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129 lines (95 loc) · 4.3 KB

File metadata and controls

129 lines (95 loc) · 4.3 KB

Data Minded: Wharlord Logo


Wharlord is a small library for checking constraints on Spark Data Frames. It can be used to assure a certain data quality, especially when continuous imports happen.

The project is a fork from Drunken Data Quality or DDQ

Using Wharlord

Getting Started

Create two example tables to play with (or use your existing ones).

import org.apache.spark.sql._
val sparkSession = SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate()
import sparkSession.implicits._

case class Customer(id: Int, name: String)
case class Contract(id: Int, customerId: Int, duration: Int)

val customers = sc.parallelize(List(
  Customer(0, "Frank"),
  Customer(1, "Alex"),
  Customer(2, "Slavo")

val contracts = sc.parallelize(List(
  Contract(0, 0, 5),
  Contract(1, 0, 10),
  Contract(0, 1, 6)

Run some checks and see the results on the console.

import be.dataminded.wharlord._
  .hasNumRows(_ >= 3)

  .hasNumRows(_ > 0)
  .hasUniqueKey("id", "customerId")
  .satisfies("duration > 0")
  .hasForeignKey(customers, "customerId" -> "id")

Custom Reporters

By default the check result will be printed to stdout using ANSI escape codes to highlight the output. To have a report in another format, you can specify one or more custom reporters.

import be.dataminded.wharlord.reporters.MarkdownReporter
import be.dataminded.wharlord._

Check(customers).hasNumRows(_ >= 3)

Running multiple checks

You can use a runner to generate reports for multiple checks at once. It will execute all the checks and report the results to the specified reporters.

import be.dataminded.wharlord.reporters.ConsoleReporter
import be.dataminded.wharlord.reporters.MarkdownReporter
import be.dataminded.wharlord._
import{PrintStream, File}

val check1 = Check(customers).hasNumRows(_ >= 3)

val check2 = Check(contracts).hasNumRows(_ > 0)
                             .hasUniqueKey("id", "customerId")
                             .satisfies("duration > 0")
                             .hasForeignKey(customers, "customerId" -> "id")

val consoleReporter = ConsoleReporter(System.out)
val reportStream = new PrintStream(new File(""))
val markdownReporter = MarkdownReporter(reportStream), check2), Seq(consoleReporter, markdownReporter))


Unit Tests

You can also use Wharlord to write automated quality tests for your data. After running a check or a series of checks, you can inspect the results programmatically.

def allConstraintsSatisfied(checkResult: CheckResult): Boolean = {
    case (constraint, ConstraintSuccess(_)) => true
    case (constraint, ConstraintFailure(_)) => false
  }.reduce(_ && _)

val results =, check2), Seq.empty)

If you want to fail the data load if the number of rows and the unique key constraints are not satisfied, but the duration constraint can be violated, you can write individual assertions for each constraint result.

val numRowsConstraint = Check.hasNumRows(_ >= 3)
val uniqueKeyConstraint = Check.hasUniqueKey("id", "customerId")
val durationConstraint = Check.satisfies("duration > 0")

val check = Check(contracts).addConstraint(numRowsConstraint)

val results =, Seq.empty)
val constraintResults = results(check).constraintResults


For a comprehensive list of available constraints, please refer to the Wiki.


This project is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0. For details please see the file called LICENSE.