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File metadata and controls

491 lines (392 loc) · 21.8 KB

Release Notes 0.1.0

##Bug Fixes

  1. Issue #5: Add command / file completion
  2. Issue #100: TDProjectEntryDefinition class>>defaultGitRootPath should be in session temps
  3. Issue #106: projects dir with projectEntries?
  4. Issue #110: probably should have stone specific home dir in gsdevkit
  5. Issue #123: adapt tode client to new tode/sys structure
  6. Issue #124: project load may not use proper version of project entry
  7. Issue #125: potential difficulty when updating live tode in and earlier: a OffsetError occurred (error 2003), reason:objErrBadOffsetIncomplete, max:0 actual:1
  8. Issue #129: add \ escape to tODE command-line processing (mainly to escape newlines)
  9. Issue #130: implement TDTopezServer>>evaluateCommandStream: for multi-line scripts and tode its
  10. Issue #135: cheat sheet for GemTools users
  11. Issue #143: add /sys structure to tODE checkout
  12. Issue #147: finish gs command docs
  13. Issue #148: write project command man pages #148
  14. Issue #149: v0.1.0 release notes
  15. Issue #152: project refresh project entry command needed
  16. Issue #154: project load Tode --loads=#('Tests')` option to append --loads to project entry
  17. Issue #155: rename v0.0.3 to v0.1.0
  18. Issue #157: test --batch option for supporting batch test runs

##Pull Requests

  1. Pull Request #140: Greatly Improved Git merge tool
  2. Pull Request #150: v0.1.0

##Git Credentials and tODE When you clone a git repository, your remote repository credentials (i.e., GitHub username and password) are needed for doing commands like push. The Github article: Which remote URL should I use? describes the various choices you have. With tODE, the git commands are performed using System class>>performOnServer: and it is not convenient to prompt for your username and password everytime a git command is performed.

###Cloning with SSH I recommend that you use SSH and setup an SSH keypair. With an SSH keypair, you are not prompted for a username and password, so git interactions via tODE are simplified. You can also use SSH agent forwarding to use your local SSH keys for server installations.

###Cloning with HTTPS If for some reason you decide that you want to use https to clone your repo (i.e., your firewall prevents the use of SSH), then you will need to set up a credential.helper for git. To avoid having to periodically redefine your password, you should probably use `git-credential-store, which stores credentials in a file on disk protected by filesystem permissions.

##Project Loading with tODE One of the basic principles for tODE is that the same code should be run whether you are executing an operation from a menu pick, the tODE shell, or a topaz job. This priniciple is especially important when it comes to project load scripts. Developers must be able to count on the fact that whether or not they build a stone from scratch or update a stone from a menu pick, that they end up with the same code loaded into their image.

For loading projects, the class TDMetacelloTool is the workhorse. TDMetacelloTool implements a comprehensive Smalltalk API for managing most phases of project management. TDMetacelloTool also implements the project command which provides tODE shell access to the project management API:

  project - Metacello project management support.

  project [--help] <command> [<args>]

    clone    Clone repository (github only)
    commit   Commit the Metacello project
    compare  View differences between repository versions (git only)
    diff     View code differences between image and repository
    entry    Create a new project entry
    list     List Metacello projects
    load     Load a Metacello project
    lock     Lock project registration
    log      Browse commit log for the Metacello project (git only)
    prime    Prime the project registry
    registry Inspect the project registry
    rehome   Point package repository groups for project to new repository
    summary  View report of changed packages and methods
    validate Validate the project registrations

  Use `project --help <command>` to read about a specific subcommand.

For example, to load the Seaside3 project one can use:

  1. The load menu item in the project list:

    project list menu

  2. The 'project load` command in the tODE shell:

    project load Seaside3
  3. A Smalltalk expression that can be run in a workspace or topaz:

  (TDTopezServer batchInstance toolInstanceFor: 'project')
    projectLoad: 'Seaside3'

All three techniques are based on using toolInstanceFor: for look up and the same load code is executed in all three scenarios.

###Project Entries

The project entry is used by tODE to specify the details needed for loading a project. A project entry has attributes that correspond to the arguments you would use in a Metacello load command. For example the following Metacello load command for the Seaside3 project:

Metacello new
  baseline: 'Seaside3';
  repository: 'github://GsDevKit/Seaside31:3.1.?/repository'
  load: #('Development' 'Zinc' 'FastCGI' 'Examples' 'Tests')

is specified like this in a project entry:

^ TDProjectSpecEntryDefinition new
    baseline: 'Seaside3'
      repository: 'github://GsDevKit/Seaside31:3.1.?/repository'
      loads: #('Development' 'Zinc' 'FastCGI' 'Examples' 'Tests');
    status: #(#'inactive');
    locked: false;

Over time, the TDProjectSpecEntryDefinition will be expanded to include additional project meta data as needed.

The project entry specification is stored on disk so that the specifications can be shared across multiple stones.

###Project Entry and Script Sharing In a GsDevKitHome installation, it is expected that multiple stones will be used for production, development and testing. In this environment it is necessary to be able to have:

  1. An initial, default set of project entry specifications, managed by the GsDevKit team, that are shared by all stones.
  2. Installation-wide project entries and scripts where some project entry specifications have been customized for the local installation or additional project entry specifications have been added that are managed by the local development team.
  3. Stone-specific project entry specifications that are customized on a stone by stone basis.

###Project Entry and Script Sharing Structures At the top-level of the tODE directory node structure in/, there are three directory nodes that are used to implement project entry and script sharing:


####/home The /home directory node houses the shared scripts and directory nodes.

See the /sys/stones/<stone-name>/homeComposition section for information on how the contents of the /home directory node is composed.

####/projects The nodes in the /projects directory node are project entry specifications.

See the /sys/stones/<stone-name>/projectComposition section for information on how the contents of the /projects directory node is composed.

####/sys Both the /home and /projects directory nodes are composed from three other directory node strucures under /sys: /sys/default; /sys/local; and /sys/stones/<stone-name>:


####/sys/default The /sys/default/ directory node is a mount point for the disk directory $GS_HOME/tode/sys/default.

/sys/default/bin is the default location for utility scripts.

/sys/default/client is the default location for client session descriptions, scripts, and windowLayouts.

/sys/default/home is the location where the common tODE scripts are located. The scripts in this directory node are included in the initial checkout of gsDevKitHome. Over time, I expect folks to contribute their own utility scripts here.

/sys/default/pharo is the location of the file that is used to bootstrap and update the todeClientImage.

/sys/default/projects is the location where the common tODE project entries are located. The project entries in this directory node should represent the full range of projects that have been ported to GsDevKit. Over time, I expect that the list will be expanded as folks port more projects to GsDevKit.

/sys/default/server is the default location for server bootstrap scripts.

/sys/default/templates is the location where the default templates for the nodes used in constructing the per stone structure is defined.

####/sys/local The /sys/local/ directory node is a mount point for the disk directory $GS_HOME/tode/sys/local.

/sys/local/client is the location where installation-wide client session descriptions, scripts, and windowLayouts are stored. The default location for scripts and windowLayouts is /sys/default/client.

/sys/local/git is the location where installation-wide git clones may be shared. You may specify an alternate location in the session description for a stone.

/sys/local/home is the location where the installation-wide tODE scripts are located. You should add scripts to this directory node that you want all stones in your installation to share.

/sys/local/pharo is the location of a local version file that is used in place of /sys/default/pharo/ to bootstrap and update the todeClientImage.

/sys/local/projects is the location where the installation-wide tODE project entries are located. You should add project entries to this directory node that you want all the stones in your installation to share. If you have clones of projects that are present in /sys/default/projects, you should copy the project entry from /sys/default/projects to /sys/local/projects and save your installation-specific modifications there. By default, the project entries in /sys/local/projects have precedence over those in /sys/default/projects.

/sys/local/server is the location where installation-wide server bootstrap scripts are located. The default bootstrap scripts are located in /sys/defaul/server/scripts.

/sys/local/templates is the location where the local templates for the nodes used in constructing the per stone structure is defined.

####/sys/stone /sys/stone is mounted to point at the /sys/stones/<stone-name> directory node. In effect /sys/stone/ is a symbolic link to /sys/stones/<stone-name> and can be used in tODE commands to refer to the current stone's directory structure without having to specify the name of the current stone.


Here's a diagram of the structure in the /sys/stones/<stone-name> directory node:


####/sys/stones/<stone-name>/dirs /sys/stones/<stone-name>/dirs is the location where you can find the list of git-based project directory nodes. A git-based project uses a baseline and the project repository is either a filetree:// repository that is managed by git or the project repository is a github:// repository. Each of the nodes in /sys/stones/<stone-name>/dirs resolves to an instance of ServerFileDirectory.

By referencing the dirs node, you can form disk path references for tODE shell commands. The following tODE shell script copies the contents of the tode directory located in the Tode project repository to /sys/local/home making it available in all stones in your GsDevKitHome installation:

cp /sys/stone/dirs/Tode/tode /sys/local/home/tode 

If you have a local git clone of the tODE repository, then you might prefer to directly mount the /sys/stone/dirs/Tode/tode so that the changes that you make to any script will be made to the files in the git clone itself:

mount @/sys/stone/dirs/Tode/tode /sys/local/home tode

####/sys/stones/<stone-name>/home /sys/stones/<stone-name>/home (or /sys/stone/home) is the location where the stone-specific tODE scripts are located. By default, all new scripts and directory nodes that you create in /home, will be saved in this location.

####/sys/stones/<stone-name>/homeComposition The /sys/stones/<stone-name>/homeComposition node defines the composition of the /home directory node.

    pathComposedDirectoryNodeNamed: 'home'
    topez: self topez)
    addPathNode: '/sys/stone/home';
    addPathNode: '/sys/local/home';
    addPathNode: '/sys/default/home';

The order of addPathNode: statements defines the precedence order with the first entry having precedence over subsequent entries. There are variants of the addPathNode: method, that allow you to define a specific list of nodes to exclude or include. You also have the option of specifying a select block.

To view or modify the composition specification use the following tODE shell commands:

edit /sys/stone/homeComposition            # view composition for current stone

####/sys/stones/<stone-name>/packages The /sys/stones/<stone-name>/packages is the location where you can find the list of packages that are loaded into the stone. Each of the nodes in /sys/stones/<stone-name>/packages resolves to an instance of MCWorkingCopy.

You can use the packages node in a node path in commands that call for a <working-copy-path>. The following command brings up a window on the list of ancestors in the Utf8Encoding package:

mc ancestors @/sys/stone/packages/Utf8Encoding

####/sys/stones/<stone-name>/projects /sys/stones/<stone-name>/projects (or /sys/stone/projects) is the location where the stone-specific project entry specifications are located.

####/sys/stones/<stone-name>/projectComposition The /sys/stones/<stone-name>/projectComposition node defines the composition of the /projects directory node.

    pathComposedDirectoryNodeNamed: 'projects'
    topez: self topez)
    addPathNode: '/sys/stone/projects';
    addPathNode: '/sys/local/projects';
    addPathNode: '/sys/default/projects';

See the /sys/stones/<stone-name>/homeComposition section for information about specifying precedence.

To view or modify the composition specification use the following tODE shell commands:

edit /sys/stone/projectComposition            # view composition for current stone

####/sys/stones/<stone-name>/repos The /sys/stones/<stone-name>/repos node is the location where you can find the list of git-based or filetree-based repositories associated with the loaded project entries in the stone. Each of the nodes in /sys/stones/<stone-name>/repos is an instance of MCRepository.

You can use the repos node to reference a <repository-path> like the following:

mr packages @/sys/stone/repos/Tode

Each of the nodes in /sys/stones/<stone-name>/repos/<package-name> resolves to an Array of GoferResolvedReference instances, that represent the list of versions for the named package in that repository.

A specific version can be resolved by using the version name in the node path:

mc compare image BaselineOfSton @/sys/stone/repos/Ston/BaselineOfSton/BaselineOfSton-dkh.2

###Construction of Project Entry and Script Sharing Structures The /sys/default/, /sys/local/, and/sys/stones/ directory nodes are mount points for the disk directories rooted in $GS_HOME/tode/sys. All of the directories and files under $GS_HOME/tode/sys are shared by all stones. A change to a script in /home will immediately be available to all other stones.

The scripts and files in tODE are stored as objects on disk using STON. STON files have a .ston extension.

The following tODE shell script is used to construct /home. /projects, and /sys directory nodes:

# Set up /sys node structure
mount --todeRoot sys/default /sys default
mount --todeRoot sys/local /sys local
mount --todeRoot sys/stones /sys stones
# ensure that --stoneRoot directory structure is present
/sys/default/bin/validateStoneSysNodes --files --repair
mount --stoneRoot / /sys stone
# Define /home and /projects based on a composition of the /sys nodes
mount --stoneRoot homeComposition.ston / home
mount --stoneRoot projectComposition.ston / projects

The script is invoked whenever a new stone is created by the $GS_HOME/bin/createTodeStone bash shell script. The script is stored on disk at $GS_HOME/tode/sys/default/client/scripts/setUpSys and can be invoked at any time using the following tODE shell command:

script --script=setUpSys

If you wish to override the script to create additional artifacts in your tODE image, you may copy $GS_HOME/tode/sys/default/client/scripts/setUpSys to $GS_HOME/tode/sys/local/client/scripts/ where you can make your edits.

For additional documentation on the commands used in the script:

man mount
/sys/default/bin/validateStoneSysNodes --help

I might want to go into detaial about the files in the directories?


##Converting v0.0.2 project structure to v0.1.0

  1. install current gsDevKitHome project
  2. pull tode:dev, pull gsDevKitHome:dev ... work out update instructions ...
  3. finalize the converting/upgrading section of tODE release notes
  4. pass through gsdevkithome scripts updating for new stone creation
    updateClient             # update client-side tODE
    project load Tode        # update server-side tODE
    script --script=setUpSys # build tODE /sys structure