game inspired by a popular Italian quiz tv show - entry for deepspeech-italian-contest
This game has been submitted as an entry for the deepspeech-italian-contest
This game has been tested (and it is fully working) on Linux or macOS.
- Install portaudio (for Debian based the instructions below - other distros, use a search engine):
sudo apt install libportaudio2 libasound-dev libportaudio-ocaml
- Download latest zip available (here:
- Unzip it and run
- Install portaudio as well, clone the repo by using git or wheatever.
- Type:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
on your terminal
If you downloaded the zip, run:
Otherwise in the root directory:
The script will download every required files and the game will be started.
Instructions are displayed at the beginning.
Questo gioco prende ispirazione da un famoso gioco italiano
televisivo, nel quale bisogna rispondere a delle domande
con una particolarita': non bisogna dare la risposta giusta
bensi' la risposta sbagliata.
Quando apparira' la domanda sullo schermo, bisognera' rispondere
ad alta voce in modo errato per andare avanti.
Il gioco finisce quando si finiscono i tentativi massimi (3)
oppure quando si indovinano dieci risposte sbagliate di fila.
This game has been inspired by a famous italian quiz tv show
where you answer to questions but, you will need to give
the wrong answer and not the right one.
When the question will appears on the screen, you need to
answer wrongly (with voice) to go to the next question.
The game ends when you make a ten questions streak
(ten answers given) or when you finish your lives.
You have three lives!
Good luck!
Buon divertimento!