diff --git a/docs/table_persistence.md b/docs/table_persistence.md
index 12cac2a2c6..85fa36fcbb 100644
--- a/docs/table_persistence.md
+++ b/docs/table_persistence.md
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ Table utilization per workflow:
| udfs | RW | RW | RO | | | | |
| logs | RW | | RW | RW | | RW | RW |
| recon_results | | | | | | | RW |
+| redash_dashboards | RW | | | | | | RW |
+| lakeview_dashboards | RW | | | | | | RW |
**RW** - Read/Write, the job generates or updates the table.
**RO** - Read Only
@@ -139,3 +141,16 @@ This is used by the permission crawler.
| object_type | string | type of object (NOTEBOOK, DIRECTORY, REPO, FILE, LIBRARY) |
| path | string | full path of the object in the workspace |
| language | string | language of the object (applicable for notebooks only) |
+#### _$inventory_.redash_dashboards and _$inventory_.lakeview_dashboards
+Holds a list of all Redash or Lakeview dashboards. This is used by the `QueryLinter` and `Redash` migration.
+| Column | Datatype | Description | Comments |
+| id | string | The ID for this dashboard. | |
+| name | string | The title of the dashboard that appears in list views and at the top of the dashboard page. | |
+| parent | string | The identifier of the workspace folder containing the object. | |
+| query_ids | list[string] | The IDs of the queries referenced by this dashboard. | |
+| tags | list[string] | The tags set on this dashboard. | |
diff --git a/src/databricks/labs/ucx/assessment/dashboards.py b/src/databricks/labs/ucx/assessment/dashboards.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..67fe12e629
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/databricks/labs/ucx/assessment/dashboards.py
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+import itertools
+import json
+import logging
+from collections.abc import Iterable, Iterator
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field
+from databricks.labs.lsql.backends import SqlBackend
+from databricks.labs.lsql.lakeview import Dashboard as LsqlLakeviewDashboard, Dataset
+from databricks.sdk import WorkspaceClient
+from databricks.sdk.errors import DatabricksError
+from databricks.sdk.service.dashboards import Dashboard as SdkLakeviewDashboard
+from databricks.sdk.service.sql import Dashboard as SdkRedashDashboard, LegacyQuery
+from databricks.labs.ucx.framework.crawlers import CrawlerBase
+from databricks.labs.ucx.framework.owners import AdministratorLocator, Ownership, WorkspacePathOwnership
+from databricks.labs.ucx.framework.utils import escape_sql_identifier
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class Query:
+ """UCX representation of a Query.
+ Note:
+ This class is not persisted into an inventory table. If you decide to persist this class, consider (future)
+ differences between Redash and Lakeview queries
+ """
+ id: str
+ """The ID for this query."""
+ name: str | None = None
+ """The title of this query that appears in list views, widget headings, and on the query page."""
+ parent: str | None = None
+ """The identifier of the workspace folder containing the object."""
+ query: str | None = None
+ """The text of the query to be run."""
+ catalog: str | None = None
+ """The name of the catalog to execute this query in."""
+ schema: str | None = None
+ """The name of the schema to execute this query in."""
+ tags: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
+ """The tags set on this dashboard."""
+ @classmethod
+ def from_legacy_query(cls, query: LegacyQuery) -> Query:
+ """Create query from a :class:LegacyQuery"""
+ if not query.id:
+ raise ValueError(f"Query id is required: {query}")
+ kwargs: dict[str, str | list[str]] = {"id": query.id}
+ if query.name:
+ kwargs["name"] = query.name
+ if query.parent:
+ kwargs["parent"] = query.parent
+ if query.query:
+ kwargs["query"] = query.query
+ if query.options and query.options.catalog:
+ kwargs["catalog"] = query.options.catalog
+ if query.options and query.options.schema:
+ kwargs["schema"] = query.options.schema
+ if query.tags:
+ kwargs["tags"] = query.tags
+ return cls(**kwargs) # type: ignore
+ @classmethod
+ def from_lakeview_dataset(cls, dataset: Dataset, *, parent: str | None = None) -> Query:
+ """Create query from a :class:Dataset"""
+ if not dataset.name:
+ raise ValueError(f"Dataset name is required: {dataset}")
+ kwargs = {"id": dataset.name}
+ if dataset.display_name:
+ kwargs["name"] = dataset.display_name
+ if parent:
+ kwargs["parent"] = parent
+ if dataset.query:
+ kwargs["query"] = dataset.query
+ return cls(**kwargs) # type: ignore
+class Dashboard:
+ """UCX representation of a dashboard."""
+ id: str
+ """The ID for this dashboard."""
+ name: str | None = None
+ """The title of the dashboard that appears in list views and at the top of the dashboard page."""
+ parent: str | None = None
+ """The identifier of the workspace folder containing the object."""
+ query_ids: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
+ """The IDs of the queries referenced by this dashboard."""
+ tags: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
+ """The tags set on this dashboard."""
+ creator_id: str | None = None
+ """The ID of the user who owns the dashboard."""
+ @classmethod
+ def from_sdk_redash_dashboard(cls, dashboard: SdkRedashDashboard) -> Dashboard:
+ assert dashboard.id
+ kwargs: dict[str, str | list[str] | None] = {"id": dashboard.id}
+ if dashboard.name:
+ kwargs["name"] = dashboard.name
+ if dashboard.parent:
+ kwargs["parent"] = dashboard.parent
+ if dashboard.tags:
+ kwargs["tags"] = dashboard.tags
+ if dashboard.user_id:
+ kwargs["creator_id"] = str(dashboard.user_id)
+ query_ids = []
+ for widget in dashboard.widgets or []:
+ if widget.visualization is None:
+ continue
+ if widget.visualization.query is None:
+ continue
+ if widget.visualization.query.id is None:
+ continue
+ query_ids.append(widget.visualization.query.id)
+ if query_ids:
+ kwargs["query_ids"] = query_ids
+ return cls(**kwargs) # type: ignore
+ @classmethod
+ def from_sdk_lakeview_dashboard(cls, dashboard: SdkLakeviewDashboard) -> Dashboard:
+ assert dashboard.dashboard_id
+ kwargs: dict[str, str | list[str] | None] = {"id": dashboard.dashboard_id}
+ if dashboard.display_name:
+ kwargs["name"] = dashboard.display_name
+ if dashboard.parent_path:
+ kwargs["parent"] = dashboard.parent_path
+ lsql_dashboard = _convert_sdk_to_lsql_lakeview_dashboard(dashboard)
+ query_ids = [dataset.name for dataset in lsql_dashboard.datasets]
+ if query_ids:
+ kwargs["query_ids"] = query_ids
+ return cls(**kwargs) # type: ignore
+class RedashDashboardCrawler(CrawlerBase[Dashboard]):
+ """Crawler for Redash dashboards."""
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ws: WorkspaceClient,
+ sql_backend: SqlBackend,
+ schema: str,
+ *,
+ include_dashboard_ids: list[str] | None = None,
+ include_query_ids: list[str] | None = None,
+ debug_listing_upper_limit: int | None = None,
+ ):
+ super().__init__(sql_backend, "hive_metastore", schema, "redash_dashboards", Dashboard)
+ self._ws = ws
+ self._include_dashboard_ids = include_dashboard_ids
+ self._include_query_ids = include_query_ids
+ self._debug_listing_upper_limit = debug_listing_upper_limit
+ def _crawl(self) -> Iterable[Dashboard]:
+ dashboards = []
+ for sdk_dashboard in self._list_dashboards():
+ if sdk_dashboard.id is None:
+ continue
+ dashboard = Dashboard.from_sdk_redash_dashboard(sdk_dashboard)
+ dashboards.append(dashboard)
+ return dashboards
+ def _list_dashboards(self) -> list[SdkRedashDashboard]:
+ if self._include_dashboard_ids is not None:
+ return self._get_dashboards(*self._include_dashboard_ids)
+ try:
+ dashboards_iterator = self._ws.dashboards.list()
+ except DatabricksError as e:
+ logger.error("Cannot list Redash dashboards", exc_info=e)
+ return []
+ dashboards: list[SdkRedashDashboard] = []
+ # Redash APIs are very slow to paginate, especially for large number of dashboards, so we limit the listing
+ # to a small number of items in debug mode for the assessment workflow just to complete.
+ while self._debug_listing_upper_limit is None or self._debug_listing_upper_limit > len(dashboards):
+ try:
+ dashboards.append(next(dashboards_iterator))
+ except StopIteration:
+ break
+ except DatabricksError as e:
+ logger.error("Cannot list next Redash dashboards page", exc_info=e)
+ break
+ return dashboards
+ def _get_dashboards(self, *dashboard_ids: str) -> list[SdkRedashDashboard]:
+ dashboards = []
+ for dashboard_id in dashboard_ids:
+ dashboard = self._get_dashboard(dashboard_id)
+ if dashboard:
+ dashboards.append(dashboard)
+ return dashboards
+ def _get_dashboard(self, dashboard_id: str) -> SdkRedashDashboard | None:
+ try:
+ return self._ws.dashboards.get(dashboard_id)
+ except DatabricksError as e:
+ logger.warning(f"Cannot get Redash dashboard: {dashboard_id}", exc_info=e)
+ return None
+ def _try_fetch(self) -> Iterable[Dashboard]:
+ for row in self._fetch(f"SELECT * FROM {escape_sql_identifier(self.full_name)}"):
+ yield Dashboard(*row)
+ def list_queries(self, dashboard: Dashboard | None = None) -> Iterator[Query]:
+ """List queries.
+ Args:
+ dashboard (DashboardType | None) : List queries for dashboard. If None, list all queries.
+ Defaults to None.
+ Note:
+ This public method does not adhere to the common crawler layout, still, it is implemented to avoid/postpone
+ another crawler for the queries by retrieving the queries every time they are requested.
+ """
+ for query in self._list_legacy_queries(dashboard):
+ yield Query.from_legacy_query(query)
+ def _list_legacy_queries(self, dashboard: Dashboard | None = None) -> Iterator[LegacyQuery]:
+ """List legacy queries.
+ Args:
+ dashboard (DashboardType | None) : List queries for dashboard. If None, list all queries.
+ Defaults to None.
+ """
+ if dashboard:
+ queries_iterator = self._list_legacy_queries_from_dashboard(dashboard)
+ else:
+ queries_iterator = self._list_all_legacy_queries()
+ # Redash APIs are very slow to paginate, especially for large number of dashboards, so we limit the listing
+ # to a small number of items in debug mode for the assessment workflow just to complete.
+ counter = itertools.count()
+ while self._debug_listing_upper_limit is None or self._debug_listing_upper_limit > next(counter):
+ try:
+ yield next(queries_iterator)
+ except StopIteration:
+ break
+ def _list_all_legacy_queries(self) -> Iterator[LegacyQuery]:
+ """List all queries."""
+ if self._include_query_ids is not None:
+ yield from self._get_legacy_queries(*self._include_query_ids)
+ else:
+ try:
+ yield from self._ws.queries_legacy.list()
+ except DatabricksError as e:
+ logger.error("Cannot list Redash queries", exc_info=e)
+ def _list_legacy_queries_from_dashboard(self, dashboard: Dashboard) -> Iterator[LegacyQuery]:
+ """List queries from dashboard."""
+ if self._include_query_ids is not None:
+ query_ids = set(dashboard.query_ids) & set(self._include_query_ids)
+ else:
+ query_ids = set(dashboard.query_ids)
+ yield from self._get_legacy_queries(*query_ids)
+ def _get_legacy_queries(self, *query_ids: str) -> Iterator[LegacyQuery]:
+ """Get a legacy queries."""
+ for query_id in query_ids:
+ query = self._get_legacy_query(query_id)
+ if query:
+ yield query
+ def _get_legacy_query(self, query_id: str) -> LegacyQuery | None:
+ """Get a legacy query."""
+ try:
+ return self._ws.queries_legacy.get(query_id)
+ except DatabricksError as e:
+ logger.warning(f"Cannot get Redash query: {query_id}", exc_info=e)
+ return None
+def _convert_sdk_to_lsql_lakeview_dashboard(dashboard: SdkLakeviewDashboard) -> LsqlLakeviewDashboard:
+ """Parse a lsql Lakeview dashboard from an SDK Lakeview dashboard.
+ Returns :
+ LsqlLakeviewDashboard : The parsed dashboard. If the parsing fails, it is an empty dashboard, i.e. a
+ dashboard without datasets and pages.
+ """
+ lsql_dashboard = LsqlLakeviewDashboard([], [])
+ if dashboard.serialized_dashboard is not None:
+ try:
+ lsql_dashboard = LsqlLakeviewDashboard.from_dict(json.loads(dashboard.serialized_dashboard))
+ except (KeyError, ValueError) as e:
+ logger.warning(f"Error when parsing Lakeview dashboard: {dashboard.dashboard_id}", exc_info=e)
+ return lsql_dashboard
+class LakeviewDashboardCrawler(CrawlerBase[Dashboard]):
+ """Crawler for Lakeview dashboards."""
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ws: WorkspaceClient,
+ sql_backend: SqlBackend,
+ schema: str,
+ *,
+ include_dashboard_ids: list[str] | None = None,
+ include_query_ids: list[str] | None = None,
+ ):
+ super().__init__(sql_backend, "hive_metastore", schema, "lakeview_dashboards", Dashboard)
+ self._ws = ws
+ self._include_dashboard_ids = include_dashboard_ids
+ self._include_query_ids = include_query_ids
+ def _crawl(self) -> Iterable[Dashboard]:
+ dashboards = []
+ for sdk_dashboard in self._list_dashboards():
+ if sdk_dashboard.dashboard_id is None:
+ continue
+ dashboard = Dashboard.from_sdk_lakeview_dashboard(sdk_dashboard)
+ dashboards.append(dashboard)
+ return dashboards
+ def _list_dashboards(self) -> list[SdkLakeviewDashboard]:
+ if self._include_dashboard_ids is not None:
+ return self._get_dashboards(*self._include_dashboard_ids)
+ try:
+ # If the API listing limit becomes an issue in testing, please see the `:class:RedashDashboardCrawler`
+ # for an example on how to implement a (debug) rate limit
+ return list(self._ws.lakeview.list()) # TODO: Add dashboard summary view?
+ except DatabricksError as e:
+ logger.error("Cannot list Lakeview dashboards", exc_info=e)
+ return []
+ def _get_dashboards(self, *dashboard_ids: str) -> list[SdkLakeviewDashboard]:
+ dashboards = []
+ for dashboard_id in dashboard_ids:
+ dashboard = self._get_dashboard(dashboard_id)
+ if dashboard:
+ dashboards.append(dashboard)
+ return dashboards
+ def _get_dashboard(self, dashboard_id: str) -> SdkLakeviewDashboard | None:
+ try:
+ return self._ws.lakeview.get(dashboard_id)
+ except DatabricksError as e:
+ logger.warning(f"Cannot get Lakeview dashboard: {dashboard_id}", exc_info=e)
+ return None
+ def _try_fetch(self) -> Iterable[Dashboard]:
+ for row in self._fetch(f"SELECT * FROM {escape_sql_identifier(self.full_name)}"):
+ yield Dashboard(*row)
+ def list_queries(self, dashboard: Dashboard | None = None) -> Iterator[Query]:
+ """List queries.
+ Args:
+ dashboard (DashboardType | None) : List queries for dashboard. If None, list all queries.
+ Defaults to None.
+ Note:
+ This public method does not adhere to the common crawler layout, still, it is implemented to avoid/postpone
+ another crawler for the queries by retrieving the queries every time they are requested.
+ Different to the Redash crawler, Lakeview queries are part of the (serialized) dashboard definition.
+ """
+ if dashboard:
+ sdk_dashboard = self._get_dashboard(dashboard_id=dashboard.id)
+ sdk_dashboards = [sdk_dashboard] if sdk_dashboard else []
+ else:
+ sdk_dashboards = self._list_dashboards()
+ for sdk_dashboard in sdk_dashboards:
+ lsql_dashboard = _convert_sdk_to_lsql_lakeview_dashboard(sdk_dashboard)
+ for dataset in lsql_dashboard.datasets:
+ if self._include_query_ids is not None and dataset.name not in self._include_query_ids:
+ continue
+ yield Query.from_lakeview_dataset(dataset, parent=sdk_dashboard.dashboard_id)
+class DashboardOwnership(Ownership[Dashboard]):
+ """Determine ownership of dashboard in the inventory.
+ This is the dashboard creator (if known) otherwise the parent (path) owner (if known).
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ administrator_locator: AdministratorLocator,
+ ws: WorkspaceClient,
+ workspace_path_ownership: WorkspacePathOwnership,
+ ) -> None:
+ super().__init__(administrator_locator)
+ self._ws = ws
+ self._workspace_path_ownership = workspace_path_ownership
+ def _maybe_direct_owner(self, record: Dashboard) -> str | None:
+ if record.creator_id:
+ creator_name = self._get_user_name(record.creator_id)
+ if creator_name:
+ return creator_name
+ if record.parent:
+ return self._workspace_path_ownership.owner_of_path(record.parent)
+ return None
+ def _get_user_name(self, user_id: str) -> str | None:
+ try:
+ user = self._ws.users.get(user_id)
+ return user.display_name or user.user_name
+ except DatabricksError as e:
+ logger.warning(f"Could not retrieve user: {user_id}", exc_info=e)
+ return None
diff --git a/src/databricks/labs/ucx/assessment/workflows.py b/src/databricks/labs/ucx/assessment/workflows.py
index be63b38074..cd0a00be2b 100644
--- a/src/databricks/labs/ucx/assessment/workflows.py
+++ b/src/databricks/labs/ucx/assessment/workflows.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class Assessment(Workflow):
+class Assessment(Workflow): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
def __init__(self):
@@ -190,6 +190,16 @@ def crawl_groups(self, ctx: RuntimeContext):
+ def crawl_redash_dashboards(self, ctx: RuntimeContext):
+ """Scans all Redash dashboards."""
+ ctx.redash_crawler.snapshot()
+ @job_task
+ def crawl_lakeview_dashboards(self, ctx: RuntimeContext):
+ """Scans all Lakeview dashboards."""
+ ctx.lakeview_crawler.snapshot()
+ @job_task(depends_on=[crawl_redash_dashboards, crawl_lakeview_dashboards])
def assess_dashboards(self, ctx: RuntimeContext):
"""Scans all dashboards for migration issues in SQL code of embedded widgets.
diff --git a/src/databricks/labs/ucx/cli.py b/src/databricks/labs/ucx/cli.py
index f4aece8f8a..63889d8a99 100644
--- a/src/databricks/labs/ucx/cli.py
+++ b/src/databricks/labs/ucx/cli.py
@@ -766,14 +766,21 @@ def migrate_dbsql_dashboards(
workspace_contexts = _get_workspace_contexts(w, a, run_as_collection)
for workspace_context in workspace_contexts:
- workspace_context.redash.migrate_dashboards(dashboard_id)
+ if dashboard_id:
+ workspace_context.redash.migrate_dashboards(dashboard_id)
+ else:
+ workspace_context.redash.migrate_dashboards()
-def revert_dbsql_dashboards(w: WorkspaceClient, dashboard_id: str | None = None):
+def revert_dbsql_dashboards(w: WorkspaceClient, dashboard_id: str | None = None, ctx: WorkspaceContext | None = None):
"""Revert migrated DBSQL Dashboard queries back to their original state"""
- ctx = WorkspaceContext(w)
- ctx.redash.revert_dashboards(dashboard_id)
+ ctx = ctx or WorkspaceContext(w)
+ ctx.redash_crawler.snapshot(force_refresh=True) # Need the latest tags before reverting dashboards
+ if dashboard_id:
+ ctx.redash.revert_dashboards(dashboard_id)
+ else:
+ ctx.redash.revert_dashboards()
diff --git a/src/databricks/labs/ucx/config.py b/src/databricks/labs/ucx/config.py
index 370c0d854a..b7755baf9d 100644
--- a/src/databricks/labs/ucx/config.py
+++ b/src/databricks/labs/ucx/config.py
@@ -71,9 +71,12 @@ class WorkspaceConfig: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
# [INTERNAL ONLY] Whether the assessment should capture only specific object permissions.
include_object_permissions: list[str] | None = None
- # [INTERNAL ONLY] Whether the assessment should lint only specific dashboards.
+ # [INTERNAL ONLY] Limit the dashboards to the given list
include_dashboard_ids: list[str] | None = None
+ # [INTERNAL ONLY] Limit the queries to the given list
+ include_query_ids: list[str] | None = None
enable_hms_federation: bool = False
managed_table_external_storage: str = 'CLONE'
diff --git a/src/databricks/labs/ucx/contexts/application.py b/src/databricks/labs/ucx/contexts/application.py
index 82c75324d3..3bb70290d3 100644
--- a/src/databricks/labs/ucx/contexts/application.py
+++ b/src/databricks/labs/ucx/contexts/application.py
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
from databricks.labs.ucx.account.workspaces import WorkspaceInfo
from databricks.labs.ucx.assessment.azure import AzureServicePrincipalCrawler
+from databricks.labs.ucx.assessment.dashboards import LakeviewDashboardCrawler, RedashDashboardCrawler
from databricks.labs.ucx.assessment.export import AssessmentExporter
from databricks.labs.ucx.aws.credentials import CredentialManager
from databricks.labs.ucx.config import WorkspaceConfig
@@ -284,6 +285,27 @@ def table_ownership(self) -> TableOwnership:
+ @cached_property
+ def redash_crawler(self) -> RedashDashboardCrawler:
+ return RedashDashboardCrawler(
+ self.workspace_client,
+ self.sql_backend,
+ self.inventory_database,
+ include_dashboard_ids=self.config.include_dashboard_ids,
+ include_query_ids=self.config.include_query_ids,
+ debug_listing_upper_limit=self.config.debug_listing_upper_limit,
+ )
+ @cached_property
+ def lakeview_crawler(self) -> LakeviewDashboardCrawler:
+ return LakeviewDashboardCrawler(
+ self.workspace_client,
+ self.sql_backend,
+ self.inventory_database,
+ include_dashboard_ids=self.config.include_dashboard_ids,
+ include_query_ids=self.config.include_query_ids,
+ )
def default_securable_ownership(self) -> DefaultSecurableOwnership:
# validate that the default_owner_group is set and is a valid group (the current user is a member)
@@ -552,13 +574,12 @@ def workflow_linter(self) -> WorkflowLinter:
def query_linter(self) -> QueryLinter:
return QueryLinter(
- self.workspace_client,
- self.config.include_dashboard_ids,
+ [self.redash_crawler, self.lakeview_crawler],
@@ -584,6 +605,7 @@ def redash(self) -> Redash:
+ self.redash_crawler,
diff --git a/src/databricks/labs/ucx/install.py b/src/databricks/labs/ucx/install.py
index d92403a58a..c32edeff84 100644
--- a/src/databricks/labs/ucx/install.py
+++ b/src/databricks/labs/ucx/install.py
@@ -47,9 +47,11 @@
from databricks.sdk.useragent import with_extra
from databricks.labs.ucx.__about__ import __version__
from databricks.labs.ucx.assessment.azure import AzureServicePrincipalInfo
from databricks.labs.ucx.assessment.clusters import ClusterInfo, PolicyInfo
+from databricks.labs.ucx.assessment.dashboards import Dashboard
from databricks.labs.ucx.assessment.init_scripts import GlobalInitScriptInfo
from databricks.labs.ucx.assessment.jobs import JobInfo, SubmitRunInfo
from databricks.labs.ucx.assessment.pipelines import PipelineInfo
@@ -123,6 +125,8 @@ def deploy_schema(sql_backend: SqlBackend, inventory_schema: str):
functools.partial(table, "used_tables_in_paths", UsedTable),
functools.partial(table, "used_tables_in_queries", UsedTable),
functools.partial(table, "inferred_grants", Grant),
+ functools.partial(table, "redash_dashboards", Dashboard),
+ functools.partial(table, "lakeview_dashboards", Dashboard),
deployer.deploy_view("grant_detail", "queries/views/grant_detail.sql")
diff --git a/src/databricks/labs/ucx/queries/assessment/main/38_0_dashboards.md b/src/databricks/labs/ucx/queries/assessment/main/38_0_dashboards.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..88125cd4c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/databricks/labs/ucx/queries/assessment/main/38_0_dashboards.md
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+height: 4
+# Dashboards
+The table below displays the dashboards in the workspace. The dashboard queries are linted, these linting outcomes are
+displayed in the tables above.
diff --git a/src/databricks/labs/ucx/queries/assessment/main/38_1_dashboards.sql b/src/databricks/labs/ucx/queries/assessment/main/38_1_dashboards.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..038ea2d1ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/databricks/labs/ucx/queries/assessment/main/38_1_dashboards.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+--title 'Dashboards'
+--width 6
+--overrides '{"spec": {
+ "encodings": {
+ "columns": [
+ {"fieldName": "dashboard_type", "title": "Type", "type": "string", "displayAs": "string", "booleanValues": ["false", "true"]},
+ {"fieldName": "name", "title": "Name", "type": "string", "displayAs": "link", "linkUrlTemplate": "{{ dashboard_link }}", "linkTextTemplate": "{{ @ }}", "linkTitleTemplate": "{{ @ }}", "linkOpenInNewTab": true, "booleanValues": ["false", "true"]}
+ ]
+ },
+ "invisibleColumns": [
+ {"fieldName": "dashboard_link", "title": "dashboard_link", "type": "string", "displayAs": "string", "booleanValues": ["false", "true"]}
+ ]
+ }}'
+ dashboard_type,
+ name,
+ dashboard_link
+ 'Redash' AS dashboard_type,
+ name,
+ CONCAT('/sql/dashboards/', id) AS dashboard_link
+ FROM inventory.redash_dashboards
+ 'Lakeview' AS dashboard_type,
+ name,
+ CONCAT('/dashboardsv3/', id, '/published') AS dashboard_link
+ FROM inventory.lakeview_dashboards
diff --git a/src/databricks/labs/ucx/source_code/base.py b/src/databricks/labs/ucx/source_code/base.py
index 0e4f18230f..d02dbcdb70 100644
--- a/src/databricks/labs/ucx/source_code/base.py
+++ b/src/databricks/labs/ucx/source_code/base.py
@@ -195,10 +195,17 @@ def from_dict(cls, data: dict[str, Any]) -> Self:
UNKNOWN = "unknown"
source_id: str = UNKNOWN
- source_timestamp: datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(0)
+ source_timestamp: datetime = field(default_factory=lambda: datetime.fromtimestamp(0), compare=False)
+ """Unused attribute, kept for legacy reasons"""
source_lineage: list[LineageAtom] = field(default_factory=list)
- assessment_start_timestamp: datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(0)
- assessment_end_timestamp: datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(0)
+ assessment_start_timestamp: datetime = field(default_factory=lambda: datetime.fromtimestamp(0), compare=False)
+ """Unused attribute, kept for legacy reasons"""
+ assessment_end_timestamp: datetime = field(default_factory=lambda: datetime.fromtimestamp(0), compare=False)
+ """Unused attribute, kept for legacy reasons"""
def replace_source(
diff --git a/src/databricks/labs/ucx/source_code/queries.py b/src/databricks/labs/ucx/source_code/queries.py
index fda1de768a..aca7e6e0a2 100644
--- a/src/databricks/labs/ucx/source_code/queries.py
+++ b/src/databricks/labs/ucx/source_code/queries.py
@@ -4,18 +4,16 @@
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from datetime import datetime, timezone
-from databricks.sdk import WorkspaceClient
-from databricks.sdk.service.sql import Dashboard, LegacyQuery
from databricks.sdk.service.workspace import Language
from databricks.labs.lsql.backends import SqlBackend
+from databricks.labs.ucx.assessment.dashboards import Dashboard, LakeviewDashboardCrawler, RedashDashboardCrawler, Query
from databricks.labs.ucx.framework.utils import escape_sql_identifier
from databricks.labs.ucx.hive_metastore.table_migration_status import TableMigrationIndex
from databricks.labs.ucx.source_code.base import CurrentSessionState, LineageAtom, UsedTable
from databricks.labs.ucx.source_code.directfs_access import DirectFsAccessCrawler, DirectFsAccess
from databricks.labs.ucx.source_code.linters.context import LinterContext
-from databricks.labs.ucx.source_code.redash import Redash
from databricks.labs.ucx.source_code.used_table import UsedTablesCrawler
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -45,21 +43,19 @@ class QueryLinter:
def __init__(
- ws: WorkspaceClient,
sql_backend: SqlBackend,
inventory_database: str,
migration_index: TableMigrationIndex,
directfs_crawler: DirectFsAccessCrawler,
used_tables_crawler: UsedTablesCrawler,
- include_dashboard_ids: list[str] | None,
+ dashboard_crawlers: list[LakeviewDashboardCrawler | RedashDashboardCrawler],
debug_listing_upper_limit: int | None = None,
- self._ws = ws
self._sql_backend = sql_backend
self._migration_index = migration_index
self._directfs_crawler = directfs_crawler
self._used_tables_crawler = used_tables_crawler
- self._include_dashboard_ids = include_dashboard_ids
+ self._dashboard_crawlers = dashboard_crawlers
self._debug_listing_upper_limit = debug_listing_upper_limit
self._catalog = "hive_metastore"
@@ -127,20 +123,29 @@ def _dump_used_tables(
def _lint_dashboards(self, context: _ReportingContext) -> None:
- for dashboard_id in self._dashboard_ids_in_scope():
- dashboard = self._ws.dashboards.get(dashboard_id=dashboard_id)
- logger.info(f"Linting dashboard_id={dashboard_id}: {dashboard.name}")
- problems, dfsas, tables = self._lint_and_collect_from_dashboard(dashboard, context.linted_queries)
+ for dashboard, queries in self._list_dashboards_with_queries():
+ logger.info(f"Linting dashboard: {dashboard.name} ({dashboard.id})")
+ queries_to_lint = []
+ for query in queries:
+ if query.id in context.linted_queries:
+ continue
+ queries_to_lint.append(query)
+ context.linted_queries.add(query.id)
+ problems, dfsas, tables = self._lint_dashboard_with_queries(dashboard, queries_to_lint)
+ def _list_dashboards_with_queries(self) -> Iterable[tuple[Dashboard, list[Query]]]:
+ for crawler in self._dashboard_crawlers:
+ for dashboard in crawler.snapshot():
+ yield dashboard, list(crawler.list_queries(dashboard))
def _lint_queries(self, context: _ReportingContext) -> None:
- for query in self._queries_in_scope():
- assert query.id is not None
+ for query in self._list_queries():
if query.id in context.linted_queries:
- logger.info(f"Linting query_id={query.id}: {query.name}")
+ logger.info(f"Linting query: {query.name} ({query.id})")
problems = self.lint_query(query)
@@ -149,140 +154,84 @@ def _lint_queries(self, context: _ReportingContext) -> None:
tables = self.collect_used_tables_from_query("no-dashboard-id", query)
- def _dashboard_ids_in_scope(self) -> list[str]:
- if self._include_dashboard_ids is not None: # an empty list is accepted
- return self._include_dashboard_ids
- items_listed = 0
- dashboard_ids = []
- # redash APIs are very slow to paginate, especially for large number of dashboards, so we limit the listing
- # to a small number of items in debug mode for the assessment workflow just to complete.
- for dashboard in self._ws.dashboards.list():
- if self._debug_listing_upper_limit is not None and items_listed >= self._debug_listing_upper_limit:
- logger.warning(f"Debug listing limit reached: {self._debug_listing_upper_limit}")
- break
- if dashboard.id is None:
- continue
- dashboard_ids.append(dashboard.id)
- items_listed += 1
- return dashboard_ids
- def _queries_in_scope(self) -> list[LegacyQuery]:
- if self._include_dashboard_ids is not None: # an empty list is accepted
- return []
- items_listed = 0
- legacy_queries = []
- for query in self._ws.queries_legacy.list():
- if self._debug_listing_upper_limit is not None and items_listed >= self._debug_listing_upper_limit:
- logger.warning(f"Debug listing limit reached: {self._debug_listing_upper_limit}")
- break
- legacy_queries.append(query)
- items_listed += 1
- return legacy_queries
+ def _list_queries(self) -> Iterable[Query]:
+ for crawler in self._dashboard_crawlers:
+ yield from crawler.list_queries()
- def _lint_and_collect_from_dashboard(
- self, dashboard: Dashboard, linted_queries: set[str]
+ def _lint_dashboard_with_queries(
+ self, dashboard: Dashboard, queries: list[Query]
) -> tuple[Iterable[QueryProblem], Iterable[DirectFsAccess], Iterable[UsedTable]]:
- dashboard_queries = Redash.get_queries_from_dashboard(dashboard)
query_problems: list[QueryProblem] = []
query_dfsas: list[DirectFsAccess] = []
query_tables: list[UsedTable] = []
- dashboard_id = dashboard.id or ""
- dashboard_parent = dashboard.parent or ""
- dashboard_name = dashboard.name or ""
- for query in dashboard_queries:
- if query.id is None:
- continue
- if query.id in linted_queries:
- continue
- linted_queries.add(query.id)
+ for query in queries:
problems = self.lint_query(query)
for problem in problems:
- dashboard_id=dashboard_id,
- dashboard_parent=dashboard_parent,
- dashboard_name=dashboard_name,
+ dashboard_id=dashboard.id,
+ dashboard_parent=dashboard.parent or "PARENT",
+ dashboard_name=dashboard.name or "UNKNOWN",
- dfsas = self.collect_dfsas_from_query(dashboard_id, query)
+ dfsas = self.collect_dfsas_from_query(dashboard.id, query)
for dfsa in dfsas:
atom = LineageAtom(
- object_id=dashboard_id,
- other={"parent": dashboard_parent, "name": dashboard_name},
+ object_id=dashboard.id,
+ other={"parent": dashboard.parent or "PARENT", "name": dashboard.name or "UNKNOWN"},
source_lineage = [atom] + dfsa.source_lineage
query_dfsas.append(dataclasses.replace(dfsa, source_lineage=source_lineage))
- tables = self.collect_used_tables_from_query(dashboard_id, query)
+ tables = self.collect_used_tables_from_query(dashboard.id, query)
for table in tables:
atom = LineageAtom(
- object_id=dashboard_id,
- other={"parent": dashboard_parent, "name": dashboard_name},
+ object_id=dashboard.id,
+ other={"parent": dashboard.parent or "PARENT", "name": dashboard.name or "UNKNOWN"},
source_lineage = [atom] + table.source_lineage
query_tables.append(dataclasses.replace(table, source_lineage=source_lineage))
return query_problems, query_dfsas, query_tables
- def lint_query(self, query: LegacyQuery) -> Iterable[QueryProblem]:
+ def lint_query(self, query: Query) -> Iterable[QueryProblem]:
if not query.query:
ctx = LinterContext(self._migration_index, CurrentSessionState())
linter = ctx.linter(Language.SQL)
- query_id = query.id or ""
- query_parent = query.parent or ""
- query_name = query.name or ""
for advice in linter.lint(query.query):
yield QueryProblem(
- query_id=query_id,
- query_parent=query_parent,
- query_name=query_name,
+ query_id=query.id,
+ query_parent=query.parent or "PARENT",
+ query_name=query.name or "UNKNOWN",
- def collect_dfsas_from_query(self, dashboard_id: str, query: LegacyQuery) -> Iterable[DirectFsAccess]:
- if query.query is None:
+ def collect_dfsas_from_query(self, dashboard_id: str, query: Query) -> Iterable[DirectFsAccess]:
+ if not query.query:
ctx = LinterContext(self._migration_index, CurrentSessionState())
collector = ctx.dfsa_collector(Language.SQL)
source_id = f"{dashboard_id}/{query.id}"
- source_name = query.name or ""
- source_timestamp = self._read_timestamp(query.updated_at)
- source_lineage = [LineageAtom(object_type="QUERY", object_id=source_id, other={"name": source_name})]
+ source_lineage = [
+ LineageAtom(object_type="QUERY", object_id=source_id, other={"name": query.name or "UNKNOWN"})
+ ]
for dfsa in collector.collect_dfsas(query.query):
- yield dfsa.replace_source(
- source_id=source_id, source_timestamp=source_timestamp, source_lineage=source_lineage
- )
+ yield dfsa.replace_source(source_id=source_id, source_lineage=source_lineage)
- def collect_used_tables_from_query(self, dashboard_id: str, query: LegacyQuery) -> Iterable[UsedTable]:
- if query.query is None:
+ def collect_used_tables_from_query(self, dashboard_id: str, query: Query) -> Iterable[UsedTable]:
+ if not query.query:
ctx = LinterContext(self._migration_index, CurrentSessionState())
collector = ctx.tables_collector(Language.SQL)
source_id = f"{dashboard_id}/{query.id}"
- source_name = query.name or ""
- source_timestamp = self._read_timestamp(query.updated_at)
- source_lineage = [LineageAtom(object_type="QUERY", object_id=source_id, other={"name": source_name})]
+ source_lineage = [
+ LineageAtom(object_type="QUERY", object_id=source_id, other={"name": query.name or "UNKNOWN"})
+ ]
for table in collector.collect_tables(query.query):
- yield table.replace_source(
- source_id=source_id, source_timestamp=source_timestamp, source_lineage=source_lineage
- )
- @classmethod
- def _read_timestamp(cls, timestamp: str | None) -> datetime:
- if timestamp is not None:
- methods = [
- datetime.fromisoformat,
- lambda s: datetime.fromisoformat(s[:-1]), # ipython breaks on final 'Z'
- ]
- for method in methods:
- try:
- return method(timestamp)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- return datetime.now()
+ yield table.replace_source(source_id=source_id, source_lineage=source_lineage)
diff --git a/src/databricks/labs/ucx/source_code/redash.py b/src/databricks/labs/ucx/source_code/redash.py
index afac0491ed..1ceede32c2 100644
--- a/src/databricks/labs/ucx/source_code/redash.py
+++ b/src/databricks/labs/ucx/source_code/redash.py
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
import logging
-from collections.abc import Iterator
from dataclasses import replace
-from databricks.labs.blueprint.installation import Installation
+from databricks.labs.blueprint.installation import Installation, SerdeError
from databricks.sdk import WorkspaceClient
-from databricks.sdk.service.sql import Dashboard, LegacyQuery, UpdateQueryRequestQuery
+from databricks.sdk.service.sql import LegacyQuery, UpdateQueryRequestQuery
from databricks.sdk.errors.platform import DatabricksError
+from databricks.labs.ucx.assessment.dashboards import Dashboard, RedashDashboardCrawler, Query
from databricks.labs.ucx.hive_metastore.table_migration_status import TableMigrationIndex
from databricks.labs.ucx.source_code.base import CurrentSessionState
from databricks.labs.ucx.source_code.linters.from_table import FromTableSqlLinter
@@ -18,41 +18,43 @@
class Redash:
MIGRATED_TAG = "Migrated by UCX"
- def __init__(self, index: TableMigrationIndex, ws: WorkspaceClient, installation: Installation):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ index: TableMigrationIndex,
+ ws: WorkspaceClient,
+ installation: Installation,
+ dashboard_crawler: RedashDashboardCrawler,
+ ):
self._index = index
self._ws = ws
self._installation = installation
+ self._crawler = dashboard_crawler
- def migrate_dashboards(self, dashboard_id: str | None = None) -> None:
- for dashboard in self._list_dashboards(dashboard_id):
- assert dashboard.id is not None
- if dashboard.tags is not None and self.MIGRATED_TAG in dashboard.tags:
+ def migrate_dashboards(self, *dashboard_ids: str) -> None:
+ for dashboard in self._list_dashboards(*dashboard_ids):
+ if self.MIGRATED_TAG in dashboard.tags:
logger.debug(f"Dashboard {dashboard.name} already migrated by UCX")
- for query in self.get_queries_from_dashboard(dashboard):
+ for query in self._crawler.list_queries(dashboard):
self._ws.dashboards.update(dashboard.id, tags=self._get_migrated_tags(dashboard.tags))
- def revert_dashboards(self, dashboard_id: str | None = None) -> None:
- for dashboard in self._list_dashboards(dashboard_id):
- assert dashboard.id is not None
- if dashboard.tags is None or self.MIGRATED_TAG not in dashboard.tags:
+ def revert_dashboards(self, *dashboard_ids: str) -> None:
+ for dashboard in self._list_dashboards(*dashboard_ids): # Refresh for up-to-date tags
+ if self.MIGRATED_TAG not in dashboard.tags:
logger.debug(f"Dashboard {dashboard.name} was not migrated by UCX")
- for query in self.get_queries_from_dashboard(dashboard):
+ for query in self._crawler.list_queries(dashboard):
self._ws.dashboards.update(dashboard.id, tags=self._get_original_tags(dashboard.tags))
- def _list_dashboards(self, dashboard_id: str | None) -> list[Dashboard]:
- try:
- if dashboard_id is None:
- return list(self._ws.dashboards.list())
- return [self._ws.dashboards.get(dashboard_id)]
- except DatabricksError as e:
- logger.warning(f"Cannot list dashboards: {e}")
- return []
+ def _list_dashboards(self, *dashboard_ids: str) -> list[Dashboard]:
+ """List the Redash dashboards."""
+ # Cached property is not used as this class in used from the CLI, thus called once per Python process
+ dashboards = [d for d in self._crawler.snapshot() if not dashboard_ids or d.id in dashboard_ids]
+ return dashboards
- def _fix_query(self, query: LegacyQuery) -> None:
+ def _fix_query(self, query: Query) -> None:
assert query.id is not None
assert query.query is not None
# query already migrated
@@ -76,35 +78,27 @@ def _fix_query(self, query: LegacyQuery) -> None:
- def _get_session_state(query: LegacyQuery) -> CurrentSessionState:
+ def _get_session_state(query: Query) -> CurrentSessionState:
session_state = CurrentSessionState()
- if query.options is None:
- return session_state
- if query.options.catalog:
- session_state = replace(session_state, catalog=query.options.catalog)
- if query.options.schema:
- session_state = replace(session_state, schema=query.options.schema)
+ if query.catalog:
+ session_state = replace(session_state, catalog=query.catalog)
+ if query.schema:
+ session_state = replace(session_state, schema=query.schema)
return session_state
- def _revert_query(self, query: LegacyQuery) -> None:
+ def _revert_query(self, query: Query) -> None:
assert query.id is not None
assert query.query is not None
- if query.tags is None:
- return
- # find the backup query
- is_migrated = False
- for tag in query.tags:
- if tag == self.MIGRATED_TAG:
- is_migrated = True
- if not is_migrated:
+ if self.MIGRATED_TAG not in (query.tags or []):
logger.debug(f"Query {query.name} was not migrated by UCX")
- backup_query = self._installation.load(LegacyQuery, filename=f'backup/queries/{query.id}.json')
- update_query = UpdateQueryRequestQuery(
- query_text=backup_query.query, tags=self._get_original_tags(backup_query.tags)
- )
+ backup_query: Query | LegacyQuery
+ try:
+ backup_query = self._installation.load(Query, filename=f'backup/queries/{query.id}.json')
+ except SerdeError:
+ # Previous versions store queries as LegacyQuery
+ backup_query = self._installation.load(LegacyQuery, filename=f'backup/queries/{query.id}.json')
+ update_query = UpdateQueryRequestQuery(query_text=backup_query.query, tags=self._get_original_tags(query.tags))
self._ws.queries.update(query.id, update_mask="query_text,tags", query=update_query)
except DatabricksError:
@@ -121,16 +115,3 @@ def _get_original_tags(self, tags: list[str] | None) -> list[str] | None:
if tags is None:
return None
return [tag for tag in tags if tag != self.MIGRATED_TAG]
- @staticmethod
- def get_queries_from_dashboard(dashboard: Dashboard) -> Iterator[LegacyQuery]:
- if dashboard.widgets is None:
- return
- for widget in dashboard.widgets:
- if widget is None:
- continue
- if widget.visualization is None:
- continue
- if widget.visualization.query is None:
- continue
- yield widget.visualization.query
diff --git a/tests/integration/assessment/test_dashboards.py b/tests/integration/assessment/test_dashboards.py
index c94ef21a50..cf84afb4bf 100644
--- a/tests/integration/assessment/test_dashboards.py
+++ b/tests/integration/assessment/test_dashboards.py
@@ -1,154 +1,68 @@
-from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
-import pytest
-from databricks.labs.ucx.source_code.base import LineageAtom, UsedTable
-from databricks.labs.ucx.source_code.directfs_access import DirectFsAccess
-from databricks.labs.ucx.source_code.jobs import JobProblem
-from databricks.sdk.service.iam import PermissionLevel
-from databricks.labs.ucx.source_code.queries import QueryProblem
-def _populate_workflow_problems(installation_ctx):
- job_problems = [
- JobProblem(
- job_id=12345,
- job_name="Peter the Job",
- task_key="23456",
- path="parent/child.py",
- code="sql-parse-error",
- message="Could not parse SQL",
- start_line=1234,
- start_col=22,
- end_line=1234,
- end_col=32,
- )
- ]
- installation_ctx.sql_backend.save_table(
- f'{installation_ctx.inventory_database}.workflow_problems',
- job_problems,
- JobProblem,
- mode='overwrite',
- )
+from databricks.sdk.service.sql import Dashboard as SdkRedashDashboard
+from databricks.sdk.service.dashboards import Dashboard as SdkLakeviewDashboard
+from databricks.labs.ucx.assessment.dashboards import (
+ LakeviewDashboardCrawler,
+ Dashboard,
+ RedashDashboardCrawler,
+def test_redash_dashboard_crawler_crawls_dashboards(ws, make_dashboard, inventory_schema, sql_backend) -> None:
+ dashboard: SdkRedashDashboard = make_dashboard()
+ crawler = RedashDashboardCrawler(ws, sql_backend, inventory_schema)
+ dashboards = list(crawler.snapshot())
+ assert len(dashboards) >= 1
+ assert dashboard.id in {d.id for d in dashboards}, f"Missing dashboard: {dashboard.id}"
+def test_redash_dashboard_crawler_crawls_dashboard(ws, make_dashboard, inventory_schema, sql_backend) -> None:
+ dashboard: SdkRedashDashboard = make_dashboard()
+ assert dashboard.id
+ make_dashboard() # Ignore second dashboard
+ crawler = RedashDashboardCrawler(ws, sql_backend, inventory_schema, include_dashboard_ids=[dashboard.id])
+ dashboards = list(crawler.snapshot())
+ assert dashboards == [Dashboard.from_sdk_redash_dashboard(dashboard)]
-def _populate_dashboard_problems(installation_ctx):
- query_problems = [
- QueryProblem(
- dashboard_id="12345",
- dashboard_parent="dashbards/parent",
- dashboard_name="my_dashboard",
- query_id="23456",
- query_parent="queries/parent",
- query_name="my_query",
- code="sql-parse-error",
- message="Could not parse SQL",
- )
- ]
- installation_ctx.sql_backend.save_table(
- f'{installation_ctx.inventory_database}.query_problems',
- query_problems,
- QueryProblem,
- mode='overwrite',
- )
+def test_redash_dashboard_crawler_crawls_dashboards_with_debug_listing_upper_limit(
+ ws, make_dashboard, inventory_schema, sql_backend
+) -> None:
+ for _ in range(2): # Create two dashboards, expect one to be snapshotted due to upper limit below
+ make_dashboard()
+ crawler = RedashDashboardCrawler(ws, sql_backend, inventory_schema, debug_listing_upper_limit=1)
-def _populate_directfs_problems(installation_ctx):
- dfsas = [
- DirectFsAccess(
- path="some_path",
- is_read=False,
- is_write=True,
- source_id="xyz.py",
- source_timestamp=datetime.now(timezone.utc) - timedelta(hours=2.0),
- source_lineage=[
- LineageAtom(object_type="WORKFLOW", object_id="my_workflow_id", other={"name": "my_workflow"}),
- LineageAtom(object_type="TASK", object_id="my_workflow_id/my_task_id"),
- LineageAtom(object_type="NOTEBOOK", object_id="my_notebook_path"),
- LineageAtom(object_type="FILE", object_id="my file_path"),
- ],
- assessment_start_timestamp=datetime.now(timezone.utc) - timedelta(minutes=5.0),
- assessment_end_timestamp=datetime.now(timezone.utc) - timedelta(minutes=2.0),
- )
- ]
- installation_ctx.directfs_access_crawler_for_paths.dump_all(dfsas)
- dfsas = [
- DirectFsAccess(
- path="some_path",
- is_read=False,
- is_write=True,
- source_id="xyz.py",
- source_timestamp=datetime.now(timezone.utc) - timedelta(hours=2.0),
- source_lineage=[
- LineageAtom(object_type="DASHBOARD", object_id="my_dashboard_id", other={"name": "my_dashboard"}),
- LineageAtom(object_type="QUERY", object_id="my_dashboard_id/my_query_id", other={"name": "my_query"}),
- ],
- assessment_start_timestamp=datetime.now(timezone.utc) - timedelta(minutes=5.0),
- assessment_end_timestamp=datetime.now(timezone.utc) - timedelta(minutes=2.0),
- )
- ]
- installation_ctx.directfs_access_crawler_for_queries.dump_all(dfsas)
-def _populate_used_tables(installation_ctx):
- tables = [
- UsedTable(
- catalog_name="hive_metastore",
- schema_name="staff_db",
- table_name="employees",
- is_read=False,
- is_write=True,
- source_id="xyz.py",
- source_timestamp=datetime.now(timezone.utc) - timedelta(hours=2.0),
- source_lineage=[
- LineageAtom(object_type="WORKFLOW", object_id="my_workflow_id", other={"name": "my_workflow"}),
- LineageAtom(object_type="TASK", object_id="my_workflow_id/my_task_id"),
- LineageAtom(object_type="NOTEBOOK", object_id="my_notebook_path"),
- LineageAtom(object_type="FILE", object_id="my file_path"),
- ],
- assessment_start_timestamp=datetime.now(timezone.utc) - timedelta(minutes=5.0),
- assessment_end_timestamp=datetime.now(timezone.utc) - timedelta(minutes=2.0),
- )
- ]
- installation_ctx.used_tables_crawler_for_paths.dump_all(tables)
- tables = [
- UsedTable(
- catalog_name="hive_metastore",
- schema_name="customers_db",
- table_name="customers",
- is_read=False,
- is_write=True,
- source_id="xyz.py",
- source_timestamp=datetime.now(timezone.utc) - timedelta(hours=2.0),
- source_lineage=[
- LineageAtom(object_type="DASHBOARD", object_id="my_dashboard_id", other={"name": "my_dashboard"}),
- LineageAtom(object_type="QUERY", object_id="my_dashboard_id/my_query_id", other={"name": "my_query"}),
- ],
- assessment_start_timestamp=datetime.now(timezone.utc) - timedelta(minutes=5.0),
- assessment_end_timestamp=datetime.now(timezone.utc) - timedelta(minutes=2.0),
- )
- ]
- installation_ctx.used_tables_crawler_for_queries.dump_all(tables)
-@pytest.mark.skip("Development tool")
-def test_dashboard_with_prepopulated_data(installation_ctx, make_cluster_policy, make_cluster_policy_permissions):
- """the purpose of this test is to prepopulate data used by the dashboard without running an actual -lengthy- assessment"""
- ucx_group, _ = installation_ctx.make_ucx_group()
- cluster_policy = make_cluster_policy()
- make_cluster_policy_permissions(
- object_id=cluster_policy.policy_id,
- permission_level=PermissionLevel.CAN_USE,
- group_name=ucx_group.display_name,
+ dashboards = list(crawler.snapshot())
+ assert len(dashboards) == 1
+def test_lakeview_dashboard_crawler_crawls_dashboards(
+ ws, make_lakeview_dashboard, inventory_schema, sql_backend
+) -> None:
+ dashboard: SdkLakeviewDashboard = make_lakeview_dashboard()
+ crawler = LakeviewDashboardCrawler(ws, sql_backend, inventory_schema)
+ dashboards = list(crawler.snapshot())
+ assert len(dashboards) >= 1
+ assert dashboard.dashboard_id in {d.id for d in dashboards}, f"Missing dashboard: {dashboard.dashboard_id}"
+def test_lakeview_dashboard_crawler_crawls_dashboard(
+ ws, make_lakeview_dashboard, inventory_schema, sql_backend
+) -> None:
+ dashboard: SdkLakeviewDashboard = make_lakeview_dashboard()
+ assert dashboard.dashboard_id
+ make_lakeview_dashboard() # Ignore second dashboard
+ crawler = LakeviewDashboardCrawler(
+ ws, sql_backend, inventory_schema, include_dashboard_ids=[dashboard.dashboard_id]
- installation_ctx.__dict__['include_object_permissions'] = [f"cluster-policies:{cluster_policy.policy_id}"]
- installation_ctx.workspace_installation.run()
- print(f"\nInventory database is {installation_ctx.inventory_database}\n")
- # populate data
- _populate_workflow_problems(installation_ctx)
- _populate_dashboard_problems(installation_ctx)
- _populate_directfs_problems(installation_ctx)
- _populate_used_tables(installation_ctx)
- # put a breakpoint here
- print("Put a breakpoint here! Then go check the dashboard in your workspace ;-)\n")
+ dashboards = list(crawler.snapshot())
+ assert dashboards == [Dashboard.from_sdk_lakeview_dashboard(dashboard)]
diff --git a/tests/integration/assessment/test_workflows.py b/tests/integration/assessment/test_workflows.py
index fdc1be4481..62d5e58371 100644
--- a/tests/integration/assessment/test_workflows.py
+++ b/tests/integration/assessment/test_workflows.py
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ def test_running_real_assessment_job(
tmp_table = installation_ctx.make_table(schema_name=source_schema.name, ctas="SELECT 2+2 AS four")
view = installation_ctx.make_table(schema_name=source_schema.name, ctas="SELECT 2+2 AS four", view=True)
non_delta = installation_ctx.make_table(schema_name=source_schema.name, non_delta=True)
diff --git a/tests/integration/conftest.py b/tests/integration/conftest.py
index 62246637c1..300f34f80c 100644
--- a/tests/integration/conftest.py
+++ b/tests/integration/conftest.py
@@ -22,13 +22,13 @@
from databricks.sdk import AccountClient, WorkspaceClient
from databricks.sdk.errors import NotFound
from databricks.sdk.retries import retried
-from databricks.sdk.service import iam, dashboards
+from databricks.sdk.service import iam
from databricks.sdk.service.catalog import FunctionInfo, SchemaInfo, TableInfo
from databricks.sdk.service.compute import CreatePolicyResponse
-from databricks.sdk.service.dashboards import Dashboard as SDKDashboard
+from databricks.sdk.service.dashboards import Dashboard as SdkLakeviewDashboard
from databricks.sdk.service.iam import Group
from databricks.sdk.service.jobs import Job, SparkPythonTask
-from databricks.sdk.service.sql import Dashboard, WidgetPosition, WidgetOptions, LegacyQuery
+from databricks.sdk.service.sql import Dashboard as SdkRedashDashboard, WidgetPosition, WidgetOptions, LegacyQuery
from databricks.labs.ucx.__about__ import __version__
from databricks.labs.ucx.account.workspaces import AccountWorkspaces
@@ -79,46 +79,47 @@ def inventory_schema(make_schema):
def make_lakeview_dashboard(ws, make_random, env_or_skip, watchdog_purge_suffix):
"""Create a lakeview dashboard."""
warehouse_id = env_or_skip("TEST_DEFAULT_WAREHOUSE_ID")
- serialized_dashboard = {
- "datasets": [{"name": "fourtytwo", "displayName": "count", "query": "SELECT 42 AS count"}],
- "pages": [
- {
- "name": "count",
- "displayName": "Counter",
- "layout": [
- {
- "widget": {
- "name": "counter",
- "queries": [
- {
- "name": "main_query",
- "query": {
- "datasetName": "fourtytwo",
- "fields": [{"name": "count", "expression": "`count`"}],
- "disaggregated": True,
- },
- }
- ],
- "spec": {
- "version": 2,
- "widgetType": "counter",
- "encodings": {"value": {"fieldName": "count", "displayName": "count"}},
+ def create(*, display_name: str = "", query: str = "SELECT 42 AS count") -> SdkLakeviewDashboard:
+ serialized_dashboard = {
+ "datasets": [{"name": "query", "displayName": "count", "query": query}],
+ "pages": [
+ {
+ "name": "count",
+ "displayName": "Counter",
+ "layout": [
+ {
+ "widget": {
+ "name": "counter",
+ "queries": [
+ {
+ "name": "main_query",
+ "query": {
+ "datasetName": "query",
+ "fields": [{"name": "count", "expression": "`count`"}],
+ "disaggregated": True,
+ },
+ }
+ ],
+ "spec": {
+ "version": 2,
+ "widgetType": "counter",
+ "encodings": {"value": {"fieldName": "count", "displayName": "count"}},
+ },
- },
- "position": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 1, "height": 3},
- }
- ],
- }
- ],
- }
+ "position": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 1, "height": 3},
+ }
+ ],
+ }
+ ],
+ }
- def create(display_name: str = "") -> SDKDashboard:
if display_name:
display_name = f"{display_name} ({make_random()})"
display_name = f"created_by_ucx_{make_random()}_{watchdog_purge_suffix}"
dashboard = ws.lakeview.create(
- dashboard=dashboards.Dashboard(
+ dashboard=SdkLakeviewDashboard(
@@ -127,7 +128,7 @@ def create(display_name: str = "") -> SDKDashboard:
return dashboard
- def delete(dashboard: SDKDashboard) -> None:
+ def delete(dashboard: SdkLakeviewDashboard) -> None:
yield from factory("dashboard", create, delete)
@@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ def make_dashboard(
This fixture is used to test migrating legacy dashboards to Lakeview.
- def create(query: LegacyQuery | None = None) -> Dashboard:
+ def create(query: LegacyQuery | None = None) -> SdkRedashDashboard:
if not query:
query = make_query()
assert query
@@ -181,9 +182,9 @@ def create(query: LegacyQuery | None = None) -> Dashboard:
logger.info(f"Dashboard Created {dashboard_name}: {ws.config.host}/sql/dashboards/{dashboard.id}")
- return dashboard
+ return ws.dashboards.get(dashboard.id) # Dashboard with widget
- def remove(dashboard: Dashboard) -> None:
+ def remove(dashboard: SdkRedashDashboard) -> None:
assert dashboard.id is not None
@@ -466,6 +467,7 @@ def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+ make_lakeview_dashboard_fixture,
@@ -488,6 +490,7 @@ def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
self._make_notebook = make_notebook_fixture
self._make_query = make_query_fixture
self._make_dashboard = make_dashboard_fixture
+ self._make_lakeview_dashboard = make_lakeview_dashboard_fixture
self._make_cluster_policy = make_cluster_policy_fixture
self._make_cluster_policy_permissions = make_cluster_policy_permissions_fixture
self._env_or_skip = env_or_skip_fixture
@@ -497,7 +500,9 @@ def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
self._udfs: list[FunctionInfo] = []
self._grants: list[Grant] = []
self._jobs: list[Job] = []
- self._dashboards: list[Dashboard] = []
+ self._queries: list[LegacyQuery] = []
+ self._lakeview_query_id: str | None = None
+ self._dashboards: list[SdkRedashDashboard | SdkLakeviewDashboard] = []
# TODO: add methods to pre-populate the following:
self._spn_infos: list[AzureServicePrincipalInfo] = []
@@ -575,8 +580,21 @@ def make_job(self, **kwargs) -> Job:
return job
- def make_dashboard(self, **kwargs) -> Dashboard:
- dashboard = self._make_dashboard(**kwargs)
+ def make_query(self, **kwargs) -> LegacyQuery:
+ query = self._make_query(**kwargs)
+ self._queries.append(query)
+ return query
+ def make_dashboard(self, *, query: LegacyQuery | None = None, **kwargs) -> SdkRedashDashboard:
+ dashboard = self._make_dashboard(query=query, **kwargs)
+ if query:
+ self._queries.append(query)
+ self._dashboards.append(dashboard)
+ return dashboard
+ def make_lakeview_dashboard(self, **kwargs) -> SdkLakeviewDashboard:
+ dashboard = self._make_lakeview_dashboard(**kwargs)
+ self._lakeview_query_id = "query" # Hardcoded query name in the `make_lakeview_dashboard` fixture
return dashboard
@@ -592,9 +610,9 @@ def make_linting_resources(self) -> None:
self.make_job(content="spark.read.parquet('dbfs://mnt/file/')", task_type=SparkPythonTask)
self.make_job(content="spark.table('some.table')", task_type=SparkPythonTask)
- query_1 = self._make_query(sql_query='SELECT * from parquet.`dbfs://mnt/foo2/bar2`')
+ query_1 = self.make_query(sql_query='SELECT * from parquet.`dbfs://mnt/foo2/bar2`')
- query_2 = self._make_query(sql_query='SELECT * from my_schema.my_table')
+ query_2 = self.make_query(sql_query='SELECT * from my_schema.my_table')
def add_table(self, table: TableInfo):
@@ -612,6 +630,7 @@ def config(self) -> WorkspaceConfig:
+ include_query_ids=self.created_queries,
@@ -719,9 +738,24 @@ def created_groups(self) -> list[str]:
def created_jobs(self) -> list[int]:
return [job.job_id for job in self._jobs if job.job_id is not None]
+ @property
+ def created_queries(self) -> list[str]:
+ query_ids = {query.id for query in self._queries if query.id}
+ if self._lakeview_query_id:
+ query_ids.add(self._lakeview_query_id)
+ return list(query_ids)
def created_dashboards(self) -> list[str]:
- return [dashboard.id for dashboard in self._dashboards if dashboard.id is not None]
+ dashboard_ids = []
+ for dashboard in self._dashboards:
+ if isinstance(dashboard, SdkRedashDashboard) and dashboard.id:
+ dashboard_ids.append(dashboard.id)
+ elif isinstance(dashboard, SdkLakeviewDashboard) and dashboard.dashboard_id:
+ dashboard_ids.append(dashboard.dashboard_id)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unsupported dashboard: {dashboard}")
+ return dashboard_ids
def azure_service_principal_crawler(self) -> StaticServicePrincipalCrawler:
@@ -772,6 +806,7 @@ def runtime_ctx( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+ make_lakeview_dashboard,
@@ -787,6 +822,7 @@ def runtime_ctx( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+ make_lakeview_dashboard,
@@ -927,6 +963,7 @@ def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+ make_lakeview_dashboard_fixture,
@@ -942,6 +979,7 @@ def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+ make_lakeview_dashboard_fixture,
@@ -1036,6 +1074,7 @@ def config(self) -> WorkspaceConfig:
+ include_query_ids=self.created_queries,
@@ -1108,7 +1147,7 @@ def prompts(self) -> MockPrompts:
-def installation_ctx( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+def installation_ctx( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals
@@ -1124,6 +1163,7 @@ def installation_ctx( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+ make_lakeview_dashboard,
@@ -1142,6 +1182,7 @@ def installation_ctx( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
+ make_lakeview_dashboard,
diff --git a/tests/integration/source_code/test_dashboards.py b/tests/integration/source_code/test_dashboards.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fbff91d49e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/integration/source_code/test_dashboards.py
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+import datetime as dt
+import pytest
+from databricks.labs.ucx.source_code.base import LineageAtom, UsedTable
+from databricks.labs.ucx.source_code.directfs_access import DirectFsAccess
+from databricks.labs.ucx.source_code.jobs import JobProblem
+from databricks.sdk.service.iam import PermissionLevel
+from databricks.labs.ucx.source_code.queries import QueryProblem
+def _populate_workflow_problems(installation_ctx):
+ job_problems = [
+ JobProblem(
+ job_id=12345,
+ job_name="Peter the Job",
+ task_key="23456",
+ path="parent/child.py",
+ code="sql-parse-error",
+ message="Could not parse SQL",
+ start_line=1234,
+ start_col=22,
+ end_line=1234,
+ end_col=32,
+ )
+ ]
+ installation_ctx.sql_backend.save_table(
+ f'{installation_ctx.inventory_database}.workflow_problems',
+ job_problems,
+ JobProblem,
+ mode='overwrite',
+ )
+def _populate_dashboard_problems(installation_ctx):
+ query_problems = [
+ QueryProblem(
+ dashboard_id="12345",
+ dashboard_parent="dashbards/parent",
+ dashboard_name="my_dashboard",
+ query_id="23456",
+ query_parent="queries/parent",
+ query_name="my_query",
+ code="sql-parse-error",
+ message="Could not parse SQL",
+ )
+ ]
+ installation_ctx.sql_backend.save_table(
+ f'{installation_ctx.inventory_database}.query_problems',
+ query_problems,
+ QueryProblem,
+ mode='overwrite',
+ )
+def _populate_directfs_problems(installation_ctx):
+ dfsas = [
+ DirectFsAccess(
+ path="some_path",
+ is_read=False,
+ is_write=True,
+ source_id="xyz.py",
+ source_timestamp=dt.datetime.now(dt.timezone.utc) - dt.timedelta(hours=2.0),
+ source_lineage=[
+ LineageAtom(object_type="WORKFLOW", object_id="my_workflow_id", other={"name": "my_workflow"}),
+ LineageAtom(object_type="TASK", object_id="my_workflow_id/my_task_id"),
+ LineageAtom(object_type="NOTEBOOK", object_id="my_notebook_path"),
+ LineageAtom(object_type="FILE", object_id="my file_path"),
+ ],
+ assessment_start_timestamp=dt.datetime.now(dt.timezone.utc) - dt.timedelta(minutes=5.0),
+ assessment_end_timestamp=dt.datetime.now(dt.timezone.utc) - dt.timedelta(minutes=2.0),
+ )
+ ]
+ installation_ctx.directfs_access_crawler_for_paths.dump_all(dfsas)
+ dfsas = [
+ DirectFsAccess(
+ path="some_path",
+ is_read=False,
+ is_write=True,
+ source_id="xyz.py",
+ source_timestamp=dt.datetime.now(dt.timezone.utc) - dt.timedelta(hours=2.0),
+ source_lineage=[
+ LineageAtom(object_type="DASHBOARD", object_id="my_dashboard_id", other={"name": "my_dashboard"}),
+ LineageAtom(object_type="QUERY", object_id="my_dashboard_id/my_query_id", other={"name": "my_query"}),
+ ],
+ assessment_start_timestamp=dt.datetime.now(dt.timezone.utc) - dt.timedelta(minutes=5.0),
+ assessment_end_timestamp=dt.datetime.now(dt.timezone.utc) - dt.timedelta(minutes=2.0),
+ )
+ ]
+ installation_ctx.directfs_access_crawler_for_queries.dump_all(dfsas)
+def _populate_used_tables(installation_ctx):
+ tables = [
+ UsedTable(
+ catalog_name="hive_metastore",
+ schema_name="staff_db",
+ table_name="employees",
+ is_read=False,
+ is_write=True,
+ source_id="xyz.py",
+ source_timestamp=dt.datetime.now(dt.timezone.utc) - dt.timedelta(hours=2.0),
+ source_lineage=[
+ LineageAtom(object_type="WORKFLOW", object_id="my_workflow_id", other={"name": "my_workflow"}),
+ LineageAtom(object_type="TASK", object_id="my_workflow_id/my_task_id"),
+ LineageAtom(object_type="NOTEBOOK", object_id="my_notebook_path"),
+ LineageAtom(object_type="FILE", object_id="my file_path"),
+ ],
+ assessment_start_timestamp=dt.datetime.now(dt.timezone.utc) - dt.timedelta(minutes=5.0),
+ assessment_end_timestamp=dt.datetime.now(dt.timezone.utc) - dt.timedelta(minutes=2.0),
+ )
+ ]
+ installation_ctx.used_tables_crawler_for_paths.dump_all(tables)
+ tables = [
+ UsedTable(
+ catalog_name="hive_metastore",
+ schema_name="customers_db",
+ table_name="customers",
+ is_read=False,
+ is_write=True,
+ source_id="xyz.py",
+ source_timestamp=dt.datetime.now(dt.timezone.utc) - dt.timedelta(hours=2.0),
+ source_lineage=[
+ LineageAtom(object_type="DASHBOARD", object_id="my_dashboard_id", other={"name": "my_dashboard"}),
+ LineageAtom(object_type="QUERY", object_id="my_dashboard_id/my_query_id", other={"name": "my_query"}),
+ ],
+ assessment_start_timestamp=dt.datetime.now(dt.timezone.utc) - dt.timedelta(minutes=5.0),
+ assessment_end_timestamp=dt.datetime.now(dt.timezone.utc) - dt.timedelta(minutes=2.0),
+ )
+ ]
+ installation_ctx.used_tables_crawler_for_queries.dump_all(tables)
+@pytest.mark.skip("Development tool")
+def test_dashboard_with_prepopulated_data(installation_ctx, make_cluster_policy, make_cluster_policy_permissions):
+ """the purpose of this test is to prepopulate data used by the dashboard without running an actual -lengthy- assessment"""
+ ucx_group, _ = installation_ctx.make_ucx_group()
+ cluster_policy = make_cluster_policy()
+ make_cluster_policy_permissions(
+ object_id=cluster_policy.policy_id,
+ permission_level=PermissionLevel.CAN_USE,
+ group_name=ucx_group.display_name,
+ )
+ installation_ctx.__dict__['include_object_permissions'] = [f"cluster-policies:{cluster_policy.policy_id}"]
+ installation_ctx.workspace_installation.run()
+ print(f"\nInventory database is {installation_ctx.inventory_database}\n")
+ # populate data
+ _populate_workflow_problems(installation_ctx)
+ _populate_dashboard_problems(installation_ctx)
+ _populate_directfs_problems(installation_ctx)
+ _populate_used_tables(installation_ctx)
+ # put a breakpoint here
+ print("Put a breakpoint here! Then go check the dashboard in your workspace ;-)\n")
diff --git a/tests/integration/source_code/test_directfs_access.py b/tests/integration/source_code/test_directfs_access.py
index 60692d54e1..9aa8943f6a 100644
--- a/tests/integration/source_code/test_directfs_access.py
+++ b/tests/integration/source_code/test_directfs_access.py
@@ -1,33 +1,78 @@
+import pytest
from databricks.labs.ucx.hive_metastore.table_migration_status import TableMigrationIndex
+from databricks.labs.ucx.source_code.base import DirectFsAccess, LineageAtom
from databricks.labs.ucx.source_code.jobs import WorkflowLinter
-from databricks.labs.ucx.source_code.queries import QueryLinter
-def test_query_dfsa_ownership(runtime_ctx, make_query, make_dashboard, inventory_schema, sql_backend) -> None:
- """Verify the ownership of a direct-fs record for a query."""
+def test_legacy_query_dfsa_ownership(runtime_ctx) -> None:
+ """Verify the ownership of a direct-fs record for a legacy query."""
+ query = runtime_ctx.make_query(sql_query="SELECT * from csv.`dbfs://some_folder/some_file.csv`")
+ dashboard = runtime_ctx.make_dashboard(query=query)
- # A dashboard with a query that contains a direct filesystem reference.
- query = make_query(sql_query="SELECT * from csv.`dbfs://some_folder/some_file.csv`")
- dashboard = make_dashboard(query=query)
+ runtime_ctx.query_linter.refresh_report()
- # Produce a DFSA record for the query.
- linter = QueryLinter(
- runtime_ctx.workspace_client,
- sql_backend,
- inventory_schema,
- TableMigrationIndex([]),
- runtime_ctx.directfs_access_crawler_for_queries,
- runtime_ctx.used_tables_crawler_for_queries,
- include_dashboard_ids=[dashboard.id],
- )
- linter.refresh_report()
+ dfsas = list(runtime_ctx.directfs_access_crawler_for_queries.snapshot())
+ # By comparing the element instead of the list the `field(compare=False)` of the dataclass attributes take effect
+ assert dfsas == [
+ DirectFsAccess(
+ source_id=f"{dashboard.id}/{query.id}",
+ source_lineage=[
+ LineageAtom(
+ object_type="DASHBOARD",
+ object_id=dashboard.id,
+ other={"parent": dashboard.parent, "name": dashboard.name},
+ ),
+ LineageAtom(
+ object_type="QUERY",
+ object_id=f"{dashboard.id}/{query.id}",
+ other={"name": query.name},
+ ),
+ ],
+ path="dbfs://some_folder/some_file.csv",
+ is_read=True,
+ is_write=False,
+ )
+ ]
+ owner = runtime_ctx.directfs_access_ownership.owner_of(dfsas[0])
+ assert owner == runtime_ctx.workspace_client.current_user.me().user_name
- # Find a record for the query.
- records = runtime_ctx.directfs_access_crawler_for_queries.snapshot()
- query_record = next(record for record in records if record.source_id == f"{dashboard.id}/{query.id}")
- # Verify ownership can be made.
- owner = runtime_ctx.directfs_access_ownership.owner_of(query_record)
+def test_lakeview_query_dfsa_ownership(runtime_ctx) -> None:
+ """Verify the ownership of a direct-fs record for a Lakeview query."""
+ # `make_lakeview_dashboard` fixture expects query as string
+ dashboard = runtime_ctx.make_lakeview_dashboard(query="SELECT * from csv.`dbfs://some_folder/some_file.csv`")
+ runtime_ctx.query_linter.refresh_report()
+ dfsas = list(runtime_ctx.directfs_access_crawler_for_queries.snapshot())
+ # By comparing the element instead of the list the `field(compare=False)` of the dataclass attributes take effect
+ # The "query" in the source and object id, and "count" in the name are hardcoded in the
+ # `make_lakeview_dashboard` fixture
+ assert dfsas == [
+ DirectFsAccess(
+ source_id=f"{dashboard.dashboard_id}/query",
+ source_lineage=[
+ LineageAtom(
+ object_type="DASHBOARD",
+ object_id=dashboard.dashboard_id,
+ other={"parent": dashboard.parent_path, "name": dashboard.display_name},
+ ),
+ LineageAtom(
+ object_type="QUERY",
+ object_id=f"{dashboard.dashboard_id}/query",
+ other={"name": "count"},
+ ),
+ ],
+ path="dbfs://some_folder/some_file.csv",
+ is_read=True,
+ is_write=False,
+ )
+ ]
+ owner = runtime_ctx.directfs_access_ownership.owner_of(dfsas[0])
assert owner == runtime_ctx.workspace_client.current_user.me().user_name
diff --git a/tests/integration/source_code/test_queries.py b/tests/integration/source_code/test_queries.py
index 0802710287..75213905d3 100644
--- a/tests/integration/source_code/test_queries.py
+++ b/tests/integration/source_code/test_queries.py
@@ -1,60 +1,79 @@
-from databricks.labs.ucx.hive_metastore.table_migration_status import TableMigrationIndex
-from databricks.labs.ucx.source_code.directfs_access import DirectFsAccessCrawler
-from databricks.labs.ucx.source_code.queries import QueryLinter
-from databricks.labs.ucx.source_code.used_table import UsedTablesCrawler
+from databricks.labs.lsql.backends import Row
+from databricks.labs.ucx.source_code.base import DirectFsAccess, LineageAtom, UsedTable
-def test_query_linter_lints_queries_and_stores_dfsas_and_tables(
- simple_ctx, ws, sql_backend, make_query, make_dashboard
- queries = [make_query(sql_query="SELECT * from csv.`dbfs://some_folder/some_file.csv`")]
- dashboards = [make_dashboard(query=queries[0])]
- queries.append(make_query(sql_query="SELECT * from some_schema.some_table"))
- dashboards.append(make_dashboard(query=queries[1]))
- linter = QueryLinter(
- ws,
- sql_backend,
- simple_ctx.inventory_database,
- TableMigrationIndex([]),
- simple_ctx.directfs_access_crawler_for_queries,
- simple_ctx.used_tables_crawler_for_queries,
- None,
- )
- linter.refresh_report()
- all_problems = sql_backend.fetch("SELECT * FROM query_problems", schema=simple_ctx.inventory_database)
- problems = [row for row in all_problems if row["query_name"] == queries[0].name]
- assert len(problems) == 1
- dfsa_crawler = DirectFsAccessCrawler.for_queries(sql_backend, simple_ctx.inventory_database)
- all_dfsas = dfsa_crawler.snapshot()
- source_id = f"{dashboards[0].id}/{queries[0].id}"
- dfsas = [dfsa for dfsa in all_dfsas if dfsa.source_id == source_id]
- assert len(dfsas) == 1
- assert len(dfsas[0].source_lineage) == 2
- lineage = dfsas[0].source_lineage[0]
- assert lineage.object_type == "DASHBOARD"
- assert lineage.object_id == dashboards[0].id
- assert lineage.other
- assert lineage.other.get("parent", None) == dashboards[0].parent
- assert lineage.other.get("name", None) == dashboards[0].name
- lineage = dfsas[0].source_lineage[1]
- assert lineage.object_type == "QUERY"
- assert lineage.object_id == source_id
- assert lineage.other
- assert lineage.other.get("name", None) == queries[0].name
- used_tables_crawler = UsedTablesCrawler.for_queries(sql_backend, simple_ctx.inventory_database)
- all_tables = used_tables_crawler.snapshot()
- source_id = f"{dashboards[1].id}/{queries[1].id}"
- tables = [table for table in all_tables if table.source_id == source_id]
- assert len(tables) == 1
- assert len(tables[0].source_lineage) == 2
- lineage = tables[0].source_lineage[0]
- assert lineage.object_type == "DASHBOARD"
- assert lineage.object_id == dashboards[1].id
- assert lineage.other
- assert lineage.other.get("parent", None) == dashboards[1].parent
- assert lineage.other.get("name", None) == dashboards[1].name
- lineage = tables[0].source_lineage[1]
- assert lineage.object_type == "QUERY"
- assert lineage.object_id == source_id
- assert lineage.other
- assert lineage.other.get("name", None) == queries[1].name
+def test_query_linter_lints_queries_and_stores_dfsas_and_tables(simple_ctx) -> None:
+ query_with_dfsa = simple_ctx.make_query(sql_query="SELECT * from csv.`dbfs://some_folder/some_file.csv`")
+ dashboard_with_dfsa = simple_ctx.make_dashboard(query=query_with_dfsa)
+ # Lakeview dashboard expects a string, not a legacy query
+ dashboard_with_used_table = simple_ctx.make_lakeview_dashboard(query="SELECT * FROM some_schema.some_table")
+ simple_ctx.query_linter.refresh_report()
+ problems = list(simple_ctx.sql_backend.fetch("SELECT * FROM query_problems", schema=simple_ctx.inventory_database))
+ assert problems == [
+ Row(
+ dashboard_id=dashboard_with_dfsa.id,
+ dashboard_parent=dashboard_with_dfsa.parent,
+ dashboard_name=dashboard_with_dfsa.name,
+ query_id=query_with_dfsa.id,
+ query_parent=query_with_dfsa.parent,
+ query_name=query_with_dfsa.name,
+ code='direct-filesystem-access-in-sql-query',
+ message='The use of direct filesystem references is deprecated: dbfs://some_folder/some_file.csv',
+ )
+ ]
+ dfsas = list(simple_ctx.directfs_access_crawler_for_queries.snapshot())
+ # By comparing the element instead of the list the `field(compare=False)` of the dataclass attributes take effect
+ assert dfsas == [
+ DirectFsAccess(
+ source_id=f"{dashboard_with_dfsa.id}/{query_with_dfsa.id}",
+ source_lineage=[
+ LineageAtom(
+ object_type="DASHBOARD",
+ object_id=dashboard_with_dfsa.id,
+ other={"parent": dashboard_with_dfsa.parent, "name": dashboard_with_dfsa.name},
+ ),
+ LineageAtom(
+ object_type="QUERY",
+ object_id=f"{dashboard_with_dfsa.id}/{query_with_dfsa.id}",
+ other={"name": query_with_dfsa.name},
+ ),
+ ],
+ path="dbfs://some_folder/some_file.csv",
+ is_read=True,
+ is_write=False,
+ )
+ ]
+ used_tables = list(simple_ctx.used_tables_crawler_for_queries.snapshot())
+ # By comparing the element instead of the list the `field(compare=False)` of the dataclass attributes take effect
+ # The "query" in the source and object id, and "count" in the name are hardcoded in the
+ # `make_lakeview_dashboard` fixture
+ assert used_tables == [
+ UsedTable(
+ source_id=f"{dashboard_with_used_table.dashboard_id}/query",
+ source_lineage=[
+ LineageAtom(
+ object_type="DASHBOARD",
+ object_id=dashboard_with_used_table.dashboard_id,
+ other={
+ "parent": dashboard_with_used_table.parent_path,
+ "name": dashboard_with_used_table.display_name,
+ },
+ ),
+ LineageAtom(
+ object_type="QUERY",
+ object_id=f"{dashboard_with_used_table.dashboard_id}/query",
+ other={"name": "count"},
+ ),
+ ],
+ catalog_name="hive_metastore",
+ schema_name="some_schema",
+ table_name="some_table",
+ is_read=True,
+ is_write=False,
+ )
+ ]
diff --git a/tests/integration/source_code/test_redash.py b/tests/integration/source_code/test_redash.py
index 7256a9e950..c55ab24630 100644
--- a/tests/integration/source_code/test_redash.py
+++ b/tests/integration/source_code/test_redash.py
@@ -1,31 +1,44 @@
-from databricks.labs.ucx.source_code.redash import Redash
-from databricks.sdk import WorkspaceClient
-from databricks.sdk.service.sql import Query, Dashboard
+import datetime as dt
+from databricks.sdk.retries import retried
-from ..conftest import MockInstallationContext
+from databricks.labs.ucx.source_code.redash import Redash
+from databricks.sdk.service.sql import Dashboard
-def test_fix_dashboard(ws: WorkspaceClient, installation_ctx: MockInstallationContext, make_dashboard, make_query):
- dashboard: Dashboard = make_dashboard()
- another_query: Query = make_query()
+def test_migrate_dashboards_sets_migration_tags(installation_ctx) -> None:
+ query_in_dashboard, query_outside_dashboard = installation_ctx.make_query(), installation_ctx.make_query()
+ assert query_in_dashboard.id and query_outside_dashboard.id, "Query from fixture misses id"
+ dashboard: Dashboard = installation_ctx.make_dashboard(query=query_in_dashboard)
+ assert dashboard.id, "Dashboard from fixture misses id"
- # make sure the query is marked as migrated
- queries = Redash.get_queries_from_dashboard(dashboard)
- for query in queries:
- assert query.id is not None
- content = ws.queries.get(query.id)
- assert content.tags is not None and Redash.MIGRATED_TAG in content.tags
- # make sure a different query does not get migrated
- assert another_query.id is not None
- another_query = ws.queries.get(another_query.id)
- assert another_query.tags is not None and len(another_query.tags) == 1
- assert Redash.MIGRATED_TAG not in another_query.tags
- # revert the dashboard, make sure the query has only a single tag
- installation_ctx.redash.revert_dashboards(dashboard.id)
- for query in queries:
- assert query.id is not None
- content = ws.queries.get(query.id)
- assert content.tags is not None and len(content.tags) == 1
+ @retried(on=[ValueError], timeout=dt.timedelta(seconds=90))
+ def wait_for_migrated_tag_in_dashboard(dashboard_id: str) -> None:
+ dashboard_latest = installation_ctx.workspace_client.dashboards.get(dashboard_id)
+ if Redash.MIGRATED_TAG not in (dashboard_latest.tags or []):
+ raise ValueError(f"Missing group migration tag in dashboard: {dashboard_id}")
+ wait_for_migrated_tag_in_dashboard(dashboard.id)
+ query_migrated = installation_ctx.workspace_client.queries.get(query_in_dashboard.id)
+ assert Redash.MIGRATED_TAG in (query_migrated.tags or [])
+ query_not_migrated = installation_ctx.workspace_client.queries.get(query_outside_dashboard.id)
+ assert Redash.MIGRATED_TAG not in (query_not_migrated.tags or [])
+ installation_ctx.redash_crawler.snapshot(force_refresh=True) # Update the dashboard tags
+ installation_ctx.redash.revert_dashboards(dashboard.id) # Revert removes migrated tag
+ @retried(on=[ValueError], timeout=dt.timedelta(seconds=90))
+ def wait_for_migrated_tag_not_in_dashboard(dashboard_id: str) -> None:
+ dashboard_latest = installation_ctx.workspace_client.dashboards.get(dashboard_id)
+ if Redash.MIGRATED_TAG in (dashboard_latest.tags or []):
+ raise ValueError(f"Group migration tag still in dashboard: {dashboard_id}")
+ wait_for_migrated_tag_not_in_dashboard(dashboard.id)
+ query_reverted = installation_ctx.workspace_client.queries.get(query_in_dashboard.id)
+ assert Redash.MIGRATED_TAG not in (query_reverted.tags or [])
diff --git a/tests/unit/assessment/test_dashboards.py b/tests/unit/assessment/test_dashboards.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf0ae8f719
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/assessment/test_dashboards.py
@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+import logging
+import json
+from collections.abc import Iterator
+from unittest.mock import call, create_autospec
+import pytest
+from databricks.labs.lsql.lakeview import Dashboard as LsqlLakeviewDashboard, Dataset
+from databricks.labs.lsql.backends import Row
+from databricks.sdk import WorkspaceClient
+from databricks.sdk.errors import NotFound, PermissionDenied, TooManyRequests
+from databricks.sdk.service.dashboards import Dashboard as SdkLakeviewDashboard
+from databricks.sdk.service.iam import User
+from databricks.sdk.service.sql import (
+ Dashboard as SdkRedashDashboard,
+ LegacyVisualization,
+ LegacyQuery,
+ Widget,
+ QueryOptions,
+from databricks.labs.ucx.assessment.dashboards import (
+ LakeviewDashboardCrawler,
+ Dashboard,
+ DashboardOwnership,
+ RedashDashboardCrawler,
+ Query,
+from databricks.labs.ucx.framework.owners import AdministratorLocator, WorkspacePathOwnership
+ "legacy_query, expected",
+ [
+ (LegacyQuery(id="qid"), Query("qid")),
+ (
+ LegacyQuery(
+ id="qid",
+ name="Query",
+ query="SELECT 42 AS count",
+ parent="parent",
+ tags=["tag1", "tag2"],
+ options=QueryOptions(catalog="catalog", schema="schema"),
+ ),
+ Query("qid", "Query", "parent", "SELECT 42 AS count", "catalog", "schema", ["tag1", "tag2"]),
+ ),
+ ],
+def test_query_from_legacy_query(legacy_query: LegacyQuery, expected: Query) -> None:
+ query = Query.from_legacy_query(legacy_query)
+ assert query == expected
+ "dataset, parent, expected",
+ [
+ (Dataset("qid", "SELECT 42 AS count"), None, Query("qid", query="SELECT 42 AS count")),
+ (
+ Dataset("qid", "SELECT 42 AS count", display_name="Query"),
+ "parent",
+ Query("qid", "Query", "parent", "SELECT 42 AS count"),
+ ),
+ ],
+def test_query_from_lakeview_dataset(dataset: Dataset, parent: str | None, expected: Query) -> None:
+ query = Query.from_lakeview_dataset(dataset, parent=parent)
+ assert query == expected
+ "sdk_dashboard, expected",
+ [
+ (SdkRedashDashboard(id="id"), Dashboard("id")),
+ (
+ SdkRedashDashboard(
+ id="did",
+ name="name",
+ parent="parent",
+ tags=["tag1", "tag2"],
+ widgets=[
+ Widget(visualization=LegacyVisualization(query=LegacyQuery(id="qid1"))),
+ Widget(visualization=LegacyVisualization(query=LegacyQuery(id="qid2"))),
+ ],
+ user_id=123456789,
+ ),
+ Dashboard("did", "name", "parent", ["qid1", "qid2"], ["tag1", "tag2"], "123456789"),
+ ),
+ (
+ SdkRedashDashboard(
+ id="did",
+ name="name",
+ parent="parent",
+ tags=["tag1", "tag2"],
+ widgets=[
+ Widget(),
+ Widget(visualization=LegacyVisualization()),
+ Widget(visualization=LegacyVisualization(query=LegacyQuery(id="qid1"))),
+ ],
+ ),
+ Dashboard("did", "name", "parent", ["qid1"], ["tag1", "tag2"]),
+ ),
+ ],
+def test_redash_dashboard_from_sdk_dashboard(sdk_dashboard: SdkRedashDashboard, expected: Dashboard) -> None:
+ dashboard = Dashboard.from_sdk_redash_dashboard(sdk_dashboard)
+ assert dashboard == expected
+def test_redash_dashboard_crawler_snapshot_persists_dashboards(mock_backend) -> None:
+ ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
+ dashboards = [
+ SdkRedashDashboard(
+ id="did",
+ name="name",
+ parent="parent",
+ tags=["tag1", "tag2"],
+ widgets=[
+ Widget(visualization=LegacyVisualization(query=LegacyQuery(id="qid1"))),
+ Widget(visualization=LegacyVisualization(query=LegacyQuery(id="qid2"))),
+ ],
+ ),
+ ]
+ ws.dashboards.list.side_effect = lambda: (dashboard for dashboard in dashboards) # Expects an iterator
+ crawler = RedashDashboardCrawler(ws, mock_backend, "test")
+ crawler.snapshot()
+ rows = mock_backend.rows_written_for("hive_metastore.test.redash_dashboards", "overwrite")
+ assert rows == [
+ Row(id="did", name="name", parent="parent", query_ids=["qid1", "qid2"], tags=["tag1", "tag2"], creator_id=None)
+ ]
+ ws.dashboards.list.assert_called_once()
+def test_redash_dashboard_crawler_handles_databricks_error_on_list(caplog, mock_backend) -> None:
+ ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
+ ws.dashboards.list.side_effect = PermissionDenied("Missing permission")
+ crawler = RedashDashboardCrawler(ws, mock_backend, "test")
+ with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING, logger="databricks.labs.ucx.assessment.dashboards"):
+ crawler.snapshot()
+ rows = mock_backend.rows_written_for("hive_metastore.test.redash_dashboards", "overwrite")
+ assert len(rows) == 0
+ assert "Cannot list Redash dashboards" in caplog.messages
+ ws.dashboards.list.assert_called_once()
+def test_redash_dashboard_crawler_handles_databricks_error_on_iterate(caplog, mock_backend) -> None:
+ ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
+ dashboards = [SdkRedashDashboard(id="did1"), SdkRedashDashboard(id="did2")]
+ def list_dashboards() -> Iterator[SdkRedashDashboard]:
+ for dashboard in dashboards:
+ yield dashboard
+ raise TooManyRequests("Exceeded API limit")
+ ws.dashboards.list.side_effect = list_dashboards
+ crawler = RedashDashboardCrawler(ws, mock_backend, "test")
+ with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING, logger="databricks.labs.ucx.assessment.dashboards"):
+ crawler.snapshot()
+ rows = mock_backend.rows_written_for("hive_metastore.test.redash_dashboards", "overwrite")
+ assert rows == [Row(id="did1", name=None, parent=None, query_ids=[], tags=[], creator_id=None)]
+ assert "Cannot list next Redash dashboards page" in caplog.messages
+ ws.dashboards.list.assert_called_once()
+def test_redash_dashboard_crawler_stops_when_debug_listing_upper_limit_reached(mock_backend) -> None:
+ ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
+ dashboards = [SdkRedashDashboard(id="did1"), SdkRedashDashboard(id="did2")]
+ ws.dashboards.list.side_effect = lambda: (dashboard for dashboard in dashboards)
+ crawler = RedashDashboardCrawler(ws, mock_backend, "test", debug_listing_upper_limit=1)
+ crawler.snapshot()
+ rows = mock_backend.rows_written_for("hive_metastore.test.redash_dashboards", "overwrite")
+ assert rows == [Row(id="did1", name=None, parent=None, query_ids=[], tags=[], creator_id=None)]
+ ws.dashboards.list.assert_called_once()
+def test_redash_dashboard_crawler_includes_dashboard_ids(mock_backend) -> None:
+ ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
+ ws.dashboards.get.return_value = SdkRedashDashboard(id="did1")
+ crawler = RedashDashboardCrawler(ws, mock_backend, "test", include_dashboard_ids=["did1"])
+ crawler.snapshot()
+ rows = mock_backend.rows_written_for("hive_metastore.test.redash_dashboards", "overwrite")
+ assert rows == [Row(id="did1", name=None, parent=None, query_ids=[], tags=[], creator_id=None)]
+ ws.dashboards.get.assert_called_once_with("did1")
+ ws.dashboards.list.assert_not_called()
+def test_redash_dashboard_crawler_skips_not_found_dashboard_ids(caplog, mock_backend) -> None:
+ ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
+ def get_dashboards(dashboard_id: str) -> SdkRedashDashboard:
+ if dashboard_id == "did1":
+ return SdkRedashDashboard(id="did1")
+ raise NotFound(f"Did not find dashboard: {dashboard_id}")
+ ws.dashboards.get.side_effect = get_dashboards
+ crawler = RedashDashboardCrawler(ws, mock_backend, "test", include_dashboard_ids=["did1", "did2"])
+ with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING, logger="databricks.labs.ucx.assessment.dashboards"):
+ crawler.snapshot()
+ rows = mock_backend.rows_written_for("hive_metastore.test.redash_dashboards", "overwrite")
+ assert rows == [Row(id="did1", name=None, parent=None, query_ids=[], tags=[], creator_id=None)]
+ assert "Cannot get Redash dashboard: did2" in caplog.messages
+ ws.dashboards.get.assert_has_calls([call("did1"), call("did2")])
+ ws.dashboards.list.assert_not_called()
+def list_legacy_queries() -> list[LegacyQuery]:
+ queries = [
+ LegacyQuery(id="qid1", name="First query", parent="parent", query="SELECT 42 AS count"),
+ LegacyQuery(id="qid2", name="Second query", parent="parent", query="SELECT 21 AS count"),
+ ]
+ return queries
+def get_legacy_query(query_id: str) -> LegacyQuery:
+ for query in list_legacy_queries():
+ if query.id == query_id:
+ return query
+ raise NotFound(f"Legacy query: {query_id}")
+def test_redash_dashboard_crawler_list_queries_includes_query_ids(mock_backend) -> None:
+ ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
+ ws.queries_legacy.list.side_effect = list_legacy_queries
+ ws.queries_legacy.get.side_effect = get_legacy_query
+ crawler = RedashDashboardCrawler(ws, mock_backend, "test", include_query_ids=["qid1"])
+ queries = list(crawler.list_queries())
+ assert queries == [Query(id="qid1", name="First query", parent="parent", query="SELECT 42 AS count")]
+ ws.queries_legacy.list.assert_not_called()
+ ws.queries_legacy.get.assert_called_once()
+def test_redash_dashboard_crawler_list_queries_includes_query_ids_from_dashboard(mock_backend) -> None:
+ dashboard = Dashboard("did", query_ids=["qid1", "qid2"])
+ ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
+ ws.queries_legacy.list.side_effect = list_legacy_queries
+ ws.queries_legacy.get.side_effect = get_legacy_query
+ crawler = RedashDashboardCrawler(ws, mock_backend, "test", include_query_ids=["qid1"])
+ queries = list(crawler.list_queries(dashboard))
+ assert queries == [Query(id="qid1", name="First query", parent="parent", query="SELECT 42 AS count")]
+ ws.queries_legacy.list.assert_not_called()
+ ws.queries_legacy.get.assert_called_once()
+def test_redash_dashboard_crawler_skips_not_found_query_ids(caplog, mock_backend) -> None:
+ ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
+ ws.queries_legacy.list.side_effect = list_legacy_queries
+ ws.queries_legacy.get.side_effect = get_legacy_query
+ crawler = RedashDashboardCrawler(ws, mock_backend, "test", include_query_ids=["qid1", "non-existing-id"])
+ with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING, logger="databricks.labs.ucx.assessment.dashboards"):
+ queries = list(crawler.list_queries())
+ assert queries == [Query(id="qid1", name="First query", parent="parent", query="SELECT 42 AS count")]
+ assert "Cannot get Redash query: non-existing-id" in caplog.messages
+ ws.queries_legacy.list.assert_not_called()
+ ws.queries_legacy.get.assert_has_calls([call("qid1"), call("non-existing-id")])
+def test_redash_dashboard_crawler_snapshot_skips_dashboard_without_id(mock_backend) -> None:
+ ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
+ dashboards = [SdkRedashDashboard(id="did1"), SdkRedashDashboard()] # Second misses dashboard id
+ ws.dashboards.list.side_effect = lambda: (dashboard for dashboard in dashboards) # Expects an iterator
+ crawler = RedashDashboardCrawler(ws, mock_backend, "test")
+ crawler.snapshot()
+ rows = mock_backend.rows_written_for("hive_metastore.test.redash_dashboards", "overwrite")
+ assert rows == [Row(id="did1", name=None, parent=None, query_ids=[], tags=[], creator_id=None)]
+ ws.dashboards.list.assert_called_once()
+def test_redash_dashboard_crawler_list_queries(mock_backend) -> None:
+ ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
+ ws.queries_legacy.list.return_value = [
+ LegacyQuery(id="qid1", name="First query", parent="parent", query="SELECT 42 AS count"),
+ LegacyQuery(id="qid2", name="Second query", parent="parent", query="SELECT 21 AS count"),
+ ]
+ crawler = RedashDashboardCrawler(ws, mock_backend, "test")
+ queries = list(crawler.list_queries())
+ assert queries == [
+ Query("qid1", "First query", "parent", "SELECT 42 AS count"),
+ Query("qid2", "Second query", "parent", "SELECT 21 AS count"),
+ ]
+ ws.queries_legacy.list.assert_called_once()
+def test_redash_dashboard_crawler_list_queries_handles_permission_denied(caplog, mock_backend) -> None:
+ ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
+ ws.queries_legacy.list.side_effect = PermissionDenied("Missing permissions")
+ crawler = RedashDashboardCrawler(ws, mock_backend, "test")
+ with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING, logger="databricks.labs.ucx.assessment.dashboards"):
+ queries = list(crawler.list_queries())
+ assert len(queries) == 0
+ assert "Cannot list Redash queries" in caplog.messages
+ ws.queries_legacy.list.assert_called_once()
+def test_redash_dashboard_crawler_list_queries_from_dashboard(mock_backend) -> None:
+ ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
+ ws.queries_legacy.get.return_value = LegacyQuery(
+ id="qid", name="Query", parent="parent", query="SELECT 42 AS count"
+ )
+ crawler = RedashDashboardCrawler(ws, mock_backend, "test")
+ queries = list(crawler.list_queries(dashboard=Dashboard("did", query_ids=["qid"])))
+ assert queries == [Query("qid", "Query", "parent", "SELECT 42 AS count")]
+ ws.queries_legacy.get.assert_called_once_with("qid")
+def test_redash_dashboard_crawler_list_queries_handles_not_found(caplog, mock_backend) -> None:
+ ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
+ ws.queries_legacy.get.side_effect = NotFound("Query not found: qid")
+ crawler = RedashDashboardCrawler(ws, mock_backend, "test")
+ with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING, logger="databricks.labs.ucx.assessment.dashboards"):
+ queries = list(crawler.list_queries(dashboard=Dashboard("did", query_ids=["qid"])))
+ assert len(queries) == 0
+ assert "Cannot get Redash query: qid" in caplog.messages
+ ws.queries_legacy.get.assert_called_once_with("qid")
+def test_redash_dashboard_crawler_list_queries_stops_when_debug_listing_upper_limit_reached(mock_backend) -> None:
+ ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
+ legacy_queries = [LegacyQuery(id="qid1"), LegacyQuery(id="qid2")]
+ ws.queries_legacy.list.side_effect = lambda: (query for query in legacy_queries)
+ crawler = RedashDashboardCrawler(ws, mock_backend, "test", debug_listing_upper_limit=1)
+ queries = list(crawler.list_queries())
+ assert len(queries) == 1
+ ws.queries_legacy.list.assert_called_once()
+ "sdk_dashboard, expected",
+ [
+ (SdkLakeviewDashboard(dashboard_id="id"), Dashboard("id")),
+ (
+ SdkLakeviewDashboard(
+ dashboard_id="did",
+ display_name="name",
+ parent_path="parent",
+ serialized_dashboard=json.dumps(
+ LsqlLakeviewDashboard(
+ datasets=[Dataset("qid1", "SELECT 1"), Dataset("qid2", "SELECT 2")],
+ pages=[],
+ ).as_dict()
+ ),
+ ),
+ Dashboard("did", "name", "parent", ["qid1", "qid2"]),
+ ),
+ (
+ SdkLakeviewDashboard(
+ dashboard_id="did",
+ display_name="name",
+ parent_path="parent",
+ serialized_dashboard=json.dumps(LsqlLakeviewDashboard(datasets=[], pages=[]).as_dict()),
+ ),
+ Dashboard("did", "name", "parent", []),
+ ),
+ ],
+def test_lakeview_dashboard_from_sdk_dashboard(sdk_dashboard: SdkLakeviewDashboard, expected: Dashboard) -> None:
+ dashboard = Dashboard.from_sdk_lakeview_dashboard(sdk_dashboard)
+ assert dashboard == expected
+def test_lakeview_dashboard_crawler_snapshot_persists_dashboards(mock_backend) -> None:
+ ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
+ dashboards = [
+ SdkLakeviewDashboard(
+ dashboard_id="did",
+ display_name="name",
+ parent_path="parent",
+ serialized_dashboard=json.dumps(
+ LsqlLakeviewDashboard(
+ datasets=[Dataset("qid1", "SELECT 1"), Dataset("qid2", "SELECT 2")],
+ pages=[],
+ ).as_dict()
+ ),
+ ),
+ ]
+ ws.lakeview.list.side_effect = lambda: (dashboard for dashboard in dashboards) # Expects an iterator
+ crawler = LakeviewDashboardCrawler(ws, mock_backend, "test")
+ crawler.snapshot()
+ rows = mock_backend.rows_written_for("hive_metastore.test.lakeview_dashboards", "overwrite")
+ assert rows == [Row(id="did", name="name", parent="parent", query_ids=["qid1", "qid2"], tags=[], creator_id=None)]
+ ws.lakeview.list.assert_called_once()
+def test_lakeview_dashboard_crawler_handles_databricks_error_on_list(caplog, mock_backend) -> None:
+ ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
+ ws.lakeview.list.side_effect = PermissionDenied("Missing permission")
+ crawler = LakeviewDashboardCrawler(ws, mock_backend, "test")
+ with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING, logger="databricks.labs.ucx.assessment.dashboards"):
+ crawler.snapshot()
+ rows = mock_backend.rows_written_for("hive_metastore.test.lakeview_dashboards", "overwrite")
+ assert len(rows) == 0
+ assert "Cannot list Lakeview dashboards" in caplog.messages
+ ws.lakeview.list.assert_called_once()
+def test_lakeview_dashboard_crawler_includes_dashboard_ids(mock_backend) -> None:
+ ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
+ ws.lakeview.get.return_value = SdkLakeviewDashboard(dashboard_id="did1")
+ crawler = LakeviewDashboardCrawler(ws, mock_backend, "test", include_dashboard_ids=["did1"])
+ crawler.snapshot()
+ rows = mock_backend.rows_written_for("hive_metastore.test.lakeview_dashboards", "overwrite")
+ assert rows == [Row(id="did1", name=None, parent=None, query_ids=[], tags=[], creator_id=None)]
+ ws.lakeview.get.assert_called_once_with("did1")
+ ws.lakeview.list.assert_not_called()
+def test_lakeview_dashboard_crawler_skips_not_found_dashboard_ids(caplog, mock_backend) -> None:
+ ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
+ def get_dashboards(dashboard_id: str) -> SdkLakeviewDashboard:
+ if dashboard_id == "did1":
+ return SdkLakeviewDashboard(dashboard_id="did1")
+ raise NotFound(f"Did not find dashboard: {dashboard_id}")
+ ws.lakeview.get.side_effect = get_dashboards
+ crawler = LakeviewDashboardCrawler(ws, mock_backend, "test", include_dashboard_ids=["did1", "did2"])
+ with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING, logger="databricks.labs.ucx.assessment.dashboards"):
+ crawler.snapshot()
+ rows = mock_backend.rows_written_for("hive_metastore.test.lakeview_dashboards", "overwrite")
+ assert rows == [Row(id="did1", name=None, parent=None, query_ids=[], tags=[], creator_id=None)]
+ assert "Cannot get Lakeview dashboard: did2" in caplog.messages
+ ws.lakeview.get.assert_has_calls([call("did1"), call("did2")])
+ ws.lakeview.list.assert_not_called()
+def test_lakeview_dashboard_crawler_list_queries_includes_query_ids(mock_backend) -> None:
+ ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
+ datasets = [
+ Dataset("qid1", "SELECT 42 AS count", "First query"),
+ Dataset("qid2", "SELECT 21 AS count", "Second query"),
+ ]
+ dashboard = SdkLakeviewDashboard(
+ dashboard_id="parent",
+ serialized_dashboard=json.dumps(LsqlLakeviewDashboard(datasets=datasets, pages=[]).as_dict()),
+ )
+ ws.lakeview.list.return_value = [dashboard]
+ crawler = LakeviewDashboardCrawler(ws, mock_backend, "test", include_query_ids=["qid1"])
+ queries = list(crawler.list_queries())
+ assert queries == [Query(id="qid1", name="First query", parent="parent", query="SELECT 42 AS count")]
+ ws.lakeview.list.assert_called_once()
+ ws.lakeview.get.assert_not_called()
+def test_lakeview_dashboard_crawler_list_queries_includes_query_ids_from_dashboard(mock_backend) -> None:
+ ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
+ datasets = [
+ Dataset("qid1", "SELECT 42 AS count", "First query"),
+ Dataset("qid2", "SELECT 21 AS count", "Second query"),
+ ]
+ dashboard = SdkLakeviewDashboard(
+ dashboard_id="parent",
+ serialized_dashboard=json.dumps(LsqlLakeviewDashboard(datasets=datasets, pages=[]).as_dict()),
+ )
+ ws.lakeview.get.return_value = dashboard
+ crawler = LakeviewDashboardCrawler(ws, mock_backend, "test", include_query_ids=["qid1"])
+ queries = list(crawler.list_queries(Dashboard("parent")))
+ assert queries == [Query(id="qid1", name="First query", parent="parent", query="SELECT 42 AS count")]
+ ws.lakeview.list.assert_not_called()
+ ws.lakeview.get.assert_called_once_with("parent")
+def test_lakeview_dashboard_crawler_snapshot_skips_dashboard_without_id(mock_backend) -> None:
+ ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
+ dashboards = [SdkLakeviewDashboard(dashboard_id="did1"), SdkLakeviewDashboard()] # Second misses dashboard id
+ ws.lakeview.list.side_effect = lambda: (dashboard for dashboard in dashboards) # Expects an iterator
+ crawler = LakeviewDashboardCrawler(ws, mock_backend, "test")
+ crawler.snapshot()
+ rows = mock_backend.rows_written_for("hive_metastore.test.lakeview_dashboards", "overwrite")
+ assert rows == [Row(id="did1", name=None, parent=None, query_ids=[], tags=[], creator_id=None)]
+ ws.lakeview.list.assert_called_once()
+def test_lakeview_dashboard_crawler_list_queries(mock_backend) -> None:
+ ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
+ dashboards = [
+ SdkLakeviewDashboard(
+ dashboard_id="parent",
+ serialized_dashboard=json.dumps(
+ LsqlLakeviewDashboard(datasets=[Dataset("qid1", "SELECT 42 AS count", "Query")], pages=[]).as_dict()
+ ),
+ ),
+ ]
+ ws.lakeview.list.side_effect = lambda: (dashboard for dashboard in dashboards) # Expects an iterator
+ crawler = LakeviewDashboardCrawler(ws, mock_backend, "test")
+ queries = list(crawler.list_queries())
+ assert queries == [Query("qid1", "Query", "parent", "SELECT 42 AS count")]
+ ws.lakeview.list.assert_called_once()
+def test_lakeview_dashboard_crawler_list_queries_handles_permission_denied(caplog, mock_backend) -> None:
+ ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
+ ws.lakeview.list.side_effect = PermissionDenied("Missing permissions")
+ crawler = LakeviewDashboardCrawler(ws, mock_backend, "test")
+ with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING, logger="databricks.labs.ucx.assessment.dashboards"):
+ queries = list(crawler.list_queries())
+ assert len(queries) == 0
+ assert "Cannot list Lakeview dashboards" in caplog.messages
+ ws.lakeview.list.assert_called_once()
+def test_lakeview_dashboard_crawler_list_queries_handles_corrupted_serialized_dashboard(caplog, mock_backend) -> None:
+ ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
+ dashboards = [SdkLakeviewDashboard(dashboard_id="did", serialized_dashboard='{"invalid": "json}')]
+ ws.lakeview.list.side_effect = lambda: (dashboard for dashboard in dashboards) # Expects an iterator
+ crawler = LakeviewDashboardCrawler(ws, mock_backend, "test")
+ with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING, logger="databricks.labs.ucx.assessment.dashboards"):
+ queries = list(crawler.list_queries())
+ assert len(queries) == 0
+ assert "Error when parsing Lakeview dashboard: did" in caplog.messages
+ ws.lakeview.list.assert_called_once()
+def test_lakeview_dashboard_crawler_list_queries_calls_query_api_get(mock_backend) -> None:
+ ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
+ dashboard = SdkLakeviewDashboard(
+ dashboard_id="parent",
+ serialized_dashboard=json.dumps(
+ LsqlLakeviewDashboard(datasets=[Dataset("qid", "SELECT 42 AS count", "Query")], pages=[]).as_dict()
+ ),
+ )
+ ws.lakeview.get.return_value = dashboard
+ crawler = LakeviewDashboardCrawler(ws, mock_backend, "test")
+ queries = list(crawler.list_queries(Dashboard("did")))
+ assert queries == [Query("qid", "Query", "parent", "SELECT 42 AS count")]
+ ws.lakeview.get.assert_called_once_with("did")
+def test_lakeview_dashboard_crawler_list_queries_handles_not_found(caplog, mock_backend) -> None:
+ ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
+ ws.lakeview.get.side_effect = NotFound("Query not found: qid")
+ crawler = LakeviewDashboardCrawler(ws, mock_backend, "test")
+ with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING, logger="databricks.labs.ucx.assessment.dashboards"):
+ queries = list(crawler.list_queries(Dashboard("did")))
+ assert len(queries) == 0
+ assert "Cannot get Lakeview dashboard: did" in caplog.messages
+ ws.lakeview.get.assert_called_once_with("did")
+def test_dashboard_ownership_owner_of_from_user_display_name() -> None:
+ administrator_locator = create_autospec(AdministratorLocator)
+ ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
+ ws.users.get.return_value = User(display_name="Cor")
+ workspace_path_ownership = create_autospec(WorkspacePathOwnership)
+ ownership = DashboardOwnership(administrator_locator, ws, workspace_path_ownership)
+ owner = ownership.owner_of(Dashboard("id", creator_id="123456789"))
+ assert owner == "Cor"
+ administrator_locator.get_workspace_administrator.assert_not_called()
+ ws.users.get.assert_called_with("123456789")
+ workspace_path_ownership.owner_of_path.assert_not_called()
+def test_dashboard_ownership_owner_of_from_user_email() -> None:
+ administrator_locator = create_autospec(AdministratorLocator)
+ ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
+ ws.users.get.return_value = User(user_name="cor.zuurmond@databricks.com")
+ workspace_path_ownership = create_autospec(WorkspacePathOwnership)
+ ownership = DashboardOwnership(administrator_locator, ws, workspace_path_ownership)
+ owner = ownership.owner_of(Dashboard("id", creator_id="123456789"))
+ assert owner == "cor.zuurmond@databricks.com"
+ administrator_locator.get_workspace_administrator.assert_not_called()
+ ws.users.get.assert_called_with("123456789")
+ workspace_path_ownership.owner_of_path.assert_not_called()
+def test_dashboard_ownership_owner_of_from_workspace_path_owner() -> None:
+ administrator_locator = create_autospec(AdministratorLocator)
+ ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
+ workspace_path_ownership = create_autospec(WorkspacePathOwnership)
+ workspace_path_ownership.owner_of_path.return_value = "Cor"
+ ownership = DashboardOwnership(administrator_locator, ws, workspace_path_ownership)
+ owner = ownership.owner_of(Dashboard("id", parent="path"))
+ assert owner == "Cor"
+ administrator_locator.get_workspace_administrator.assert_not_called()
+ ws.users.get.assert_not_called()
+ workspace_path_ownership.owner_of_path.assert_called_with("path")
+def test_dashboard_ownership_owner_of_from_administrator_locator() -> None:
+ administrator_locator = create_autospec(AdministratorLocator)
+ administrator_locator.get_workspace_administrator.return_value = "Cor"
+ ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
+ workspace_path_ownership = create_autospec(WorkspacePathOwnership)
+ ownership = DashboardOwnership(administrator_locator, ws, workspace_path_ownership)
+ owner = ownership.owner_of(Dashboard("id"))
+ assert owner == "Cor"
+ administrator_locator.get_workspace_administrator.assert_called_once()
+ ws.users.get.assert_not_called()
+ workspace_path_ownership.owner_of_path.assert_not_called()
diff --git a/tests/unit/source_code/test_queries.py b/tests/unit/source_code/test_queries.py
index 6b42c6449d..e09938db8f 100644
--- a/tests/unit/source_code/test_queries.py
+++ b/tests/unit/source_code/test_queries.py
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-from unittest import mock
from unittest.mock import create_autospec
import pytest
-from databricks.sdk import WorkspaceClient
+from databricks.labs.lsql.backends import Row
from databricks.sdk.service.sql import LegacyQuery
+from databricks.labs.ucx.assessment.dashboards import Dashboard, RedashDashboardCrawler, Query
from databricks.labs.ucx.source_code.directfs_access import DirectFsAccessCrawler
from databricks.labs.ucx.source_code.queries import QueryLinter
from databricks.labs.ucx.source_code.used_table import UsedTablesCrawler
@@ -27,45 +27,67 @@
def test_query_linter_collects_dfsas_from_queries(
name, query, dfsa_paths, is_read, is_write, migration_index, mock_backend
) -> None:
- ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
dfsa_crawler = create_autospec(DirectFsAccessCrawler)
used_tables_crawler = create_autospec(UsedTablesCrawler)
+ dashboard_crawler = create_autospec(RedashDashboardCrawler)
query = LegacyQuery.from_dict({"parent": "workspace", "name": name, "query": query})
- linter = QueryLinter(ws, mock_backend, "test", migration_index, dfsa_crawler, used_tables_crawler, None)
+ linter = QueryLinter(mock_backend, "test", migration_index, dfsa_crawler, used_tables_crawler, [dashboard_crawler])
dfsas = linter.collect_dfsas_from_query("no-dashboard-id", query)
- ws.assert_not_called()
- dfsa_crawler.assert_not_called()
- used_tables_crawler.assert_not_called()
assert set(dfsa.path for dfsa in dfsas) == set(dfsa_paths)
assert all(dfsa.is_read == is_read for dfsa in dfsas)
assert all(dfsa.is_write == is_write for dfsa in dfsas)
+ dfsa_crawler.assert_not_called()
+ used_tables_crawler.assert_not_called()
+ dashboard_crawler.snapshot.assert_not_called()
def test_query_linter_refresh_report_writes_query_problems(migration_index, mock_backend) -> None:
- ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
dfsa_crawler = create_autospec(DirectFsAccessCrawler)
used_tables_crawler = create_autospec(UsedTablesCrawler)
- linter = QueryLinter(ws, mock_backend, "test", migration_index, dfsa_crawler, used_tables_crawler, None)
+ dashboard_crawler = create_autospec(RedashDashboardCrawler)
+ linter = QueryLinter(mock_backend, "test", migration_index, dfsa_crawler, used_tables_crawler, [dashboard_crawler])
assert mock_backend.has_rows_written_for("`hive_metastore`.`test`.`query_problems`")
- ws.dashboards.list.assert_called_once()
+ dashboard_crawler.snapshot.assert_called_once()
+ dashboard_crawler.list_queries.assert_called_once()
def test_lints_queries(migration_index, mock_backend) -> None:
- with mock.patch("databricks.labs.ucx.source_code.queries.Redash") as mocked_redash:
- query = LegacyQuery(id="123", query="SELECT * from nowhere")
- mocked_redash.get_queries_from_dashboard.return_value = [query]
- ws = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
- dfsa_crawler = create_autospec(DirectFsAccessCrawler)
- used_tables_crawler = create_autospec(UsedTablesCrawler)
- linter = QueryLinter(ws, mock_backend, "test", migration_index, dfsa_crawler, used_tables_crawler, ["1"])
- linter.refresh_report()
+ dfsa_crawler = create_autospec(DirectFsAccessCrawler)
+ used_tables_crawler = create_autospec(UsedTablesCrawler)
+ dashboard_crawler = create_autospec(RedashDashboardCrawler)
+ dashboard_crawler.snapshot.return_value = [Dashboard("did", "dname", "dparent", query_ids=["qid"])]
+ dashboard_crawler.list_queries.return_value = [
+ Query(
+ id="qid",
+ name="qname",
+ parent="qparent",
+ query="SELECT * FROM old.things",
+ )
+ ]
+ linter = QueryLinter(mock_backend, "test", migration_index, dfsa_crawler, used_tables_crawler, [dashboard_crawler])
+ linter.refresh_report()
- assert mock_backend.has_rows_written_for("`hive_metastore`.`test`.`query_problems`")
- ws.dashboards.list.assert_not_called()
- dfsa_crawler.assert_not_called()
- used_tables_crawler.assert_not_called()
+ rows = mock_backend.rows_written_for("`hive_metastore`.`test`.`query_problems`", "overwrite")
+ assert rows == [
+ Row(
+ dashboard_id="did",
+ dashboard_parent="dparent",
+ dashboard_name="dname",
+ query_id="qid",
+ query_parent="qparent",
+ query_name="qname",
+ code="table-migrated-to-uc",
+ message="Table old.things is migrated to brand.new.stuff in Unity Catalog",
+ )
+ ]
+ dfsa_crawler.assert_not_called()
+ used_tables_crawler.assert_not_called()
+ dashboard_crawler.snapshot.assert_called_once()
diff --git a/tests/unit/source_code/test_redash.py b/tests/unit/source_code/test_redash.py
index c60f892498..bc39430d92 100644
--- a/tests/unit/source_code/test_redash.py
+++ b/tests/unit/source_code/test_redash.py
@@ -1,115 +1,81 @@
-from unittest.mock import create_autospec, call
+from unittest.mock import create_autospec
import pytest
from databricks.labs.blueprint.installation import MockInstallation
+from databricks.sdk.errors import PermissionDenied
+from databricks.sdk.service.sql import LegacyQuery, UpdateQueryRequestQuery
-from databricks.sdk.service.sql import LegacyQuery, Dashboard, Widget, LegacyVisualization, QueryOptions
+from databricks.labs.ucx.assessment.dashboards import Dashboard, Query, RedashDashboardCrawler
from databricks.labs.ucx.source_code.redash import Redash
-from databricks.sdk import WorkspaceClient
-from databricks.sdk.service.sql import UpdateQueryRequestQuery
-from databricks.sdk.errors import PermissionDenied, NotFound
-def redash_ws():
- workspace_client = create_autospec(WorkspaceClient)
- workspace_client.workspace.get_status.side_effect = NotFound("error")
- workspace_client.queries.create.return_value = LegacyQuery(id="123")
- workspace_client.dashboards.list.return_value = [
- Dashboard(
+def redash_installation():
+ installation = MockInstallation(
+ {
+ "backup/queries/1.json": {"id": "1", "query": "SELECT * FROM old.things"},
+ "backup/queries/3.json": {"id": "3", "query": "SELECT * FROM old.things", "tags": ["test_tag"]},
+ }
+ )
+ return installation
+def list_queries(dashboard: Dashboard) -> list[Query]:
+ queries = [
+ Query(
- widgets=[
- Widget(
- visualization=LegacyVisualization(
- query=LegacyQuery(
- id="1",
- name="test_query",
- query="SELECT * FROM old.things",
- options=QueryOptions(catalog="hive_metastore", schema="default"),
- tags=["test_tag"],
- )
- )
- ),
- Widget(
- visualization=LegacyVisualization(
- query=LegacyQuery(
- id="1",
- name="test_query",
- query="SELECT * FROM old.things",
- tags=[Redash.MIGRATED_TAG],
- )
- )
- ),
- None,
- ],
+ name="test_query",
+ query="SELECT * FROM old.things",
+ catalog="hive_metastore",
+ schema="default",
+ tags=["test_tag"],
- Dashboard(
+ Query(
- tags=[Redash.MIGRATED_TAG],
- widgets=[
- Widget(
- visualization=LegacyVisualization(
- query=LegacyQuery(
- id="1",
- name="test_query",
- query="SELECT * FROM old.things",
- tags=[Redash.MIGRATED_TAG],
- )
- )
- ),
- Widget(visualization=LegacyVisualization(query=LegacyQuery(id="2", query="SELECT"))),
- Widget(
- visualization=LegacyVisualization(
- query=LegacyQuery(id="3", query="SELECT", tags=[Redash.MIGRATED_TAG])
- )
- ),
- ],
+ name="test_query",
+ query="SELECT * FROM old.things",
+ catalog="hive_metastore",
+ schema="default",
+ tags=["test_tag"],
+ ),
+ Query(
+ id="3",
+ name="test_query",
+ query="SELECT * FROM old.things",
+ catalog="hive_metastore",
+ schema="default",
+ tags=["test_tag", Redash.MIGRATED_TAG],
- Dashboard(id="3", tags=[]),
- workspace_client.dashboards.get.return_value = Dashboard(
- id="2",
- tags=[Redash.MIGRATED_TAG],
- widgets=[
- Widget(
- visualization=LegacyVisualization(
- query=LegacyQuery(
- id="1",
- name="test_query",
- query="SELECT * FROM old.things",
- tags=[Redash.MIGRATED_TAG],
- )
- )
- )
- ],
- )
- return workspace_client
+ query_mapping = {query.id: query for query in queries}
+ return [query_mapping[query_id] for query_id in dashboard.query_ids if query_id in query_mapping]
-def redash_installation():
- installation = MockInstallation(
- {
- "backup/queries/1.json": {"id": "1", "query": "original_query"},
- "backup/queries/3.json": {"id": "3", "query": "original_query", "tags": ["test_tag"]},
- }
- )
- return installation
+def redash_dashboard_crawler():
+ crawler = create_autospec(RedashDashboardCrawler)
+ crawler.snapshot.return_value = [
+ Dashboard(id="1", query_ids=["1"]),
+ Dashboard(id="2", query_ids=["1", "2", "3"], tags=[Redash.MIGRATED_TAG]),
+ Dashboard(id="3", tags=[]),
+ ]
+ crawler.list_queries.side_effect = list_queries
+ return crawler
+def test_migrate_all_dashboards(ws, empty_index, redash_installation, redash_dashboard_crawler) -> None:
+ redash = Redash(empty_index, ws, redash_installation, redash_dashboard_crawler)
-def test_migrate_all_dashboards(redash_ws, empty_index, redash_installation) -> None:
- redash = Redash(empty_index, redash_ws, redash_installation)
+ 'catalog': 'hive_metastore',
'id': '1',
'name': 'test_query',
- 'options': {'catalog': 'hive_metastore', 'schema': 'default'},
'query': 'SELECT * FROM old.things',
+ 'schema': 'default',
'tags': ['test_tag'],
@@ -117,71 +83,58 @@ def test_migrate_all_dashboards(redash_ws, empty_index, redash_installation) ->
query_text="SELECT * FROM old.things",
tags=[Redash.MIGRATED_TAG, 'test_tag'],
- redash_ws.queries.update.assert_called_with(
+ ws.queries.update.assert_called_with(
+ redash_dashboard_crawler.snapshot.assert_called_once()
-def test_migrate_all_dashboards_error(redash_ws, empty_index, redash_installation, caplog) -> None:
- redash_ws.dashboards.list.side_effect = PermissionDenied("error")
- redash = Redash(empty_index, redash_ws, redash_installation)
- redash.migrate_dashboards()
- assert "Cannot list dashboards" in caplog.text
+def test_revert_single_dashboard(caplog, ws, empty_index, redash_installation, redash_dashboard_crawler) -> None:
+ ws.queries.get.return_value = LegacyQuery(id="1", query="original_query")
+ redash = Redash(empty_index, ws, redash_installation, redash_dashboard_crawler)
-def test_revert_single_dashboard(redash_ws, empty_index, redash_installation, caplog) -> None:
- redash_ws.queries.get.return_value = LegacyQuery(id="1", query="original_query")
- redash = Redash(empty_index, redash_ws, redash_installation)
- redash.revert_dashboards("2")
- query = UpdateQueryRequestQuery(query_text="original_query")
- redash_ws.queries.update.assert_called_with(
- "1",
- update_mask="query_text,tags",
- query=query,
- )
- redash_ws.queries.update.side_effect = PermissionDenied("error")
- assert "Cannot restore" in caplog.text
+ query = UpdateQueryRequestQuery(query_text="SELECT * FROM old.things", tags=["test_tag"])
+ ws.queries.update.assert_called_with("3", update_mask="query_text,tags", query=query)
+ ws.queries.update.side_effect = PermissionDenied("error")
+ redash_dashboard_crawler.snapshot.assert_called_once()
-def test_revert_dashboards(redash_ws, empty_index, redash_installation) -> None:
- redash_ws.queries.get.return_value = LegacyQuery(id="1", query="original_query")
- redash = Redash(empty_index, redash_ws, redash_installation)
+def test_revert_dashboards(ws, empty_index, redash_installation, redash_dashboard_crawler) -> None:
+ ws.queries.get.return_value = LegacyQuery(id="1", query="original_query")
+ redash = Redash(empty_index, ws, redash_installation, redash_dashboard_crawler)
- calls = [
- call("1", update_mask="query_text,tags", query=UpdateQueryRequestQuery(query_text="original_query")),
- call(
- "3",
- update_mask="query_text,tags",
- query=UpdateQueryRequestQuery(query_text="original_query", tags=["test_tag"]),
- ),
- ]
- redash_ws.queries.update.assert_has_calls(calls)
+ query = UpdateQueryRequestQuery(query_text="SELECT * FROM old.things", tags=["test_tag"])
+ ws.queries.update.assert_called_with("3", update_mask="query_text,tags", query=query)
+ redash_dashboard_crawler.snapshot.assert_called_once()
-def test_get_queries_from_dashboard(redash_ws) -> None:
- empty_dashboard = Dashboard(
- id="1",
- )
- assert len(list(Redash.get_queries_from_dashboard(empty_dashboard))) == 0
- dashboard = Dashboard(
- id="1",
- widgets=[
- Widget(),
- Widget(visualization=LegacyVisualization()),
- Widget(
- visualization=LegacyVisualization(
- query=LegacyQuery(
- id="1",
- name="test_query",
- query="SELECT * FROM old.things",
- )
- )
- ),
- ],
- )
- queries = list(Redash.get_queries_from_dashboard(dashboard))
- assert len(queries) == 1
- assert queries[0].id == "1"
+def test_migrate_dashboard_gets_no_queries_when_dashboard_is_empty(
+ ws, empty_index, redash_installation, redash_dashboard_crawler
+) -> None:
+ empty_dashboard = Dashboard(id="1")
+ redash_dashboard_crawler.snapshot.return_value = [empty_dashboard]
+ redash = Redash(empty_index, ws, redash_installation, redash_dashboard_crawler)
+ redash.migrate_dashboards()
+ ws.queries_legacy.get.assert_not_called()
+ redash_dashboard_crawler.snapshot.assert_called_once()
+def test_migrate_dashboard_lists_queries_from_dashboard(
+ ws, empty_index, redash_installation, redash_dashboard_crawler
+) -> None:
+ dashboard = Dashboard(id="1", query_ids=["1"])
+ redash_dashboard_crawler.snapshot.return_value = [dashboard]
+ redash = Redash(empty_index, ws, redash_installation, redash_dashboard_crawler)
+ redash.migrate_dashboards()
+ redash_dashboard_crawler.list_queries.assert_called_with(dashboard)
+ redash_dashboard_crawler.snapshot.assert_called_once()
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_cli.py b/tests/unit/test_cli.py
index 0477f55767..ddb681aaf5 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_cli.py
+++ b/tests/unit/test_cli.py
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
from databricks.sdk.service.workspace import ExportFormat, ImportFormat, ObjectInfo, ObjectType
from databricks.labs.ucx.assessment.aws import AWSResources, AWSRoleAction
+from databricks.labs.ucx.assessment.dashboards import RedashDashboardCrawler
from databricks.labs.ucx.aws.access import AWSResourcePermissions
from databricks.labs.ucx.azure.access import AzureResourcePermissions
from databricks.labs.ucx.azure.resources import AzureResource, AzureResources, StorageAccount
@@ -73,6 +74,7 @@
from databricks.labs.ucx.hive_metastore.tables import Table
from databricks.labs.ucx.progress.install import VerifyProgressTracking
from databricks.labs.ucx.source_code.linters.files import LocalFileMigrator
+from databricks.labs.ucx.source_code.redash import Redash
def create_workspace_client_mock(workspace_id: int) -> WorkspaceClient:
@@ -1134,26 +1136,40 @@ def test_create_missing_principal_azure(ws, caplog, acc_client):
assert str(failure.value) == "Unsupported cloud provider"
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("run_as_collection", [False, True])
-def test_migrate_dbsql_dashboards_list_dashboards(
- run_as_collection,
- workspace_clients,
- acc_client,
-) -> None:
- if not run_as_collection:
- workspace_clients = [workspace_clients[0]]
- migrate_dbsql_dashboards(
- workspace_clients[0],
- run_as_collection=run_as_collection,
- a=acc_client,
- )
- for workspace_client in workspace_clients:
- workspace_client.dashboards.list.assert_called_once()
+def test_migrate_dbsql_dashboards_calls_migrate_dashboards_on_redash(ws) -> None:
+ redash = create_autospec(Redash)
+ ctx = WorkspaceContext(ws).replace(redash=redash)
+ migrate_dbsql_dashboards(ws, ctx=ctx)
+ redash.migrate_dashboards.assert_called_once()
+def test_migrate_dbsql_dashboards_calls_migrate_dashboards_on_redash_with_dashboard_id(ws) -> None:
+ redash = create_autospec(Redash)
+ ctx = WorkspaceContext(ws).replace(redash=redash)
+ migrate_dbsql_dashboards(ws, dashboard_id="id", ctx=ctx)
+ redash.migrate_dashboards.assert_called_once_with("id")
+def test_revert_dbsql_dashboards_calls_revert_dashboards_on_redash(ws):
+ redash = create_autospec(Redash)
+ redash_crawler = create_autospec(RedashDashboardCrawler)
+ ctx = WorkspaceContext(ws).replace(redash=redash, redash_crawler=redash_crawler)
+ revert_dbsql_dashboards(ws, ctx=ctx)
+ redash.revert_dashboards.assert_called_once_with()
+ redash_crawler.snapshot.assert_called_once_with(force_refresh=True)
+def test_revert_dbsql_dashboards_calls_revert_dashboards_on_redash_with_dashboard_id(ws):
+ redash = create_autospec(Redash)
+ redash_crawler = create_autospec(RedashDashboardCrawler)
+ ctx = WorkspaceContext(ws).replace(redash=redash, redash_crawler=redash_crawler)
+ revert_dbsql_dashboards(ws, dashboard_id="id", ctx=ctx)
-def test_revert_dbsql_dashboards(ws, caplog):
- revert_dbsql_dashboards(ws)
- ws.dashboards.list.assert_called_once()
+ redash.revert_dashboards.assert_called_once_with("id")
+ redash_crawler.snapshot.assert_called_once_with(force_refresh=True)
def test_cli_missing_awscli(ws, mocker, caplog):