So you're interested in improving this documentation? Fantastic! We're always keen for learners to help us keep this up to date and as full of help as we can.
The PR process for this repository will match most open source systems. There are lots of good guides (like this one) but the steps are roughly:
- Fork this repository
- Make a change to your own repository, that can be directly on the main branch or on a feature branch for your own repository
- Push that change
- Check that the markdown renders correctly
- Raise a PR with the main branch of the base repository (the "CorndelWithSoftwire" one!) as the target - this will ensure your change is being shared with future learners
We will provide feedback or make changes on your suggestions - this isn't to discourage you or gatekeep, but is to ensure that this repository is always achieving its goal and written clearly. To that end, do try to keep any PRs following the format below:
- Place the any tips in a sensible location
- Ensure you're providing hints and tips and not just answers! Guidance for where more information can be found or how to set up tools is invaluable, but simply providing a solution won't necessarily help others understand how they could have come to the same.
- Try to write in clear simple English