Prints the Runtime error string which has the form:
Runtime error XXX at YYYY:ZZZZ
Where XXX is the error code. YYYY:ZZZZ is a FAR PTR address where the error is triggered. In most cases, the YYYY:ZZZZ address here is the return address when this subroutine is called. Because it continues to the terminate/exit code, it never returns to the subroutine that calls it.
SYS01B7: MOV AX,[ErrorAddr.Offset]
SYS01BA: OR AX,[ErrorAddr.Segment]
SYS01BE: JZ 01E9
This checks if there is a need to print the ErrorAddr above. If ErrorAddr is not set, e.g. 0000:0000, then immediately proceed to SYS:01E9 DOS Exit.
SYS01C0: MOV BX,024C
SYS01C3: CALL 01F0
Print Runtime error including the trailing whitespace using the SYS:01F0 Print string subroutine. SYS:01C0 is also an entry point for terminating the program with an ExitCode in AX.
SYS01C6: MOV AX,[ExitCode]
Print the ExitCode in base 10 using the SYS:01FE Convert number subroutine.
Print the at including both whitespace characters at the front and end of the " at " string using SYS:01F0
SYS01D2: MOV AX,[ErrorAddr.Segment]
SYS01D5: CALL 0218
Print the segment address YYYY in base 16 (hexadecimal) using the SYS:0218 Print digits subroutine.
SYS01DA: CALL 0232
Prints the : (colon) character as part of the YYYY:ZZZZ address using the SYS:0232 Print character subroutine.
SYS01DD: MOV AX,[ErrorAddr.Offset]
SYS01E0: CALL 0218
Print the offset address ZZZZ in base 16 (hexadecimal) using SYS:0218.
SYS01E3: MOV BX,0260
SYS01E6: CALL 01F0
Finally, print a . and the newline characters using SYS:01F0 Print String. The code continues to the SYS:01E9 DOS Exit subroutine.