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International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)


You can use this template in the Typst web app by clicking Start from template on the dashboard and searching for lucky-icml.

Alternatively, you can use the CLI to kick this project off using the command

typst init @preview/lucky-icml

Typst will create a new directory with all the files needed to get you started.


This template exports the icml2024 and icml2025 styling rules with the following named arguments.

  • title: The paper's title as content.
  • authors: An array of author dictionaries. Each of the author dictionaries must have a name key and can have the keys department, organization, location, and email.
  • abstract: The content of a brief summary of the paper or none. Appears at the top under the title.
  • bibliography: The result of a call to the bibliography function or none. The function also accepts a single, positional argument for the body of the paper.
  • accepted: If this is set to false then anonymized ready for submission document is produced; accepted: true produces camera-redy version. If the argument is set to none then preprint version is produced (can be uploaded to arXiv).
  • aux: Provide knobs for template adjusting. Specifically, it allows to customize public notice with public-notice attribute or to override default serif with font-family.

The template will initialize your package with a sample call to the icml2025 function in a show rule. If you want to change an existing project to use this template, you can add a show rule at the top of your file.


This template is developed at daskol/typst-templates repo. Please report all issues there.

Running Title

  1. Running title should be 10pt above the main text. With top margin 1in it gives that a solid line should be located at 62pt. Actual, position is 57pt in the original template.
  2. Default value between header ruler and header text baseline is 4pt in fancyhdr. But actual value is 3pt due to thickness of a ruler in 1pt.

Page Numbering

  1. Basis line of page number should be located 25pt below of main text. There is a discrepancy in about ~1pt.


  1. Required space after level 3 headers is 0.1in or 7.2pt. Actual space size is large (e.g. distance between Section 2.3.1 header and text after it about 12pt).

Figures and Tables

  1. At the moment Typst has limited support for multi-column documents. It allows define multi-column blocks and documents but there is no ability to typeset complex layout (e.g. page width figures or tables in two-column documents).

Citations and References

  1. There is a small bug in CSL processor which fails to recognize bibliography entries with chapter field. It is already report and will be fixed in the future.

  2. There is no suitable bibliography style so we use default APA while ICML requires APA-like style but not exact APA. The difference is that ICML APA-like style places entry year at the end of reference entry. In order to fix the issue, we need to describe ICML bibliography style in CSL-format.

  3. In the original template links are colored with dark blue. We can reproduce appearance with some additional effort. First of all, icml2024.csl should be updated as follows.

    diff --git a/icml/icml2024.csl b/icml/icml2024.csl
    index 3b9e9a2..3fe9f74 100644
    --- a/icml/icml2024.csl
    +++ b/icml/icml2024.csl
    @@ -1648,7 +1648,8 @@
           <key macro="date-bib" sort="ascending"/>
           <key variable="status"/>
    -    <layout prefix="(" suffix=")" delimiter="; ">
    +    <!-- NOTE: Prefix and suffix parentheses are removed. -->
    +    <layout delimiter="; ">
           <group delimiter=", ">
             <text macro="author-intext"/>
             <text macro="date-intext"/>

    Then instead of convenient citation shortcut @cite-key1 @cite-key2, one should use special procedure refer with variadic arguments.

    #refer(<cite-key1>, <cite-key2>)