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Docker swarm stack for postgres deployment

Postgres Installation

Create secret files

  1. To generate the passwords:
  1. Secrets directory after generation of passwords:
└── passwords
    ├── postgres-auth-password
    ├── postgres-keycloak-password
    ├── postgresql-password
    └── postgres-rs-password

Assign node labels

The postgres container is constrained to run on specifc node by adding node labels to only one of the nodes, refer here for more info. This ensures the container is placed always to same node on restart and able to mount the same local docker volume.

docker node update --label-add postgres-db-node=true <node_name>

Define Appropriate values of resources

Define Appropriate values of resources -

  • CPU
  • RAM
  • PID limit in postgres-stack.resources.yaml for postgres as shown in sample resource-values file for here


Deploy Postgres stack:

docker stack deploy -c postgres-stack.yaml -c postgres-stack.resources.yaml postgres

Postgres Users creation

  1. Configure init-script/db-user-creation-config.json if any changes required
  2. For Multi-tenancy, replace the prefix names of database and user with appropriate names. Below examples
"username": "<appropriate_prefix>_keycloak_user"
"database": "<appropriate_prefix>_keycloak",

For all users.

  1. Bring up the db generator stack(only on clean deployment),
docker stack deploy -c db-user-creation.yaml tmp
  1. Monitor logs to ensure creation
docker service logs tmp_db_user_creation -f
  1. Remove stack, once users are created
docker stack rm tmp

RS, auth scehma creation

The rs and auth schema created using flyway tool. Follow below steps:

  1. Bind/publish/expose the psql port 5432 to host VM temporarily as described in 5th point in note

  2. git clone && cd iudx-aaa-server repo and do following 2.1 flyway.conf must be updated with the required data. which will be as follows

 flyway.password=<value in secrets/passwords/postgresql-password>  

2.2 After this, the info command can be run to test the config. Then, the migrate command can be run to set up the database. At the /iudx-aaa-server directory, run

mvn flyway:info -Dflyway.configFiles=flyway.conf
mvn flyway:migrate -Dflyway.configFiles=flyway.conf

Refer here for more info: 3. Similarly do for resource server, git clone && cd iudx-resource-server 3.1 flyway.conf must be updated with the required data. which will be as follows

flyway.password=<value in secrets/passwords/postgresql-password>
# use TRUE only for first time migration of existing DB, else use FALSE.
flyway.baselineOnMigrate = false

2.2 After this, the info command can be run to test the config. Then, the migrate command can be run to set up the database. At the /iudx-resource-server directory, run

mvn flyway:info -Dflyway.configFiles=flyway.conf
mvn flyway:migrate -Dflyway.configFiles=flyway.conf


  1. Command to dump only psql data from a particular database of a dockerized psql.
docker exec <psqldb-container> PGPASSWORD=`cat $POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD_FILE` pg_dumpall -U postgres > /tmp/dump.sql
  1. Command to restore psql dump data (of a particular database) to dockerized psql.
cat <dump_file>.sql | docker exec -i <psqldb-container> PGPASSWORD=`cat $POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD_FILE` psql -U postgres
  1. Please refer here for info on why and how to use multiple stack files.
  2. Following users using the passwords present at secrets/passwords/ directory and dbs are created accordingly using init scripts present at init-scripts/:
Username Password Role/Access Services
iudx_rs_user secrets/passwords/postgres-rs-password SELECT,INSERT,DELETE,UPDATE on tables of iudx_rs Database Used by resource server
iudx_keycloak_user secrets/passwords/postgres-keycloak-password Owner of iudx_keycloak database Used by keycloak server
iudx_auth_user secrets/passwords/postgres-auth-password Access given while setting up auth server Used by auth server
postgres secrets/passwords/postgresql-password Superuser Used to set users and RBAC
  1. If you need to expose the psql server port or have custom stack configuration ( see here for example configuration of 'postgres-stack.custom.yaml' file) and bring up like as follows
docker stack deploy -c postgres-stack.yaml -c postgres-stack.resources.yaml -c postgres-stack.custom.yaml postgres