This project provides a Java library for communicating with the DAISY Pipeline 2 Web Service.
Example; getting a list of all scripts:
Pipeline2WSResponse response;
List<Script> scripts;
try {
// Request the list of scripts
response = Scripts.get("http://localhost:8182/ws", "clientid", "supersecret");
// Make sure that we received a valid HTTP response
if (response.status != 200) {
System.err.println(response.status+" - "+response.statusName+": "+response.statusDescription);
System.err.println("Response: "+response.asText());
// Parse the response
scripts = Script.getScripts(response);
} catch (Pipeline2WSException e) {
System.err.println("Sorry, something unexpected occured while communicating with the Pipeline 2 framework: "+e.getMessage());
for (Script script : scripts) {
System.out.println("Script: "+script.nicename);
See also:
- the JavaDoc
- Benetech has also implemented and released their client library here: