In most circumstances the end user can download and execute the tool without system administrator intervention. udocker itself is written in Python, but also uses external statically compiled binaries to provide a chroot like environment where containers are executed. These tools do not require any privileges.
Python dependencies are described in the file requirements.txt
udocker requires either pycurl or the curl executable command, to download both the binaries and/or pull containers from repositories.
The official release of udocker is available from the INDIGO-DataCloud
repository at
where is made available
as a tarball to be deployed by the end user. Allways check for the latest
official version released by INDIGO-DataCloud.
Install of udocker 1.0.1, 1.0.3 or higher released by INDIGO-DataCloud:
curl > udocker-tarball.tgz
export UDOCKER_TARBALL=$(pwd)/udocker-tarball.tgz
tar xzvf $UDOCKER_TARBALL udocker
./udocker version
mv ./udocker $HOME # move the executable to your preferred location for binaries
Install of the old udocker 1.0.0 released by INDIGO-DataCloud:
cd $HOME
wget -O- | tar xzvf -
If using the provided in the releases install with:
mkdir /tmp/somedir
cd /tmp/somedir
curl | tar xzvf -
python install --home /home/USER/bin
Optionally just download and execute the udocker python script from the source and the installation will be performed automatically. The installation from source code is not officially supported by INDIGO-DataCloud.
For the master branch:
curl > udocker
chmod u+rx ./udocker
./udocker version
For the development branch:
curl > udocker
chmod u+rx ./udocker
./udocker version
RPMs for CentOS are provided at
Beware that these packages are intended to be used solely in the corresponding hosting operating systems as they are dynamically compiled against the host libraries. If the same udocker is to be used across multiple operating systems then use the installation method described above in section 2. The tarball package is statically compiled and will work across different hosting operating systems.
rpm -i udocker-1.0.3-1.noarch.rpm
rpm -i udocker-preng-1.0.3-1.x86_64.rpm
DEBs for Ubuntu are provided at
dpkg -i udocker_1.0.3-1_all.deb
dpkg -i udocker-preng_1.0.3-1_amd64.deb
For system administrators wishing to provider udocker and its dependencies. An ansible playbook is provided in the file ansible_install.yaml:
curl > ansible_install.yaml
ansible-playbook ansible_install.yaml
Under debian based systems ansible can be installed with:
apt install ansible
Under RH based systems ansible can be installed with:
yum install epel-release
yum install ansible
Optionally installation can be performed directly with pip:
pip install git+
To get the latest udocker script from the github development branch without cloning the entire repository.
To get the udocker source code repository from the github master branch, clone the
repository, or use a web browser to access github at
git clone
To get the udocker source code repository from the development branch.
git clone -b devel
A distribution tarball can be built using the script in the utils directory. The script fetches the code necessary to build the binary executables such as proot and compiles them statically. The following example builds the tarball from the master repository.
git clone
cd udocker/utils
The binary executables and containers are usually kept in the user home directory under $HOME/.udocker this directory will contain:
- Additional tools and modules for udocker such as proot.
- Data from pulled container images (layers and metadata).
- Directory trees for the containers extracted from the layers.
The location of the udocker directory can be changed via environment variables.
- UDOCKER_DIR : change the root directory of udocker usually $HOME/.udocker
- UDOCKER_BIN : change the location of udocker related executables
- UDOCKER_LIB : change the location of udocker related libraries
- UDOCKER_CONTAINERS : change the location of container directory trees (not images)
The docker index and registry and be overrided via environment variables.
- UDOCKER_INDEX : https://...
- UDOCKER_REGISTRY : https://...
udocker loads the following configuration files:
- /etc/udocker.conf
- $UDOCKER_DIR/udocker.conf
- $HOME/.udocker/udocker.conf (if different from the above)
The configuration files allow modification of the udocker Config class attributes. Example of the udocker.conf syntax:
dockerio_registry_url = "https://myregistry.mydomain:5000"
http_insecure = True
verbose_level = 5