To send emails using the SMTP implementation, you need the following credentials from your SMTP server:
- SMTP Host (e.g.,
- SMTP Port (e.g., 587)
- Username
- Password
1. Contact your SMTP service provider to obtain the SMTP server details including host, port, username, and password.
host := "your-smtp-host"
port := 587 // or the port provided by your SMTP service
user := "your-username"
password := "your-password"
// SMTP server settings
host := ""
port := 587
user := "your-username"
password := "your-password"
authMethod := AUTH_PLAIN
// Create SmtpEmailSender with the SMTP server settings
emailSender, _ := gmail.NewSmtpEmailSender(
// Read attachment content
attachmentContent, err := os.ReadFile("path/to/attachment.jpg")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to read attachment: %v", err)
// Define email message
message := gomail.NewEmailMessage("[email protected]",[]string{"[email protected]"}, "Test Email with attachment", "This is the plain text part of the email.").
SetHTML("<p>This is the <b>HTML</b> part of the <i>email</i>.</p>").AddAttachments(*gomail.NewAttachment("attachment.jpg", attachmentContent))
// Send email
if err := emailSender.SendEmail(message); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to send email: %v", err)
fmt.Println("Email sent successfully")
Make sure to handle your credentials securely and avoid hardcoding them directly in your source code for production use.