All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- A full with example usage, installation instructions, and config documentation.
- Updated the repository license to GPLv3.
- Added discord.settings and diffuser.settings to config file so that the user can influence bot and diffuser behavior without editing code
- Added listen_channels and ignore_channels lists to config file so bot can be configured to only respond on a subset of available channels
- Added listen_users and ignore_users lists to config file so bot can be configured to only respond to a subset of users
- Added use_gpu, use_half_precision, and enable_xformers_attention to config file
- Added check to have the bot ignore empty prompts.
- Added endpoints to the Makefile, make.setup to install on unix-like systems and make.setup_windows to install pytorch with cuda on Windows machines.
- Added emoji reactions and wake_word items to the config.toml instead of being hardcoded.
- Changed bot messaging so that it replies to users messages for increased clarity
- Downgraded pytorch dependency from 2.0.0 to 1.3.0 to allow xformers compatibility
- Added output_images directory.
- Added random nonce to file names to avoid collisions on async requests for saving vs sending an image.
- Updated bot response to send prompt text and image at the same time.
- Added more tests covering error-causing user inputs.
- Unit tests for the parser module.
- Unit tests to the CI pipeline.
- Lint checks passing.
- Lint checks to the CI pipeline.
- Added config.toml for human-friendly updating of settings.
- A bug where a user prompt including a single quote broke the argument parser as it expected a close quote.
- Diffuser class to allow image generation based on prompts
- Passing CFG and steps arguments to diffuser to allow some user control over output
- Set torch precision to 16bit from 32bit to allow for more efficient testing on a local machine
- Turned on sliced attention to allow for more efficient testing
- This changelog, MIT License, and project scaffolding like Makefile, pyproject.toml, setup.cfg
- Bot module to capture all functionality pertaining to interacting with discord.
- First draft prototype for discord bot including emoji reactions, image messages, and help text.
- Parser module to capture all functionality pertaining to parsing prompt text for arguments.
- First draft prototype for parser class based on argparse to handle arbitray input prompts.
- Diffuser module as empty placeholder to capture all functionality pertaining to diffusion models.
- Support for time-based rotating logs.
- Detailed debug logs covering the bot module.
- Github action to run format checks on every change to main.