All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.56.0 (2020-02-26)
1.55.0 (2020-02-24)
- update app (beb2a80)
1.54.0 (2020-01-15)
1.51.0 (2019-12-28)
- remove npm variable from yml file (0550188)
1.41.0 (2019-10-25)
1.40.0 (2019-10-25)
- improve in datepicker component (bc82540)
1.39.0 (2019-10-25)
1.38.0 (2019-10-25)
1.37.0 (2019-10-22)
- filepicker s3 initial values (1ab4fc4)
1.36.0 (2019-10-18)
- multiple file upload in S3 manage (a6924c5)
1.35.0 (2019-10-18)
- props in search bar (ad99098)
1.34.0 (2019-10-17)
- async select issue (ee9a4c1)
1.33.0 (2019-10-16)
- async select (29ccfc7)
- async select values (b9842bc)
- initial value for multi select (e5df30a)
- testcase error (44a194b)
1.32.0 (2019-10-12)
- index.ts component add issue (daa2693)
- fix date picker range (bcedd3b)
- rangeNumber and rangeDate (865b2e2)
- test case for rangedate and range number (2043639)
1.31.0 (2019-10-10)
1.30.0 (2019-10-10)
- datepicker select and feat rangeinput (2be973f)
1.29.0 (2019-10-10)
- codelense in codeeditor (0472d42)
1.28.0 (2019-09-27)
- select multi select (6f1aeb3)
1.27.0 (2019-09-27)
1.26.0 (2019-09-24)
1.25.0 (2019-09-24)
1.24.0 (2019-09-23)
- added component awscognito in index.ts (d8c988c)
1.23.0 (2019-09-22)
- sideserver (6b96ff4)
1.22.0 (2019-09-21)
1.21.0 (2019-09-20)
1.20.0 (2019-09-20)
- label added in datepicker (9bd4677)
1.19.0 (2019-09-19)
- add template crm (7fa3aca)
- without cros domain (ccc25a4)
1.18.0 (2019-09-19)
- add connector props (7b5df42)
- add cookieeStorage (48b6f60)
- connector (95f3b04)
- get user session and data (491980c)
- getUserSession (b344474)
- update task (5a0b627)
1.17.0 (2019-09-17)
- coverage test integration error (28931f8)
- fixed the test case related issue (567a347)
- fixed the test case related issue (ddafe44)
- test case (7412914)
- update choose info (3a2a2d9)
- update choose info (682d923)
- well and table stories (b5b9c78)
- add basic conditionnals values (1235551)
- add props for choose component (45901a4)
- add well and choose in index (fadd7dc)
- added choose component working to add the test cases for the same (86fc580)
- added the missing documentation to the choose component (1c09110)
- conditional field in form controls (b5ccc62)
- done with implementing the choose component along with relevant test cases (0a09ca0)
- headtitle props (0fadf6a)
- remove heading in well (c5c9f2f)
- well component (12f54cc)
- working to add the test cases for choose component (6702961)
1.16.0 (2019-09-11)
- added the codemirror to newly added component - step (c7030e2)
- changed name to collection from checkbox collection (169bec2)
- documentation updated for signup - login - forgot password and applied documentation to new forgot password components (a6af681)
- fixed alert icon design - AI-83 and AI-90 covered (8051b84)
- minor fixes (534aa77)
- removed gray color from alert icon border AI-83 (18b3e7a)
- stories ccollection (31ea158)
1.15.0 (2019-09-09)
- avoid table on extra render while using formate (53e7409)
1.14.0 (2019-09-09)
- text component issue (16cda83)
1.13.0 (2019-09-09)
1.12.0 (2019-09-04)
1.11.0 (2019-09-03)
- added documentation to newly added component checkbox collection (6b43c1a)
- added template string to components listed under layout section (e362f67)
- added template string to navigation components (ef70d11)
- alert styling fixed AI-80 (18afd3c)
- applied changes to the code content fixed AI-67, AI-68, AI-69, AI-70, AI-72, AI-78 (019ed8f)
- applied changes to the template string done with AI-69, AI-73, AI-74, AI-75, AI-76, AI-77, AI-81 (a60d619)
- applied template string to code part of all components listed under display (eb600db)
- applied template string to the component listed under forms section (eea82e3)
- applying the template string to code in forms section (601e24c)
- as per review on ai-13 (e480eb5)
- as per review on ai-13 (3749720)
- code from develop (7c8d300)
- code from develop (25ae9e0)
- code from develop (5493e91)
- code from develop (f4d3ed8)
- conflict (a293839)
- conflict (6d1e3f9)
- conflict again (643651c)
- conflict in destination (aa758aa)
- coverage (9fdef76)
- destination conflict (fa54244)
- error introduction page (0f0890d)
- error introduction page (f6b39d6)
- fix code view (b7ba988)
- fixed alert icon background (da021a7)
- fixed as per comment (f92df2c)
- fixed codemirror content template string (418f78c)
- fixed content position for file browser of aws s3 (43f009c)
- fixed datepicker design issue AI-71 (710a93d)
- fixed link to the get started card part on introduction page (e995620)
- loader sidebar icon only (d218c56)
- module codemirror2 (444bf14)
- overlap issue resolved in datepicker (0528c3c)
- package.json packages (45b22ea)
- password regex in ai-21 (fbd2e68)
- pipeline (191dadd)
- pipeline request again (a8d7b83)
- removed space from form layout AI-78 (a0f73f0)
- sidebar (fe91a1e)
- sidebar design issues (863edd6)
- sidebar stories (507be47)
- sidebar testcase (845093e)
- test case error (3163251)
- update config (1e8aeae)
- update config (d3d6824)
- update config (63f507b)
- update config (5f39c63)
- update config (ac8d831)
- update config (1fd593b)
- update config (fcae76c)
- update config (0e82ee0)
- update config (1c07ac2)
- update config (1dd196c)
- z-index up (42d94f7)
- add deploy by branch (197668a)
- add deploy by branch (028c428)
- add sample for checkbox ai-44 (8f9eff8)
- added components in index.ts ai-44 (f50f485)
- added documentation for the introduction page (576882f)
- added documentation till filepicker form component (2500afe)
- added react-codemirror2 to the package dependency (33505b2)
- added validation props (aad585b)
- all 3 component completed (cfe747c)
- applied the suggested fixes to the sidebar (e3474d4)
- applying template string to code part (eff38fd)
- buttongroup (17eaa7d)
- committing the package-lock.json (570eb5f)
- component added in index.ts on ai-13 (330ae90)
- datepicker style (9a3387b)
- documentation (1da9685)
- documentation with codemirror added to forms, navigation, layout, introduction section (7140ef3)
- done with adding the documentation (a7dec47)
- done with adding the documentation to form controls (7d86322)
- done with AI-41 AI-45 and AI-23 (96b4002)
- forgot password added (d42062b)
- forgot password button in login page (906eeaf)
- health,spacer,emptyprompt (b8bec23)
- listgroup component added (6fc7c19)
- merged with AI-23 (9c1831a)
- merged with AI-45 (44d9de2)
- merged with develop (2e5cc89)
- radio, checkbox, switch collection added (aae7480)
- react live view (8613378)
- removed the left margin from form elements (b12440f)
- replaced row col with CardDeck in introdution component (842543d)
- resolved conflicts (d91a1c1)
- resolved conflicts in index.tsx (65a81d9)
- resolving conflicts (0cfdb89)
- resolving conflicts (735e98a)
- resolving conflicts after merging with develop (8297cc8)
- resolving the conflicts after merging with the develop (6de49f1)
- resolving the conflicts after merging with the develop (28c5ffe)
- sidebar toggle animation (552db43)
- stepconent added (4679017)
- steps (be53850)
- trying to resolve conflict of index.ts (e67e969)
- trying to resolve conflict of index.ts (20d0826)
- update bug (dd886b5)
- update package.json (cedac7a)
- update pipeline deploy (ceb9854)
- update playlist sidebar (211bfb7)
- update slidebar related changes done (ca0f562)
- updated sidebar style related changes (e23e565)
- updated sidebar style related changes (c97eae0)
1.10.0 (2019-08-27)
- add comment on testcase U-TEST-2 - Test login (47ebf07)
1.9.0 (2019-08-26)
- query icon (93953a4)
- query icon (210c2c7)
- query icon (85cda7c)
- update code (cb013c1)
- update code (776733a)
- update code (f2a4f10)
- update code (8fb1a07)
- update code (df3c7b0)
- update code (1374276)
- add loading (e42ee5d)
- add login and sign confirm (3b08e46)
- confirm sign in in Layout/Auth (6092d6d)
- fix input icon (05d7c3b)
- layout data (a468859)
- table update stories (3aa6a6f)
1.8.0 (2019-08-24)
1.7.0 (2019-08-24)
1.6.0 (2019-08-24)
1.5.0 (2019-08-24)
1.4.0 (2019-08-24)
- add breadcrumd (4f1d27b)
- add file in index (9882de8)
- add lib (91ac919)
- add sample file upload (8998bf6)
- add sample file upload (1eb6697)
- alert change to uncontrolledalert (48f47b1)
- auth function propal (0610480)
- breadcrumb words (99ea952)
- change in props (85e057a)
- change uncntrolled to controlled alert (b0f0500)
- filepicker s3 (01bbf1f)
- lint (d4aa4ef)
- must changed aws app (3bbe56b)
- package (49fe3d6)
- package (16fff26)
- package filepicker (6e2cc69)
- run package app (5017977)
- update btn in typography.tsx (617ad79)
- update form (584f112)
- update package (893a580)
- update package app (eb864fc)
- update package app (73d1723)
- update package app (88c1ace)
- update package app (5ac7ba2)
- update package app (060d7a8)
- update sidebar component (6307261)
- update style typo (fb312de)
- update tsconfig.json (f5038d0)
- update typescript (67b69c9)
- update typo (45b21b6)
- add abbreviation (10d2c3f)
- add avatar (dc8afcd)
- add avatar and update dropzone s3 (502d65a)
- add aws cognito auth (add89d1)
- add button and refactor testing (3bfaa06)
- add Container, Row, Col from reactstrap in index.ts (d114b94)
- add Container, Row, Col from reactstrap in index.ts (dd2546b)
- add Container, Row, Col from reactstrap in index.ts (d806c54)
- add Container, Row, Col from reactstrap in index.ts (beea421)
- add Container, Row, Col from reactstrap in index.ts (9699c76)
- add Container, Row, Col from reactstrap in index.ts (28b0bfc)
- add element to uikit (7496721)
- add field array in form controls (6dc9849)
- add field array in form controls (6230ec2)
- add helpcin (94c50af)
- add interface props for navigation (d026774)
- add lib (b33f133)
- add mre example in sidebar navigation (f0a4b91)
- add new deal architecture in ws cognito (bfa8ebb)
- add new deal architecture in ws cognito (390ee7a)
- add profil img (8c8796d)
- add profil img (3acf749)
- add query fetch app (b4e3a57)
- add table collection (437feb4)
- add ui kit app (71f6a91)
- api - update process platform (151e60c)
- api - update process platform (1a659c3)
- commit submit list (3ca333c)
- form collection (d3b530b)
- form collection (4658096)
- projet (9169b46)
- push alert docs (e1b5e52)
- release size bar (0ce3474)
- text component (6de1a45)
- upadate app (ced8243)
- update breancrumb component (477ab06)
- update build testing (9520020)
- update css page (f747f64)
- update css style, harmonize (74f4963)
- update css style, harmonize (ac1e654)
- update doc (5d8a117)
- update doc (058dbc6)
- table: coverage (017ee4d)
- update lib (482f339)
- update lib (230d35b)
- update task project (f1596ac)
- update text and badge (ac6662f)
1.2.0 (2019-08-24)
1.1.2 (2019-08-24)
1.1.1 (2019-08-24)
- add breadcrumd (4f1d27b)
- add file in index (9882de8)
- add lib (91ac919)
- add sample file upload (8998bf6)
- add sample file upload (1eb6697)
- alert change to uncontrolledalert (48f47b1)
- auth function propal (0610480)
- breadcrumb words (99ea952)
- change in props (85e057a)
- change uncntrolled to controlled alert (b0f0500)
- filepicker s3 (01bbf1f)
- lint (d4aa4ef)
- must changed aws app (3bbe56b)
- package (49fe3d6)
- package (16fff26)
- package filepicker (6e2cc69)
- run package app (5017977)
- storytbook and add bootstrap css (f4afc8b)
- update btn in typography.tsx (617ad79)
- update form (584f112)
- update package (893a580)
- update package app (eb864fc)
- update package app (060d7a8)
- update package app (73d1723)
- update package app (88c1ace)
- update package app (5ac7ba2)
- update sidebar component (6307261)
- update style typo (fb312de)
- update tsconfig.json (f5038d0)
- update typescript (67b69c9)
- update typo (45b21b6)
- add abbreviation (10d2c3f)
- add avatar (dc8afcd)
- add avatar and update dropzone s3 (502d65a)
- add aws cognito auth (add89d1)
- add button and refactor testing (3bfaa06)
- add Container, Row, Col from reactstrap in index.ts (d114b94)
- add Container, Row, Col from reactstrap in index.ts (9699c76)
- add Container, Row, Col from reactstrap in index.ts (beea421)
- add Container, Row, Col from reactstrap in index.ts (dd2546b)
- add Container, Row, Col from reactstrap in index.ts (d806c54)
- add Container, Row, Col from reactstrap in index.ts (28b0bfc)
- add Container, Row, Col from reactstrap in index.ts (9fc4f67)
- add Container, Row, Col from reactstrap in index.ts (db495f2)
- add Container, Row, Col from reactstrap in index.ts (759b2d7)
- add Container, Row, Col from reactstrap in index.ts (6c7f5ae)
- add Container, Row, Col from reactstrap in index.ts (555f648)
- add element to uikit (7496721)
- add field array in form controls (6230ec2)
- add field array in form controls (6dc9849)
- add helpcin (94c50af)
- add interface props for navigation (d026774)
- add lib (b33f133)
- add mre example in sidebar navigation (f0a4b91)
- add new deal architecture in ws cognito (390ee7a)
- add new deal architecture in ws cognito (bfa8ebb)
- add profil img (8c8796d)
- add profil img (3acf749)
- add query fetch app (b4e3a57)
- add table collection (437feb4)
- add ui kit app (71f6a91)
- api - update process platform (151e60c)
- api - update process platform (1a659c3)
- commit submit list (3ca333c)
- form collection (d3b530b)
- form collection (4658096)
- projet (9169b46)
- push alert docs (e1b5e52)
- release size bar (0ce3474)
- text component (6de1a45)
- update breancrumb component (477ab06)
- update build testing (9520020)
- update code core (71f572d)
- update css page (f747f64)
- update css style, harmonize (ac1e654)
- update css style, harmonize (74f4963)
- update doc (058dbc6)
- update doc (5d8a117)
- update lib (230d35b)
- update lib (482f339)
- update lib data (a48a978)
- update lib data (a58d1a3)
- update task project (f1596ac)
- update text and badge (ac6662f)
- table: coverage (017ee4d)
- add breadcrumd (4f1d27b)
- add file in index (9882de8)
- add lib (91ac919)
- add sample file upload (8998bf6)
- add sample file upload (1eb6697)
- auth function propal (0610480)
- breadcrumb words (99ea952)
- filepicker s3 (01bbf1f)
- lint (d4aa4ef)
- must changed aws app (3bbe56b)
- package (49fe3d6)
- package (16fff26)
- package filepicker (6e2cc69)
- run package app (5017977)
- storytbook and add bootstrap css (f4afc8b)
- update btn in typography.tsx (617ad79)
- update form (584f112)
- update package (893a580)
- update package app (5ac7ba2)
- update package app (eb864fc)
- update package app (060d7a8)
- update package app (73d1723)
- update package app (88c1ace)
- update sidebar component (6307261)
- update style typo (fb312de)
- update tsconfig.json (f5038d0)
- update typescript (67b69c9)
- update typo (45b21b6)
- add abbreviation (10d2c3f)
- add avatar (dc8afcd)
- add avatar and update dropzone s3 (502d65a)
- add aws cognito auth (add89d1)
- add button and refactor testing (3bfaa06)
- add Container, Row, Col from reactstrap in index.ts (6c7f5ae)
- add Container, Row, Col from reactstrap in index.ts (759b2d7)
- add Container, Row, Col from reactstrap in index.ts (db495f2)
- add Container, Row, Col from reactstrap in index.ts (9fc4f67)
- add Container, Row, Col from reactstrap in index.ts (28b0bfc)
- add Container, Row, Col from reactstrap in index.ts (d806c54)
- add Container, Row, Col from reactstrap in index.ts (dd2546b)
- add Container, Row, Col from reactstrap in index.ts (555f648)
- add Container, Row, Col from reactstrap in index.ts (beea421)
- add Container, Row, Col from reactstrap in index.ts (9699c76)
- add Container, Row, Col from reactstrap in index.ts (d114b94)
- add element to uikit (7496721)
- add helpcin (94c50af)
- add interface props for navigation (d026774)
- add lib (b33f133)
- add mre example in sidebar navigation (f0a4b91)
- add new deal architecture in ws cognito (390ee7a)
- add new deal architecture in ws cognito (bfa8ebb)
- add profil img (8c8796d)
- add profil img (3acf749)
- add query fetch app (b4e3a57)
- add table collection (437feb4)
- add ui kit app (71f6a91)
- api - update process platform (151e60c)
- api - update process platform (1a659c3)
- commit submit list (3ca333c)
- release size bar (0ce3474)
- text component (6de1a45)
- update breancrumb component (477ab06)
- update code core (71f572d)
- update css page (f747f64)
- update css style, harmonize (ac1e654)
- update css style, harmonize (74f4963)
- update doc (5d8a117)
- update doc (058dbc6)
- update lib (482f339)
- update lib (230d35b)
- update lib data (a58d1a3)
- update lib data (a48a978)
- update task project (f1596ac)
- update text and badge (ac6662f)
- table: coverage (017ee4d)