided with a message indicating so:
js: <anonymous> (as doput)
js: listOnTimeout
(1 internal frame elided)
native: _ZN2v88internalL6InvokeEbNS0_6HandleINS0_10JSFunctionEEENS1_INS0...
native: v8::internal::Execution::Call+0xc9
native: v8::Function::Call+0x10b
With "-v", print arguments and source code for each JavaScript function on the
stack. With "-n", limit the source code to numlines
of context. If
is 0, then the source code is left out, but the arguments are still
js: listOnTimeout
file: timers.js
posn: line 79
this: a6f09305 (JSObject: Timer)
With "-f", show only frames for function function
. With "-p", show only
for matching frames, where property
may be "file", "posn", "this",
"arg1", and so on.
With "-a", show all information about hidden frames, the frame pointer for each frame, and other native objects for each frame (e.g., JSFunction addresses).
addr::walk jselement
Given a JavaScript array identified by addr
, enumerates the elements of the
array. This behaves very similarly to ::jsarray
. See the notes about holes
under ::jsarray
For example, the array created by this code:
var x = [ 'one', 'two', 'three' ]
is enumerated in the debugger like this:
> 9d780985::walk jselement
The results can be piped to ::jsprint
to print the actual values:
> 9d780985::walk jselement | ::jsprint
See also: jsarray
::walk jsframe
Enumerates the frame pointers of the stack. The jsstack
command is nearly
equivalent to ::walk jsframe | ::jsframe
, which enumerates the frame pointers
and then prints each one with the jsframe
addr::walk jsprop
Given a JavaScript object identified by addr
, enumerates the values for
properties contained in the object. This is useful for collection objects to
print the values inside the collection.
Note: On some versions of Node, due to V8's optimization of unboxing doubles, properties whose values are represented internally as double-precision floating-point numbers may not be included in the output of "::walk jsprop". They have no representation that can be distinguished from other values. Values likely to be affected by this are non-integer numbers and integers larger than 2147483648. This currently only affects 64-bit versions of Node v4 and later.
Given a Node.js Buffer object, print the address of the memory that stores the contents of the buffer. This memory is usually allocated from the heap, as with malloc(3C).
These command are intended primarily for developers working on V8 internals or the debugger module itself, not developers debugging Node programs. They're only documented here as a jumping off point for developers interested in learning more about V8's internal details.
Printing the debugger module's configuration:
- v8classes: print the names of all known C++ classes that make up the V8 heap
- v8frametypes: print the names and identifiers for all known V8 frame types
- v8types: print the names and identifiers for all known heap object types
Walking V8 structures:
- v8array: given a V8 FixedArray, print the elements of the array
- v8code: print details about a V8 Code object (including disassembly)
- v8context: print information about a V8 Context object
- v8function: print details about a V8 function object (including disassembly). See the FAQ entry entitled "How to find the address of a function instance?" for more details on that.
- v8internal: fetch internal fields from heap objects
- v8load: manually load configuration for Node v0.4 or v0.6
- v8print: print a C++ object that's part of V8's heap
- v8scopeinfo: print information about a V8 ScopeInfo object
- v8str: print the contents of a V8 string (optionally show details of structure)
- v8type: print the V8 type of a heap object
- v8whatis: print information about any V8 heap object containing the given address
Modifying configuration:
- v8field: define a C++ field in a C++ class so that v8print will print it
- v8warnings: toggle warnings
The line numbers reported by MDB describe where the function was defined, not where the function called the next function in the stack.
In some cases, instead of seeing a line number, you may see a position number, as in "position 13546". MDB can't always tell what line number a position corresponds to. It can only tell when V8 computed this before the core file was created. In this case, the function would have been defined position 13546 in the file. In "vim", you can find this with :goto 13546. Beware that Node prepends about 50 characters to all files before passing them to V8, so these position numbers appear to be off by about that much.
In ::jsprint output, you may see values called "hole". You can think of "hole" as undefined. You usually see it in arrays where the array itself hasn't been fully populated.
JavaScript requires that V8 be able to distinguish between array elements that have not been assigned a value and those that have been assigned "undefined". V8 uses the special "hole" value for this internally.
The address of a function instance is the address of a JSFunction
not the address of the stack frame used to store the data associated to a
specific call of that function, or the address of the function's code.
Getting the address of a function instance is useful e.g to get access to its
closure with the ::jsclosure
' output displays the appropriate address on its first column:
> ::jsfunctions
fe843a01 1 <anonymous> (as Module.requireRepl) module.js position 14781
is a valid JSFunction
instance's address:
> fe843a01::jsclosure
"NativeModule": 9094c625: function NativeModule
"runInThisContext": fe8394b9: function <anonymous> (as <anon>)
"runInNewContext": fe839591: function <anonymous> (as <anon>)
"assert": 909349dd: function ok
"hasOwnProperty": 90934b21: function hasOwnProperty
"Module": 90947c95: function Module
"modulePaths": 90934cc1: [
9093dbd5: "/usr/node_modules",
9093dbe9: "/usr/vm/node_modules",
aac2e149: "/opt/smartdc/agents/lib/node_modules/vm-agent/node/lib/node",
"path": 90947e0d: {
"sep": 85b16189: "/",
"delimiter": 85b19f61: ":",
"debug": fe8437a5: function <anonymous> (as Module._debug)
"statPath": 90934995: function statPath
"packageMainCache": 90934cd1: {
"/opt/smartdc/agents/lib/node_modules/vm-agent/node_modules/bunyan/node_modules/dtrace-provider": aac2e259: "./dtrace-provider.js",
"/opt/smartdc/agents/lib/node_modules/vm-agent/node_modules/bunyan": aac2e2c9: "./lib/bunyan.js",
"/opt/smartdc/agents/lib/node_modules/vm-agent/node_modules/restify-clients/node_modules/restify-errors/node_modules/verror/node_modules/extsprintf": 9c44fe81: "./lib/extsprintf.js",
"/opt/smartdc/agents/lib/node_modules/vm-agent/node_modules/vmadm": aac8e8b9: "lib/index.js",
"/opt/smartdc/agents/lib/node_modules/vm-agent/node_modules/vasync/node_modules/verror": aac63181: "./lib/verror.js",
"/opt/smartdc/agents/lib/node_modules/vm-agent/node_modules/restify-clients/node_modules/once": 9c43f311: "once.js",
"/opt/smartdc/agents/lib/node_modules/vm-agent/node_modules/restify-clients/node_modules/backoff": fe808091: undefined,
"readPackage": 90934afd: function readPackage
"tryPackage": 90934971: function tryPackage
"tryFile": 90934929: function tryFile
"tryExtensions": 9093494d: function tryExtensions
"resolvedArgv": fe808091: undefined
"stripBOM": 90934a25: function stripBOM
To find the JSFunction
instance's address of a function that is the value of
some object's property, use the -a
command line switch of the ::jsprint
For instance, let's display the latest function of the functions that are set
as a property named callback
on some objects:
> ::findjsobjects -p callback | ::findjsobjects | ::jsprint ! tail -1
function <anonymous> (as <anon>)
By default, no address is displayed. Now let's use the -a
command line
switch of the ::jsprint
> ::findjsobjects -p callback | ::findjsobjects | ::jsprint -a callback ! tail -1
86030809: function <anonymous> (as <anon>)
The address on the left is the JSFunction
instance's address we're looking
> 86030809::jsclosure
"state": 9c2baf5d: {
"highWaterMark": 8000: 16384,
"buffer": 9c2bd3c5: [...],
"length": 0: 0,
"pipes": 9c2b102d: [...],
"pipesCount": 2: 1,
"flowing": fe8080b1: true,
"ended": fe8080c1: false,
"endEmitted": fe8080c1: false,
"reading": fe8080b1: true,
"calledRead": fe8080b1: true,
"sync": fe8080c1: false,
"needReadable": fe8080b1: true,
"emittedReadable": fe8080c1: false,
"readableListening": fe8080b1: true,
"objectMode": fe8080c1: false,
"defaultEncoding": 85b1528d: "utf8",
"ranOut": fe8080b1: true,
"awaitDrain": 0: 0,
"readingMore": fe8080c1: false,
"decoder": fe808081: null,
"encoding": fe808081: null,
// Output truncated
To get the address of a JSFunction
instance that corresponds to a given
stack frame, use the -a
command line switch for the ::jsstack
command as
> ::jsstack -a
80475c8 libc.so.1`_lwp_kill+0x15
80475e8 libc.so.1`raise+0x2b
8047638 libc.so.1`abort+0x10e
(1 internal frame elided)
80476e8 v8::internal::Isolate::DoThrow+0x2bb
8047708 v8::internal::Isolate::Throw+0x1f
8047748 v8::internal::Runtime_Throw+0x3e
8047764 0xaa70a376 internal (Code: aa70a301)
8047778 0xbf964e8c fail (JSFunction: 909371e1)
80477a4 0xaa74b63e ok (JSFunction: 909349dd)
80477c4 0xbf964c85 _handleLoadErr (JSFunction: 86c488a5)
80477f4 0x9274eec9 _onVmLoad (JSFunction: 86c48965)
8047814 0xaa70e501 <ArgumentsAdaptorFrame>
8047838 0x9274e989 <anonymous> (as <anon>) (JSFunction: 86c48abd)
8047868 0x92730a7d _childCloseHandler (JSFunction: 86c49e39)
80478a0 0xbc07143f <anonymous> (as EventEmitter.emit) (JSFunction: fe83a385)
80478bc 0xaa70e501 <ArgumentsAdaptorFrame>
80478e0 0x927a552f maybeClose (JSFunction: 90939b7d)
80478fc 0xbc079eb1 <anonymous> (as <anon>) (JSFunction: 86c49bc1)
8047914 0xaa70e501 <ArgumentsAdaptorFrame>
8047948 0xbc071403 <anonymous> (as EventEmitter.emit) (JSFunction: fe83a385)
8047964 0xaa70e501 <ArgumentsAdaptorFrame>
8047980 0xbc079e10 <anonymous> (as <anon>) (JSFunction: 8693ff69)
804799c 0xaa721899 <InternalFrame>
80479d8 0xaa71308a <EntryFrame>
8047a58 _ZN2v88internalL6InvokeEbNS0_6HandleINS0_10JSFunctionEEENS1_INS0_6ObjectEEEiPS5_Pb+0x101
8047a98 v8::internal::Execution::Call+0xc9
8047af8 v8::Function::Call+0x10b
8047b68 node::MakeCallback+0x5e
8047bc8 node::MakeCallback+0x66
8047c18 node::HandleWrap::OnClose+0x8f
8047c58 uv_run+0x154
8047cb8 node::Start+0x16d
8047cd8 main+0x1b
8047cfc _start+0x83
In the output above, let's consider the call to the _onVmLoad
80477f4 0x9274eec9 _onVmLoad (JSFunction: 86c48965)
We can find three different addresses:
- The address of the stack frame on the left:
. - The address of the function's code second on the left:
. - The address of the
instance for this function call on the right:86c48965
The third address on the right is the one to use with ::jsclosure
> 86c48965::jsclosure
"cb": 86c48859: function <anonymous> (as next)
"stash": 86c48671: {}
"startLoad": 86c48959: 1454543447282
"_handleLoadErr": 86c488a5: function _handleLoadErr
itself can display closure variables that are function
> 86c48965::jsclosure
"cb": 86c48859: function <anonymous> (as next)
"stash": 86c48671: {}
"startLoad": 86c48959: 1454543447282
"_handleLoadErr": 86c488a5: function _handleLoadErr
In the output above, _handleLoadErr
is a function, and the JSFunction
instance's address is the only address displayed by default by ::jscolosure
> 86c488a5::jsclosure
"cb": 86c48859: function <anonymous> (as next)
"stash": 86c48671: {}
"startLoad": 86c48959: 1454543447282
"_handleLoadErr": 86c488a5: function _handleLoadErr
Getting help:
: get help on any command::dcmds
: list all commands::walkers
: list all walkers::status
: print basic information about the program being debugged
Working with memory:
: dump a region of memory::findleaks
: find native leaks (requires libumem)::ugrep
: scan all memory for a given byte sequence (e.g., an address)::umastat
: print native memory allocator statistics (requires libumem)::whatis
: print out what a given native object appears to be