Fortune Teller is primarily comprised of three main submodules.
Contains many trading features such as:
- Standardized chart management
- Technical indicator management
- Order placement
- Position management
- Repository management (financial data providers)
- Broker management (third party that allows order placement and position management)
Read more in ./trading/
Contains a service-based pattern for tensorflow that adds modularization to your implementations. Also includes other awesome features such as:
- Parallel preprocessing of data and training with multiprocessing on one machine
- Seamless integration with the standardized command line pattern in the Utils section for quick alterations of the training process
- Tuning and training based on different hyperparameter selections seamlessly through the command line without changing a single line of code
Read more in ./tensorflow/
Many quality of life utilities are available via the utilities module. From standardizing environment management, commands line, database management, etc.
Read more in ./utils/