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This page preserves the writings of Christophe Lavarenne (1956-2011) about FreeForth.

[FreeForth Home Page] [FreeForth Primer]

FreeForth Code Generation

FreeForth generates compact and fast i386 native code, as shown in the following example of an iterative (i.e. non-recursive) implementation of the factorial function:

            \ cSP = call Stack Pointer (normal = esp, alternate = eax)
            \ dSP = data Stack Pointer (normal = eax, alternate = esp)
            \ TOS = Top  Of DATAstack  (normal = ebx, alternate = edx)
            \ NOS = Next Of DATAstack  (normal = edx, alternate = ebx)
            \                                     esp eax ebx edx
: factorial \ n -- n! ;                           cSP dSP TOS NOS  initial=normal
  1         \           0: 94       xchg eax,esp; dSP cSP
            \           1: 52       push edx;             NOS TOS  under swap
            \           2: 6A 01    push 1;        (push 1; pop edx; takes 3 bytes)
            \ n 1     ; 4: 5A       pop  edx;      (mov edx,1; would take 5 bytes)
  BEGIN     \ i f     ; 5: 90 90 90 nop; nop; nop; (loop aligned on multiple of 4)
    over*   \ i f*i   ; 8: 0F AF D3 imul edx,ebx;
    swap    \ f*i i   ;                                   TOS NOS  renaming
    1-      \ f*i i-1 ; B: 4B       dec  ebx;      (modifies i386 flags)
    swap    \ i-1 f*i ;                                   NOS TOS  renaming
  0= UNTIL  \ 0   n!  ; C: 75 FA    jnz  8;        (no drop)
  nip       \ n!      ; E: 5B       pop  ebx;
;           \           F: 87 DA    xchg ebx,edx;         TOS NOS  final=normal
            \          11: 94       xchg eax,esp; cSP dSP          final=normal
            \          12: C3       ret

To push the literal 1 onto the DATAstack, the initial single byte instruction [0:94 xchg eax,esp] first allows to use short push/pop instructions to access the DATAstack within the definition body, then [1:52 push edx] saves NOS into memory (as does under), then we exchange the roles of ebx and edx (as does swap), then we can load the constant 1 into TOS=edx.

The BEGIN generates 3 nop to align the loop start address on a multiple of 4 bytes: this will reduce the number of clock cycles for the loop conditional jump [C:75,FA jnz 8].
The over* macro generates the push-pop-less single instruction [8:OF,AF,D3 imul edx,ebx].
The two swap generate no code, they only exchange the roles of ebx and edx at compile time, then the sequence swap 1- swap compiles the single instruction [B:4B dec ebx].
FreeForth conditional jumps don't modify the DATAstack, they only test the i386 flags modified by the last arithmetic or logic instruction; then the 0= UNTIL generates the single instruction [C:75,FA jnz 8].

The following nip generates a pop NOS, i.e. here [E:5B pop ebx].
The final ; must restore the normal registers before compiling the final [12:C3 ret]:
the [F:87,DA xchg ebx,edx] restores the normal use of ebx=TOS and edx=NOS, and the [11:94 xchg eax,esp] restores the normal use of esp=cSP and eax=dSP.

This makes a total of 19 bytes, of which 6 for 3 assembly instructions in the loop. For a compiler, as simple as FreeForth is, this is not too bad.

If you need the best performance from your x86, and can write a smaller and faster definition in direct assembler, use fasm to obtain the binary code, then embed it in FreeForth inline strings (note ^ subtracts 64 from the next ASCII, and ~ adds 128 to the previous ASCII):

: factorial  \ n -- n!
  ,"^I~Y~"      \ 0: 89 D9           mov ecx,ebx
  ,";~^A^@^@^@" \ 2: BB 01 00 00 00  mov ebx,1
  ,"^P~"        \ 7: 90              nop ; align loop on multiple of 4
  ,"^O/~Y~"     \ 8: 0F AF D9        imul ebx,ecx
  ,"b~{~"       \ B: E2 FB           loop 8
;               \ D: C3              ret

This takes 14 bytes, of which 5 for 2 instructions in the loop: that's indeed better.

If you want the very best performance from your x86, and accept to trade space for speed, to save the call and ret instructions execution time, you can alternatively define factorial as a macro (i.e. executed at compile time and generating inline code) using inlining literals, but remember the i386 is little-endian, i.e. the least significant byte of an inlining literal will be at the smallest address:

: factorial`  \ n -- n! ; inlines 12 bytes
  \ 89D9(mov ecx,ebx)BB.01000000(mov ebx,1)0FAFD9(imul ebx,ecx)E2FB(loop -5)
  $BBD989, s08 s1  1, ,4  align`  $D9AF0F, ,1 s08  $FBE2, ,2

The inlining literal $BBD989, compiles code which, when factorial` is executed (as factorial` is a macro, this will usually be at compile time), will store at the address in ebp (the compilation pointer) the 4 bytes [+0:89,D9,BB,00];
then s08 will add 2 to ebp and, if using alternate TOS=edx, will xor with 8 the last byte [+2-1:D9] to change the 89D9(mov ecx,ebx) into 89D1(mov ecx,edx);
then s1 will add 1 to ebp and, if using alternate TOS=edx, will xor with 1 the last byte [+3-1:BB] to change the BB.01000000(mov ebx,1) into BA.01000000(mov edx,1);
then 1, will overwrite the last stored [+3:00] with the 4 bytes [+3:01,00,00,00] and ,4 will add 4 to ebp;
then align` will store at ebp 4 nop instructions [+7:90,90,90,90], and align ebp on a multiple of 4;
then $D9AF0F, will overwrite some of the 4 nop instructions with the 4 bytes [+8:0F,AF,D9,00] and ,1 will add 1 to ebp;
then s08, as previously, will add 2 to ebp and, if using alternate TOS=edx, will xor with 8 the last byte [+11-1:D9] to change the 0FAFD9(imul ebx,ecx) into 0FAFD1(imul edx,ecx);
then finally $FBE2, ,2 will overwrite the last stored [+11:00] with the 4 bytes [+11:E2,FB,00,00] and add 2 to ebp, leaving it pointing at the two last stored [+13:00,00], reading for compiling code following factorial.

Then, in any of the 3 cases, you can use FreeForth interactivity to test your code: isn't it cool?

5 factorial . ;  \ this is your command (an "anonymous" definition)
120  0;          \ this is the result of "." followed by FreeForth prompt
6 factorial . ;
720  0;
