Simple and secure authentication mechanism for single 'Shiny' applications. Credentials can be stored in an encrypted 'SQLite' database or on your own SQL Database (Postgres, MySQL, ...). Source code of main application is protected until authentication is successful.
Live demo:
- On Shiny-server:
- On :
You can authenticate with:
- user:
/ password:shiny
- user:
/ password:shinymanager
Online documentation :
- English
- Français
- Portuguese
- Español
- Deutsch
- Polski
- Japanese
- Chinese
- Indonesian
- Greek
Using options("shinymanager.pwd_validity")
, you can set password validity period. It defaults to Inf
. You can specify for example options("shinymanager.pwd_validity" = 90)
if you want to force user changing password each 90 days.
Using options("shinymanager.pwd_failure_limit")
, you can set password failure limit. It defaults to Inf. You can specify for example options("shinymanager.pwd_failure_limit" = 5)
if you want to lock user account after 5 wrong password.
Adding optional applications
column in credentials db : the name of the applications to which the user is authorized, separated by a semicolon. The name of the application corresponds to the name of the directory, or can be declared using : options("shinymanager.application" = "my-app")
# your own rules
validate_pwd_custom <- function(pwd) {
X = c("[0-9]+", "[a-z]+", "[A-Z]+", "[[:punct:]]+", ".{8,}"),
FUN = grepl, x = pwd, FUN.VALUE = logical(1)
# server.R
server <- function(input, output, session) {
auth_out <- secure_server(validate_pwd = validate_pwd_custom, ...)
# your classic server logic
# Init and using sqlite database
# Init and using SQL database
# shiny integration
?auth_ui # ui definition
# change labels / language
- Improve global performance
- Add sparklyr support
- (#188) FEAT : disable write logs and see logs
- (#182 & #187) FIX quiclky bind enter on auth
- FEAT/FIX : SQL features (not only sqlite but Postgres, MySQL, ...)
- (#154) add indonesian. Thanks @aswansyahputra
- (#178) add chinese. Thanks @wtbxsjy
- FEAT : SQL features (not only sqlite but Postgres, MySQL, ...)
- (#112) : fix bug changing user name. Thanks @StatisMike
- fix DT checkbox (rm/add user)
- Changed fab button z-index to make it appear above sidebar in shinydashboard/bs4Dash (fix #123)
- can pass validate_pwd_ to secure_server
- (#129) add japanese. Thanks @ironwest
- (#113) disable download db & logs. Thanks @StatisMike
- (#130) update somes icons. Thanks @ismirsehregal
- add download user file
- add options for validity pwd & update check same / old pwd
- add options for locked account
- (#144) Switch to Font Awesome 6 icon names. Thanks @ismirsehregal
- (#143) add Greek language. Thanks @lefkiospaikousis
Install from CRAN with :
Or install development version from GitHub :
Secure your Shiny app to control who can access it :
# define some basic credentials (on data.frame)
credentials <- data.frame(
user = c("shiny", "shinymanager"), # mandatory
password = c("azerty", "12345"), # mandatory
start = c("2019-04-15"), # optinal (all others)
expire = c(NA, "2019-12-31"),
admin = c(FALSE, TRUE),
comment = "Simple and secure authentification mechanism
for single ‘Shiny’ applications.",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
ui <- fluidPage(
tags$h2("My secure application"),
# Wrap your UI with secure_app
ui <- secure_app(ui)
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# call the server part
# check_credentials returns a function to authenticate users
res_auth <- secure_server(
check_credentials = check_credentials(credentials)
output$auth_output <- renderPrint({
# your classic server logic
shinyApp(ui, server)
Starting page of the application will be :
Once logged, the application will be launched and a button added to navigate between the app and the admin panel (SQL credentials only and if user is authorized to access it), and to logout from the application :
Store your credentials data in Sqlite database protected with a symmetric AES encryption from openssl
, and password hashing using scrypt
# Init DB using credentials data
credentials <- data.frame(
user = c("shiny", "shinymanager"),
password = c("azerty", "12345"),
# password will automatically be hashed
admin = c(FALSE, TRUE),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# you can use keyring package to set database key
key_set("R-shinymanager-key", "obiwankenobi")
# Init the database
credentials_data = credentials,
sqlite_path = "path/to/database.sqlite", # will be created
passphrase = key_get("R-shinymanager-key", "obiwankenobi")
# passphrase = "passphrase_wihtout_keyring"
# Wrap your UI with secure_app, enabled admin mode or not
ui <- secure_app(ui, enable_admin = TRUE)
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# check_credentials directly on sqlite db
res_auth <- secure_server(
check_credentials = check_credentials(
passphrase = key_get("R-shinymanager-key", "obiwankenobi")
# passphrase = "passphrase_wihtout_keyring"
output$auth_output <- renderPrint({
# your classic server logic
Store your credentials data in your SQL database using the DBI
interface (and always password hashing using scrypt
) :
Template available here :
#### init the SQL Database
# first edit the .yml configuration file
system.file("sql_config/pg_template.yml", package = "shinymanager")
# Init Credentials data
credentials <- data.frame(
user = c("shiny", "shinymanager"),
password = c("azerty", "12345"), # password will automatically be hashed
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# Create SQL database
credentials_data = credentials,
config_path = "path/to/your_sql_configuration.yml"
### Use in shiny
ui <- fluidPage(
tags$h2("My secure application"),
# Wrap your UI with secure_app
ui <- secure_app(ui, choose_language = TRUE)
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# call the server part
# check_credentials returns a function to authenticate users
res_auth <- secure_server(
check_credentials = check_credentials(db = "path/to/your_sql_configuration.yml")
# your classic server logic
shinyApp(ui, server)
Using SQL/Sqlite database protected, an admin mode is available to manage access to the application, features included are
- manage users account : add, modify and delete users
- ask the user to change his password
- see logs about application usage
You can also use your own authentification function with check_credentials
, for example doiing a control to your intern database. check_credentials
must be a function with two arguments user
& password
, returning a least with at least result
to authorize acces, or FALSE
) and user_info
(all you want to retrieve from the user in the app) :
dbname = "*****"
host = "localhost"
port = *****
user = "*****"
password = "******"
con <- dbConnect(dbDriver("PostgreSQL"), dbname = dbname , host = host, port = port ,
user = user, password = password )
DBI::dbWriteTable(con, "my_table", data.frame(
user = c("test"),
password = c("123"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# or a config .yml file or others arguments
my_custom_check_creds <- function(dbname, host, port, db_user, db_password) {
# finally one function of user and password
function(user, password) {
con <- dbConnect(dbDriver("PostgreSQL"), dbname = dbname,
host = host, port = port,
user = db_user, password = db_password)
req <- glue_sql("SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE \"user\" = ({user}) AND \"password\" = ({password})",
user = user, password = password, .con = con
req <- dbSendQuery(con, req)
res <- dbFetch(req)
if (nrow(res) > 0) {
list(result = TRUE, user_info = list(user = user, something = 123))
} else {
list(result = FALSE)
ui <- fluidPage(
tags$h2("My secure application"),
ui <- secure_app(ui)
server <- function(input, output, session) {
res_auth <- secure_server(
check_credentials = my_custom_check_creds(
dbname = "******",
host = "*****",
port = ****,
db_user = "*****",
db_password = "*******"
auth_output <- reactive({
# access info
shinyApp(ui, server)
Two inputs are created :
You can customize the module (css, image, language, ...).
It's possible to use shinymanager
authentification on flexdashboard
(but not admin console at moment). You can find information on this discussion. But it's not a really secure way because user can overpass the authentification using developper console... Prefer use shiny
application with secure_app
There's no persistent data storage on
, you can read more here : So your sqlite database is lost when the instance is closed, and the one you've pushed when deploying the application will be used. You have to use external database.
The application works fine without shinymanager
but not you have trouble using shinymanager
There is a lag between your ui
and the server
, since shinymanger
hides the ui
part until authentication is successful. It is therefore possible that some of `ui element`` (input) are not defined and are NULL. In this case, you'll see some warning / error message in your R console.
So we recommend to use in all your reactive/observer functions the req
instruction to validate the inputs.
One more global and brutal solution can be :
server <- function(input, output, session) {
auth_out <- secure_server(....)
if(is.null(input$shinymanager_where) || (!is.null(input$shinymanager_where) && input$shinymanager_where %in% "application")){
# your server app code
But it's better to use req
solution. More discussion on #36
use http request and sha256 tokens to grant access to the application, like this the source code is protected without having the need to change your UI or server code.
The credentials database is secured with a pass phrase and the openssl
package. Hashed password using scrypt
. If you have concern about method we use, please fill an issue.
Package shinyauthr
provides a nice shiny module to add an authentication layer to your shiny apps.