All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- These platform specific dependencies are reintroduced to fix the issue with not opening keyboard on Android 13 devices
- Update dependencies
- Update dependencies
- Publish automation
- Remove iOS specific code that's not needed anymore which enable us to remove webview_flutter_android and webview_flutter_wkwebview dependencies
- Migration to sign in with OpenId
- Upgrade dependencies to the latest versions
- Update minimum flutter and dart version
Since LinkedIn introduce new way of signing in with LinkedIn called "Sign In with LinkedIn using OpenID Connect" and they are deprecating and removing "Sign In with LinkedIn" from product list (see LinkedIn console where you have created your app) this library needs to have few breaking changes duo change of architecture. Sorry for that in advance.
- Projection property no longer exists since
API is removed and from now on library is using/userinfo
docs - Previous scopes are removed (r_emailaddress, r_liteprofile) and introduces new ones:
- All fields on user response are flatten (see example project) and some are not existing anymore
- Response that you can get from LinkedIn with new API looks like this
"sub": "xxxx",
"email_verified": true,
"name": "xxxx",
"locale": {
"country": "US",
"language": "en"
"given_name": "xxxx",
"family_name": "xxxx",
"email": "xxxx",
"picture": "xxxx"
For more details about this change you can navigate to this issue
More references:
- [O-Auth]
- Sign In With OpenID
- Deprecation note - Since Aug. 1. 2023
- Support changing scopes for authentication, thanks to kgeorgek
- Usage is mentioned inside under
section - Please have in mind that there are still limitations regarding this, more inside
Known Limitations
- Migrate dart version - support just null safety from now on
- Upgrade packages versions
- Migrate 2.2.2-beta.1 to stable
- Update example to null safety
- Upgrade web controller to v4 from v3
- Editable background color for
, Thanks to, mdbollman
- Update project dependencies to the last once
- Move lint from analyzer to the flutter_lints
- Enforce recommend lint rules
- Change platform mode to use
Hybrid Composition
by default docs - Add possibility to use
Virtual displays
- Update dependencies
- Cleaning a code
- Min SDK version is set to 19
- Dart 2.13.3 - last stable
- Migrated to null safety
- Update dependencies
- Breaking changes inside
2.0.0-dev.3 (see release on 22-02-2021 & example)
- Migrated to null safety
- remove redux, there is no so much contributors for this package anymore
- BREAKING CHANGE: callbacks now have different types, please see readme file
- BREAKING CHANGE: catchError is replaced by onError property, method will give you any exception or error which happened deep down in plugin with complete stacktrace
- update dependencies
- test code coverage >90
- remove catchError callback BREAKING CHANGE, issues needs to be fixed before releasing
- improved logging errors, exceptions and steps inside debug mode
- switch to new web view plugin
- cover code with tests
- add logging errors and steps
- deprecated error callback, from now on console error will be only shown
- introduce Redux, Graph for better transfer data between screens
- enable CI via Github actions and test coverage
- restructure code and prepare it for updating to new webview plugin
- from Flutter version > v1.23.* embedding v1 is deprecated
- introduce null safety based on flutter version v1.23
- remove assert check for appBar widget, you can send null value
- formatted according to dartfmt
- Add property
to a LinkedInUserWidget widget
- Update API documentation
- Replace AppBar with PreferredSizeWidget. Thanks for contribution @ricardonior29
- Fix lint messages
- Increase Dart SDK version
Resolve #23
- Replace AppBar with PreferredSizeWidget. Thanks for contribution @ricardonior29
Fix #12
- Fix issue with fetching locals #12. Thanks to @JavierDuarteC
- Version updated
- Added support for web
- Update dependency versions
- Possibility to log out user from linkedIn - from now you can change account as should
- Expose frontendRedirectUrl field
- It can be case that URL route from redirect is redirecting to some other field
- in that case you can use property "frontendRedirectUrl" so that you still can use redirect URL
- of LinkedIn, but also handle if frontend redirect that link to some other site
- Add possibility to add app bar into webview as parameter
- Fetch just authorization code
- Use widget without sending client secret code
- UserId in LinkedInUserModel class
- Fix bugs if there is not existing images
- Upgrade version of libraries that this package is using
- Login with LinkedIn support to Android and IOS using pure dart
- LinkedIn default button
- Retrieve basic user information from linked login with email and token