Pywal theming:
- Very helpful wallpaper setting script. It reloads pywalfox, sway border colors, along with seamless wallpaper switching and notify user when everything is done.
Gnome: bare minimum for now.
Systemd-Networkd: remove the need for NetworkManager (it sucks anyway).
- AwesomeWM: formatted and based on the-glorious-dotfiles.
- Latest packages from nixpkgs-wayland.
- Latest ibus, ibus-bamboo, and ibus-uniemoji work flawlessly. Adapted from Arch Wiki's Ibus integration. Note that shortcut for switching inputs only works on X11 apps, but you can still type normally on Wayland (not with in native Electron apps though). An eww bar might fix this.
- Helpful Waybar module maker. See waybar-modules.
- Working vnc module (and keymap passthrough?) with wayvnc.
- (very MUCH wip) river declarative config.