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231 lines (143 loc) · 11.9 KB

File metadata and controls

231 lines (143 loc) · 11.9 KB


Please use the pre-commit hooks configured in this repository to ensure that all Terraform modules are validated and properly documented before pushing code changes.

Install pre-commit and dependencies

In order to use pre-commit you will need to install it on your system.

You will also need to install the dependencies that are required for the pre-commit plugins used in this repository.

  1. Install pre-commit.

    pre-commit can be installed using standard package managers.

    Instructions can be found at the pre-commit website.

  2. Install TFLint

    See the installation instructions

    After installing tflint change into the root of the locally cloned git repo and run the init command.

    cd <root of google-cloud-daos repo>
    tflint --init
  3. Install terraform-docs


  4. Add ADDLICENSE_COMPANY_NAME environment variable to your ~/.bashrc file

    When pre-commit runs for the first time it will download the google/addlicense binary into the tools/autodoc/ directory. The addlicense binary is excluded in the .gitignore file so it does not get checked into the repo.

    The addlicense pre-commit hook will ensure that files have the proper license header.

    The company name that is used in the license header is specified in the ADDLICENSE_COMPANY_NAME environment variable.

    If the ADDLICENSE_COMPANY_NAME environment variable is not present, the company name in the license header will be set to Intel Corporation

    If you do not work for Intel be sure to export the ADDLICENSE_COMPANY_NAME environment variable with the name of your company as it should appear in the license header of files.

    export ADDLICENSE_COMPANY_NAME="your_company_name_here"
  5. MacOS only

    MacOS users will need to install findutils and coreutils.

    Before installing coreutils read the gotchas about coreutils to ensure that the installation will not negatively impact your system.


    brew install findutils
    brew install coreutils


    brew install findutils
    conda install coreutils

    Update your PATH in your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile


Install the pre-commit hook

After you have installed pre-commit and its dependencies on your system you can need to install the pre-commit hook in your local clone of the google-cloud-daos git repository.

cd <root of google-cloud-daos repo>
pre-commit install

Running pre-commit

pre-commit will now run on any files that are staged when you run git commit -s.

To run pre-commit on all files prior to staging them

pre-commit run --all-files

Updating Cloud Shell urls in documentation

Several of the files in this repository contain links that open tutorials in Cloud Shell.

In order for these links to work properly during development the URLs must be changed to point to the correct branch.

Currently Cloud Shell tutorials do not have an automatic way to detect a branch. Therefore, the branch parameter in the URL must be updated manually.

The tools/autodoc/ script should be used to update the branch parameter in all Cloud Shell URLs that are present in *.md files in this repo.

Update Cloud Shell URLs when submitting a PR

If your PR changes files that contain Cloud Shell URLs, then prior to requesting a review you should run the following command and push any changes to your dev branch.

tools/autodoc/ --repo-url <your_forked_repo_url> --branch <your_dev_branch_name>

This will allow the reviewers to run Cloud Shell tutorials from your PR branch.

Update Cloud Shell URLs before merging to a branch

If you are merging changes to *.md files with Cloud Shell URLs in them you need to ensure that the URLs are updated with the name of the target branch before you merge.

This is not ideal but it's the only way we can think of doing things for now.

Let's say that you have a PR that has been approved and you want to merge it to the develop branch.

Prior to merging you need to run

tools/autodoc/ --repo-url <your_forked_repo_url> --branch develop

And then commit the changes in your dev branch.

Once that is done you can then merge to the develop branch.

Now let's say that you want to merge the develop branch into the main branch.

You will need to check out the develop branch and run

tools/autodoc/ --repo-url --branch main

Commit the changes and push them to the develop branch. After doing this you can merge the develop branch to main.

Now you will need to set the URLs back to the develop branch.

tools/autodoc/ --repo-url --branch develop

Commit the changes and push them to the develop branch.

This is very tedious. We will continue to seek out a better solution for maintaining the Cloud Shell URLs.

Development Workflow and Release Process

Workflow for making changes to the daos-stack/google-cloud-daos repo and updating the community examples in GoogleCloudPlatform/hpc-toolkit.

Since some of the Intel community examples GoogleCloudPlatform/hpc-toolkit reference a specific tagged version of the DAOS Terraform modules in daos-stack/google-cloud-daos we typically do not tag the daos-stack/google-cloud-daos repo until we have tested the toolkit examples first.

This requires coordiation of changes between the two repos as described below.

  1. Fork daos-stack/google-cloud-daos to your own GitHub account
  2. Sync the develop branch in your forked repo
  3. Clone your forked google-cloud-daos repo
  4. Check out the develop branch
  5. Create a new branch from the develop branch. The new branch should be named after the Jira ticket you are working on. Example: DAOSGCP-999
  6. Modify code
  7. Commit to your local dev branch
  8. Push local dev branch to your forked repo
  9. Submit PR from dev branch in your forked repo to develop branch in daos-stack/google-cloud-daos
  10. PR will be reviewed and merged when approved


The Google Cloud HPC Toolkit generates Terraform configurations that can be used to deploy HPC solutions on Google Cloud Platform.

The toolkit uses yaml files called blueprints to generate Terraform configurations.

The community/examples/intel/daos-*.yaml blueprint examples use a tagged version of the DAOS terraform modules in daos-stack/google-cloud-daos/tree/main/terraform/modules to deploy DAOS instances.

When there are new tags on the main branch of daos-stack/google-cloud-daos the GoogleCloudPlatform/hpc-toolkit/community/examples/intel/daos-*.yaml files must be updated accordingly.

Depending on the type of changes being made it may also be necessary to update the documentation in community/modules/file-system/Intel-DAOS/

Updating the examples in GoogleCloudPlatform/hpc-toolkit

  1. Fork the GoogleCloudPlatform/hpc-toolkit repo
  2. Sync the develop branch of the GoogleCloudPlatform/hpc-toolkit repo in your fork
  3. Clone your forked hpc-toolkit repo
  4. Check out the develop branch
  5. Create a new dev branch from the develop branch. The new branch should be named after the Jira ticket you are working on. Example: DAOSGCP-999
  6. Modify the community/examples/intel/daos-*.yaml blueprints to point to the develop branch of daos-stack/google-cloud-daos.
  7. Run each blueprint example
  8. Make changes to blueprints as necessary

After the example blueprints are working with the DAOS terraform modules in the tip of daos-stack/google-cloud-daos you can then focus on releasing a new version of daos-stack/google-cloud-daos.

Set the toolkit aside for now. You will need to come back to it after you release a new version of daos-stack/google-cloud-daos.

Release new version of daos-stack/google-cloud-daos



  1. Create release notes. See a previous release for format and content.
  2. Create a JIRA ticket to track the task of merging from develop to main
  3. Create a PR to merge develop branch to main branch in daos-stack/google-cloud-daos. Use the Jira ticket number in the title of the PR.
  4. Merge PR
  5. Tag main branch with new version tag and update release notes.

Update GoogleCloudPlatform/hpc-toolkit to use new version of DAOS Terraform modules

  1. Modify the URLs in all daos-*.yaml blueprints. URLs need to point to the latest tagged version of the DAOS modules in the main branch.
  2. Run each blueprint to test
  3. Commit changes to local dev branch
  4. Push local dev branch to forked hpc-toolkit repo
  5. Submit PR from dev branch in your fork to the develop branch in GoogleCloudPlatform/hpc-toolkit